Wrt300n N router hangs

I have just bought the Linksys WRT300N and for the last couple days it was working fine, i'm starting to notice now that it breaks my internet connection. ie; it's all connected and all but when i try going on the internet, i can't. "pages can not be found" etc. sites are unreachable.
what i had to do, was to disconnect the power for a couple seconds, and then connect back. then the net connection seems to come back.
is this something that is happening in a very particular instance, or should i expect it to happen all the time.

Try reducing the MTU gragually to about 1200 , you can start at 1492 .

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    Thanks in advance for all your efforts.  This Forum and its users ROCK!

    After you resetted your router you should try adjusting the wireless settings on your router...
    Open an Internet Explorer browser page on your wired computer(desktop).In the address bar type -
    Leave username blank & in password use admin in lower case...
    For Wireless Settings, please do the following : -
    Click on the Wireless tab
    -Here select manual configuratioon...Wireless Network mode should be mixed...
    -Provide a unique name in the Wireless Network Name (SSID) box in order to differentiate your network from your neighbours network...
    - Set the Radio Band to Wide-40MHz and change the Wide channel to 9 and Standard Channel to 11-2.462GHz...Wireless SSID broadcast should be Enabled and then click on save settings...
    Please make a note of Wireless Network Name (SSID) as this is the Network Identifier...
    For Wireless Security : -
    Click on the Sub tab under Wireless > Wireless Security...
    Change the Wireless security mode to WPA, For Encryption, select AES...For Passphrase input your desired WPA Key. For example , MySecretKey , This will serve as your network key whenever you connect to your wireless network. Do NOT give this key to anyone.
    NOTE : Passphrase should be more that 8 characters...
    Click on Advanced Wireless Settings
    Change the Beacon Interval to 75 >>Change the Fragmentation...
    Threshold to 2304 Change the RTS Threshold to 2307 >>Click on "Save Settings"...
    Now see if you can locate your Wireless Network and attempt to connect...See if you get the desired speed...If not you should un-install and re-install the wireless adapter...

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    The   Author of this posting offers the information contained within this   posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that   there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose.   Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not   be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of  this  posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
    In   no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including,   without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising  out  of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if  Author  has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Does your default route direct to next hop IP or to the interface?  If the latter, ARP table can fill causing issues.  So also if the latter, change to the former.

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    Microsoft recommends that you do not configure access points as non-broadcast (hidden) networks; by default Wireless SSID Broadcasting is enabled.
    I searched Microsoft Knowledgebase for "SSID Broadcasting" and found the articles below (and others) about problems than can arise when you disable this setting... (details at link below)
    Message Edited by Lilla on 05-11-200707:08 PM
    Westell 6100 modem/router; Linksys WRT54GL v1.1 router firmware 4.30.9; Linksys WPC54G v2 Notebook Card; CenturyTel DSL using PPPoE

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    Try to update the router's firmware. I heard, the latest firmware on their site should fix it.
    Love is just a word".... It has no emotions...only thoughts, imaginations.

  • Load balanced router hangs

    did anybody else also experience the following problem?
    The router of a load balanced service object sometimes and all of a sudden stops forwarding incoming requests to its instances, although all instances are available and free.
    This finally causes the whole application to hang, since no further call to a method of that service object is being processed.
    The dump of the load balanced router during this situation indicates that none of the instances is being used (see below). Besides, the instrument MembersInUse has a value of 0.
    CPU load of the nodemgr and the router process increase significantly.
    There is no DB deadlock.
    We have had this problem on several different load balanced service objects (at different times; with dialog durations message or transaction).
    It does not depend on overall system load or on available memory resources - the problem can occur at any time.
    We can solve this lock situation by restarting the router.
    UDS 5.0.3, HP-UX 11
    Thanks in advance for any help or hints on what may be going on.
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ---------------------LoadBalance-Router------------------------
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         State ADDING_MEMBERS  Members: 5  MessageList: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Versions: part 14 object 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ----------------------Member-Map-------------------------------
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Id: 0x1  Max: 1 Cur: 0  XactId: [, 0]
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Object: qqlo_Object
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Id: 0x2  Max: 1 Cur: 0  XactId: [, 0]
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Object: qqlo_Object
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Id: 0x3  Max: 1 Cur: 0  XactId: [, 0]
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Object: qqlo_Object
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Id: 0x4  Max: 1 Cur: 0  XactId: [, 0]
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Object: qqlo_Object
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Id: 0x5  Max: 1 Cur: 0  XactId: [, 0]
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Object: qqlo_Object

