Upgrade SCSM 2012 Eval to Licensed - How?

I am one of the multiple people who have installed SCSM 2012 in eval mode and need to be able to license it if possible.
I see in recent threads on this subject that this may be possible in some cases. I hope it is possible in my case which is that the system was installed as 2012 R2 originally but is now currently expired. My reference that it may be possible is this thread:
I also see a page on TechNet that references changing from eval to licensed on R2. However, I have not been able to find in the documentation how to do this.
Does anyone have any additional information on this process?

You need to create a support case at Microsoft to change from eval to full. It says so in both links :D

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  • Upgrading scsm 2012 error

    I am planning to upgrade my scsm 2010 to 2012 both Management and DW server.
    So i have set up the secondary lab environment and do this.
    The DW server has been upgraded successfully.
    When i try to upgrade SCSM Management server, at the finalizing stage, i get this error as _MPProcessorDeferred.
    What could be the reason?
    regards Sundaresan.C

    Now if i rerun the setup, i get a different error...
    _RegisterExtensionsDeferred at the finazling stage.. Find below the log..
    2014-08-26T14:48:28.7717429+05:30    Always:    Trace Session Started
    02:48:28:Application Started
    02:48:28:This is 64-bit application.
    02:48:28:Product ID  is NOT installed
    02:48:28:Found ProductID:{A193A8C7-CBE7-4F3B-887F-6B03EE43A208}, ProductName:Microsoft System Center Service Manager SP1, Version:7.0.6555.128
    02:48:28:Found SMServer components
    02:48:28:Found SMConsole components
    02:48:28:Setup is running from: c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup
    02:48:28:Using local Analysis server as default instance
    02:48:28:Using 'DWASDataBase' as default Analysis server database name
    02:48:28:Using 'Default' as default Analysis server database file path
    02:48:29:Current UI culture (en-US) is not supported. Trying Neutral culture.
    02:48:29:Found c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\en\SCSM_license.rtf.
    02:48:29:Current UI culture (en-US) is not supported. Trying Neutral culture.
    02:48:29:Found c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\en\SCSM_EvalLicense.rtf.
    02:48:29:Current UI culture (en-US) is not supported. Trying Neutral culture.
    02:48:29:Found c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\en\PrerequisiteInputFile.xml.
    02:48:29:Found c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\Server\SM.msi.
    02:48:29:All vital setup files found.
    02:48:29:Upgrading Service Manager 7.0.6555 with 7.5.1561
    02:48:29:Checking dependencies for Server upgrade...
    02:48:40:Managment server is registered with Datawarehouse 'TESTSER'
    02:48:42:Datawarehouse is up-to-date
    02:48:42:Getting Management Group information from TESTSER:ServiceManagerNew
    02:48:42:[GetManagementGroupPropertiesFromDB]:  Opened the DB connection using Data Source=TESTSER;Initial Catalog=ServiceManagerNew;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False.
    02:48:42:[GetManagementGroupPropertiesFromDB]:  Found Management Group information.
    02:48:42:[GetManagementGroupPropertiesFromDB]:  Found Primary SDK server:..net.
    02:48:42:Validating SmAdminRoleGroup
    02:48:43:Checking MU OptIn state
    02:48:43:MU is not opted in
    02:48:43:Start adding DataItems
    02:48:43:System Center Service Manager Install
    02:48:44:Final Install Tasks
    02:48:44:Done adding DataItems
    02:48:46:Getting Domain List
    02:49:35:LoadPrerequisites: Start adding ComponentTitles
    02:49:35:LoadPrerequisites: Start adding DataItems
    02:49:35:Memory check
    02:49:36:Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Management Objects
    02:49:36:Memory check
    02:49:36:Processor speed check
    02:49:36:Processor speed check
    02:49:36:Processor speed check
    02:49:36:IIS check
    02:49:36:ASP.NET check
    02:49:36:Basic Authentication check
    02:49:36:Windows Authentication check
    02:49:36:Microsoft .NET Framework 4 check
    02:49:36:Windows Service Pack check
    02:49:36:Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable check
    02:49:36:PowerShell 2.0 check
    02:49:36:SharePoint Server 2010 check
    02:49:36:SharePoint Farm Administrator check
    02:49:36:SharePoint Server 2010 configuration check
    02:49:36:ADO.NET Data Services Update check
    02:49:36:Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client check
    02:49:36:Language Pack for SharePoint Server 2010 or SharePoint Foundation 2010 - English check
    02:49:36:LoadPrerequisites: Done adding prerequisites checks
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites: Checking Memory check prereq.
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    MemoryCheck-8gbWarn: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:     Memory check: Passed
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites: Checking Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Management Objects prereq.
    02:49:36:Entered RequiredAMO
    02:49:36:Trying alternate method of detection using Assembly.Load
