Validation  required if amount percent less than 40%

Dear all,
I have 2 fields in Sales order form. Say Quotation Amt & Booking Amt.
For eg: if Quotation Amt =10000 and Booking Amt=3000
Then Per= Booking Amt/Quotation Amt
if it is less than 40% then document should not be added
Plz give me some solution in SBO_SP_TransactionNotification.

Thanx Gordun for ur reply.
Actually i have 2 udf at sales order form.(Booking Amt & Material Amt.)
At the time of adding reocrd i have to give validation. If per is less than 40% then document should not be added.
(Where Per=Booking Amt/Material Amt)

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    Release strategy has nothing do with the previous PO amount. May be, Co-incidently the amount in previous PO which you are referring and the characteristics value maintained in the release strategy is same.
    1) Please go in release strategy by the path mentioned below
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    TomTom101 wrote:
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    length > 50means "must be longer than 50 characters".
    V('P55_MANAGER_NAME').length > 50is a mixture of PL/SQL and JavaScript syntax. From the error message it appears you're doing this in an APEX Post-Submit Validation?
    In which case the syntax is
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    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Additional things to try.
    Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at ork.html
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi Yadana,
    The solution from that thread is still valid for you. Your version is as early as 2008.

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    IMG - Sales and Distribution - Basic Functions - Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements - Availability Check - Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning - Carry Out Control For Availability Check
    Here select the combination of your Availability Check & Checking Rule.
    Under Replenishment Lead TIme, you need to put a Tick Mark in the Check Box of "Check without RLT"
    This will make sure that system considers either the Requested Delivery Date or actual Material Availability Date, which ever is earlier.
    Hope this helps.
    Jignesh Mehta
    Edited by: Jignesh Mehta on Nov 9, 2011 12:18 PM
    Edited by: Jignesh Mehta on Nov 9, 2011 12:23 PM

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    Database redundancy health check failed.
    Database copy: DB-1
    Redundancy count: 1
    Error: The number of configured copies for database 'DB-1' (1) is less than the required redundancy count (2).
    Name                 Status RealCopyQueu InspectorQue  ReplayQueue      CIState
    DB-1\       Mounted            0            0            0     
     Full Status
    Identity                         : DB-1\MAILSRV2
    Name                             : DB-1\MAILSRV2
    DatabaseName                     : DB-1
    Status                           : Mounted
    MailboxServer                    : MAILSRV2
    ActiveDatabaseCopy               : MAILSRV2
    ActivationSuspended              : False
    ActionInitiator                  : Unknown
    ErrorMessage                     :
    ErrorEventId                     :
    ExtendedErrorInfo                :
    SuspendComment                   :
    SinglePageRestore                : 0
    ContentIndexState                : Healthy
    ContentIndexErrorMessage         :
    CopyQueueLength                  : 0
    ReplayQueueLength                : 0
    LatestAvailableLogTime           :
    LastCopyNotificationedLogTime    :
    LastCopiedLogTime                :
    LastInspectedLogTime             :
    LastReplayedLogTime              :
    LastLogGenerated                 : 0
    LastLogCopyNotified              : 0
    LastLogCopied                    : 0
    LastLogInspected                 : 0
    LastLogReplayed                  : 0
    LogsReplayedSinceInstanceStart   : 0
    LogsCopiedSinceInstanceStart     : 0
    LatestFullBackupTime             :
    LatestIncrementalBackupTime      :
    LatestDifferentialBackupTime     :
    LatestCopyBackupTime             :
    SnapshotBackup                   :
    SnapshotLatestFullBackup         :
    SnapshotLatestIncrementalBackup  :
    SnapshotLatestDifferentialBackup :
    SnapshotLatestCopyBackup         :
    LogReplayQueueIncreasing         : False
    LogCopyQueueIncreasing           : False
    OutstandingDumpsterRequests      : {}
    OutgoingConnections              :
    IncomingLogCopyingNetwork        :
    SeedingNetwork                   :
    ActiveCopy                       : True

    That regex looks odd to me.  I assume you have databases with names like "Mailbox Database <ten digit number>" (standard Exchange default name, in other words), "ABC-DB" and "HOME-DB".  If this is the case, wouldn't
    you want "(?:Mailbox Database \d{10}$|^ABC-DB$|^HOME-DB$)"?  THis works if I run it from a prompt:
    [PS] C:\Scripts>"Mailbox Database 0123456789" -match "(?:Mailbox Database \d{10}$|^ABC-DB$|^HOME-DB$)"
    [PS] C:\Scripts>"Mailbox Database 123456789" -match "(?:Mailbox Database \d{10}$|^ABC-DB$|^HOME-DB$)"
    [PS] C:\Scripts>"Mailbox Database 12345678910" -match "(?:Mailbox Database \d{10}$|^ABC-DB$|^HOME-DB$)"
    [PS] C:\Scripts>"HOME-DB" -match "(?:Mailbox Database \d{10}$|^ABC-DB$|^HOME-DB$)"
    [PS] C:\Scripts>"ABC-DB" -match "(?:Mailbox Database \d{10}$|^ABC-DB$|^HOME-DB$)"
    [PS] C:\Scripts>"ABCD-DB" -match "(?:Mailbox Database \d{10}$|^ABC-DB$|^HOME-DB$)"
    [PS] C:\Scripts>"HOM-DB" -match "(?:Mailbox Database \d{10}$|^ABC-DB$|^HOME-DB$)"
    I find it's easiest to test RegEx's from the prompt this way.  If the above isn't your goal, let us know, and we'll see if we can come up with something better.