    Hi Mark,
    thank you for your response. I talked to our network group, they told me, that there should be no scans going on. Do you have an idea how we could verify this from the application side, e.g. are there any trace flags we could enable to get some feedback?
    Anyway, we did further investigations and found the following:
    1) The nameservice contains references to old, non-existing partitions, even to partitions that lived before the last reboot of the system, which are not marked as "[Needs Rebind] [Rebinding]" (showpart in nameservice). By the way, the instrument DeleteOnCommFailure is set to TRUE in our environment.
    2) The directory $FORTE_ROOT/tmp containing the unix domain socket files does not get cleaned up. It contains even very old entries.
    3) Putting 1) and 2) together, we found out that during the hangs of our system, the load balanced router tries to send a message to one of the not-more-existing instances of the Service Object.
    The following dumps were done while our system was hanging.
    The router partition in question is ...:0x3ce25:0x1.
    The non-existing partition of the Service Object instance is ...:0x3b913:0x2.
    The non-existing process has the PID 16736 (there was such a process running a Service Object instance prior to rebooting the system).
    The socket file '/forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160' still exists.
    An extract of 'showpart' on the nameservice agent:
    xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913 realenv
    Forte Runtime             Forte_DCE_Executor        ExecId: 16736 (ftserver)
            Location Descriptor for protocol: Forte!UnixDomain
                Path                        /forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160
                HostName                    omega
            Location Descriptor for protocol: Forte!TCP/IP
                HostName                    omega
                PortNumber                  59128
                DotAddress                  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2 realenv
    Forte Runtime             DBSharedDataEntities_cl0_Part2 ExecId: 16736 (ftserver)
            Location Descriptor for protocol: Forte!UnixDomain
                Path                        /forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160
                HostName                    omega
            Location Descriptor for protocol: Forte!TCP/IP
                HostName                    omega
                PortNumber                  59128
                DotAddress                  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    A TaskMgr dump during the hang:
    (notice the messages having as destination the non-existing Service Object instance partition ...:0x3b913:0x2).
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 165 DOM Id      8 PART_CREATEPART     id 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2 DESTROY - OUTBOUND
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 166 INC id      8 count   3 proxymgr.ResolveOutGoingProxy
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 167 DOM Id      8 PART_STARTPART      id 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2 DESTROY - OUTBOUND
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 168 DOM Id      8 PART_CHECKSTART     id 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2 DESTROY - OUTBOUND
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 169 DOM Id      8 LOCSET_CREATELOCSET id 0x3b913 partid 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :   xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913   Version: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       PartitionsUsing: 1  FailedNumber: 13106
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 170 INC id      8 count   3 dom.exchangemethod.1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 171 DOM Id      8 MSG_ALLOCATE        id 0x16edd local 0x15
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 172 INC id      8 count   5 proxymgr.ResolveOutGoingProxy
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 173 DEC id      8 count   3 proxymgr.ResolveOutGoingProxy
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 174 DOM Id      8 MSG_SENT            id 0x16edd to partid 0x3cd65
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 175 DOM Id      8 MSG_COMPLETEDOM     id 0x16edd
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 176 DOM Id      8 MSG_COMPLETECM      id 0x16edd
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 177 DOM Id      8 MSG_POSTSEND        id 0x16edd
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 178 DEC id      8 count   2 dom.exchangemethod.2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 179 DOM Id      8 MSG_SUSPEND         id 0x16edd
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 180 DOM Id     18 MSG_ALLOCATE        id 0x16ede local 0xa
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 181 DOM Id     18 MSG_BEGINDESER      id 0x16ede
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 182 DOM Id     18 MSG_FOUND_REPLY     id 0x16ede
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 183 INC id     18 count   1 domsg.process.1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 184 DOM Id     18 MSG_RECEIVE         id 0x16ede reply msg 0x16edd
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 185 DOM Id     18 MSG_ACK             id 0x16edd
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 186 DOM Id     18 MSG_RESUME          id 0x0 resuming task 0x40166638
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 187 DEC id     18 count   0 domsg.process.8
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 188 DOM Id      8 MSG_FREE            id 0x16edd local 0x15
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 189 DOM Id      8 MSG_FREE            id 0x16ede local 0xa
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 190 DOM Id      8 LOC_ADDLOCATION     id 0x938 partid 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x938 State: DESTROY  Adv OwningSubPart: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         PartId:         xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         CM DestPartId:  xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : Unix Domain Socket Location - Host: omega Path: /forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160
        Path                         /forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160
        HostName                     omega
