User associated to Workstation

What does this association achieve? I tried to look in the documentation
but I didn't find it.
Does this limit that user to that particular workstation?

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Similar Messages

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    Applications associated with workstations not working or appearing in one container. Not sure if it every worked. Apps work fine with users.
    I am in a bind, since I need to get the app out in the workstation space.
    It maybe rights or simple install error with the ZEN from the begining.
    thanks for any help or ideas.. Yes I know I need to get to Zen 11.

    > Applications associated with workstations not working or appearing in
    > one container. Not sure if it every worked. Apps work fine with users.
    > I am in a bind, since I need to get the app out in the workstation
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    Please tell us more as "not working" can mean a lot of things. So:
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    Anders Gustafsson (NKP)
    The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)
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    If you want to see all of that in a single mailbox, you can create a Smart Mailbox from the "file" menu in the top left corner of your screen. It's a bit of trial and error before you get the rules correct, perhaps, but that will work.

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    If you have issues then let us know the date/time of the issue and the degree of delay you are seeeing and we can check if there may be a reason for the delay.

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    This cannot be done in 11.5.10.
    But we have this feature in R12.

  • Where in BAT for "Users Associated with Line" field......

    Hi All,
    I am trying to find where I can export all user lines via BAT to see if they have an assignment for “Users Associated with Line”.
    Basically, I have administered approx 1000 phones (some UDP and some not) however I was unaware that I needed to administer this field for CUPC etc….
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    I use phones first and than the users option to upload using BAT.
    In th phone's tab, edit the the Maximum number of phone lines according to your requirement and click on the Create file format and select Directory Number in the Line field as shown below.
    And create your phones with MAC, Description,Phone lines and upload it, make sure it gets uploaded successfully.
    Now come to Users tab in the Bat.xlt file, here click on the Number of Controlled Devices as 1 (we are basically making phone as the controlled device to the users, phone already has lines as mentioned in the above step). And fill rest of the other details and upload it.
    Note: You can mention the Primary extension and IPCC Extension as part of this operation only.
    Hope it helps.
    Please rate helpful posts by clicking on the stars below the right answers !!

  • WiFi User associating with far AP not with near AP

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    User associating with far AP but not with near AP, due to this user faced low strength. I have increased AP "One" power but it does not worked out.
    Need help.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Hi Arsalan,
    Thanks for the reply!!
    Yes we can configure that!! This feature name depends on the WLC software that you are running..
    If  ur WLC is running 4.2 WLC code and below.. then thisfeature is called  WLAN OVERRIDE , here is the link to do it.. (find for WLAN override 2nd  search you will find the feature info and config as well)
    if ur WLC is above 4.2 or later, then its called AP-Grouping. here is the link..
    lemme know if this answered your question..
    Please dont forget to rate the posts which answered your question and mark it as answered or was helpfull

  • Reset Primary User and Primary Workstation

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    Have you used Action > Reset Primary User Calculation
    Resets the primary user calculation schedule for the selected devices.
    The next time a device refreshes its information, it reapplies the
    primary user calculation method to designate its new primary user.
    Shaun Pond

  • Reading a user associated to a particular Lookuptable value in project server 2013

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    Please help me out how will i be able to read a user associated with a particular RBS value. and one more thing how can i group the resources and their corresponding RBS value through PSI. 
    Any sample and suggestion would be appreciated. 

    You can use the Resources and Lookup table web services to get these information
    few pointes
    --Reading all the resources
      resourceDS = SResource.ReadResources(string.Empty, false);
                Guid cdval;
                Guid newcdval;
                Boolean fd = false;
    --Going though each resource
                foreach (SVCResource.ResourceDataSet.ResourcesRow rsd in resourceDS.Resources)
                    SVCResource.ResourceDataSet ResData = SResource.ReadResource(rsd.RES_UID);
                    fd = false;
    --Checking Custom field value for each resource
                    foreach (SVCResource.ResourceDataSet.ResourceCustomFieldsRow rsrow in ResData.ResourceCustomFields)
    --Checking the RBS custom field
                        if (rsrow.MD_PROP_UID == <CustomFieldID for RBS>)
    --Check the code value(you can read the lookup table and get the code value for each lookup table value)
                            cdval = rsrow.CODE_VALUE;
       --your code for storing the resources to a variable
    --Hope this helps
    Thanks --Ajith

  • Application association does not show all users associated

    We have a problem with the User association in a lot of Application
    Objects. In the Application object we cannot see all the users, from the
    User object we can see the Application.
    This happend when a User was associated to an application, the one who
    made the association had rights to modify the user but not the
    application. We now have a lot of these objects and we need to have the
    association list complete.
    Because there are a lot of Application Objects, association all apps by
    hand is a lot of work! Does anyone know a way to let ZEN reconnects/review
    all the associations and put them in the list?
    We have:
    Netware 6.5 SP2
    Zenworks 6.5 SP1
    Thanks in advance!
    Raymond de Jong

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Do a search of our knowledgebase at
    - Check all of the other support tools and options available at
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • Users Associated with Line CUCM9