  • Condition amount less than 1 rupee rounding off to "0"

    Dear Experts,
    We are creating sales order using a BAPI, when the price condition type (PR00) gets the amount less than 1 Rupee (say 0.20) the system is rounding off the amount to ZERO and hence the net value of the item is becoming zero.
    Please help us with any solution available for this issue.
    Sandeep Kulkarni.

    Check the condition type PR00. Normally if there is a rounding rule set or a formula assigned for rounding then this issue occurs. You can check in Tcode v/06 for PR00 if 'Round Rule' is commerical rounding then it should work fine. If it is A (Round up) or B (Round Down), you will happen to hit such issue.
    You can also check the if an Alternative calculation type has been assigned to PR00 in the pricing procedure. This also may have an effect...
    Hope this helps...
    Mukund S

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    Please guide me to work on the above scenario..

    You can maintain this fixed amount in the Minimum net pay - Fixed Amount Constant (MNPAM) of table view Payroll Constants (V_T511P).
    You can find more detailed information here:

  • Replenishment with less than required quantity

    We are executing replenishment via RLLNACH1 (or LP21) from our high rack to our fixed bins in the background. 
    We then run RLAUTA10 to create the TO from the TR.  We have selected allow partial prov in TO and Select partially processed TO's. 
    In some cases, we are seeing TO's created for less than the required quantity or NO TO's at all when there is enough stock in both cases. 
    Scenario 1:
    Material Master Settings for fixed bin:
    Min:  10
    Max:  102
    Replen Qty: 0
    Stock situation: 
    High rack for bin1 = qty 26
    High rack for bin2 = 120
    Fixed bin Qty avail stock = 4 (below min)
    TR created for Qty of 98 (102 minus 4 avail).  TO created for only 26 (the first bin above in full).  This leaves the TR partially processed, with remaining open qty of 72 (98 minus 26).  The system did not create TO a second line item for the TO from the other available stock in bin2 for the balance up to the maximum.  Any ideas why not?  Does GR Date in high rack bin or quantity in the high rack bin?
    Scenario 2:
    Material Master Settings for fixed bin:
    Min:  30
    Max:  50
    Replen Qty: 0
    Stock situation: 
    High rack for bin1 = qty 150
    High rack for bin2 = 300
    High rack for bin3 = 275
    Fixed bin Qty avail stock = 15 (below min)
    TR created for Qty of 35 (50 minus 15 avail).  TO is NOT being created.  There is plenty of stock in high racks.  Not sure why???
    This is creating many ineffeciencies in our system.  Please respond.
    Sandy Miner

    Thank you very much for your reply.  I believe my settings are correct for my strategies and storage type master data. 
    Storage Type Search strategy is going for both high rack and double pallet (001 & 002).  My stock in question is located in the high racks (001).  High racks are SU managed.
    The materials in question are not batched managed, so that should not be an issue.
    The fixed bin storage type has 'addition to stock' set and it is not SU managed.  We do not allow mixed storage of any kind.  I don't THINK this is a problem because the fixed bin is not SU managed and, as stated before, the material is not batched managed, so changing it to setting "A" several homogeneous storage units per bin should not impact this because it's not SU managed.  Do you agree?
    I am checking the back ground job log as well, to see if there's any messages in that log.  I do like the idea of creating the TO manually and 'debugging' the search strategy, etc. 
    Any other input would be helpful.  Especially about the mixed storage note above.  Could this be an issue?  Do you allow mixed storage in your fixed bins?  Are you settings similar?
    Thank you,

  • HT1726 i have heard that charging less than 80 percent will make the battery lasts longer, does anybody have any idea about that?

    i have heard that charging less than 80 percent will make the battery lasts longer, does anybody have any idea about that to help me?

    I don't know where you heard that statement but it's completely incorrect.
    According to Apple:
    Use Your iPad Regularly
    For proper reporting of the battery’s state of charge, be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).
    Elsewhere, Apple elaborates and explains that two half-discharges (or four quarter-discharges, etc.) equals one full discharge.

Maybe you are looking for