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Counters   Send: 1  Receive: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 191 INC id      8 count   3 dom.exchange.1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 192 DOM Id      8 MSG_ALLOCATE        id 0x16edf local 0xa
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x16edf-0xa [NETWORK] (EXCHANGE MESSAGE NEEDS_REPLY)
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ReplyMsg:    0x0-0x0  RelatedMsg: 0x0-0x0  OrigMsgSeq: 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Status:      OUTBOUND TASK_BLOCKED
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Previous:    xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Originating: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Destination: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Next:        xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ToUse:       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         TaskId:      xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         AssocTask:   xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Location:    0x0 SavedLocation: 0x00000000 LocaleId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         SpecialOpt:  BRANCH_SYNC
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Version:     0  FailedNum: 0  Protocol: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         InternalMessage PROXY_VALIDATE
              PartId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Adv ProxyId: 0x27  Ref ProxyId: 0x0  Duration: 0
              Scope/Class 0x0:0x0  Proxy Status: 0x0
              Version - Obj: 0 Pxy: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           ToPartId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 193 DOM Id      8 MSG_SENT            id 0x16edf to partid 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x16edf-0xa [NETWORK] (EXCHANGE MESSAGE NEEDS_REPLY)
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ReplyMsg:    0x0-0x0  RelatedMsg: 0x0-0x0  OrigMsgSeq: 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Status:      OUTBOUND TASK_BLOCKED
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Previous:    xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Originating: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Destination: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Next:        xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ToUse:       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         TaskId:      xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         AssocTask:   xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Location:    0x0 SavedLocation: 0x00000000 LocaleId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         SpecialOpt:  BRANCH_SYNC
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Version:     0  FailedNum: 0  Protocol: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         InternalMessage PROXY_VALIDATE
              PartId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Adv ProxyId: 0x27  Ref ProxyId: 0x0  Duration: 0
              Scope/Class 0x0:0x0  Proxy Status: 0x0
              Version - Obj: 0 Pxy: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           ToPartId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 194 DOM Id     13 LOC_STOPLOCATION    id 0x938 partid 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x938 State: DESTROY  Adv OwningSubPart: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         PartId:         xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         CM DestPartId:  xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : Unix Domain Socket Location - Host: omega Path: /forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160
        Path                         /forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160
        HostName                     omega
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Counters   Send: 1  Receive: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 195 DOM Id     13 LOC_DESTLOCATION    id 0x938 partid 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x938 State: DESTROY  Adv OwningSubPart: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         PartId:         xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         CM DestPartId:  xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : Unix Domain Socket Location - Host: omega Path: /forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160
        Path                         /forte/tmp/FORTE_A00004160
        HostName                     omega
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Counters   Send: 1  Receive: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 196 DOM Id     13 LOCSET_DESTLOCSET   id 0x3b913 partid 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :   xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913   Version: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       PartitionsUsing: 1  FailedNumber: 13106
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 197 INC id     13 count   2 partmgr.stoplocation.1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 198 DOM Id     13 PART_DESTREMINT     id 0x3b913 sub 0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2 DESTROY - OUTBOUND
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 199 DOM Id     13 PART_FAULTNOPROXY   id 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2 DESTROY - OUTBOUND
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 200 DOM Id     13 PART_PARTLOST       id 0x0 partid 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 201 DOM Id     13 PART_FINCONNLOST    id 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2 DESTROY - OUTBOUND
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 202 INC id     13 count   2 dom.exchange.1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 203 DOM Id     13 MSG_ALLOCATE        id 0x16ee0 local 0x15
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 204 DOM Id     13 MSG_SENT            id 0x16ee0 to partid 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 205 DOM Id     13 PART_SENDFAIL       id 0x0 error 0x3b913
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 206 DOM Id     13 MSG_FAILEDDOM       id 0x16ee0 Message::Send.1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 207 DOM Id     13 MSG_FREE            id 0x16ee0 local 0x15
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 208 DEC id     13 count   1 Dom.exchange.2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 209 DOM Id     13 PART_FINREMOVE      id 0x3b913 sub 0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2 DESTROY - OUTBOUND