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    AMO-err: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:     Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Management Objects: Passed
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites: Checking Processor speed check prereq.
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    ProcessorSpeedCheck2.5MHz-Warn: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    ProcessorCoreCheck2Core-Warn: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:     Processor speed check: Passed
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites: Checking Windows Service Pack check prereq.
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    Win2k8R2Sp1Check-Err: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:                 ProductType was not a match.  Looking for: LanmanNT Found: ServerNT
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:or    Win2k8R2Sp1DCCheck-Err: 2
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:                 The value 6.1.7601.65536 was not within the range 6.2.0 to 9.9.9999.
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:or    WinSrvrVNextCheck-Err: 2
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:                 ProductType was not a match.  Looking for: LanmanNT Found: ServerNT
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:or    WinSrvrVNextDCCheck-Err: 2
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:     Windows Service Pack check: Passed
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites: Checking Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable check prereq.
    02:49:36:Entered RequiredReportViewer
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    RptVwrCheck-err: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:     Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable check: Passed
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites: Checking PowerShell 2.0 check prereq.
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    PowerShell2Check-err: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:or    PowerShell2Check32-err: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:     PowerShell 2.0 check: Passed
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites: Checking ADO.NET Data Services Update check prereq.
    02:49:36:Loading System.Data.Services.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    02:49:36:Found version 3.5.30729.5420
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    ADODotNetDataServicesHotfix-err: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:     ADO.NET Data Services Update check: Passed
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites: Checking Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client check prereq.
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:         Logic Type:and    SQLNCLI10-err: 0
    02:49:36:CheckPrerequisites:     Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client check: Passed
    02:49:37:CheckPrerequisites: Return Value 0
    02:49:39:Doing Pre-Upgrade checks...
    02:49:39:Validating database ServiceManagerNew on SQL Server TESTSER
    02:49:39:Validating SQL Instance TESTSER
    02:49:39:SQL Server: TESTSER
    02:49:39:SQL Server version: 10.50.1600.1
    02:49:39:Full text search installed: True
    02:49:39:Checking if '\administrator' is Sysadmin Or (SecurityAdmin And DbCreator) on SQL Instance TESTSER
    02:49:39:Stopping Service OMSDK on server
    02:49:39:Starting Service OMSDK on server
    02:49:41:Stopping Service OMCFG on server
    02:49:44:Starting Service OMCFG on server
    02:49:47:Validating Path C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2010\
    02:49:47:Checking for available free disck space
    02:49:47:Checking directory write access
    02:49:47:*** Pre-Upgrade checks passed ***
    02:49:47:QuickFixEngineeringHandler: Unable to LoadQuickFixEngineeringFile.
    02:49:47:SetProgressScreen: StartMinorStep.
    02:49:47:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar.
    02:49:47:ProcessInstalls: Install Item System Center Service Manager Install has a Preprocessing delegate of SystemCenterServiceManagerPreinstallProcessor.  Launching it now.
    02:49:47:SetProgressScreen: Init MSI Install progress.
    02:49:47:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar.
    02:49:47:LaunchMsi: Msi mutex is not in use.
    02:49:47:LaunchMsi: MSI to launch is: c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\Server\SM.msi.
    02:49:47:LaunchMsi: Turning off the internal UI for c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\Server\SM.msi.
    02:49:47:LaunchMSI:  Enable logging for the MSI at C:\Users\administrator.\AppData\Local\Temp\2\\SCSMInstall02.log.
    02:49:47:LaunchMsi: MSI c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\Server\SM.msi is not in silent mode.  Setting the external UI.
    02:49:47:LaunchMsi: Launching c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\Server\SM.msi
    02:49:52:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 58857
    02:50:09:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 345710070
    02:50:09:Install Progress - (ProcessComponents) Updating component registration
    02:50:09:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 345710070
    02:50:10:Install Progress - (StopServices) Stopping services
    02:50:16:Install Progress - (_StopNamedServices_HealthService.80B659D9_F758_4E7D_B4FA_E53FC737DCC9) Stopping Health services
