Which is my fon openzone and charges?

Hello iam a new customer of bt and fon.And just a bit curious how do i know when iam at home which is my fon signal theres my hub signal and a fon signal and a openzone signal.But how do i know which is my fon or openzone signal.And if i use my fon signal and log into my fon account will the usage count towards my 10gb home hub usage,I know when out and about its free but just want to check if i connect to fon or openzone from home will it affect my home hub usage.any help will be appreciated thank you

No, it will not count against your usage allowance.
There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    But i also didnt see any bt openzone hotspots/FON hotspots in my wifi list of available networks. So if FON is turned on, how do people connect to my network? My main wirless is WPA2/PSK encrypted, so nobody could connect to that.
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    Your network is safe the fon connection is not encrypted but does need to be logged into by the user who must have signed up to fon also that identifies them on that connection so no you are NOT responsible for any user on fon the connection also uses a separate wireless channel to your own network
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    Go to Solution.

    Yes you would have to use his details.
    It may be that he uses a sub account for e-mail, as its not really a good idea to use the primary account, as it cannot easily be changed, should it get too much spam mail.
    If you have a mobile phone which has a BT FON application for it, then he can enter the details for you, and the password would be hidden.
    He would still have to do the initial registration.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    You cannot call anyone.  You contact them as everyone else does:  http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/
    You delete the app as you do any other app.  Hold an icon until they wiggle.  Tap the "x".  This is covered in the manual.

  • Openzone and fon

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    Have you tried restarting the home hub 3?
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Iphone 3gs and openzone and bt fon

    a very good evening,
    i have just got a iphone 3gs with orange, they seem to think that i cannot log onto BT fon, 
    only BY openzone, true or not please. hving spoken to the orange help desk today they are sure that
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    Im not an i phone user [HTC Desire], so I am making some assumptions about i phone functionality here.
    First, your 'into Fon' is pretty quick, but it takes 24hrs ish for your hub to be updated - with a fair wind that it, and we have had some issues with Fon and hubs on here these last few weeks 
    Assuming you've joined Fon, and that your hub is Fon activated, having had a long  time with this issue I would say;
    Firstly, do not muck about with the BT Fon app. just yet.  Simply see what wi fi connectivity is available from the device.  You should see your own BT hub serial key code and BTOpenzone [or Fon - but probably the former] as well.  Whether [at first] on your own hub or elsewhere, just hook your device up to Fon landing page, and sign in a BTBB customer [very important detail].  You sign in using your primary BT e mail username and password.  
    But there are dragons, some hubs are not giving out a Fon signature.  Sign in is case sensitive, watch out for any auto capitalization etc.
    It should be simple.  Once you've got a Fon enabled hub and managed to sign in, then go to the BT Fon app., and once you installed in on your device ensure that you check the username and password that will come as soon as the download to your device is complete.  Dont assume that because it is complete on your device it will be complete on the Fon app. You dont need the Fon app. to sign in though, it has to be said.
    If you are a BTBB customer you can log into BTOZ and Fon, with the proviso's I've put above, and as doubtless some of the other 'Fon victims' may also add to this thread on the forum  Orange have mis-informed you.
    Come back if you need any more steer on this.
    Hope that helps 
    "Welcome to Royston Vasey - You'll never leave."

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    Well, I've tried various networks and various settings and I simply cannot get the ipod touch to work with BT Fon/Openzone.
    I have to say I'm very disappointed with this - it was a toss-up for me to join either Virgin Media or BT Infinity and the only thing that swung it was the opportunity to use BT Fon/Openzone points when out and about. I think I've made the wrong choice as it is pretty useless to me now.
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    Another disatisifed BT customer.

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    Kind Regards,

    there is no way you can force whoever the owner of the hub is to reset just so you can access their BTFON.  I'm surprised that if it is a big flat complex that there are not more BTFON wifi signals than just this one
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Accessing FON / Openzone

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    With your wi-fi switched on, and in range of an Openzone hotspot, you may have to connect manually the first time (look at the list of available netowrks, then select Openzone and hit connect... not sure of specifics there as I'm a WinMo user) after you've connected once, it sould automatically connect whenever you're in range of an openzone hotspot.
    Now, the landing page... you don't need to bookmark this as you browser will automaticaly be directed to it when you open up the browser.  You can then put in your login details and away you go.  There are 3rd party apps what can allow you to automate this... well, there is for WinMo, and I'm sure there is one for Android, perhaps one of the Hero users will chip in with ideas.
    "Can a leopard change it's shorts?" - T Prattchet