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 210 DEC id     13 count   0 partmgr.stoplocation.3
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 211 DOM Id      8 MSG_COMPLETEDOM     id 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x16edf-0xa [NETWORK] (EXCHANGE MESSAGE NEEDS_REPLY)
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ReplyMsg:    0x0-0x0  RelatedMsg: 0x0-0x0  OrigMsgSeq: 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Status:      OUTBOUND TASK_BLOCKED
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Previous:    xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Originating: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Destination: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Next:        xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ToUse:       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         TaskId:      xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         AssocTask:   xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Location:    0x0 SavedLocation: 0x00000000 LocaleId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         SpecialOpt:  BRANCH_SYNC
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Version:     0  FailedNum: 0  Protocol: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         InternalMessage PROXY_VALIDATE
              PartId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Adv ProxyId: 0x27  Ref ProxyId: 0x0  Duration: 0
              Scope/Class 0x0:0x0  Proxy Status: 0x0
              Version - Obj: 0 Pxy: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           ToPartId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 212 DOM Id      8 MSG_COMPLETECM      id 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x16edf-0xa [NETWORK] (EXCHANGE MESSAGE NEEDS_REPLY)
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ReplyMsg:    0x0-0x0  RelatedMsg: 0x0-0x0  OrigMsgSeq: 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Status:      OUTBOUND TASK_BLOCKED
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Previous:    xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Originating: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Destination: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Next:        xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ToUse:       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         TaskId:      xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         AssocTask:   xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Location:    0x0 SavedLocation: 0x00000000 LocaleId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         SpecialOpt:  BRANCH_SYNC
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Version:     0  FailedNum: 0  Protocol: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         InternalMessage PROXY_VALIDATE
              PartId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Adv ProxyId: 0x27  Ref ProxyId: 0x0  Duration: 0
              Scope/Class 0x0:0x0  Proxy Status: 0x0
              Version - Obj: 0 Pxy: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           ToPartId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 213 DOM Id      8 MSG_POSTSEND        id 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x16edf-0xa [NETWORK] (EXCHANGE MESSAGE NEEDS_REPLY)
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ReplyMsg:    0x0-0x0  RelatedMsg: 0x0-0x0  OrigMsgSeq: 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Status:      OUTBOUND TASK_BLOCKED
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Previous:    xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Originating: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Destination: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Next:        xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ToUse:       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         TaskId:      xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         AssocTask:   xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Location:    0x0 SavedLocation: 0x00000000 LocaleId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         SpecialOpt:  BRANCH_SYNC
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Version:     0  FailedNum: 0  Protocol: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         InternalMessage PROXY_VALIDATE
              PartId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Adv ProxyId: 0x27  Ref ProxyId: 0x0  Duration: 0
              Scope/Class 0x0:0x0  Proxy Status: 0x0
              Version - Obj: 0 Pxy: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           ToPartId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 214 DOM Id      8 MSG_SUSPEND         id 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :       0x16edf-0xa [NETWORK] (EXCHANGE MESSAGE NEEDS_REPLY)
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ReplyMsg:    0x0-0x0  RelatedMsg: 0x0-0x0  OrigMsgSeq: 0x16edf
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Status:      OUTBOUND TASK_BLOCKED
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Previous:    xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Originating: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Destination: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Next:        xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3b913:0x2
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         ToUse:       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         TaskId:      xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         AssocTask:   xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1, 10
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Location:    0x0 SavedLocation: 0x00000000 LocaleId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         SpecialOpt:  BRANCH_SYNC
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         Version:     0  FailedNum: 0  Protocol: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :         InternalMessage PROXY_VALIDATE
              PartId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:0x3ce25:0x1
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           Adv ProxyId: 0x27  Ref ProxyId: 0x0  Duration: 0
              Scope/Class 0x0:0x0  Proxy Status: 0x0
              Version - Obj: 0 Pxy: 0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :           ToPartId: 0x0
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 :
    Thu Apr 27 09:55:14 : 215 DEC id      8 count   2 dom.exchange.3

