Xsan User Quotas

I got the official word from Apple regarding a bug in the Xsan User Quotas program: Although the program accurately reports quotas for the users, the program will NOT report quotas for the groups that the user is in. You'll have to use Xsan Admin to check on the group quotas. I'm annoyed that such a simple tool doesn't work, but I'm glad to find out the problem's not on my side.
Xsan   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   Xsan 1.2

mess_user wrote:
Does anyone know if messaging server 6.3 supports mailbox user quotas over 6 Gb?, because in messaging server 5.2 we had some problems using user quotas of 3GbAs Jay said, larger quota's are supported in 6.3. The reason why iMS5.2 was unable to support a quota larger then 4GB is that it didn't support the use of the K,M,G extensions in the mailquota: user attribute.
So for iMS5.2 the limit was restricted to the largest value of a signed integer. For MS6.3 "The maximum quota value of the user mailbox is 4096G".

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    See also:
    How to set user quotas on a certain filesystem

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    You can set a users mail message quota via the delegated admin, or via ldapmodify by setting the attribute "mailQuta" to the number of bytes. If you use ldapmodify, the number should be an even power of 2, ie for a 200Mb quota, put in 209715200. I'm not sure if this will cause a problem if you don't follow it, but I do know the iDA will modify your input to conform to the rule.
    Roger S.

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    thanks for your reply.
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  • Mail Per User Quotas Not Working