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    I have configured Dunning and in the letter generated it displays the Dunning Charges as well as applicable Interest, which is correct according to the configuration.
    However the same is not debited to the customer account. I have maintained all necessary account determinations for the indicator assigned to dunning procedure.
    Kindly let me know how to post interest and charges to the customer through dunning run( F150).
    Thanks in Advance.

    about this FI posting of a dunning charge (FI-ar, not FI-CA)
    this is not standard SAP !
    But you can do it via the Busines Transaction Event (BTE), please check via transaction FIBF (menu > Environment).
    You should have a look to event 1071 = dunning charges, where SAP deliveres a sample, SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001071
    Hoping this helps you !

  • Re: Mifi and Charging - does this work for charging the iPad?

    I found the following post on here - but it is too old for me to reply directly to it - however, this was a very good post and it worked for me and I would really like to get in touch with mikebob to see if the same thing would work for charging the iPad - his ideas really work. And does he or anyone know how to charge the iPad from batteries?
    thanks a lot
    Posts: 3
    Registered: 08-25-2009
    Device: mifi 2200
    Re: MiFi and Charging 
    10-01-2009 07:38 PM
    I finally managed to figure out the proper cabling to get the Verizon Mifi 2200 to charge using a generic USB charger. To recap the problem... The mifi device will only charge when using the supplied micro usb charger, or when connected to a computer USB port using the supplied micro USB cable. When connected to a computer, the device reverts to it's connected data mode, which turns off the wifi ssid broadcast and requires the Verizon access manager application to be launched. Most third party chargers will not work... including most 12V lighter to USB adapters, and most backup battery solutions.
    Here is what is going on... Per the USB specification, Pins 1 and 4 are 5V power and ground respectively. Pins 2 and 3 are data+ and data-. In most chargers, pins two and three are tied via a pullup resistor to the 5V line. If you measure the voltage on 2 and 3 you will see around 3V, equivalent to a logic high state. This has something to do with allowing the device being charged to identify whether it should be in a fast or slow charging mode. More importantly, it is what the Apple iPod expects to see . So, anyone wanting to build generic USB chargers will probably implement this way in order to tap into the single largest device market around. Unfortunately, the mifi does not like the logic high on pins 2 and 3. I haven't yet sorted out why, but when it sees logic high on pins two and three, it refuses to go into charging mode.
    The solution is to use a cable where pins 1 and 4 (5V and GND) are carried straight through. Pins 2 and 3 need to be disconnected from the charging source and shorted together at the Mifi end. If this was a miniUSB instead of a microUSB, it would be what is called a "charge only" cable. I have not found any vendors yet for a charge only microUSB cable so I went ahead and performed surgery on a standard microUSB cable. I took a standard USB cable, cut it and then connected it to a microUSB connector from an old Motorola bluetooth headset charger.   Interestingly, the microUSB connector from the Moto charger  already has pins 2 and 3 shorted together internally so all I had to do was connect 5V and ground and heat shrink tube the whole thing. With this cable I can charge the mifi from any generic USB port, including those on 12V lighter adapters, and rechargeable backup batteries. In addition, I can also connect the Mifi to my laptop to charge while continuing to access the Mifi via wifi. 
    Only word of caution...  You really need to connect the Mifi to your computer using the standard data cable on occasion, say once per month.  The reason is that it is only in this mode that you will receive notifications of S/W updates and/or the need to update your PRL. (preferred roaming list).

    Connect to iTunes on the computer you usually Sync with and “ Check for Updates “...
    If an Update Appears Install it... if not... you are up to date for your particular Device...
    Also see the very end of this Linked page...
    Apple - iOS 6 Whats New

