Trying to redirect using "Allow".

Get the message that "Firefox prevented this page from automatically redirecting to another page." Hi, I’m trying to find the “keyboard” keys which will allow me to indicate that it is OK to allow Firefox to re-direct to another page. I’ve tried “CTRL”-A, “Shift” – A, and “CTRL”, “SHIFT” – A. Because of only having one hand I’d prefer not to use the mouse or the touchpad. Thanks for your help, Mark

See: Tools > Options > Advanced > General : Accessibility : [ ] "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page"
See: [[Options window - Advanced panel#General_tab]]
See also:

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    you need to encode the href so that it can be sent as a parameter value. Otherwise it interprets the & as a standard parameter separator.
    I believe the window.escape function should do this
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    If you are using iWeb V 3 you can publish direct to your new hosting account using the iWeb FTP and the site stucture will be preserved...
    When choosing hosting, make sure you ask for a Linux account...

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    l_information varchar2(255) := :P94_FILENAME;
    SET CREATEUSERLISTNAME = l_information,
        CREATEUSERLISTON = sysdate();
    The redirect fails with the following eror:
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    Can anyone tell me: What is the system complaining about?  And is there a work-around?
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    I would recommend adding another true action in your dynamic action that executes javascript.  the logic would just be redirect('f?p=&APP_ID.:81:&APP_SESSION.::NO:::');
    Then remove everything after the commit in your pl/sql action.

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    There have been several threads about this add-on during the past few months...
    It is important to check the Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features to remove the source(s). These may include the following:
    * Incredibar
    * MyStart
    * Web Assistant
    After that, restart Firefox and start clearing out its settings as described in the following threads. Many users find it simpler to "Reset" than to take multiple steps to clean-up Firefox. That's up to you.
    * [ How dangerous is the MyStart Incredibar infection? Are my stored passwords secure?]
    * []
    * [ How do I remove MyStart:Incredibar ?]

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    *[ Firefox in safe mode]
    Go to '''about:config''' and search for:
    *'''browser.tabs.loadInBackground''' change its value to '''false'''.
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    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
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    Note: I am using
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    Thanks and

    960738 wrote:
    I need a help in answering one of the issue encountered last week.
    I have created a database link and tried to access the information from a table using the program written in another language. The password provided was incorrect for that user while creating database link. So we expected that,while retrieving the data, Database connection has to be errored out as password provided is incorrrect.
    But unfortunately, user account was locked out. When i checked with DBAs they mentioned that it tries to connect 16 ports with in a min of time.we were shocked as it STOPS another scheduled jobs with that user. and affects production badly.
    As per the program, it has to connect only one time and yesterday we tried to execute the program in DBAs observation and it errored out as expected. Didn't tried for multiple ports.
    Now the question is, WHY the database connection established 16 times last week and caused user account locked. DBAs are unable to answer it. Any EXPERTs opinion on this would greatly appreciated.
    I have verified managing ports in oracle documentation, it was mentioned that if one port is busy it will try to connect to another port in the range of ports mentioned during the installtion. DBAs verified ports related file and it was blank. and they are not agreeing with this reason. Please HELP me in finding the correct REASON for this.
    is it a NETWORK issue or issue with DATABASE SERVER only?
    Edited by: 960738 on Sep 22, 2012 9:13 PMDBLINK is 100% oblivious to the fact any port exists.
    DBLINK only contains username, password & TNS Alias.
    can you post actual SQL & results?

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    "I'm sorry that you have been unable to submit your podcast. The podcast submission form is currently offline. When trying to submit the podcast you will receive this message "We are Currently Experienced Technical Difficulties". Once the issue has been resolved, I would be glad to inform you.
    Apple is currently working toward a resolution for the issue you have reported. You will receive an email after the matter has been investigated and further information is available."
    Who knows, maybe the problem isn't with my feed after all.

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    Go back to her login.  Unless you deliberately erased apps, they should all be there, both yours and hers!  Then, you need to set up each iPad separately.  You will notice that they have separate names for that very purpose.
    There is no problem with multiple Apple IDs on the same iTunes on the same computer except...  Apps are permanently associated with the ID that was originally used to obtain them.  If you choose to update an app from inside iTunes and you're logged into the "wrong" ID, you must log out and back in again.
    On the bright side, you can configure either or both iPads to sync with apps and music and movies, etc. from either or both IDs.  Further, if you choose to update the apps from the iPads themselves, there is no need to log out/in.  The device handles that.  All you need is the correct password.  In my case, I use the same password for both IDs to make things easier.

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    My iPad Mini iOS7 is showing only Apple Logo which happened during software update. I tried to restore using iTunes but it asking me to response from iPad. But my ipad only shows apple logo. How can i response? How to solve this problem?

    1. Turn off iPad
    2. Turn on computer and launch iTunes (make sure you have the latest version of iTune)
    3. Plug USB cable into computer's USB port
    4. Hold Home button down and plug the other end of cable into docking port.
    DO NOT RELEASE BUTTON until you see picture of iTunes and plug
    5. Release Home button.
    6. iTunes has detected iPad in recovery mode. You must restore this iPad before it can be used with iTunes.
    7. Select "Restore iPad"...
    1. Data will be lost if you do not have backup
    2. You must follow step 1 to step 4 VERY CLOSELY.
    3. Repeat the process if necessary.

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    Is there anyway to back up this corrupted drive so I can restore my applications later?

    There's an old saying.  If you don't have a backup disc, then there must be nothing important to backup.  That's just lesson #1.  Lesson #2 is to never interrupt a software update.  Not a good thing.
    OK, I'm sure you know this.  It just upsets me to read your story, knowing you have a lot of important stuff on your hard drive, and didn't use time machine.
    You're pretty much in a bad place.  My only hope for you is to boot to your Installation Disc, then using disk utility see if you can save the internal hard drive (by fixing what can be fixed).  You might be able to see your user folder and some of your apps.  I wouldn't even consider copying the library, because who knows what's been corrupted in there.
    Good luck.

  • Hi, I'm making hyperlinks. They work for the main page of the webpage, but when I'm trying to redirect the hyperlink to a "sub page" of the webpage it is still going to the main page. (allthough I'm pasting the complete url address)

    Hi, I'm making hyperlinks. They work for the main page of the webpage, but when I'm trying to redirect the hyperlink to a "sub page" of the webpage it is still going to the main page. (allthough I'm pasting the complete url address)

    Hi! first of all, thank you so much for your help.
    I don't know about that panel you are talking about.
    what I do is RIGHT CLICK, INTERACTIVE, NEW HYPERLINK, and a window pops up, where I paste the address (images).
    Where says URL I paste the complete address that the "sub page" gives me.
    Is that correct? (for the main page of the wabepage works correctly)

  • Why do we use Allowed Operations in DML Process

    Why do we use Allowed Operations in DML Process ??
    Can you please clear this confusion:
    I am using apex 4.1. oracle 11g R2 SOE ...
    Using the Wizard, I created a Form and IR on Dept Table...
    In the form page:
    - Create Button
    The name is "CREATE"
    NO Database Action
    - DML Process
    Allowed Operations: nothing is checked
    This will insert a new row in the Dept table
    In the form page:
    - Create Button
    The name is "CREATE2"
    Database Action : insert
    - DML Process
    Allowed Operations: nothing is checked
    This will insert a new row in the Dept table
    So, What difference does it make if INSERT check box in Allowed Operations of DML Process is TICKED OR NOT ??

    kdm7 wrote:
    So can we keep a web button to access the ? So that web site opens only when button pressed?
    P.S  I,m a newbie.
    Yes, you can also, e.g. include a help file or manual as html and open that in the browser.
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