What is standby mode?

What is standby mode and how did I get there? (I got out)


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    Do you use push email?  Do you have accounts that have synchronized calendars associated with them?  Those features will still use cellular data in the background as the receive mail and send or receive calendar updates.
    Some notifications, like push notifications from Facebook and other social networking sites may use cellular data in the background.  Basically, any automated data task like those may use cellular data when the phone is in standby (note that wifi would be used if available when the phone is active, but wifi turns off in standby and all data goes through the cellular data connection).

  • What exactly does Standby mode do?

    In a quest to figure out how to turn the screen power off when I want to, I have found Standby mode, which does exactly that.  All the manual says about it is to press and hold the mute button to go into standby mode, but doesn't say anything else about it.  What exactly is "Standby Mode"?  Will it still give me calendar alerts, and phone calls and other alerts, or is it essentially turned off?
    Go to Solution.

    Standby mode is just a low power state to conserve battery life. It shuts of the backlight and screen, and does not respond to key presses until you bring it out of standby mode. Your notifications, phone calls, etc. are not affected by it.
    The holster serves the same purpose: it has a magnet that is detected by the phone to put it into standby. If you go to the notification/ ringer profile settings, you will notice 2 different setting: out of holster and in holster.
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  • What could be the possible reason for a deployed application to run slow after the target pc comes out of standby mode?

    What could be the possible reason for a deployed application to run slow after the target pc comes out of standby mode?  PC running XP and using the USB to communicate with the DAQ and driver boards.  Application generated with 2010.

    Usually default property is checked 
      system property -> devices ->usb root -> power management -> allow system to switch off device
    Hope this help
    CLAD / Labview 2011, Win Xp
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  • IdeaPad A1, what does Airplane Mode really do?

      Got my A1 in yesterday, charged it up and turned it on. First impressions, positive. Nice cosmetics, decent responsiveness. A bit nonintutive in the human interface department. It got on my password-protected wireless LAN just fine, it seemed. And web browsing was OK, fits and starts. I went to update the firmware, and I noticed the pattern: every 30 seconds or so, the WLAN link indicator would blink out, of course interrupting the firnware download. But (good engineering at work), the download resumed when the link came back up. It took about 75 repeats, but the new firmware eventually made it down the airlink to the A1. Only one of the promised two update files was delivered; this was apparently enough to upgrade from version 9 to 10. I really hoped that the upgrade would solve the airlink instability problem. It did not. I will consult Lenovo support and see what happens.
    In pondering the reasons for the airlink problem, I explored the A1 menus a bit. And came away confused. When I checked my battery usage, over half of my power was consumed by something called "Cell Standby". Whaaat? Do I have a SIM-equipped IdeaPad? [No, at least no SIM slot is apparent]. Maybe "Airplane Mode" would help. But Airplane Mode "turns off all wireless connections". That should kill WiFi, maybe even the satellite receivers. Except it didn't. WiFi worked just fine in Airplane Mode (OK, at least as well as it did in non-Airplane Mode). And the map app got the satellites and located me perfectly well in Airplane Mode, once I took the IdeaPad outside.
    So what exact part of wireless functionality is disabled in Airplane Mode, if any?
    Thanks for any advice here.

    When you put it in Airplane mode it turns off both bluetooth and wifi. While Airplane mode is on you can still turn on both BT and wifi but if you power off the tablet both radios will be off the next time you power up. So it appears that Airplane mode prevents inadvertant use of wireless when powering on. Note that the radios remain on in standby mode. There may be more to it as these are just my observations from use.

  • MAX communicat​ion hangs after Standby Mode(with GPIB PCMCIA)

    I have a IBM Laptop with MAX 2.2 and a GPIB PCMCIA Card installed. After booting the computer I can communicate with GPIB instruments without problems. After I get the Laptop out of a Standby Mode, MAX can not make any connection to GPIB devices; when I scan for Instruments it hangs as well.
    The troubleshooting wizard tells me: one or more GPIB interfaces failed.
    Does anyone have the same problems or solutions ?

    On the NI-488.2 2.0 download page it is mentioned that that driver does not support standby mode. No such mention is made on the download page for NI-488.2 version 1.7 (which I need to use for my PCMCIA-GPIB interface), although the 1.7 release shows very much the same problem: After stand-by, communication with the GPIB port is no longer possible.
    The Visual Basic example tool for preventing stand-by may help those users who are familiar with VB, but it does not help me.
    Frankly - what I'd like to see is an improved NI-488.2 version that does support stand-by. Does NI consider providing such an upgrade/patch?