  • USBOTG and Charge Simultaneously on Stream 8

    To keep this thread as efficient and productive as possible for all those who it will be useful to: Unless you have in front of you1. A schematic of the Stream 8 USB port (USB port and battery power circuit etc)2. Source code of the BIOS firmware and kernel which control the hardware Please DO NOT reply simpy to say "this is not possible".  Given the above being true, you do not have enough info to say "not possible". If no one replys with a solution, let it be called impossible by default. Also please do not reply to say "I don't know how"  or "but I know how to do this other thing" thats also not so helpful. A BIOS update or other software update may be required by HP, Microsoft or both to make this really intuitive, and completely possible, functionality available. And hopefully this thread can be a consolidated effort by all of us who have the Stream 8 to bring any such necessary changes about.  A majority of other tablet PC are capable of this.  It seems that only the Stream 8 and a few others have trouble with it. ~~~~ I desire the ability to use a simple, perhaps standard, inexpensive cable (with minimal active electronics inside) that allows me to host and use one or more USB devices on the Stream 8 via its USB micro B port while this cable can also be connected to a standard charger and charge the Stream 8 simultaneously.  This means the cable has a minimum of three connectors.  One possible configuration is as follows (leaving the normal charge cable aside): 1. USB Micro B Male - to connect to the Stream 82. USB A Male - to connect to the AC charger (ie the one that came with the Stream 8)3. USB A Female - one or more connectors to plug in USB data stick, keyboard, mouse or even a hub. Connector # 2. above will provide power to charge the Stream 8 via conn. #1 and also supply power to the external USB device(s) via conn. #3 while they are in use - all simultaneously. A plus if the same cable can act as a normal OTG without a charger for when no external power is available.  Maybe this will require a switch or some active electrontics inside. The final part of this goal is kind of important for various reasons.  I would like HP, the maker of the Stream 8, to state in writing the correct mode necessary to do this so that other manufacturers or even do-it yourselfers can make maximal use of their HP tablet equipment. ~~~~ The neat thing this will alow a person to do with their tablet, is to work at home using the tablet like a desktop PC by connecting a keyboard, mouse, perhaps external display (with USB to display adapter) and work for a long time without being time limited by battery life because the charger supplies the power to everything involved. If there is only one #3 connector on the cable then an additional hub of coarse would be required to provide support for those multiple USB devices at once.  However it would be better if there were multiple of the #3 connectors built in to the cable itself.  This would be best because a proper USB hub also requires its own power.  Only one power adapter would be needed if the whole thing were integrated into one. ~~~~ I would really like replys from anyone who has already accomplished USB OTG plus simultaneous charging with the Stream 8. (independant of any published "correct" way is also welcome) The date today is 2015-01-16.  If by 2015-02-16 (one month) no one has posted a solution then lets start to bug HP and Microsoft about it shall we? ~~~~ Technical Background: I understand the possibility that the tablet software and or firmware needs to make a decision about which way power is flowing on the power pins of the USB mirco B port. I know that with proper design the electronic circuit carring these power signals inside the tablet could be sensitive to what is plugged in and safely decide for itself what to do without any need for software control.  For example by periodically testing/sensing voltage differentials or current direction to see which sides of the connector can supply power. But that is only one of many "could bes" Furthermore this may be non-standard with respect to the USB standard.  What appears to actually be the case with many OTG+Charge cables is that physical cues built into the cable or charger are used to signal to the tablet what the situation is.  Then the tablet's firmware/software recieves the signal, interprets what the situation is intelligently and responds by flipping the correct hardware control bits to turn on, or off power flow at the port and also control its direction in or out. I am not familiar with the USB standard.  Perhaps I could do more research, if I had faith that HP followed it with the Stream 8 or even that the standard covered this situation explicitly. But to a degree it seems like I am having to invent something that should intuitively just exist as it does with other tablets. No?  Maybe I am overthinking but I can't find any USB OTG + Charge cables that specify compatibility with the HP Stream 8. Anyway, I have been made familiar with two methods other tablets use to send the above mentioned signal to the hardware/firmware/software of the tablet to clue it in that it is time to charge vs. time to OTG or both. The first method is a 0 Ohm to 200 Ohm short between USB A pins 2 and 3.  Those are the bidirectional, differential data lines D- and D+ respectively.  In data mode all data goes back and forth on these lines.  When you charge via a data cable, it is the charger module which places this short, not the cable.  I have measured the short on three different chargers.  It is 0 Ohms on two of them, one of those being the charger which came with the HP Stream 8.  The other 0 ohms was generic.  The third was for an apple iPad and it measured about 53KOhms.  That is probably not the 0-200 Ohm resistor but probably it is the termination impedance indicating that there is some communication intelligent serial port in the charger itself.  Let it up to Apple to be different. This method is somewhat moot because this mode of signaling would prevent OTG + Charge because it seems unlikely that you'll be able to OTG when the data lines are shorted to one another and loaded down with such low impedance.  I could be wrong about this. . .  The other method I have seen suggested to work with some tablets and phones other than the Stream 8, is to short the USB Micro B pin 5 to pin 4 with 0 Ohms to 100,000 Ohms. USB B has 5 pins.  USB A only has 4.  The extra pin on B displaces the GND pin from pin 4 to pin 5 and makes pin 4 an ID pin. So this signal applies a pull-down to the ID pin (pin 4) or in some cases I have seen it suggested to short it down with 0 Ohms. Dead shorting things always makes me nervous.  