    02:50:17:Install Progress - (RemoveODBC) Removing ODBC components
    02:50:17:Install Progress - (RemoveFiles) Removing files
    02:50:17:Install Progress - (CreateFolders) Creating folders
    02:50:17:Install Progress - (InstallFiles) Copying new files
    02:50:30:Install Progress - (_CreateDatabase) Creating Database
    02:50:30:Install Progress - (_ExecuteSqlScripts) Configuring Database
    02:52:07:Install Progress - (ExecuteSqlStrings) Executing SQL Strings
    02:52:07:Install Progress - (CreateShortcuts) Creating shortcuts
    02:52:07:Install Progress - (WriteRegistryValues) Writing system registry values
    02:52:08:Install Progress - (_InstallServerPerfCounters.D2179E31_E456_401A_A820_CEBB135E3429) Installing Server Performance Counters
    02:52:12:Install Progress - (WriteEnvironmentStrings) Updating environment strings
    02:52:12:Install Progress - (_Rollback_UninstallBIDMOF.68918168_3885_4F75_BBF8_0CC84213F8D1) Rolling back BID MOF Installation
    02:52:23:Install Progress - (GenerateScript) Generating script operations for action:
    02:52:24:Install Progress - (_MPProcessorDeferred) Importing Management Packs
    02:52:25:Install Progress - (_ExecuteSqlScripts) Configuring Database
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (RegisterUser) Registering user
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (RegisterProduct) Registering product
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (PublishComponents) Publishing Qualified Components
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (MsiPublishAssemblies) Publishing assembly information
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (_ConfigureConfigService.D2179E31_E456_401A_A820_CEBB135E3429) Configure Config Service
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (_CreateInstanceQualityRelationship) Creating Default Instances, Qualities And There Relationships
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (PublishFeatures) Publishing product features
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (_StartNamedServices_HealthService.80B659D9_F758_4E7D_B4FA_E53FC737DCC9) Restarting Health Service
    02:52:26:Install Progress - (PublishProduct) Publishing product information
    02:52:26:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 177276452
    02:52:26:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 177276452
    02:57:32:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 177276452
    02:57:44:An error occurred while executing a custom action:_RegisterExtensionsDeferred
    Upgrade failed after making permanent changes to this management server. A disaster recovery procedure will be necessary to rebuild this machine before attempting upgrade again. Consult the User Guide to determine which action to take next.
    02:57:44:Install Progress - (Rollback) Rolling back action:
    02:57:44:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 177276452
    02:57:44:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 3
    02:57:44:Install Progress - (Rollback) Rolling back action:
    02:57:44:statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar for MSI: MaxValue 10525
    02:58:43:MsiInstallProduct finished for msi c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\Server\SM.msi.
    02:58:43:LaunchMSI: Setting rollback to true
    02:58:43:LaunchMSI: MSI c:\SCSM2012\amd64\Setup\Server\SM.msi returned error 1603:Fatal error during installation
    02:58:43:ProcessInstalls: Install Item System Center Service Manager Install failed to install.  We did not launch the post process delegate.
    02:58:43:SetProgressScreen: FinishMinorStep.
    MSI (s) (F4:B4) [14:58:43:928]: Note: 1: 1708
    MSI (s) (F4:B4) [14:58:43:928]: Product: Microsoft System Center 2012 - Service Manager -- Installation failed.
    MSI (s) (F4:B4) [14:58:43:929]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Microsoft System Center 2012 - Service Manager. Product Version: 7.5.1561.0. Product Language: 0. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status:
    MSI (s) (F4:B4) [14:58:43:942]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist
    MSI (s) (F4:B4) [14:58:43:942]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:945]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:945]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
    === Logging stopped: 8/26/2014  14:58:43 ===
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:945]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:945]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:945]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:946]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:946]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:946]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:946]: Restoring environment variables
    MSI (s) (F4:A4) [14:58:43:947]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
    MSI (s) (F4:88) [14:58:43:947]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
    MSI (c) (AC:20) [14:58:43:948]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (c) (AC:20) [14:58:43:949]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
    MSI (c) (AC:EC) [14:58:43:952]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
    === Verbose logging stopped: 8/26/2014  14:58:43 ===
    regards Sundaresan.C

