USB faster then on older MBPs?

i have read reviews which claim that the USB connection on the new style MBPs is quite a bit faster then on the older style MBPs....they say it is almost (within 5%) of FW400 speed....which is question is if this is due to hard ware or software?
the usb connections on (pretty much) all older macs were always lagging way behind what USB had to offer....which was often blamed on drivers....what is different with the new MBPs and is there a chance that the older ones will get a software update to fix this (long overdue anyway)...

i have read reviews which claim that the USB connection on the new style MBPs is quite a bit faster then on the older style MBPs....they say it is almost (within 5%) of FW400 speed....which is question is if this is due to hard ware or software?
I tested USB 2.0 performance with the older MacBook Pro 2.4 and a Mac mini 1.6GHz. As long as Leopard is installed the USB 2.0 performance is 28MB/sec write and 34MB/sec read. FireWire 400 performance is 31MB/sec write and 38MB/sec read.
If 10.4 Tiger is installed USB 2.0 disk performance drops to 18MB/sec read/write. It appears that previous versions of Mac OS X (10.4) were not optimized for the Intel USB 2.0 hardware. As long as Leopard is installed higher USB performance is available. I wondered if this may have been added with 10.5.5. However, I found moving back to 10.5.2 provided the same higher performance USB 2.0 benchmarks. Apple seems to have kept quiet about the improved USB 2.0 performance with Leopard. As a result, it was not reported until recently.
Have fun!

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    It depends on how the application was programmed.
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    Hi Soccer4461,
    If you need to update your iTunes software, you may find the following article helpful:
    OS X: Updating OS X and Mac App Store apps
    - Brenden

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    Not sure how often
    == User Agent ==
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    Not sure how often
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; MAAU; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0; MAAU)

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    OK, Just to give you an idea about the difference between the 2.
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    do you find the beta3 more fast then 2.x?
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    Interactive performance is improved (e,g. scrolling thumbnails in Grid view and switching from module to module). However, preview rendering and export are slower.

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