If ID is a simple high impedance normally high input, a resistor could be used to make the voltage well below the low or zero threshold while also preventing the risk of damage when fooling with a device you don't have the schematic for. Still, 100K is a little high for a "pull down" in most situations I am used to.  Even a 10K would be iffy. A 1 K or 2 K seems pretty safe but then things are lower and lower current these days. . .   Anything but a dead short though if possible. So it seems possible to me that the device might be able to "identify" by the specific value of the resistor that is here.  In other words the resistor is not a pull down but actually an analog ID signature, in which case the exact value will be critical. So if this is the case, a guess isn't going to work. Obviously in any such scheme as described above, some chip inside the Stream 8 would need to be responsible for supporting such intelligence. I am hoping that the Stream 8 has such a chip. Likely a register inside that chip would reflect at all times what the state of the ID pin is with a binary number.  All that is needed is for the BIOS to address the chip and the register in it and read that number via the bus to determine what is going on at the port. Finally it would use that info to send hardware control signals to the power electrontics to set the proper direction for power to flow etc.  (and change the state of the icon on the screen of coarse) I am not sure if the ID pin method described is a USB standard or not either. There may possibly be a third way. But I do not suspect it would be possible with a non-active external device. In any case too complicated for the novice DIY for sure. The apparatus would need to act is some kind of bus extender.  Like an active hub.  But it would use the serial USB data lines handshake and in addition to replicating one or more additional USB ports, intelligently inform the tablet to get with the program which is "now we are going to otg and charge at the same time." This requires an intelligent external device with a CPU in it probably. It seems to me that many other tablets have managed accomplish the goal here witho the necessity for an intelligent external device and so the Stream should also be able to do so. There is a device which claims to be able to work with the HP Stream 7 and 8 and even provides ethernet and DVI ports in addition to the USB and of coarse charges the stream as well.  But its expensive because it is active.  Se here: http://amzn.com/B00OVDE0GC It is called a "Docking Station" A reference for a product that does exactly what I want (possibly without active electronics) is here: http://amzn.com/B00LTHBCNM It is by Kirin and it is a squid type device with four USB ports.  It does precisely what my objective is.  But reading in the reviews a Stream 7 user indicated that it would not OTG and charge, not exactly clear if it worked as an OTG USB hub or not.  Another reviewer indicated that it would not even support a single USB device much less charge on the Stream 8.  This device has a switch on it. I forgot to mention that some "hackers" have claimed to succeed with other tablets to trick their devices by using a multi step process to plug things in.  Usually in general they would get the tablet connected and charging first, then they would flip a switch or something removing whatever resistor or signal was presented by the first switch position. For whatever reason the tablet would continue to charge. Then the data lines would be free and they would plug in a usb stick and it would mount up correctly even as the tablet was still charging. Its like the power circuit has a latch that will not allow it to flip to "power flow out" mode so long as it senses power is still flowing inward regardless of what software is telling it.  Complete guess here. Such tricks  seem iffy to me.  Changes in the BIOS could change the way this works.  Also you can't be sure what is really happening if you don't have a schematic.  You could damage your tablet.  A lot of people go by the charging icon indicated in the OS to know if the tablet is charging.  But I am a low risk kind of guy and my policy is generally to not intereperet indicators to have any meaning at all the once a device is operating in a non standard setting.  Especially when its something i didn't build and couldn't fix if I fry it. Hypothetical reasoning: tell me what sensory data actually drives the state of the on screen charging indicator?  Does it reflect the hardware control bit that actually programs the power direction and state on the port?  Or does it measure the direction of power flow, say in the battery supervisory section of the circuitry?  Point is - none of us have a schematic because it is proprietary. To really be safe depending on how smart the hardware electronics are, the port needs to be in a deliberate "power flow in" mode. If it is in a "power flow out" mode and power is being delivered externally as well you wind up with the two power supplies driving the same power nets.  In that circumstance, the two opposing regulators which are both attempting to drive 5 V may have slightly different voltage calibrations.  That could cause them to fight each other with over 100% of their current capacitiy.  For example if one attempts to regulate 4.95 V actual and the other and the other attempts to regulate 5.05 V.  Current will then flow to the tune of 100 mV / a couple milliohms in the wires connecting the two.  This could be several amps. (a lot)  In other words, like I said:  You want the tablet to know that power is coming in not going out and to automatically hit the necessary internal switches to make this happen. Probably the tray icon should accurately indicate this but in some goofy situation it might not. There may be a chance the icon could indicate charging and still be burning up or stressing some circuit of the tablet or charger. Another possible thing I could see happening is if you play with those resistor signalled types enough you might find a resistance value that winds up placing the device in an intermittant state.  In other words it keeps flipping back and forth rapidly between OTG and charge.  It may give the illusion that it works.  You may have marginal communication with your USB devices and the battery might even charge.  But still lots of stress will be on the power circuit. It is hard for me to risk a perfectly good tablet if I am not sure exactly what I am doing. If some brave individual performs their own experimentation and verifies that it charges and OTGs and you tell the rest of us, then you'll be a hero. Maybe one of you has good knowledge about the USB standard to be more confident in such an experiment . . . like how is the ID pin 4 REALLY supposed to work for example? That is what I know so far.  If you think you can help further, thanks in advance, or if this has helped you, then your quite welcome.

