Where to get serial number

I just downloaded an Adobe photoshop cs6 but i was not able to install because i don't know where to get the serial number

Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
CS2 is not free. The download is for existing owners of CS or CS2.

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    Hi! where do i get serial number for photoshop cs2 free dl? Thanks

    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
    CS2 is not free. The download is for existing owners of CS or CS2.

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    Direct Updates
    If you happen to own a Windows machine you might be able to get the serial number by running Belarc Advisor

  • Where can I get serial number for Lightroom to start using it?

    Hello. I have just created Adobe CC account and purchased a Photography membership plan for Individuals. The price is 9,99 per month and this sum has already been taken from my card. On this page (https://accounts.adobe.com/plans) I can see the confirmation that I have obtained this plan.
    Now I want to use Lightroom but it asks me for serial number. After reading some help I found that I should get serial number from here - https://www.adobe.com/account.html. But on this page it says that "You have no registered products.". So I see no serial number.
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    Jeff, thanks for your answer but it doesn't help. I've successfully passed all checks on page Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later . My internet connection is ok, hosts file ok, certificates ok, etc. It's not a source of the problem.
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  • Purchased the Photoshop / LightRoom 5 "CC" for $9.99 - where's the serial number(s)?  (cross-post)

    Title pretty much says it all.
    I am new to Creative Cloud - and this forum, etc.
    I purchased the $9.99 / month deal that Adobe is offering to new customers, etc.
    Downloaded everything that I need to download (I think).
    Tried to run Photoshop - but am being asked if I want to start my "trial"
    or I have the option to "License This Software"
    but where is the Serial Number for Photoshop & LightRoom 5?
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    The screen which appears (after I sign in) says:
    Am I supposed to "Start Trial" or "License This Software"
    To make things even more confusing:
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    There was a serial number automatically inserted in the space provided.
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    @ didjunior:
    Hi.  Sorry, but I don't have any good news for ya.
    My issue has been resolved, however - it was due to a lengthy chat I had online with an Adobe Associate.
    We were able to get everything running the way 'twas intended,
    but there were some hoops of fire with which I had to jump.
    Wish I could help....but the only thing I can say is to attempt a "Live Chat"
    With the Adobe help team.
    Hope you get it smoothed over.
    Good luck to you.

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    Hi Dnstreet
    It's usually on the front of the little booklet that comes with it. There will be a couple of stickers with the serials printed. I normally take one off and stick it to the outside of the box so it's easier to get to later.

  • Purchased the Photoshop / LightRoom 5 "CC" for $9.99 - where's the serial number(s)?

    Title pretty much says it all.
    I am new to Creative Cloud - and this forum, etc.
    I purchased the $9.99 / month deal that Adobe is offering to new customers, etc.
    Downloaded everything that I need to download (I think).
    Tried to run Photoshop - but am being asked if I want to start my "trial"
    or I have the option to "License This Software"
    but where is the Serial Number for Photoshop & LightRoom 5?
    I imagine it's right under my nose - but I do not see it anywhere.

    Ok, it looks like I couldn't contact the servers, but the Adobe application did not tell me anything: no feedback.  I have gone into C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and removed all the firewall IP filters, and photoshop opens.  You can then revert the hosts file to get all your anti-spam and adblocking filters and photoshop still opens.  To be clear, Adobe seems to be using some special ip address to tell your app that it's licensed, this address could be on any number of spam blacklists (because I guess it's used to phone hime about app usage and sell you stuff).  So check your hosts file, OR check your work firewall / router.
    @Adobe, help people out, just say 'unable to contact license servers'. When your infrastructure fails, and paying customers mysteriously get trial software, it makes Creative Cloud look broken, and frustrates the people you want to give you money.

  • Where'd my Serial Number go?

    Two months ago I had to bend over backwords to find CS2 for Photoshop (The free one they offered years ago) And recently I upgraded my computer only to go through much hassle of acquiring the serial number. Today I had to wipe my computer and I am in the process of re-installing everything and my account has no serial number for me store on my account. Are Serial numbers a one time use? If not, where's my serial number?

    To further clarify I received information CS2 was Free via: Grab Photoshop and CS2 For Absolutely Free Right Here
    I participated and registered online with adobe. I have the copy of it on my Work Laptop. I have since then upgraded to a PC in January. With no issues I registered it on my PC. But due to a system restart, I needed CS2 again Mid-March. Having once found my serial number on adobe.com I installed it previously with much success. Now it seems the serial number I used before has gone missing. Leading me to think the serial number was temporary Or its as "Ned" claims and the server went buh-bye and I a left without any Photoshop tools on my PC. What are existing users supposed to do with CS2 if they get a new device now?? Because essentially that's whats happening to me.