  • How to Upgrade Service Manager 2012 SP1 with Windows 2008 R2 to SCSM 2012 R2 with Windows 2012 R2

    We are using Service Manager 2012 SP1 UR2 with Windows 2008 R2.
    I am planning to upgrade Service Manager to R2 with Windows 2012 R2. I found the steps to upgrade SCSM 2012 Sp1 to R2 but need assistance to upgrade with 2012 R2 OS.
    Please suggest how to achieve the above mentioned objective.
    Regards, Syed Fahad Ali

    Virtualization solves this problem handily, by allowing you to create a new server to run the new program on the same hardware. it also solves the related problem of moving off unsupported hardware without changing OS or application. VMware is my personal
    favorite, but Hyper-V, Xen, and VirtualBox all have similar capabilities.
    Compare the cost of work and confidence in success of a upgrade, where any of thousands or millions of uncontrolled settings could cause an issue, to the cost of work and confidence in success of installing a new OS instance and configuring a known state
    for the new environment.
    In short, upgrades should no longer be a thing. there are just too many ways they can go wrong, and it's far too easy to create a new OS with minimal expense and effort.

  • Error when trying to upgrade scsm dw 2012 sp1 to r2

    when I trying to install scsm 2012 r2 upgrade on my scsm dw server error appears.
    does anyone faced and successfully resolved this problem?
    Regards, Ilgar Khalilov.

    This issue might happen if you have a space in the DW Management Group name.
    Maybe this blog post from Anders Asp is helpful:
    Strange error message when trying to upgrade SCSM 2012 Sp1 to SCSM 2012 R2
    Andreas Baumgarten | H&D International Group

  • SCSM 2012 queries

    i have recently upgraded SCSM 2012 from 2010. Just few queries to be clarified...
    1. Users are able to access the create request page only when i add the domain\users group in Groups -> Incident catelog -> global operators group. Is this right?
    2. On the File attachment part while creating incident, i have done as per the link found in google as under published reqeust offering page and added the additional user prompt for file attachment and saved it. Now only domain admins and administrators
    can access this file attachment page. It is not coming for normal users. Is there any specific permission to be given?
    3. On the anouncements part, can i able to increase or decrease the fonts?
    4. I need an approval process for incidents.. how to make sure certain incident categories are approved through portal?
    regards Sundaresan.C

    have you considered applying the latest rollup? There is a critical performance fix in UR2, which does not sound like what you are describing, but on the off chance that you are explaining things differently.
    Also consider adding a second management server and connect to this. A long shot, but could rule out an "behind the curtains" performance issue.
    Another long shot is to move the SM DB to its own SQL box. Also I am getting alot of Page Life expectancy is low alarms in SCOM, and we suspect some backup jobs to be the culprit. Not that it would explain issues in day-to-day operations.
    Service Manager also has a tracing tool (not sure it is documented anywhere than MS internal support channels). you may be able to read something out of it. Post stuff here and we will try an decipher it.
    Please use the following procedure to get Service Manager Traces and try to reproduce the same operations
    on both consoles.
             Open a command prompt
             Switch to the SCSM install folder\Tools
             tracelogsm.exe -start Perftrace -guid
    Performance.ctl -f c:\Perftrace.etl -rt -flag 0x300FF010 -level 5 -ft 2 -cir 100
    Reproduce the behavior
    Stop trace:
             tracelogsm.exe -stop Perftrace
    Format Trace:
             set TRACE_FORMAT_PREFIX=[%9!d!]%8!04X!.%3!04X!::%4!s![%!FLAGS!][%!LEVEL!][%!FUNC!]
             TraceFmtSM.exe -f C:\performance.etl
    -tmf SvcMgrTrace.tmf -o PerfTrace.txt

  • Deleting queued email notifications in SCSM 2012

    We have disabled the email notification channel in SCSM 2012 and the workflows which are used to trigger the email notification were running.
    Now, we need to enable the notification channel. But, we suspect that all the old emails which are queued in workflow will trigger once we enable the notification and will spam the customers mailbox.
    If this is the case, how can we find and kill the pending email notifications in SCSM 2012.
    Please suggest how to proceed with this.
    Kumaresan Lakshmanan

    Take a look at the end of this post, right Before the appendix:
    You will need to increase your watermark if you want to make sure that old notifications won't trigger.
    Anders Asp | Lumagate | www.lumagate.com | Sweden | My blog: www.scsm.se

  • Upgrade SCSM to SP1

    did any one upgrade SCSM 2012 RTM to SP1 with ITGRC Installed? 
    Any experience sharing is thanks-full.
    Antoine AL Ibry

    The Installation went smooth with no problem at all.
    Antoine AL Ibry

  • I currently have a flash builder4.6 premium of the product license. and I want to upgrade 4.7 premium for free. how can I download this product?