    To everybody who replied, thanks very much for your input. Firstly, beegmouse those two links are a great find.  Lots of good info. Dell™ Micro USB Dongle for Data and ChargingHow To Turn A $99 Tablet Into A Workstation! A few things still worry me. 1. The article is entirely about the Stream 7 not the Stream 8 (minor). 2. In the comments below the article a few people indicate that it charges, but slowly or remains at a steady power state. One of the commenters also provides a link to another similar OTG and Charge Device. Universal usb OTG Charger HUB cable for Tablet PC thinkpad 8,X98, M80ta,WT-8,Miix2,ME-400C,V8P,T100TA,W4-820,V975I,more models One commentor, Martinot states:     "I know others who got this one to work with HP Stream:" Then Martinot reposts the same thing but with a slight correction:       "I know some who got this one to work with HP Stream 7 and other Windows tablets:" So is it only Stream 7? or other Streams too? The charging "slowly" part kinda scares me.  It seems to indicate somethings not right.I don't want to fry my charging circuit and wind up having to RMA it.  Of coarse it could just be these people's perception as well.  Like watching grass grow.  I charged mine and it is normally kindof slow. It takes the whole night to charge when it is shut down and using the supplied cable and charger. Finally from the DIY perspective - Where's the magic?  I notice that the Dell device specs say that the Micro B female port on it is dedicated for charging.  So you connect your supplied cable and charger to that and the USB device to the other port.  (in the absence of a dock or USB hub)  I suspect there's an open on the data lines in the female micro B port of the DELL thinger.  That way the 0 Ohm short on data +/- that is completed by the charger doesn't make it through the DELL thinger to the tablet.  But does the dell thinger replace it with something else?  Can't be anything very low impedence or the data to the USB device would be too loaded down to signal. Maybe it puts something on pin 4 the ID pin.  Really hard to say. Also difficult to get probes on that little Micro B male.  I need to get some push pins or something super tiny to probe those tiny pins. ~~~ Thanks for your post and thread reference leo_kendall.(Parallel Thread on This Forum: OTG, charging and extrenal batery pack works HP stream 7) leo_kendall says that it charges "slowly" using this method as well. Others in that thread report slow charging, but one said no charge at all . . . maybe did it wrong? Interesting that you need to disable the Microsoft ac adapter device driver. Also thank you to eriri-el, I actually saw that entire video even before I posted the first time. Remember that the video demonstrates this with a Toshiba something or other, not a Stream 8. One thing that is clear to me is that tablets all have unique behavior with respect to OTG plus charge. Still to address the idea, I think this may almost be electrically identical to  leo_kendall's method.  However it could be slightly different at the Micro B end because one begins life as an OTG cable.  The other is something different. I researched the Y cable at Startech.   3 ft USB Y Cable for External Hard Drive - Dual USB A to Micro B The purpose of the cable is to provide the ability to connect the USB Micro B end to a single power hungry client USB device - such as external hard drive.  The other two branches go to the PC in normal use. One provides the actual USB data connection with the standard 500 mA of power. The other (red one) provides an additional 500 mA of power from a second USB port.  The point is to provide double the power to an ext HDD.  There are no data wires in the red one. In the linked video, the cable is being completely repurposed.  Not that it's an invalid idea, you just have to be careful when trying to be smarter than the designers. Basically both methods place all three ends (Tablet, Charger, and USB Device) on the same common power bus.  That is, sharing the same +5V and Ground nets. How these two methods may differ has to do with that fishy ID pin (pin 4).  leo_kendall started with an OTG cable.  Whatever the OTG cable had on pin 4 before, I think it probably retained in his mod.  Be that a resistor to gnd pin 5, a short to ground pin 5 or whatever.  Its probably embedded in the molded plastic of the Mirco B connector which was not cut open or modified right?  Who knows what is on pin 4 until you get a DMM connected to some tiny push pins and measure pin 4 on that particular OTG cable.  