  • Which is good: ejecting or standby mode for EHD's?

    After a session at the computer, I have this dilemna: how to close down the session. At this present moment of time, I have a thunderbolt, a 2TB FW LaCie, and three Seagate [2 USB] EHD's all connected to my Mac. All the three Seagate drives have been allocated backup roles via CCC and TM.
    In this scenario, what should be the manner of my quitting a session at the computer? Will keeping the EHD's in a standby mode for prolonged periods damage them?
    Also, I would like to know what is the difference between mounting/unmounting of a drive and ejection of drive?

    somanna wrote:
    I guess I need to set my own 'protocol' in these matters.
    somanna wrote:
    I need to tackle my own 'temporary laziness' and take time to do these things: eject the thunderbolt drive which I use for editing videos in FCPX. [After doing an 'eject' do I have to also disconnect the power supply by pulling out the thunderbolt cable from the drive? By so doing, the CCC based backup would not take place.
    No it should go into standby without disconnecting it.
    That is correct, if it is disconnected then CCC will not backup. If you are using the same drive for editing and CCC, then you will need to test it to see if CCC will bring it backup from standby. If not, then maybe that is not a good combination of uses for one drive.
    somanna wrote:
    My LaCie has a power switch. Is it okay to directly switch it off or do I have to first click upon its desktop icon and eject it? But if I switch off its power, then will CCC automatically start up the power and at its set time backup the data on this Lacie to its concerned backup drive, a Seagate?
    No you should first Eject it before Switching it off.
    No CCC will not turn it back on.
    somanna wrote:
    The 2 other Seagate drives also have got some functions to do regarding backups. These Seagate drives have no power switches. Should I just eject these drives and keep their power cables on or do I have to also have to remove their power supply cables from the drives after they are ejected.
    As with any automated backup, the drive(s) must be connected and powered on in order for the automated backup to take place.
    somanna wrote:
    Further guidance and instructions in these matters will be highly appreciated.
    While I also get a little anal about backup, I do like to save power whenever I can.
    To be honest, I would probably only use the Thunderbolt drive for editing and keep one other drive online to back it up. Then rotate the other drives in and out on a daily or weekly basis keeping them off line, off site or at least in a firesafe.
    Keep at least one or two aces up your sleeve! Heck' a single lighting strike, power surge or simple mistake could take out everything in the blink of an eye if it's all hooked together and running.

  • Satellite A300-1NO - Wakes up from standby mode

    Hi all!
    I have got a Satellite A300-1NO with Win XP pro.
    The problem is, that the laptop wakes up from standby mode automatically after about 5 minutes.
    I tried to unplug all cables (LAN, usb, etc) but the power plug, but it's the same result.
    So what can cause this? What should I try?

    You should disable the Wake up on LAN function in BIOS and Windows.
    Check the BIOS for this option!
    You can disable this feature in Windows if you right click on the network card > properties > advanced > wake on LAN
    I hope it works for you.

  • Question about Standby modes (S1 or S3)

    Hi all,
    Can somebody explain what S1/POS and S3/STR standby modes are? my system is set at S1/POS and when I press standby everything shuts off except for my case fans and power supply fan.
    If i set it to S3 will that turn off everything like I want it?
    Also, what is APIC mode ? should i enable it?

    Well My Bad then , And Thank You For the Heads up Maesus .... The only thing that I was trying to Suggest, is to Stay Away from Choosing the "Stand-By" Mode, that Pops Up When you Initiate a Winows Shut-Down, I say this Because a Number of us Using Higher Performance Memory, along with a Slightly Overclocked FSB, Will Result in the PC Going into an Infinate On-Off Loop, Until you Reset the C-MOSS, I'm Sure those of who this has happened to can Attest that this is one of the Scariest things to Happen to you (As far as the PC is Concerned) As you have NO Control (Even if you hit the Power Button ..On-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off , And this is all it does until you Clear the C-MOS , And I am Sure that this is NOT to Good For either the CPU or the PSU ...............Sean REILLY875

  • Standby Mode - Does it work on Late 2012 MacBook Pro (non-Retina)

