Unplanned cost to SES

When SES is cretaed, in Value tab, there is this Unplanned portion field, and this field is grey.The question is , how do I add unplanned cost to Service entry sheet.. Pls suggest a solution.....

I think first you need to understand the creation of Purchase Order for Services.
Whenever you create a Purchase Order with Item Category D, you notice that under Item Details, you will have 2 new tabs called Services, and Limits.
If you maintain a service code/short text here, the service is considered as Planned Service. This is logical because you already know what sort of service is to happen in the future.
If you maintain a value here, this means that you have UNplanned services. You do not know at the point of Purchase Order, what sort of services will occur in the future. The limit that you maintain is a form of control where you cannot exceed this amount during SES creation.
Now, the differences during SES (ML81N).
For Planned services, you will have to choose service selection during SES. Adopt the quantity, etc.
For Unplanned services, you will have to enter the short text/service code at this point in time. This is because the service already occurred and you now know what services had taken place and you can enter them now.
Hope this clears things for you.

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    During SES, in Val Tab, i got a field named "Unplanned Portion" but it is grey.
    Now how to add unplanned cost to SES. I
    have problem with overtime. Can i solved this with Unplanned Portion.
    Pardeep Malik

    Check whether the SES in question is posted or not.
    Other way could be add a additional line in service PO to control the over time part.
    If you don't to do that create a line in SES if it allows you to do so.

  • How to distribute Unplanned cost on Material

    Hi Gurus;
    I want to distribute unplanned cost on material. In my case Material Vendor & Unplanned Cost (Freight) vendor are different. In PO there is no provision for unplanned cost and we have already booked the GRN.
    I have seen blogs, and accordingly, first post the vendor invoice (For Material) and now when i go for subsequent debit for freight charges in MIRO - I don't know what to do. Since there is no pending material against the PO.
    Please suggest the required steps.
    Thanks in advance.
    Devendra Singh Chauhan

    Mr. Jürgen L.
    During subsequent debit: In MIRO, AT BASIC DATA TAB: I Entered Invoice Date - 20.11.2010 & Posting Date 30.11.2010, Amount 500 USD, Tax (V0 - Exempted from Tax)., Reference (Document no of Invoice). Below that I selected On header I select "Purchase Order/Scheduling Agreement & Goods Received/Service Items", Enter the Purchase Order No.
    Now on Payment tab - Entered BaselineDt-30.11.2010; System taking due on date automatically - 29.11.2010.
    On detail tab: I entered Unpl. Del. Cst - 500 USD, change the invoice party - from original vendor to transporter vendor.
    But situation is SAME.
    Now, click on SIMULATE Button, I shows only Credit Amount:
    Position-1: A/C type "A", Account - Freight Vendor Name; Amount: 500- USD.
    At footer it shows: Debit: 0.00 Credit: 500.00 Balance: 500.00-
    Where I am making a mistake.

  • Tolerance key Unplanned cost in miro

    how can tolerance % maintain for Unplanned cost in MIRO so that posting can be blocked for payment.
    any user exit or Std BADI ?
    Pardeep Malik

    Hi Jayakathan,
    Which BADI will help me  given in this notes ? as per ur expertise.....
    Is This work
    BADI  MRM_PAYMENT_TERMS  to check  if unplanned deliv cost amount = %(Of Value of Invoice)
    Then the payment block indicator ZLSPR = A.
    Pardeep Malik

  • Calculating discounts on total PO and not excluding unplanned cost

    Hi friends,
    when User does MIRO they enter unplanned frieght cost in the gl account tab.
    Lets say P.O. is 500 freight is 100 total miro document will be $ 600 .
    Now when we pay to the vendor it calculates discount on the total amount[600] and not excluding Freight.
    We did check the "Indicator: Line item not liable to cash discount?" and even though its calculating on the total amount.
    Is there anything else we are missing?
    Please advise

    Hi Sina
    in addition what Anthony has said, you either have planned costs or unplanned costs:
    for example: If you put freight costs in the PO item when you create the PO then you have planned delivery costs, and those will be accounted when you carry GR on a clearing account which is cleared on invoice receipt.
    in the case you don't mention the costs at PO creation, then you put the costs in the details tab, in the appropriate field Unplanned costs.
    Depending on how you have setup in customizing how this cost is managed, they either distribute proportionally between the invoice items( and will be put on a stock account in case of moving average price, or on a price difference account in case of a standard price), or they are put on a seperate GL account).