Whatever is on there, It makes sense that it signals to the tablet "Hey, I'm an OTG cable, do OTG stuff."  In the tablet's sense of the world, I think "OTG stuff" doesn't  include charging.  Hence why leo_kendall had to disable the ac adapter device driver.  Intuitively, to me "OTG stuff" would mean put out power to the connected device not take in power.  But they say it works so . . . What this means is connect the Tablet's battery to a +5V voltage regulator with a 500 mA current limiter heading OUTwards on the port.  Voltage regulators and current limiters are usually one way things.  And trying to put power through them the wrong way should not work at all.  If it does its because additional circuitry was implemented to allow it. But can you count out the designer to have gone that extra mile? Unless there is no signal at all on pin 4 or whatever. . .  Maybe the power nets of the tablet are smart enough to sense the power level inside and outside and judge from that to determine if it needs to supply power out or drink power in. I mentioned in my first post that "could be" So the difference is .. .   eriri-el's Startech Y cable is made for a completely different purpose. It might have the same thing on pin 4 or something different.  I can't tell from here.  Its not an OTG cable I know that.  Does an OTG have some special thing on pin 4?  I just don't know.  But the guy in the video from eriri-el didn't mention needing to disable his ac adapter device driver. ~~~ So some of you have working OTG plus charge.  I am still not 100% convinced of the safety.  I know I'm a chicken.  But that's just me. Needing to disable microsoft drivers, not unusual. Using Y cables for things they are not intended for, I dig that too. Cutting open OTG cables and twisting wires together.  Sure!  May I suggest that anyone trying this uses either some heat shrink tubing or electrical tape to completely insulate each wire once its connected. Charging more slowly than normal bothers me. Then again maybe it just charges slow because its booted up and the USB stick uses power as well. ~~~   What progress have I made?  Well not much in the way of OTG plus charge.  This cable has positively worked for a USB mouse and USB keyboard on my Stream 8: Kirin Micro USB Host Cable Male to 2x Type a Dual USB Female OTG Adapter I know I said not to do that, but it's relevant. I used a DMM (Ohmeter Setting) with alligator clips and some safety pins with a piece of kleenex to insulate them from one another. I measured between the Micro B pin 4 and 5 (ID and GND) on the above Kirin (OTG) cable and got close to zero Ohms in both polaritys. (Red probe on pin 4 while black on 5 AND red probe on 5 while black on 4) I measured 26 MOhms between the D+ and D-  (3 and 2)on the Mirco B.  (Hi Impedance) The power pins were straight through to both USB A connectors. Because its a dual port, I know it has to be a port replicator (hub) so there are some active electronics between the data lines, and those chips being powered by the +5V bus that shared three ways. So the Micro B end looks just like this electrically: ID Pin Schematic In the Kirin there are of coarse two USB A ports, and the D + and - are not straight through but have a replicator device in the middle. The most relevant thing is pin 4 I think.  I have seen it suggested to use a resistor as the ID pin short.  This is the first real OTG cable I have had my hands on to put a probe on it and it uses a wire not a resistor. . .  go fig.  Wire cheaper than cheapest resistor ?    yes indeed. I could probably do with this cable what leo_kendall showed without cutting it open by simply connecting the necessary gender changer cable from the charger to one of the Kirin's USB As.  But if that cable puts through both D +/- lines  the D+ to D- short seen at the charger might (digitally) do strange things to that port on the replicator.  A homemade USB A male - male power only cable then.  Now I just have to tell myself its safe to try. Another thing I noticed about the Kirin's Micro B male is that the pins are recessed at three different levels so as to create contact in a sequence vs all at once.  Level 1 being the first to contact, then 2 and 3 last.1. +5V2. D+ D- GND3. ID One final link USB Micro B Pinout for Hosts The last sentence on the page above is my favorite part "Additionally, most devices can receive power in host mode, even though this is not part of the standard." Well I have had enough of this for today.  I will be sure to update if I get this working.  For now be safe with your tablets all. 
    Thanks again for your ideas and input.

