XML encoding gone horribly wrong

I was playing around with dreamweavers encoding settings for
a few files, just seeing what each setting does, but I somehow
managed to encode my entire file in Chinese (I think. Here's a
I have been trying to get it changed back but I can't figure
it out. When I view it's page properties, its unicode uft-8.
Any thoughts on what I changed?

> in Chinese (I think. Here's a sample:
> ??????????????????????????????????????? )
Looks more like Klingon to me.... 8)
No idea what you might have done....
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
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"BardicKnowledge" <[email protected]> wrote
in message
news:fm2knj$pom$[email protected]..
>I was playing around with dreamweavers encoding settings
for a few files,
> seeing what each setting does, but I somehow managed to
encode my entire
> file
> in Chinese (I think. Here's a sample:
> ??????????????????????????????????????? )
> I have been trying to get it changed back but I can't
figure it out. When
> I
> view it's page properties, its unicode uft-8.
> Any thoughts on what I changed?

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    Cerebral wrote:
    Hm... try upgrading xorg first, maybe?   
    pacman -S xorg
      then the full update?
    Tried that and the message is still the same.
    Cerebral wrote:On an unhelpful note: that's possibly the scariest error message I've ever seen.
    Yeah, Arch is not for cowards:D
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    Sorry for your loss. This is generally how the iPod works. It is part of the way that Apple is trying to make the recording history by not (easily) allowing people to copy their playlists from machine to machine.
    If you have iTunes set to automatically manage your playlists for that iPod it will replace the contents of the iPod when you hook it up to another computer. It should have given you a message that says something like "This iPod is managed by another computer. If you proceed you will loose all songs on this iPod."
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    It may be possible to get the music back, but I don't know how to do it. Reloading everything is probably your best bet. Depending upon how much stuff you have and the capacity of your iPod you might want to carry a "backup" of all the files as data. Then if you lost them in the playlists part, you could hook to a friends computer, copy all the data off that partition and reload it. Good luck with that.
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    Great advice from Paul, just to add...
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
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    First rule in using these forums is to search them. Try permissions, ownership, authentication, etc. There're many topics addressing the problem. See these:

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      Windows XP  

    I would seriously thing about getting a larger drive for your computer. If you are talking about your Thinkpad, then probably the best thing to do is invest in an external hard drive. You can buy them ready made or put one together for very cheap.
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    What shall I do? I'm at an utter lost

    Oh I tried looking up my HD info using the disk utilities info button and this is what i got.
    The Macintosh HD partition got replaced with the Windows NTFS Partition named 'disk0' and didnt even format properly.
    Name: disk0
    Type: Volume
    Disk Identifier: disk 0
    Mount Point: /Volumes/Untitles
    File System: Windows NT File System (NTFS)
    Device Tree: /PCI0/SATA@1F,2/PRT0@0/PMP@0/@0:0
    Writable: No
    Capacity: 186.3 GB (200,049,647,616 Bytes)
    Free Space: 127.5 GB (136,904,531,968 Bytes)
    Used: 509.7 MB (534,417,408 Bytes)
    Number of File: 3,050
    Number of Folders: 0
    Owners Enabled: No
    Can Turn Owners Off: No
    Can Be Formatted: No
    Bootable: No
    Supports Journaling: No
    Journaled: No
    Disk Number: 0
    Partition Numer: 1
    Main Macbook Pro Harddrive:
    Name: FUJITSU MHY2200BH Media
    Type: Disk
    Partition Map Scheme: Unformatted
    Disk Identifier: Disk 0
    Media Type: FUJITSU MHY2200BH Media
    Media Type Generic
    Connection Bus: Serial ATA 2
    Device Tree: /PCI0/SATA@1F,2/PRT0@0/PMP@0/@0:0
    Locked: Yes
    Writable: No
    Ejectable: No
    Mac OS 9 Drivers Installed: No
    Location: Internal
    Total Capacity: 186.3 GB (200,049,647,616 Bytes)
    Free Space: 127.5 GB (136,904,531,968 Bytes)
    S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
    Disk Number: 0
    Partition Number: 0
    It seems it says Locked and unwritable, could that be why i couldn't partition it?
    Message was edited by: melonpan

  • Something's gone horribly wrong between 4 apple devices in my house and I am desperate for some help! I have a MacBook Air, my iPhone and my mums iPhone. And I'm having massive syncing issues! PLEASE HELP!