  • CSCup97267 - RV220W Router hangs intermittently and sometimes reboots

    Really, are you serious?? The only fix is to reboot the router, and there are no plans to fix the problem? I would not be expecting that kind of answer from a world class vendor. Come on Cisco, you can do better than that.

    Sorry Winston these articles you have the posted links to, don't help as they are all wifi related and my ATV is connected over Ethernet cable, direct into my Netgear gigabit router model wndr3700.
    I have not had the problems with the ATV until the last couple of firmware updates and other devices on my network are working fine (both wired and wireless connections) have no issues. Everything works and streams fine but randomly and every now and then when navigating around the ATV interface the thing just suddenly freezes and then appears to reboot... It only happens now and then and in different places. It particularly happens if I keep pressing the remotes up/down/left/right navigation buttons several times in quick succession.
    It's like the interface is trying to catch up with my key presses, approx 3 or 4 presses in a row and the ATV gives up and reboots. That's the best way I can describe it. Like I say it has only occurred since the last couple of updates.... Prior to that the interface was quick and smooth and quick navigation was not a problem.

  • Still having some problems with my WRT300N v2 router....

    For 6 years or so I have been using a Linksys router and been quite happy with it. As such, it was "natural" for me to look for another. Especially since I have seen the user interface of several of routers for port forwarding, and other settings vital to a good solid gaming connection.
    When I first setup the router the firmware was it's default (v2.08) and that is just buggy imho, for anyone connecting more than one computer. The biggest hassle was that the wireless connections could not connect to any of the other computers in the LAN. Although they did, after a long wait, get a DHCP address from my separate DHCP server. FORTUNATELY, the new firmware (v2.17) resolved most, if not all of my local connectivity problems.
    I still have one major problem though. This is the IP renewal of the WAN address. My ISP wants that updated every 30 to 60 minutes, so the renewal period is 3600 seconds, or 1 hour. What I recall from the RFC on DHCP is that a client is expected to send renewal requests long before the IP address assignment reaches it expiration "moment". If I remember correctly, this is the time interval T2 (T1 being expiration), and by default T2 == T1 * 0.75.
    In other words, all DHCP clients (in this case the WAN side of the router) should be requesting a renewal/refresh of the DHCP address at 75% of the lease period - in my case at 45 minutes. After watching closely for the last 4 hours, I see my game clients lose connection on all my computers, and I see the DHCP renewal take place.
    Could someone from Linksys verify when the first requests for renewal get sent out? This is instant death in a MORPH if you are trying to do pvp. Absolutely unworkable.
    Thank you for your attention and support.
    Michael aka rootvg.
    Message Edited by rootvg on 08-14-2007 05:03 AM

    Well, after a couple more application crashes on the hour, I swapped my old befw11s4 router in and watched the way it does IP renewal of the WAN IP addresses. Shortly after it reaches the halfway mark, the lease gets renewed.
    Anyone notice this behavior with their WRTS300N? No update on DHCP lease til after expiration?