    We just migrated from 10.9 server to the new 10.10 server and noticed that our per user mail quotas were no longer working.  If I change the Server app - Mail setting - to have a global mail quota on it work, however, we have a few accounts that we need to leave unlimited and the per user quota will not override the global quota.  So far we have had to leave the global quota disabled because of this.
    Even without global quota turned off - trying to set per user mail limits is still not working.  We are changing it thru the Server app and clicking users - selecting a user - then select edit mail options - and changing the setting for the limit size.  No matter what we set it to - it will not work.
    Does anyone know what command or how to change the per user quota limits from the command line?  I found that Dovecotadm quota -u username  shows you what the quota is, but I am stumped as how to change it via a command line or thru another method since the server app is not working.
    Any help would be appreciated!
    ps. Also posted my doveconf -n file below, but I am missing if there is anything not configured properly.
    bash-3.2# dovecot -n
    bash: dovecot: command not found
    bash-3.2# doveconf -n
    # 2.2.5: /Library/Server/Mail/Config/dovecot/dovecot.conf
    # OS: Darwin 14.1.0 x86_64  hfs
    aps_topic = com.apple.mail.XServer.a1c54f6d-f4ad-4431-b882-0f11570dd637
    auth_mechanisms = cram-md5 plain login
    auth_socket_path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb
    auth_username_format = %n
    debug_log_path = /Library/Logs/Mail/mail-debug.log
    default_internal_user = _dovecot
    default_login_user = _dovenull
    disable_plaintext_auth = no
    first_valid_gid = 6
    first_valid_uid = 6
    imap_id_log = *
    imap_id_send = "name" * "version" *
    imap_urlauth_submit_user = submit
    info_log_path = /Library/Logs/Mail/mail-info.log
    log_path = /Library/Logs/Mail/mail-err.log
    login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l mpid=%e %c
    mail_access_groups = mail
    mail_attribute_dict = file:/Library/Server/Mail/Data/attributes/attributes.dict
    mail_location = maildir:/Library/Server/Mail/Data/mail/%u
    mail_log_prefix = "%s(pid %p user %u): "
    mail_plugins = quota zlib acl fts fts_sk
    managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
    managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date ihave
    mdbox_rotate_size = 200 M
    namespace acl-mailboxes {
      list = children
      location = maildir:/Library/Server/Mail/Data/mail/users/%%u:INDEX=/Library/Server/Mail/Dat a/mail/shared/%%u
      prefix = shared.%%u.
      separator = .
      subscriptions = no
      type = shared
    namespace inbox {
      inbox = yes
      location =
      mailbox Drafts {
        special_use = \Drafts
      mailbox Junk {
        special_use = \Junk
      mailbox Sent {
        special_use = \Sent
      mailbox "Sent Messages" {
        special_use = \Sent
      mailbox Trash {
        special_use = \Trash
      prefix =
    namespace list-archives {
      list = children
      location = maildir:/Library/Server/Mail/Data/listserver/messages/archive/lists/%%u:INDEX=/ Library/Server/Mail/Data/listserver/messages/archive/shared/%%u
      prefix = archives.%%u.
      separator = .
      subscriptions = no
      type = shared
    passdb {
      driver = od
    passdb {
      args = /Library/Server/Mail/Config/dovecot/submit.passdb
      driver = passwd-file
    plugin {
      acl = vfile:/Library/Server/Mail/Config/dovecot/global-acls:cache_secs=300
      acl_shared_dict = file:/Library/Server/Mail/Data/shared/shared-mailboxes
      fts = sk
      quota = maildir:User quota
      quota_warning = storage=100%% quota-exceeded %u
      quota_warning2 = storage=85%% quota-warning %u
      sieve = /Library/Server/Mail/Data/rules/%u/dovecot.sieve
      sieve_dir = /Library/Server/Mail/Data/rules/%u
      stats_refresh = 30 secs
      stats_track_cmds = yes
    protocols = imap lmtp sieve pop3
    quota_full_tempfail = yes
    service auth {
      extra_groups = _keytabusers
      idle_kill = 15 mins
      unix_listener auth-userdb {
        user = _dovecot
    service dns_client {
      unix_listener dns-client {
        mode = 0600
    service imap-login {
      inet_listener imap {
        port = 143
      inet_listener imaps {
        port = 993
        ssl = yes
      service_count = 0
    service imap {
      client_limit = 5
      process_limit = 200
      service_count = 0
    service indexer-worker {
      user = _dovecot
    service lmtp {
      unix_listener lmtp {
        mode = 0600
    service managesieve-login {
      inet_listener sieve {
        port = 4190
    service pop3-login {
      inet_listener pop3 {
        port = 110
      inet_listener pop3s {
        port = 995
        ssl = yes
    service pop3 {
      client_limit = 5
      process_limit = 200
      service_count = 0
    service quota-exceeded {
      executable = script /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/libexec/dovecot/quota-exceeded .sh
      unix_listener quota-exceeded {
        group = mail
        mode = 0660
        user = _dovecot
      user = _dovecot
    service quota-warning {
      executable = script /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/libexec/dovecot/quota-warning. sh
      unix_listener quota-warning {
        group = mail
        mode = 0660
        user = _dovecot
      user = _dovecot
    service stats {
      fifo_listener stats-mail {
        mode = 0600
        user = _dovecot
    ssl = required
    ssl_ca = </etc/certificates/mail.maxxx.com.3524D1A33970C65E8A8DFF78E757DDE3C66AED10.chai n.pem
    ssl_cert = </etc/certificates/mail.maxxx.com.3524D1A33970C65E8A8DFF78E757DDE3C66AED10.cert .pem
    ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2:!EXP:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL
    ssl_key = </etc/certificates/mail.maxxx.com.3524D1A33970C65E8A8DFF78E757DDE3C66AED10.key. pem
    ssl_key_path = /etc/certificates/mail.maxxx.com.3524D1A33970C65E8A8DFF78E757DDE3C66AED10.key.p em
    userdb {
      args = partition=/Library/Server/Mail/Config/dovecot/partition_map.conf global_quota=0 enforce_quotas=yes
      driver = od
    userdb {
      args = /Library/Server/Mail/Config/dovecot/submit.passdb
      driver = passwd-file
    verbose_proctitle = yes
    protocol lmtp {
      mail_plugins = quota zlib acl fts fts_sk sieve
    protocol lda {
      mail_plugins = quota zlib acl fts fts_sk sieve push_notify
    protocol imap {
      mail_max_userip_connections = 20
      mail_plugins = quota zlib acl fts fts_sk imap_acl imap_quota imap_zlib
    protocol pop3 {
      mail_max_userip_connections = 6

    I guess the problem didn't resolve itself, rather it has revealed that it is intermittent (my favorite kind).
    What could made a message sent to a legitimate alias username not get picked up during the imap connection. I know the smtp server accepted the message (see logs above).