    I have read many articles today and I remain a little confused.  I have seen the Apple discussion at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4392 regarding "Standby Mode", but I appear to have limited progress.
    Can the community verify if "Standby Mode" (controlled by pmset) be used on a late 2012 MacBook Pro.  This is a model without the Retina display, however, when I do pmset -g... I do see standby in the display (as seen below) which implies it should be active.
    When I look at pmset -g I do see the standby line item, but if I set to "1", the unit still appears to not want to enter true hibernation.  I have hibernationmode set to 3 so that true hibernation only enables after the standbydelay period that is defined.  Obviously, if I set hibernationmode to 25, a true hibernate starts immediately, but I don't really want that, I am looking for the delay function that standby enables.
    I have reset the SMC and currently have the following pmset conditions (modified for testing)
    Battery Power:
    lidwake              1
    autopoweroff         1
    autopoweroffdelay    14400
    standbydelay         60
    standby              1
    ttyskeepawake        1
    hibernatemode        3
    hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
    displaysleep         1
    sleep                2
    acwake               0
    halfdim              1
    sms                  1
    lessbright           1
    disksleep            10
    AC Power:
    lidwake              1
    autopoweroff         1
    autopoweroffdelay    14400
    standbydelay         1800
    standby              1
    ttyskeepawake        1
    hibernatemode        3
    hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
    womp                 0
    displaysleep         10
    networkoversleep     0
    sleep                60
    acwake               0
    halfdim              1
    sms                  1
    disksleep            10
    Also, an auxilary question.  Can anyone explain the autopoweroff and autopoweroffdelay settings?  They appear to undocumented in manpages and can not locate any info on the web.

    Thanks for the input Michael.
    The thing that started this, is the new Late 2012 MacBook Pro simply uses much more power in "sleep" mode than what I experienced on my old Late 2007 White MacBook.  Every night, the "sleep" mode would result in almost a drain of the battery and the result is that I was unneccessary cycling the battery. With no OS revisions to address this, I have changed the defaults to enable hibernate for both the charging and battery mode.
    The strange thing about this is that even to get a true hibernation in battery mode I have to unplug all USB devices or the device will not hybernate.  Again, never had to do this on the old White MacBook and the power usage at night was very small.
    This works for now, but I think a device should sleep with very little (less than 4%) power loss when power is disabled.
    Thanks again for the input.  Here are the current settings.
    Battery Power:
    lidwake              1
    autopoweroff         1
    autopoweroffdelay    14400
    standbydelay         1800
    standby              1
    ttyskeepawake        1
    hibernatemode        3
    hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
    displaysleep         1
    sleep                10
    acwake               0
    halfdim              1
    sms                  1
    lessbright           1
    disksleep            5
    AC Power:
    lidwake              1
    autopoweroff         1
    autopoweroffdelay    14400
    standbydelay         1800
    standby              1
    ttyskeepawake        1
    hibernatemode        3
    hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
    womp                 1
    displaysleep         10
    networkoversleep     0
    sleep                60
    acwake               0
    halfdim              1
    sms                  1
    disksleep            5

  • Processor speed after Standby Mode

    I have the T400 with  Windows XP (32bit).  Dual P8600 2.4GHz processors & 3GB memory.  Fairly new computer so there is plenty of space.
    I run a macro out of Excel every day.  When I run the program it takes about 15 to 20 mins and Excel struggles to move.  This is normal with this laptop and it is annoying.  I found that there have been times when the program runs fast as it should - fast as in 4 minutes.  Processing speed is clearly faster but all programs are the same.  I have also come to realize today that it runs faster after it comes out of Standby Mode.  If I shut down and then re-start the computer and then run the program out of Excel it takes 20 minutes.  If I start up, then go to standby then come out and run the program it runs in 4 minutes.
    What would cause this? Is there some background process that stops after Standby that would allow the processors to perform as they should?

    is your CPU throttling down. Download HWinfo32 and check the cpu speed when the excel is running slow (the 20 minutes).
    also are you running the laptop with the battery inserted? and do you have the latest thinkvantage power manager installed? what version of the bios firmware are you running?
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • Power consumption in Connected Standby Mode too high with no obvious cause even in airplane mode

    My Windows 8.1 tablet is draining at a rate of about 3% per hour or 833mW drain while in connected standby mode.
    I have muted the sound and set the system to airplane mode, but still receive 3% drain per hour.
    The PEP PRE-VETO rate and COUNT are 0. The DRIPS Histopgram has 100% at 32s. The top 5 offenders are all green with 0% active time.
    The only value I am unsure about is IR TRUNCATE PERCENTAGE which on Microsoft's examples is always 0, but on my device it is 91% or higher. What does this mean?
    Also is there anyway to find out why even though the sleepstudy looks fine I am getting such a high battery drain even with everything off in airplane mode?