  • E4200 USB Storage Issue - Connection drops / router hangs

    I'm having issues with maintaining a reliable connection to the USB drive connected to my new E4200.  Here are the situation:
    (1)  I can successfully share the drive and map it from any computer on the network as expected
    (2)  After mapping the drive, I try to copy files/folder to the mapped drive.  It starts off ok, but within a few seconds/minutes, I'll begin getting the message "the specified network name is no longer available".  The drive status will show "disconntected" or "reconnecting"
    (3)  When this happens, the router will often stop accepting new connections (i.e. the DHCP function stops working).  However, some of the computer that are connected continue to work / have internet access.
    (4)  Restarting the router (i.e. pulling the power and plugging it back in) gets things working again.  Things are good until I try to map the drive and begin copying files again.
    Here's some other parameter info:
    (a)  I'm running the latest (only) firmware available: 1.0.00 build 13
    (b)  Per Linksys support, I've reflashed the firmware.  Didn't make any difference
    (c)  I'm working in a wired environment (this is not a wirelss issue...although it happens via wireless the same way)
    (d)  I'm running Win XP SP3 (have also tried on Vista HE 64...same results)
    (e)  The USB disk is a Seagate FreeAgent 1.5 TB (which is on the list of compatible devices for this router)
    (f)  I do most of my work at the command line with NET USE commands.  The files are being copied via ROBOCOPY and or XCOPY.  Just basic scripting.  Note:  I get the same results if I use Windows Explorer to map/copy files.
    (g)  I've validated the Seagate drive is not the issue by plugging in the the computer and using it for several days.  Have had no issues copying files to it  It's formatted as NTFS.  Chkdsk and SeaTools show no issues with the drive.
    (h)  I am copying large volumes of data (i.e. entire folders of movies, backups of "USERS" folder, etc.).  
    (i)  It's not any one paritcular file or folder this issue occurs on.  It will make a little progress, then flake out.  Upon restarting, it will make a little more, then flake out, etc.
    (j)  Just to be safe, I turned off the sleep mode/spin down option on the FreeAgent drive to ensue that wasn't the problem.
    (k)  I haven't made any elaborate router settings (haven't changed many defaults).  Haven't turned on FTP, Media Server functions, etc.  I've just done some basic things like (1) change the ssid (2) set up some DHCP reservations (3) changed the security to WPA2 (4)  changed admin password (5) set up port forwarding for two apps.  I've not created any policies, turned on guest accounts, enabled logging, etc.
    (l)  I am doing all of the above with an admin account (on the router, I created an admin user acccount for myself).  I've been careful to always map the drive with that userid/password.
    Is anyone else having reliability issues with access to thier attached USB storage.  I was very hopeful that the storage attached to the router would be readily available.  I'm not expecting or needing great performance, but do need it to be "always on" for the purposes of sharing files and executing backups.  Eventually, I would like to use some of the other features of the router (streaming video the PS3 and external FTP access for example).  However, for now, I just want the attached storage to work.
    Thanks in advance for your advice.

    oops, well now i see your full question. i asked you some ?s in the other thread you posted in.. but they seemed to be answered here..
    ok, solely speaking about this E42 router, i have had it for 2 weeks now and i had a buffalo 500gb drive on the usb port. i had all sorts of junk on the drive..just random files, etc, and the ones that were supported by the PS3 would stream fine form the drive. i even have a sony BD player (s770) and its able to see the files and drive and stream. the PS3 is wired and the BD player is wireless. i have a laptop (wireless) and it has the same results.
    last night i purchased a seagate go flex 2TB and plan to ONLY put media type files on this drive and try and clean things up and stop being lazy.. so far i have transferred a FEW small video and audio files from a wired computer with zero issues.
    now let me ask, when you are transferring these huge files, are you like copying a folder and pasting it onto the mapped seagate drive? or are you doing individual files, etc? i dont have a folder with a bunch of GBs of files but i will try and see if i can reproduce the problem you see.
    however thus far with the few small media files i have transferred on this new go flex 2TB drive, they have all transferred over. im talking about a couple GBs worth -ish...

  • WRT300n Internal Routing

    I just picked up the WRT300n and am having diffculties. I will describe my internal network:
    1 Windows 2003 server acting as Domain controller and DNS server at
    4 Workstations running XP on DHCP range - 104
    WRT300n at
    The problem is that when I try to ping my server by name, it sends the traffic out on the internet and does not keep it internally. I can ping by IP and get to the internet fine. This setup worked fine with my cheap 802.11b WAP.
    Ok, where do I start?
    Thanks up front

    I guess I'm not understanding you. Here is the Ipconfig from a workstation:
    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
            Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : hsd1.co.comcast.net.
            Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
            Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-10-DC-4D-D4-D5
            Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
            Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
            IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
            Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
            Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
            DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
            DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
            Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:09:18 PM
            Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:09:18 PM
    The first DNS entry is for my internal server. The server is handling dns and has an A record of "server" and the correct IP. He is forwarding all other domains to

  • CSCdt82303 - router hangs - test

    Test Community.