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    B) replaced them with the contacts from my mums phone
    C) deleted iCal from the main Mac
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    Can anyone give me any clues as to why this night be happening? And how I can get my contacts back and keep the two phones and computers completely separate?
    Any help would be much appreciated!
    Thank you :)

    Need to Resume download to complete the ongoing Process.
    Last Resort, put the iPhone in DFU mode (Google How to do that). Connect in iTunes. Follow on-screen prompts to Restore. All Data would be lost, if not backed up earlier.
    To save the photographs you may have to use third party software. Google is your friend.

  • Gnome Shell gone horribly wrong - Help!

    Hi, I'm new to Arch Linux. I'm using Gnome 3 with Gnome shell, and everything was coming along just fine.
    I'm not sure what setting I've changed, but now Gnome Shell fails to startup properly. I mean the top panel is missing, and I can't use it normally. I'm not sure how to describe it, but a lot of the graphical elements are amiss or screwed up. Alt+f2 doesn't work, and docky doesn't show any animations, infact it has a black box around it.
    The problems are all visual based, but they're quite severe, I can't move / resize / close windows, sometimes I'm unable to type in the terminal.
    I know that my startup items are loading as Conky, docky and guake are loading. Is there some startup item that I've disabled by mistake? Re-installing gnome-desktop and gnome-shell didn't help.
    If I type
    gnome-shell --replace
    in the terminal, everything becomes fine and my normal desktop is restored.
    Is there anyway I can diagnose this problem and sort it out?
    Thanks in advance.
    [EDIT] - I managed a workaroudn by adding
    gnome-shell --replace
    to my list of startup items. But it's pretty fragile, can someone help me out ?
    Last edited by Paanini (2011-12-31 12:30:38)

    Paanini wrote:So GNOME looks at either ~/.config/autostart OR ~/.xinitrc for startup?
    I assume you mean "startup application" like Conky etc. with "startup". AFAIK, GNOME only looks at the ordinary desktop files in ~/.config/autostart when it starts up. Those desktop files are nothing else than simple text files that are compatible with the default parsing engine that ships with Glib, the backend of GNOME. Go check them out with a text editor.
    You only need .xinitrc if you start X, a separate thing mind you, via startx or the like.  If you start X without a display manager like illustrated in the wiki and as I prefer to do it, you can often achieve the same results by editing either .xinitrc or playing around with the application gnome-session-properties. The GUI way is perhaps safer as GNOME is already loaded when your startup apps are executed.
    Finally, here's my .xinitrc for an example.
    # Fix the cursor theme and touchpad sensitivity
    xsetroot -cursor_name Adwaita &
    synclient VertScrollDelta=2000 &
    exec ck-launch-session gnome-session

  • Partition Scheme Gone Horribly Wrong

    This is a problem that I've lived with for awhile now but it's only recently become a problem.
    About a year or two ago i was installing the boot camp beta and midway through it's partitioning it froze up on me. When I rebooted my computer i found my hard drive had now been partitioned into 4 partitions. Macintosh HD, disk0s3, disk0s4, and disk0s5 (in various sizes from 900mb to 3gb). They originally had data in them but I've since deleted it. The partition scheme is "GUID Partition Table" and the 4 partitions are formatted "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"I launched boot camp to try and change it back to normal, boot camp told me it could not partition my harddrive or unpartition it.
    A year later I want to install leopeard and it won't let me bacause my harddrive is also apparently formatted incorrectly. What can I do?

    Your best bet is to reformat the drive, which will also erase it. So, you'll need an external drive to back up the data on it (something you should be doing regularly anyway!)
    You could try booting from your Tiger install DVD, select your language, and then Utilities menu > Disk Utility and Repair your disk. This won't get your other partitions back into the main one (need to reformat for that) but may allow you to install Leopard.
    FYI, GUID partition table and Mac OS Extended (Journaled) are correct for installing Leopard, which suggests there's something else going on, and that's why my first suggestion was to reformat.
    Hope this helps...

  • New Vision Order - Its All gone horribly wrong!