  • Accessory may not be supported error and charging issues with iphone4

    From past 2 weeks my Iphone4 (say A) keeps throwing error message "Accessory may not be supported" and doesn't charge the iphone after couple of minutes of charging. This happens when device is connected (for charging) to power outlet or to computer (USB port). I tried multiple original iphone/apple cables.  The same cable allows me to copy pictures from this device/Iphone4 when connected to computer via same USB cable, but the device/iphone4 does not charge. The same cable and charger charges my other Iphone4 (say B) perfectly fine. 
    I am really frustrated as to why this is happening.
    Searching on internet, it seems lot of people are facing this problem with their iphones and ipad devices and refer this issue as a software bug, which I also seem to think. How can it be the hardware issue when same charging port and same cables allows you to copy your pics etc. from your iphone device to your laptop but does not allow you to charge the same device? Same charging cable works with my other iphone4 and i tried multiple cables so I dont think it's a cable issue.
    Any help is appreciated. I was expecting apple products to be better in quality but lately I have seen this issues quite often.

    Make sure you are using an Apple approved charger and cable.  The best would be the charger and cable that came with the iPhone in the original box.

  • What is the screen for 'AETC / Allowances and Charges' DFF ?

    Hi All,
    I need to know in which screen/form is the DFF  "AETC / Allowances and Charges"  (Application : Order Management) located ?
    Thanks in Advance!

    Aloha, Lorna, me, the Kraut again...
    the resolution of a movie project is independent of its content, or where the pictures/clips/videos come from…
    iM is meant by concept to deliver to TV, by tape or DVD…
    so limits are set by your video standard, which is NTSC, which has 720x480 pixels.
    have a look at Dan's phantastic website:
    … as far as I understand, that answers Q2 too, right...? all screens same size…
    and, search at amazon.com (or at your local library/bookstore) for
    David Pogue/The Missing Manual....
    zillions of tipps&hints&easy to read how-tos