  • Unplanned costs cannot be posted through MM

    Hello MM Gurus
    Scenario : Create PO for vendor A , buying an item  , Do GR , then pay the invoice to Vendor A . Unplanned costs were incurred for the delivery of the item and the delivery wa shandled by Vendor B
    How can we pay Vendor B and still refer to the PO created for Vendor A ...these costs are for the PO created for Vendor A ?
    Your answers will be appreciated : will award points

    Hi Warona,
    You can pay to vendor B if you put fright condition in PO and assign B vendor in that condition DETAILS
    When you do IV vendor B will be proposed for freight payment
    Hope its clear to you
    reward if useful

  • MIRO unplanned cost.

    may a use in customizing the functionality "<b>Activate Direct Posting to G/L Accounts and Material Accounts</b>" for others unplanned costs?
    Best regards

    Unplanned Delivery cost are entered at header level in the details tab.
    You may activate the direct posting to G/L account to enter the other unplanned costs manually entering a different G/L account.

  • Unplanned cost to be captured while doing at MIRO

    Hi Friends,
    As per our current OBYC setting, unplanned cost is going to another Miscellaneous  account,  Is there a way to capture unplanned cost in the material G/L account ?

    There may be different options available in SAP of unplanned Cost:-
    1. Put that it in Unplanned Cost while MIRO then system will post either to separate GL or Stock Acct as per the setting in SPRO.
    IMG - >MM - >Invoice Verification - >incoming invoice - >Configure How Unplanned Delivery Costs Are Posted
    2. After Posting the MIRO, Put that cost in Subsiquent Debit for that Delivery note or PO Number. and it will be updated in PO history also and good for reporting
    system will distribute in stock material acct as per available stock and rest in PRD acct.
    3. You can post that cost in Separate GL after doing Setting in SPRO, GL Tab will appear in MIRO screen and post that cost there for e.g. GL for unplanned Cost.
    SPRO> Material Management>Logistics Invoice Verification->Incoming Invoice->Activate Direct Posting to G/L Accounts and Material Account
    Hope Help U !
    Pardeep malik

  • Unplanned cost

    i would like to ask on unplanned.
    1) unplanned cost for moving average price material when post in miro, cost will go to price difference or stock? why?
    2) unplanned cost for standard price material. when post in miro, cost will go to price difference or stock? why?

    SPRO>>IMG>>Materials Management>> Logistic INvoice Verification>>Incoming Invoice>Configure How Unplanned Delivery Costs Are Posted
    For each company code set whether
    1. Unplanned delivery costs are distributed among the individual items in proportion to the item amounts invoiced so far and the item amounts in the current invoice.
    2. Unplanned delivery costs are posted in a separate line. You must enter a specific tax code for the posting.
    Scenaro 1: Moving Average Price with enough stock coverage
    Unplanned cost will be posted to stock account if the material has moving average price control (provided stock coverage available for the material)
    Initial Stock: 100 PC Initial Stck Value: 1000 USD Moving Average Price: 10 USD/PC
    You are ordering 100 PC @ 10 USD/PC
    During Good Receipt:
    Stock Account: 1000 USD
    GR/IR Cleaing Account: 1000 USD
    total stock after good recietp = 200 Pieces
    During Invoice Receipt: (Unplanned Delivery Cost 100 USD)
    Total invoetory = 200 Pieces
    GR/IR Clearing Account: 1000 USD
    Vendor Account: 1000 USD
    Stock Account: 100 USD
    So total stock 200 PC
    total value = 1000 (initial stock value) + 1000 (recent good receipt) + 100 (Unplanned delivery cost) USD
    Total value = 2100 USD
    Moving Average Price = 2100/200 = 10. 5 USD (after IR with unplanned delivery cost). This is under impression that the plant/storage location has enough stock coverage)
    Scenaro 2: Moving Average Price without enough stock coverage
    Unplanned cost will be posted to stock account and price difference account depending on the stock coverage during invice posting if the material has moving average price control
    Initial Stock: 100 PC Initial Stck Value: 1000 USD Moving Average Price: 10 USD/PC
    You are ordering 100 PC @ 10 USD/PC
    During Good Receipt:
    Stock Account: 1000 USD
    GR/IR Cleaing Account: 1000 USD
    total stock after good recietp = 200 Pieces
    During Invoice Receipt: (Unplanned Delivery Cost 100 USD)
    Before posting invoice the 150 PC has been issued to production
    Total inventory = 50 Pieces (200 -150 PC)
    GR/IR Clearing Account: 1000 USD
    Vendor Account: 1000 USD
    Stock Account: 50 USD
    Price Difference Account: 50 USD
    So total stock 50 PC
    total value = 500 +50
    Total value = 550 USD
    Moving Average Price = 550/50 = 11 USD (after IR with unplanned delivery cost). This is under impression that the plant/storage location doesnt have enough stock coverage)
    Scenaro 3: Standard Price
    Unplanned cost will be posted to price differnece account account if the material has standard price
    Initial Stock: 100 PC Initial Stck Value: 1000 USD Standear Price: 10 USD/PC
    You are ordering 100 PC @ 10 USD/PC
    During Good Receipt:
    Stock Account: 1000 USD
    GR/IR Cleaing Account: 1000 USD
    total stock after good recietp = 200 Pieces
    During Invoice Receipt: (Unplanned Delivery Cost 100 USD)
    Total inventory = 200 Pieces
    GR/IR Clearing Account: 1000 USD
    Vendor Account: 1000 USD
    Price difference Account: 100 USD
    So total stock 200 PC
    total value = 1000 (initial stock value) + 1000 (recent good receipt) + 100 (Unplanned delivery cost) USD
    Total value = 2100 USD
    Standard price of the material remains same as 10 USD/Pc