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    The package that was offered seemes a good deal so I decided to take BT up on Vision as well as upgrading to Unlimited Broadband.
    I received an activation date of 10th August, my box arrived the previous day. Knowing from when I had my Broadband connected it usually is not activated until about midnight that day, so I decided to wait until to day to set-up Vision.
    After following the instructions I was unsuccesful in setting it up, so resorted in calling the helpdesk. I had to call 5 times, I was cut off 4 times!! Finally when I managed ot get a full conversation with someone I was advised that my Broadband Upgrade was delayed so therefore my Vision Activation was delayed.
    The lady kindly called the Engineers to see why it was delayed, she informed me that they advised it is delayed as they cannot upgrade my Broadband to 20MB as the Exchange is not being upgraded until October!!
    Firstly I did not ask to upgrade to 20MB I just wanted Broadband Unlimited, secondly how can they put an order in to upgrade my Broadband to 20MB when the Exchange is incapable, and thirdly when they realised it was delayed, why did they not inform me it was and the reason, instead of me having to call 5 times.
    I now have to wait for them to place another order to fix the mess they created in the first place, I will be checking my Bill carefully when it comes ot ensure they have not started to charge me from the 10th!!
    Well rant over, I hope its worth the wait, or the 10 Days cooling off period will be utilised

    48hrs has now turned it 76hrs!!! This is a disgrace.
    As soon as its switched on Im sending it straight back. BT = **bleep** Terrible.

  • Power Failure: Boot Camp Installation gone horribly wrong

    Was in the middle of the Windows installation part of the Boot Camp setup, and our building had a brief power failure. The Mac went dark. Upon reboot, it boots to a white screen but progresses no farther. The Windows XP install disk is still in the SuperDrive.
    1. Partition was created successfully by Boot Camp Assistant
    2. Windows installation had started, and was in the process of reformatting the partition to NTFS when the power failed.
    3. iMac boots to white screen and stops.
    I assume I need to get the WinXP disk out so I can boot from the OS X disk, but it isn't patently obvious how to do this without an OS interface. No hole to poke in a paperclip a la Windows drives.

    Tried with no progress: still stuck at WSOD (white screen of death).
    1) Booting with the Install Disk 1 in the SuperDrive while holding down the C key.
    2) Booting while holding down the Command + Option + O + F keys
    3) Booting while holding down the Command + Option + P + R keys
    4) Booting while holding down the X key
    5) Booting while holding down the Option key (this generates a non-functioning mouse pointer on the WSOD, which is more than anything else has done).
    I have held down the keys in the following orders:
    a) Before I push the power button
    b) As soon as I push the power button
    c) As soon as I hear the Mac chime
    I have released the keys in the following orders:
    a) As soon as the white screen appears following the chime.
    b) Held for 60-90 seconds or more, with no change/response on the screen.
    Unless someone else can offer another option, this is likely my next approach:

  • GT70 20D bios update gone horribly wrong

    Hi, I have never ran into issues like this previously, due to a number of problems with issues like the Dragoon software not detecting fan speeds, a number of the MSI apps saying unable to read from BIOS I decided to update the BIOS following the MSI instructions to the letter with the latest update up on the MSI site for the laptop. Well it didn't go well.
    Hoping someone can help, my laptop is the GT70 20D with raid 0 configured running windows 8.1 pro, laptop was built with Windows 8 from factory. I booted into the BIOS and performed the UEFI update following these instructions. msi.com/files/pdf/Flash_BIOS_by_UEFI_BIOS_Setup_Utility_en.pdf
    I got to stage 12 and the laptop itself powered down and restarted (It didnt get to stage 13 onwards and actually flash it) on the restart I simply get the hard drive light flash once, black screen and nothing. Please help I am in the UK and will be contacting MSI UK during office hours and suspect this might need a RMA but wanting to cover everything myself first, I work in IT and have performed this sort of thing plenty of times in the past and slightly annoyed at the min lol.

    Quote from: spthacker on 20-March-14, 14:58:10
    Just got my GT70-20D back from MSI after a bad flash, took 27 days in total
    I had to pay as they stated that bios is classed as software and not covered by warranty!
    you had to pay?  is that a joke? 
    If you flash from their official guide do everything correctly and you brick it because their bios is faulty or motherboard and you have topay for it?
    Wow, that is the most insane thing I have ever heard


    I've had my mini for a couple of months now, and i accidentely pressed a few buttons and now the screen is frozen between the menu screen and the song screen. I've tried everything to get it to work but its not helping!! WHAT DO I DO??!! Plz reply!
    XP   Windows XP  

    Firstly you can try holding the menu and center buttons for approx. 5 seconds and that should reset the ipod (songs will remain on ipod). If this fails to work, download the Ipod updater from this site, plug your ipod into the computer and reset it completely (songs will be wiped but can be put back on after). I hope this helps.

Maybe you are looking for