    I currently have a flash builder4.6 premium of the product license. and I want to upgrade 4.7 premium for free. how can I download this product?

    Hi jeonghs
    Customers who have a valid Upgrade Plan or who own Platinum Maintenance will receive an FOC product.
    Refer :http://www.adobe.com/products/flash-builder/faq.html
    For complimentary Upgrade, Please refer : Adobe® Flash® Builder® 4.7 Complimentary Upgrade

  • How to install sql server 2012 using the license of sql 2014

    We want to install sql server 2012 on a server because of an application that can not work with sql server 2014.
    We have a license for sql server 2014. The license is not visible for sql 2014 in our licenses because it is now included in the installation package. We also can not get a license key for SQL 2012 server now.
    How can we get a valid sql server 2012 license key?
    Gr. Peter.

    Hello Peter, 
    This is a community forum for technical questions & issues.
    For question regarding pricing / licensing please contact a Microsoft sales partner or licensing expert.
    Call (1-800-426-9400), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST to speak directly to Microsoft licensing specialist.
    T-SQL Articles
    T-SQL e-book by TechNet Wiki Community
    T-SQL blog

  • How to generate Incident Report with incident description field? in SCSM 2012 sp1

    Can incident description field be displayed in reports? in SCSM 2012 SP1

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ServiceManager_Report_Incidents]
    @Classification nvarchar(max) = '-1',@SupportGroup nvarchar(max) = '-1',@ID  nvarchar(max) = null,@IncludeDeleted bit = 0,@LanguageCode nvarchar(max)= 'ENU'
      DECLARE @tableClassification TABLE (value nvarchar(256)) 
      INSERT @tableClassification (value)
      SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_CSVToTableInt(@Classification)
      DECLARE @tableSupportGroup TABLE (value nvarchar(256)) 
      INSERT @tableSupportGroup (value)
      SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_CSVToTableInt(@SupportGroup)
      DECLARE @tableID TABLE(value nvarchar(256))
      INSERT @tableID (value)
      Select * FROM dbo.fn_CSVToTableString(ISNULL(@ID, ''))
    Classification = ISNULL(ClassDS.DisplayName,ClassEnum.IncidentClassificationValue),
    ClassEnum.IncidentClassificationId AS ClassificationId,
    Support = ISNULL(SupportDS.DisplayName,SupportEnum.IncidentTierQueuesValue),
    SupportEnum.IncidentTierQueuesId AS SupportId,
    Status = ISNULL(StatusDS.DisplayName, StatusEnum.IncidentStatusValue) ,
    StatusEnum.IncidentStatusId AS StatusId,
    AssignedTo.DisplayName AssignedToUserName,
    AssignedTo.UserDimKey AssignedToUserId
    FROM dbo.IncidentDimvw I
    INNER JOIN dbo.WorkItemDimvw WI  ON I.EntityDimKey = WI.EntityDimKey
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.WorkItemAboutConfigItemFactvw ON  dbo.WorkItemAboutConfigItemFactvw.WorkItemDimKey = WI.WorkItemDimKey   AND (@IncludeDeleted = 1 OR dbo.WorkItemAboutConfigItemFactvw.DeletedDate IS NULL)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.WorkItemAboutConfigItemFactvw CIFctForFilter ON  CIFctForFilter.WorkItemDimKey = WI.WorkItemDimKey      AND (@IncludeDeleted = 1 OR CIFctForFilter.DeletedDate IS NULL)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.IncidentClassificationvw AS ClassEnum ON I.Classification_IncidentClassificationId = ClassEnum.IncidentClassificationId 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.DisplayStringDimvw ClassDS  ON ClassEnum.EnumTypeId=ClassDS.BaseManagedEntityId                           
    AND ClassDS.LanguageCode = @LanguageCode
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.IncidentTierQueuesvw AS SupportEnum ON I.TierQueue_IncidentTierQueuesId = SupportEnum.IncidentTierQueuesId 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.DisplayStringDimvw SupportDS  ON SupportEnum.EnumTypeId=SupportDS.BaseManagedEntityId                    AND ClassDS.LanguageCode =
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.IncidentStatusvw AS StatusEnum  ON StatusEnum.IncidentStatusId = I.Status_IncidentStatusId 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.DisplayStringDimvw StatusDS  ON StatusEnum.EnumTypeId=StatusDS.BaseManagedEntityId                      AND StatusDS.LanguageCode
    = @LanguageCode
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  dbo.WorkItemAssignedToUserFactvw  ON dbo.WorkItemAssignedToUserFactvw.WorkItemDimKey = WI.WorkItemDimKey     AND (@IncludeDeleted = 1 OR dbo.WorkItemAssignedToUserFactvw.DeletedDate IS NULL)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UserDimvw AS AssignedTo ON dbo.WorkItemAssignedToUserFactvw.WorkItemAssignedToUser_UserDimKey = AssignedTo.UserDimKey
    ((-1 IN (Select value from @tableClassification)) OR (I.Classification_IncidentClassificationId IN (Select value from @tableClassification)))
    ((-1 IN (Select value from @tableSupportGroup)) OR (I.TierQueue_IncidentTierQueuesId IN (Select value from @tableSupportGroup)))
    ((@ID IS NULL) OR (I.Id IN (Select value from @tableID)))
    -- exec ServiceManager_Report_Incidents @Classification=N'281,415,9,135',@SupportGroup=N'72,-1,69,43',@ID=N'IR55145'