  • Unplanned cost in miro

    Dear Forum,
    I would like to seek clarification on unplanned cost book during miro.
    For planned, it will credit vendor debit freight clearing account.
    For unplanned, it only can be prorated and distributed in the po item lines. Unplanned cost cannot be posted entirely to any account by itself. correct? why?
    1) example for unplanned cost, say unplanned cost is usd300. i must distribute this usd300 to po line items. when distributed to the po line item, sure there is a difference, hence system will post the difference to price difference. correct?
    2) why cannot book unplanned cost of usd300 to a specific account? say like credit vendor debit 1 specific acc usd300.
    Need help on these 2 points.

    If you configure a g/l account for unplanned delivery cost,it will definetly hit that acct,no need to distribute amt all p.o line items.
    Acct document will be Vendor Cr GR/IR Dr Unplanned delivery cost Dr.
    or other wise try subsequent debit in MIRO(to add freight cost).

  • Unplanned cost on map/standard

    can anyone help to explain on this. i need to know how unplanned cost will impact
    1) material maintained at map and
    2) material maintained at standard price.

    If material is maintained at MAP then the MAP will increase due to unplanned cost
    e.g. IF the MAP of the material is Rs. 10 & Stock is 5 nos. Now you have made the GR of qty 5 with Rs.12 where Rs. 2 is unplanned cost. then system will calulate the MAP by considering the unplanned cost also
    New MAP will be  (10X5)(12X5)/55 = Rs.11
    If material is maintained at standard price then this extra Rs.2 will go in Price difference account(PRD).
    If you have any doubt please let me know.

  • Unplanned cost on GL lines

    Dear Experts,
    We have a case wherein a PO invoice from Miro- we have Unplanned cost in the field of Unplanned cost
    and at the same time in the GL Tab we have an amount assigned to some GL accounts
    when we do the Simulate, we find that the unplanned cost amount is distributed (Allocated) over all lines in the invoice including the GL account line in GL Tab
    1- why does SAP do that?
    2- what can we do if we don't want this amount to be allocated on the GL line

    You can treat unplanned delivery cost in two ways:
    1. Cost will be allocated to material if you enter an amount in Unplanned delivery cost field. It will allocate according to the quantity line items.
    2. If you want to allocated that cost to different GL which is P & L Account, you may configure that GL to OBYC > UPF key.

  • Tolerance Limit to unplanned cost

    Dear All,
    I want assing tolerance limit to unplanned cost while passing the MIRO.
    Is this possible, what the tolerance key for the same or is there any other config
    Please help me to resolved the the issue

    Hi Pramod,
    The design of the system is such that unplanned delivery costs are not
    included in the tolerance price check.
    Please refer to attached note 33720.
    with kind regards

  • Tolerance Limit to unplanned cost - MM

    Dear All,
    I want assing tolerance limit to unplanned cost while passing the MIRO.
    Is this possible, what the tolerance key for the same or is there any other config
    Please help me to resolved the the issue

    Any help to resolve the issue

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    Hi all,
    Is it possible to use inbound delivery during Intra company sto (Plant to Plant) in recieving plant if yes how to do it. If not then how to capture unplanned cost in case of STO.
    Thanks & Regards

    Check out the link
    Re: Unplanned Delivery Cost

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