  • Bogus Account Changes And Charges + Lack of Support

    This is a formal dispute of my charges per your agreement, although you have done away with any means to email you as stated in said agreement.  Your customer service is not willing to assist me with this.  You have made unauthorized changes to my account, you have for months charged erroneously to my account per these unauthorized changes, you recommended an incorrigible phone, your web site is notoriously difficult for users, and your customer support is aggravatingly difficult to get in touch with.   At one point some companies grow too big and begin to ignore their customers.  Has Verizon reached that nexus?
    1.  Since my bill dated 5/24 - 6/23, 2013 you have erroneously charged for texting on the phone ending in 1675.  You turned on text messaging on this phone without my authorization.  I made it very clear in my discussion with your rep. on 6/10/13 that this phone was NOT to have text messaging.  That rep. blocked "Premium Messaging" which I am now told does not allow to block other text messaging.  To the user a text is a text is a text.  It doesn't matter what you want to call it.  I said at that time NO text messaging on that phone period!  The user of that phone was not aware that I did not authorize it and thought it was a normal course as most users now have and use texting.  NOT on that phone.  I made that clear to Verizon.
    Bill 5/24/13 - 6/23/13     $00.40
    Bill 6/24/13 - 7/23/13     $36.45
    Bill 7/24/13 - 8/23/13     $45.80
    Bill 8/24/13 - 9/23/13     $35.15
    Bill 9/24/13 - 10/23/13   $Unknown as bill not submitted at the time of this posting.
    Plus additional fees, surcharges, taxes and other charges.
                          Total at least $117.80 plus most recent bill charges plus surcharges, fees, taxes, and other charges related.
    2.  Since my bill dated 2/24 - 3/23, 2013 you have erroneously downloaded applications for mobile email and college pix to the phone ending in 4010.  On Jun 10, 2013 I talked to that same rep. about this and was told that it was taken care of in that it was turned off and the charges would be refunded.  It was not!  The apps are still there.  This user absolutely DOES NOT go to the internet on this phone.  There should be NO data charges, and NO app downloads, and no relationship to the internet whatsoever.  For that matter neither does the phone ending in 0016 and I explained that at the time also.  THESE ARE PHONES ONLY.  We have computers for the internet.  Your service support supervisor on 10/10/13 suggested that the user of this phone has downloaded them and I will tell you that is false.  More about this phone in number three below.
    Bill 2/24/13 - 3/23/13     Data: $1.99     College Pix App: $4.99
    Bill 3/24/13 - 4/23/13     Data: $1.99     College Pix App: $4.99
    Bill 4/24/13 - 5/23/13     Data: $1.99     College Pix App: $4.99
    Bill 5/24/13 - 6/23/13     Data: $11.94   College Pix App: $4.99   
    Bill 6/24/13 - 7/23/13     Data: $1.99     College Pix App: $4.99     Mobile Email App: $5.00
    Bill 7/24/13 - 8/23/13                               College Pix App: $4.99     Mobile Email App: $5.00
    Bill 8/24/13 - 9/24/13     Data: $1.99     College Pix App: $4.99     Mobile Email App: $5.00
    Bill 9/24/13 - 10/23/13   $Unknown as bill not submitted at the time of this posting.
    Plus additional fees, surcharges, taxes and other charges.
                        Total at least $$71.82 plus most recent bill charges plus surcharges, fees, taxes, and other charges related.
    Additional charges: Billable hours are $48.68 per hour at 2.83 hours is $138.27 for one hour on the phone with customer rep. and supervisor 10/10/13 and one hour and 50 minutes searching agreement record and submitting this message.
    Total estimate to date:  $327.89
    3. This "Pantech Jest" is a piece of junk phone.  Your rep. suggested it for this user.  She has had nothing but difficulty in attempting to answer this phone nearly from the start.  We call her and and she either cannot hear or cannot answer (the button just does not work).  I doubted her until I tried it.  The store blew her off.   I have witnessed this phone arbitrarily dialing from in her purse.  Could this phone also then be activating the internet?  I would bet on that.  I was not told on 6/10/13 by your rep. that we would have to remove the apps from her phone.  The very same apps that she didn't download in the first place. Neither did the rep. whom I spoke with on 10/10/13 say so.  It was the supervisor I spoke with on 10/10/13 who finally told me that I would have to remove them to fix your error.
    4.  Your website is extremely difficult to navigate.  I am returning to paper billing and will conduct business outside of your website.  For example, the supervisor I spoke to on 10/10/13 told me that I could find the documents that she swore were sent to me by "snail" mail.  I went to where she told me and got a nonsensical "archive" site called "Page Freezer" that seemed more like a communication news web site than a storage place for documents.  It took me a good while to locate the agreements to which she referred.  By the way, just as I told that supervisor, I have not received ANY snail mail from Verizon whatsoever since I went paperless online.
    Your agreement text:
    Are you going to make my account whole or do we need to go down the this other road?  Why wouldn't you want to work with a long time customer?
    Private info removed as required by the Terms of Service.
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

        Having unknown charges can be frustrating ONETIMEONLY. I'm sorry you were charged for functions and features that you requested to be turned off or blocked. We can definitely take a look at the bill,  notations, and individual phone features. I would love to help a long time customer figure this out and make things right again. To discuss features, billing, notifications, and charges we will need to speak with you. Please send a private message with your name and mobile number. We do our best to provide customers with multiple ways to contact us.  You can chat with us, use Twitter @vzwsupport, Facebook, call at 1-800-922-0204 or *611, and visit us at a store location. I'm also sorry you find it difficult to talk with us and to navigate our website. We are constantly updating the site to make it easier for our customers and would love to walk you through any steps to locate information you need on my-verizon http://bit.ly/xB4iTc . Additionally, I love the Pantech Jest and I'm sad to hear you are having issues with it. We do our best to suggest the best phone for our customers but it is ultimately up to you as the consumer to purchase what you think is best. If the phone is having calling and functionality issues, we can trouble-shoot to help get them resolved. If the phone is dialing randomly, I recommend locking it. If the button is not working, we may need to discuss replacing the phone. Is the device damaged? We also can not download apps to a  phone. The user of the device can only download apps to a phone and if there are unauthorized apps its because they put them on the phone. Yes, you will need to remove apps from a phone so they are not used. I know this is difficult and  you have spoken to other reps who were trying to help you but I want to let you know that you are a priority to us and if cost is important to you, its important to us. Any amount of money that is charged erroneously is not ok with us and should be reviewed. I look forward to hearing from you so that we can get you back to the happy side of Verizon.
    Follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

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