    You have only 16M DRAM
    in the sh version you have 16384K/16384K. this does not mean 16+16 but 16 DRAM.
    The 16 M can be used by the Main and shared DRAM.
    The 4x00 platforms are shared memory routers: there is only one region of shared memory, which is shared between a single main processor and all the interface controllers. This shared memory is used for all the switching paths: fast switching and process switching.
    Main DRAM: The Cisco 4000 Series runs from a Cisco IOS software image stored in main DRAM. This memory is also used by the system for tables and stacks. Therefore, the main memory is used for code space and routing data. The amount of main memory required is determined by the size of the image and by the configuration of the router.
    to have 32M you should have something like :
    cisco 4500 (R4K) processor (revision D) with 32768K/16384K bytes of memory.
    see following link, it has interesting info :
    Please rate if this answer and help.

  • WRT300N: Class C routing & NAT

    I've just been brought in to as a network admin to manage the network of small 'net cafe. The network the admin before had setup really turned out to be a disaster.
    Okay, here's the breakdown of the equipment I have available:
    30 hosts
    3 switches (10 hosts each)
    1 WRT300N broadband router
    Note: Wireless services are not being used
    The ISP over here has assigned us five IP addresses, but since we have 30 hosts we obviously need to use NAT.
    What I would like to do is implement some sort of Class C subnetting for the three groups of hosts connected into the switches.
    I'd like to use subnets of either ( or even a mask of since a block size of 16 on each subnet will be sufficient. (Each switch is connected into a port of the WRT300N).
    My questions are: Can I accomplish this using just the WRT300N and still be able to use NAT to enable my hosts to access the 'net through ADSL? And if so, how? And if this is not possible, then do I need to get another Linksys router so that I can get my network up and running smoothly by connecting the WRT300N to the new router and then connecting the switches to the new router as well? If this is the case, which wireless router would all of you recommend I get?
    The name of the game here is to optimize speed, so I'd really like to break down the broadcast domains by subnetting.
    Thanks in advance.
    - T.

    Yes you can use the router WRT350N for using the NAT settings on the router ....
    You can connect the router in between Modem & Switch ...

  • Macbookpro & linksys wrt300n router

    Hello, can you tell me if I can use a linksys wrt300n wireless router with a macbookpro & G4 Imac ?

    Hi Danielh,
    I sure hope that I can help you. Sorry for the somewhat slow response time, I have been playing XBOX all afternoon.
    First off, I would totally disagree with the Office Depot guy. The thing is "n" isn't actually a "real" thing yet, it has yet to be approved by the WiFi alliance who oversees everything wireless. Right now "g" is still the standard, which is what is built into the AirPort Etreme cards in all current Apple computers.
    On the topic of why you would want a "faster than 6MBps connection" from the router, it is because of how the router transmitts "stuff." While yes, Comcast has a top speed tier of 6MBps for standard service, the faster your connection to the router the faster files will transfer, and generally the better the connection you have. Lets say you have a 11MBps connection with a router, and you use your comcast. You will not get the full 450-600KBps download speed that you would get while directly connected to the router. With a router such as the WRT54G/GS, your connection speed will generally be 54MBps, which will achieve download speeds on the internet much closer to the wired speed of 450-600KBps. And now with Comcats new PowerBoost, us comcast people can now get speeds of up to 12MBps with our standard 6MBps service. So the faster the router, the faster the internet will go, although downloads will never go over the standard 6MBps (with bursts up to 12MBps.)
    If you frequently move/transfer files from computer to computer, than the faster your wireless connection the faster your files will transfer. So in fact, 108MBps is NOT overkill, although no current Apple computer will support 802.11n at this time.
    I actually have the WRT54GS, but have worked with many WRT54G's for customers. Both are very good routers and some of the cheapest, although the WRT54GS is more around mid-range price. Some people do have problems with the WRT54G but many times this is because they have not set it up properly, or updated the firmware, or in worst case they could have a "dud" router which happens quite a lot in the world of WiFi. But overall I have been EXTREMELY happy with the WRT54GS, and most Linksys routers that I have worked with. (As a side note I HATE D-LINK ROUTERS!)
    While I do not use my iBook, or my Dell laptop, with a WRT54G router much, the times that I have I can't really tell a difference in speeds between the WRT54G and my WRT54GS. So I would save your money and just get the WRT54G. Yes any Linksys router, other than the Compact series routers, will work just fine in your apartment. Linksys are somewhat superior to other routers such as D-Links, and Netgears because of the second antenna that most all of them sport, such as the WRT54G.
    I really hope that this helps!

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