    Our wonderfull HR Staff ran a script that wiped out our IP phone field in AD over the weekend. All of the user accounts got wired out by th e garbage collector before anyone knwe that this has happened . I have afull export from a month ago and was able to get the Owner User ID added to the devices, and the primary and IPCC phone extensions restored. I'm trying to find a way to get the Users Associated with Line filed populated using bulk Admin. I cannot find where to do that. We are running CUCM 9.1
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Michael,
    You can try the following steps and let me know how it goes.
    Create a .txt file format with the following headers, comma separated:
        User ID,Device,Directory Number,Partition
    In the lines below the headers, add the corresponding information, comma-separated.
    Example, assuming you want to associate user1 to directory number 1001 and user2 to directory number 1002:
            User ID,Device,Directory Number,Partition
    You can use Excel to create the file.  Save as a .csv file, then rename the file to .txt. Open it to make sure the format matches the one above.
    Then got to CallManager Admin Page -> Bulk Administration -> Upload/Download Files,  hit "Add new", browse to your file, then select the following targets:
    Target: User Line Appearance
    Transaction type: Update Line Appearance - Custom File
    Verify that the file has been uploaded, then go to Bulk Administration -> Users-> Line Appearance -> Update Line Appearance.
    * Under "File name", drop down and select the file you uploaded.
    * Do not add any of the checkmarks below, leave empty.
    * Click the "Run immediately" radio button.
    * Click "Submit"

  • What goes first, Workstation or User associated apps?

    Sometimes we seem to have issues with deploying something using Force Run
    when it's associated either with the workstation or the user, so,
    sometimes I associate both.
    This seems to work, and, gets those last pockets of undeployable
    computers, but, I was wondering--if the workstation starts the app, first
    (which I assume would happen), would the user then possibly start the
    app, too, and, would they conflict?
    Or, once the app is running on a particular computer, would that preclude
    it from being launched a second, different way?

    "Rolf Lidvall" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:p1N8f.1557$[email protected]..
    >> if the workstation starts the app, first
    >> (which I assume would happen), would the user then possibly start the
    >> app, too, and, would they conflict?
    > "Force Run" WS associated apps are launched prior
    > to user log in. Consequently they are not launched
    > by NAL, they are launched by ZENAPPWS.DLL.
    > Regards
    > Rolf Lidvall
    > Swedish Radio (Ltd)
    > NSC SysOp

  • Running BAT to create ADP on users associated with two devices

    Problem Details: I have a couple question about behavior of the Bulk Administration Tool that allows you to automatically generate Device Profiles.
    1) If a user is associated to a 7941 and a IP Communicator and you run the tool and select to use the personal profile as the logout profile will it set the user as the logout profile for both of the associated devices?
    2) Does it port Speed Dials as well as lines?

    When you select the logout profile for the user, it will be applied to all the associated devices for that particular user.

  • App associated through Workstation Group not running on some PC's

    at one of our locations, we have the following problem:
    an application to control internet access that is associated to a
    Workstation Group, set to force run, does not launch. Strange thing is,
    on the exact same PC's (HP D530) with the same image in another
    classroom, the application launches fine. On completely different PC's,
    the app also launches fine.
    We turned on NAL logging, and saw this error:
    DS Object Name: Internet toegang.Algemeen.W2K.Applications.
    Attribute list is Not NULL
    24-11-04 10:57:38 -- NWDSRead returned error code -603 for 1 number of
    "Internet Toegang" is the application that is having this strange issue.
    Did a DSREPAIR to no avail.
    Novell NetWare 5.1 SP6
    ZfD 3.2 SP3
    Client PC's are running Windows 2000 SP4, DLU, no roaming profile.
    Anyone got a clue ? I'm at a loss here :)

    1) Try exporting the App to an AXT file and reimporting to see if that helps
    - I've seen this fix odd issues.
    2) Try Adding, Saving, and then removing an OS System Requirement with
    specific OS Version number levels. This will update the App:Inventory
    Maybe this will help. ( Shot in Dark )
    [email protected] wrote:
    > Hello,
    > at one of our locations, we have the following problem:
    > an application to control internet access that is associated to a
    > Workstation Group, set to force run, does not launch. Strange thing is,
    > on the exact same PC's (HP D530) with the same image in another
    > classroom, the application launches fine. On completely different PC's,
    > the app also launches fine.
    > We turned on NAL logging, and saw this error:
    > App:Inventory
    > DS Object Name: Internet toegang.Algemeen.W2K.Applications.
    > Attribute list is Not NULL
    > 24-11-04 10:57:38 -- NWDSRead returned error code -603 for 1 number of
    > attributes
    > "Internet Toegang" is the application that is having this strange issue.
    > Did a DSREPAIR to no avail.
    > Setup:
    > Novell NetWare 5.1 SP6
    > ZfD 3.2 SP3
    > Client PC's are running Windows 2000 SP4, DLU, no roaming profile.
    > Anyone got a clue ? I'm at a loss here :)
    > Arjan

  • Users Associated with Line

    We will be integrating our UCM 6.1.2 with CUPS 6.x with MOC as the client. On the DN page of the UCM right at the bottom is a button titled 'Associate End Users'. As per the documentation this is required but I still am wondering if this association is really necessary as I will need to update all of our users via BAT csv which will be a lot work provided it can be done via BAT? The users page has an entry under device associations and the primary extension under directory number association has an entry as well so hopefully this will suffice.

    I have User Device Profile and I need to associate Users with Line.  I have created file with format
    User ID
    Directory Number
    When I run it I keep on getting the error
    user id Error Code Error Description
    ADOUGLAS On row 1: bad device name
    Result Summary :
    Update for 0 Line Appearance passed.
    Update for 1 Line Appearance failed.
    End Time : 06/29/2010 15:33:20

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