  • How to upgrade ssis 2012 packages into ssis 2014

    we upgraded ssis 2012 packages into ssis 2014 but when i execute the packages its showing as validation mode .

    Hi harikiran2010,
    To upgrade packages that were created in earlier versions of Integration Services to the Integration Services format that SQL Server 2014 uses. SQL Server provides the SSIS Package Upgrade Wizard to help in this process. We can double-click the Integration
    Services project to open the project in SSIS 2014, Integration Services automatically opens the SSIS Package Upgrade Wizard, then select the desired packages to upgrade.
    As to the validation issue, I think the issue can be caused by the connection manager validate fails. We can test the connection by right-clicking the connection manager in the Connection Managers area of SSIS Designer and then clicking Test Connectivity.
    Another possibility is you are using some expressions to control some configurations, we can set all of the package and all of the connections to work offline when data sources are not available by
    enable Work Offline from the SSIS menu and set DelayValidation to True on package elements whose configuration is not valid at design time to prevent validation errors.
    Upgrade Integration Services Packages Using the SSIS Package Upgrade Wizard
    Troubleshooting Tools for Package Development
    If the issue is still existed, please provide us more information about the error message. Then we can make further analysis.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Upgrading from 2012 Standard Evaluation (Domain Controller) to 2012 R2 Standard Full

    My company recently wanted to move from a Linux domain controller to a Windows system. We downloaded and installed Server 2012 Standard evaluation, set up a domain, and made sure things were working well. Now, we want to purchase the full copy, but we see
    that 2012 R2 is now out.
    We would like to purchase R2, but somehow do an in-place upgrade. From what I can tell, we have a few hurdles:
    *No upgrade path from 2012 Evaluation to 2012 R2 Full
    *Cannot upgrade evaluation with DC role to full
    What would be the recommended course of action to take here? We do have an unused machine here that could serve as a secondary domain controller that currently has no OS installed, but we don't want to buy 2 server licenses at this time if we can help it.

    As far as i know you can't upgrade an eval to a full install on 2012. 
    you could build a new server using server 2012 R2 depends on how you normally purchase software you might be able to install without likening initially as you get a grace period. Build a new DC in the existing domain and then demote the current DC, then
    rebuild it using 2012 R2, licence it and then install it back as a DC and demote the other one you created. 
    Denis Cooper
    Help keep the forums tidy, if this has helped please mark it as an answer
    My Blog
    actually i believe you might be able to
    Upgrade means
    moving from your existing operating system release to a more recent release, while staying on the same hardware. For example, if your server is running Windows Server 2012, you can upgrade it to Windows Server 2012 R2. You can upgrade from an evaluation version
    of the operating system to a retail version, from an older retail version to a newer version, or, in some cases, from a volume-licensed edition of the operating system to an ordinary retail edition.
    Denis Cooper
    Help keep the forums tidy, if this has helped please mark it as an answer
    My Blog