    Hi Tesmond
    We might need more details about your device such as mode and Manufacturers.
    And please keep your system, device driver and firmware up to date for good measure.
    I think you are using sleep study to trace power usage. I didn’t found any information about IR TRUNCATE PERCENTAGE. I am supposing IR stand for Infrared. So we suggest you check if these is infrared port/connection device on your tablet.
    Also confirm this issue with manufacturers to check if it is known issue caused by firmware or device driver.
    D. Wu

  • Calendar entries in Active Standby mode

    A double question, but both are closely related.
    In Active Standby mode it shows upcoming calendar entries for today and future ones.
    Q1) Can someone clarfify does it only show 1 entry for future events, since I have placed 2 entries for tomorrow and 1 for the day after. But only 1 (the first) appears in Active Standby.
    Q2) I THINK IS A BUG!! It does not show Anniversary as future events in Active Standby. It only appears when it is on the day (bit late if you need to buy a present!).
    Any comments
    Device: N70
    Version: V 2.0536.0.2 12-09-05 RM-84

    I think this is by design. Not quite sure what the basis is of what is included and what is not. Items from the current day seem to show up in greater numbers than in future days.
    All About Symbian - News, reviews and software for S60 phones.

  • N95 8gb - Appointment view in standby mode

    Please can someone help me. I use the calander option heavily on my n95 8gb phone. I have read somewhere that in standby mode it is supposed to display the next 3 appointments over the next 48 hours. Mine only shows one. Where do I set this up and how can I configure it? On a similar subject (I'm sure it is in the same place) how can I disply my to-do's rather than just the number of them that I have to do! It's quite depressing to see the number of things I need to do rather than a prompt to do them!
    I hope someone can help. I look forward to hearing from you all.

    dont say thanx dude ,i did not solve ya problem
    As for prompt response,i did it because,because,because
    Forgot what i was going to say,forget things &appointments
    But hey dont lose hope someone will give ya better answer then me ok dude chill
    bad can always be made good...it needs that determination!!!

  • After Mavericks Update Arris Modem now going to standby mode when iMac sleeps

    After installing Mavericks on iMac, whenever the iMac (connected wirelessly to the network with Airport Extreme 5th Gen) goes to sleep it is causing our modem to enter standby mode which limits internet access to all devices on the wireless network even when they are actively requesting data from the internet. As soon as the iMac is woken up the modem comes back out of sleep/standby mode and everything works fine. The modem is connected directly to the Airport Extreme WAN port and all devices just use wireless internet. The only resolution I've found is stopping the iMac from entering sleep mode in Energy Settings but this is not a long term solution. Anyone else having this issue?
    The modem we have is an Arris TM722G.
    Thanks in advance.
    I've also tried resetting PRAM, creating a new network location, releasing and renewing IP.

    If you can get the computer to start in Recovery, then access OS X Utilities,
    an attempt could be made to Repair Disk using the Disk Utility there...
    Several instances of an upgrade leading to issues in Mac OS X was due
    to some previous condition in the computer, or problem in the hard drive,
    or maybe insufficient or low-quality RAM installed; among others, before
    the last OS X upgrade was installed. And then the extra effort of processing
    a new OS on top of other bits, can cause the computer to act up or fail.
    What was the previous OS X version? How old is the iMac...?
    Did you upgrade from Snow Leopard 10.6.8 to Mavericks 10.9.2?
    •Apple - OS X Recovery restores your Mac
    •OS X: About OS X Recovery
    •OS X: About Recovery Disk Assistant
    •OS X System Recovery: Explored & Explained - Tuts+ Mac computer skills tutorial
    http://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/os-x-system-recovery-explored-and-explai ned--mac-60375
    There may be a hardware problem behind the issues your computer
    presents, and a diagnostic inspection &/or testing may need to be
    done at a Genius bar, at an Apple Store; this is cited as a free service
    at US and Canada Apple Stores. If you do not have one, you could
    enlist the aid of an independent authorized Apple service company
    who has trained technicians on staff; these are often also resellers.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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