Unable to play movie over HTTPS

I have this flash movie which was created using Captivate,
now the problem is it wont play over HTTPS connection- only the
playback control show up and all i get is blank screen. The actual
tutorial never starts, but as soon as i change it to HTTP it works
great. I am new to captivate and really need to fix this, Can
anyone please help me or point me to a solutions to this. Would be
much appreciated. Thanks!!!

Hi there tech_varun
I'm thinking this is something you should report to Adobe as
a potential bug. To do that, you use the Wish Form.
here to view the WishForm/Bug Reporting Form
Since things work under normal HTTP but fail under HTTPS. I
looked the code over and really don't see anything that would seem
to inhibit a HTTPS connection. So I'm wondering if it's got
something to do with the _skin.swf actually calling the main part
of the movie. I suppose we might confirm that to some extent by
asking you to publish with Borders turned off. (Project > Skin
> Borders tab and DE-select "Show Borders")
Copy that output to the HTTPS server and see if the project
seems to run.
Cheers... Rick

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    Having the same problem. Here should be a solution https://devforums.apple.com/message/361209#361209
    It says following:
    After experiencing the very same problem and symptoms, I was able to gain access to the Apple Developer Forum thread mentioned here (https://devforums.apple.com/message/361209#361209)
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    Click to view full size
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    See specs;
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    Winnington wrote:
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    <html> <body>
    <video width="600" autoplay loop poster="placeholder.jpg">
    <source src="sample.mp4" />
    </body> </html>
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    Thanks in advance,

    If you are having problems playing MPEG4 video in Quicktime 7.4 (and Apple are aware that some users have had such problems) you should carefully check in
    /Library/Quicktime and
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins and
    to check whether you have any third party plug-ins that are not completely up to date.
    Current versions of Flip4Mac and DiVX and Perian do NOT cause failure alone or in combination. However the one SPECIFIC extension that ALWAYS causes the failure alone or in groups is 3ivxMediaImp. All other 3ivx extensions DO work. Remove only that ONE SPECIFIC extension.
    Please try this and see if it fixes your problem with QT Player, the QT Firefox Plugin, and iTunes not playing MPEG4 files (including mp4 files).
    Older 3ivx and DivX components are often incompatible with new QuickTime versions and are, in many cases, obviated by component packs like Perian.
    This is not the only explanation for issues with MPEG4 file playback in QuickTime 7.4 and later, however. The issue with videos from democracynow.org and others, for instance, is the result of that content not complying with MPEG4 standards (namely that they use bogus track dimensions). QuickTime had previously ignored invalid track dimensions but this was changed in order to support properly authored anamorphic content.
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    However, there is a workaround (also the basis for why those files will still play in iTunes): there are a few ways to trick QuickTime into ignoring the invalid track data. For instance, rename the files .3GP and they'll show up just fine.
    Post back if you want a list of the plug-ins you should have in order to play pretty much anything in Quicktime.

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    WARNING: An unexpected error has occurred and a Watson dump is being generated: Failed to find the probe result for
    invoke now request id 1ad0cb55e6cc45c791194b34641fe3c2 and probe workdefinition id 241.
    Failed to find the probe result for invoke now request id 1ad0cb55e6cc45c791194b34641fe3c2 and probe workdefinition id
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Test-OutlookConnectivity], InvalidOperationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.TestOutlookConnecti
        + PSComputerName        : <fqdn of my serer>
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    How should I fix this issue?

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    Hey Phyxius38,
    Great troubleshooting so far! While you may have attempted some of these steps already, I wished to provide you with this article just in case:
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    Matt M.

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    Above is a screenshot of the "movie info" popup from QT. You can also see the movie running in the background.
    So I tried to watch the 28 Weeks Later preview on the apple trailers site on my home PC. As you can see from the clicky above, all I get is a white screen with faint green outlines as though someone were shining an eleventy-billion candlepower spotlight on the set when it was being filmed. The sound works just fine tho'.
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    Anyone out there able to recommend a codec?
    I did notice that I can watch it just fine here at work. Is there a way to figure out what codec I'm using here so I can get the same one at home?
    Oh, the same problem occurs now on all iTunes videos.
    Thanks in advance for any tips.

    You're only missing some Microsoft "additions" that are supposed to improve your viewing experience.
    You should take some time to search for updates to your video card drivers. Newer versions may things "right" and allow all the wonders of DirectX.
    Like. I wonder why I need DirectX. I wonder what it really does for me. I wonder why I have so many troubles with simple things. I wonder why I just didn't buy a Mac.

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    downloaded digital copy of the dark knight and it showed up in my itunes and successfully synched with my classic 30gb ipod. movie will not play, it says "loading" and then screen goes blank. any thoughts? thanks.

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    ISP connection is excellent
    Clearly it is not.
    (Latency 20 ms, upload 30MB; download 23MB).
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    This has to be with the iTunes store.
    Nope.  If it was the forum would be overloaded with thosands of people having the same issue.

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    3. Restored phone and set up as new iphone - FAILED
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    5. New SIM card - NEXT STEP
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    I am on an iPhone 5s with software version 7.1.1.
    7.9 GB of storage available on the device. 

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