  • SCSM 2012 R2 AD connector sync issue

    Hi Guys,
    I have a very strange 
    issue with the AD connector and have been struggling with it for a couple of days now. Frankly I’m out of options and hope some here can help me out.
    Let me start by telling you briefly how our environment is setup.
    Domain1 : 500 users, 600 workstations, 100 servers
    Mainly used for office automation, with Exchange2010, MS SQL2008R2, Link, SCOM 2012 R2, SCCM2012 Windows 7 clients etc. Domain level is 2008 R2, with two domain
    Domain2 : 50 users, 250 servers
    Web and Application servers.
    Domain3 : 80 workstations, 100 users
    Just a bunch of workstations for public use.
    Service Manager : is member of Domain1
    Version             : SCSM 2012 R2
    : Windows Server 2012 R2 x64          
    : management server
    : Datawarehouse server
    MS SQL cluster 2008 R2 x64
    : Service Manager database
    : Datawarehouse databases
    AD_Connector1 : Users
    AD_Connector2 : Servers/workstations
    AD_Connector3 : Printers
    SCCM connector
    SCOM CI connector
    Exchange connector
    AD_Connector4 : Users
    AD_Connector5 : Servers
    AD_Connector6 : Users
    AD_Connector7 : Servers/Workstations
    The problem is only with the AD connectors for Domain1, the ones for domain 2 and 3 are working as they should.
    What happens;
    1. Create AD_Connector1 succesfully
    2. Start a manual sync, all goes well. CMDB now contains all users from domain1
    3. Create some new users in AD
    4. Start a manual sync, new users are not synced.
    When I reboot SCSM-SRV-1 and do a manual sync users are populated again.
    Doing a second sync after adding users they again don't get synced. When I leave it at this the users apear in the CMDB after a couple of days (varies from 1 to
    5 days).
    When succesful the evenlog shows event id, 3102, 3103, 333, 3305, 3339, 34011 and 34012
    When it goes wrong the evenlog shows event id, 3102, 3103, 333, 3305 
    and 3339. Further no errors.
    I tried;
    - recreating the connectors
    - using different service accounts
    - created a second service manager environment for testing purposes. (freshly installed SCSM with only 2 AD connectors one for domain1 users (TESTOU) and one for
    domain2 users (TESTOU). Same problem the one for domain2 manualy syncs well each time I try and the one for domain1 only the first time after a reboot.
    Since the problem occurs only with domain1, and the connector at least works well the first time, I assume there is no problem with the Service Manager
    I checked the domain controllers and see no problems everything looks oke.
    Hope some one can shed some light on this for me.

    Hi there,
    ve tried installing the upgrade
    SCSM Rollu2

  • SCSM 2012 R2 Portal Installation is not able to detect SharePoint SQL Instance

    as in the subject I am trying to Install SCSM 2012 R2 Portal, I have done with prerequisites, and I have got the SharePoint from this link:
    I have done with SharePoint successfully, SharePoint installed Parts are:
    When I am trying to install SCSM 2012 R2 Portal, it fail to detect SQL with below message:
    So please how to solve this issue?

    If you run the installation of SQL Server via Sharepoint 2010 Foundation preparation tool it should be SQL Server 2008 Express with SP1.
    The preparation tool installs the following prerequisites:
    SQL Server 2008 Express with SP1
    So this could be the reason why the SCSM SSP installation wizard is struggeling with the SQL Server.
    You should check the installed SQL Server version on the server. If needed install a supported version of SQL Server.
    Andreas Baumgarten | H&D International Group
    Well, this is the reason, unsupported SQL Version.
    I upgrade it to SQL 2008 R2 SP1 Express, and it is working now,
    Many thanks

  • SCSM 2012 portal create request permissions

    I have upgraded SCSM 2010 to 2012 and installed portal.
    Added Read permission in Sharepoirnt for Domain user group to access the portal.
    The user is able to open the porta and see all the screens.
    But when they click creat Request for incident, it gives me an error
    "you dont have permission to create request. Please check with IT administartor".
     I viewed in console user roles. .. End user has nt authority\authenticated User permission added.
    How to provide permissions to end users for submitting requests?
    regards Sundaresan.C

    If i add domain\authenticated users in the Global operators group under Library \groups the user are able to access the Create request page.. is this how we need to define user permission for accessing the creating request page?
    Or will this give additional permissions to users???
    regards Sundaresan.C

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