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    If the vendor exposes it via WMI on any level it's possible using Powershell or vbScript by leveraging WMI.
    GET-WMIOBJECT win32_bios -computername
    in Powershell will pull up BIOS details on the laptop in Powershell for a remote workstation of IP address
    It would depend on your vendor (IE: Dell) where in WMI the Docking station might make the change.  I would hazard it as "probably not" though.
    Powershell. It's so Easy and it's FREE! Dive in and use it now, It'll take no time. :) http://www.energizedtech.com http://www.itprotoronto.ca

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    You don't have one that's applicable.
    You may not get support on free software anyway.
    Also, please check you are posting in the iTunes section, not XServe.

  • Getting serial number box while transfer post in MB1A but not while doing MIGO

    Hi Team
    I am getting serial number box while transfer post in MB1A.
    But getting below error under serial number tab while doing GR through MIGO of outbound delivery.
    Issuing plant and receiving plant, material, batch, qty are same in both cases.
    How can I get serial number box when doing GR? Does any customizing changes needed?
    Br, Kiran U

    Movement type is different for those two screen shots, also you are saying you are using MB1A, but you are using 301 movement type. Generally 301 movement type is not allowed from MB1A t-code.
    Please check these SAP notes if relevant for your case.
    856548 - MIGO: you cannot enter serial numbers
    856662 - T156Q: Missing entries

  • I purchased Adobe Photoshop Elements 12. Logged in and can not get serial number. Says it is incorrect. Going in circles.

    Can't get serial number for Photoshop Elements. I'm logged in. I have a redemption code and also codes on the back of the box. nothing works and am running in circles. I want to install and use it and can't because I can't get the correct serial number. On the front of the box it says use the card (with redemptiom code to receive the serial number.HELP!!!

    Dear Brian,
    I activated my product in August of 2014.  I had it a few months, October, when my computer crashed.  Therefore I had to go back to Adobe tell them what happened, and then until December I had noticed that it said that I had a trial copy.  I was not worried, as I had the serial number.  it was working, but in January I got a message that my "trial" copy had expired. 
    At that time I had contacted Adobe and was told that because it was beyond the 3 months, they would no longer help me.
    Therefore, at one point, when the computer crashed, I had not deactivated the program.  But Adobe had gotten it working for me again. 
    I do not know what happened between October and December to have changed the software from a real copy to a trial copy.
    Now to your patient questions.
    As you wrote, that is what happens to the point of getting the trial copy, but when I follow the process through, I get a message that my "trial copy has expired".    When I go the the editor, the whole process loops again, sign in, trial copy, licence page, add serial number, then the message that the trial has expired.
    When I got that message the first few times months ago, I went back to the Adobe web site and downloaded another copy.  (I have done this numerous times)  It still said that I had a trial copy and that it had expired, there is a box to licence this software, when I click that, I have to sign in again, This time I also had gone to the Adobe web site signed in and left it open, while I put in the serial number, hoping that would help (have also tried that before).  It waits and then the Editor/Organized box comes up again.  When I go to the Editor, it tells me that this is a trial copy which has expired and it starts all over again.
    I was so frustrated, that I waited a couple of months to try it again.   The thinking was that there was some glitch that would work it self out and I could again  down load a clean copy of the original, not a trial.  (I do not know how I keep getting a trial copy of PSE 12, as it is not even offered on the site.)
    The crazy thing is this morning when I turned on my computer, I had an update for the Adobe PSE 12 and Camera Raw.  Probably because I had downloaded a copy again. 
    When I go the the web site to down load a copy of the PSE !2, I am doing it from the My accounts/ products page and downloads.  I have left the web page open to copy the serial number from that page, although it always matches my notes. 

  • HT4061 I'm stolen my iPhone 4 how I will get serial number

    Please help me to get serial number of my iPhone 4

    This should also apply to iPhones.
    If you don't know your lost/stolen iPad's serial number, use the instructions below. The S/N is also on the iPad's box.
    How to Find Your iPad Serial Number
     Cheers, Tom
    You posted in the iPad forum instead of the iPhone forum. I'll request that Apple move your post.

  • MIGO user exit to get serial number

    Hi Experrts:-
    I need to change the status of serial number (equipment number ) during Migo (good receipt,Transfer posting).
    I have checked all the user exits and number of badis but i am not getting serial number at run time if i get serial numbar
    in exit od badi i will change the status
    I have used following badi:-

    Hi ,
    m also using GET_SERNOS_OF_DOCUMENT
    but not getting serial number.
    need to get serial number in MIGO.
    how to pass parameters to this fm.
    KEYDATA-TASER  = 'SER03'  "Goods mvmnt
    KEYDATA-POSNR   =   ??
         KEY_DATA                  =
       SERNOS                    =
       KEY_PARAMETER_ERROR       = 1
       NO_SUPPORTED_ACCESS       = 2
       NO_DATA_FOUND             = 3
       OTHERS                    = 4
    please guide..

  • How can i get serial number on my photoshop from creative cloud

    how can I get serial number on my photoshop from creative cloud

    Creative Cloud applications aren’t licensed with a serial number, they are licensed by logging into CC.

Maybe you are looking for

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