  • Is there a log to register a change user quota ?

    I would like to know if there´s a specific log or event to verify with someone changed the user quota from a specific user.
    Or with there´s an ID on eventviewer to check it 
    I have an user that for some reason I change the quota and a few days later the quota come back to the old quota. 

    It should be in Admin Audit Log if any admin has changed it...
    Admin Audit log is by default enabled when you install Exchange and keeps 90 days of data (unless someone changed it)
    Administrator Audit Logging
    Blog |
    Get Your Exchange Powershell Tip of the Day from here

  • Authentication & User Quotas

    I have two problems with ACS 3.1
    1 - The dialog box for authentication reappear during the user connexion to Internet
    2 - The user quotas does not work althought the function was selected
    Thanks for help

    I think you have enabled click the LEAP Authentication Status or EAP-FAST Authentication Status tab in the Windows system tray and uncheck the Shown minimized next time check box.

  • Increase Individual Users Quota

    In the past I was able to right click on a Users Home Directory > Properties > Novell Info and change their Quota.
    Now when I do this, even though it says the change was made, it is not updating for the Users. They still cannot save to their Home Directory as it tells them their disk is full.
    There is ample room on the Volume.
    NSM does not report any errors on the Engine or Agent monitor screens.
    NSM 2.5.1 (I know. An upgrade is on our list :)) On Netware 6.5
    Windows 7 User machines
    eDir 8.8.6
    NSS data on OES2 SP3
    Any ideas. This is probably the first request we have had for a quota increase since we went to Windows 7. Could that be the issue?

    On 9/10/2012 1:06 PM, kbannister wrote:
    > In the past I was able to right click on a Users Home Directory >
    > Properties > Novell Info and change their Quota.
    > Now when I do this, even though it says the change was made, it is not
    > updating for the Users. They still cannot save to their Home Directory
    > as it tells them their disk is full.
    > There is ample room on the Volume.
    > NSM does not report any errors on the Engine or Agent monitor screens.
    > NSM 2.5.1 (I know. An upgrade is on our list :)) On Netware 6.5
    > Windows 7 User machines
    > eDir 8.8.6
    > NSS data on OES2 SP3
    > Any ideas. This is probably the first request we have had for a quota
    > increase since we went to Windows 7. Could that be the issue?
    > Thanks!!
    Are you able to increase these users' quota through NSM's Quota
    Management interface? Or through iManager? Or have you only attempted
    this through ConsoleOne?
    If none of those tools work, the problem might be the NSS settings on
    the volume in question. Verify those with NSSMU.
    - NFMS Support Team

  • User Quota setting problem on NAS 5210

    Hi All,
    NAS 5210 user quota settings displays wrong usage space.
    We have set a quota of 15gb per user.
    Case No1: Two of the user directories contains 8.1gb of data and user is not able to copy any more data.When we check the status of the quota settings it displays used space as 16GB(which double the space of actual data stored).
    Case No2: We tried to test with other user directory(already consists of 5gb data) with same quota settings by copying 8gb of data which was successful and we copied more data into the same directory it went upto 18gb which is more than the actual quota.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Could be an issue with ADS integration, check the InfoDocs on the 5210 SSH. Sorry but I can't help further as I only provide support for Linux, *BSD and Solaris systems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Migrating Users Quotas on NSS Volumes

    Hi !
    We have a Netware 6.5 SP7 server with around 45000 users on it. We have a NSS volumes called USERS where must of the users have a quotas restrictions.
    How can I migrate all the users quotas restrictions from a Netware server to an OES 2 Linux server ?
    I tried many tools like SCMT, migfiles, tcnvlnx.nlm, ... Everything is migrating correctly EXCEPT the users quotas on the NSS volumes.
    Any ideas ?

    Marcel Cox wrote:
    > Are your users lum enabled?
    Quotas don't need LUM enabled users on OES2 Linux.
    But if Eric is referring to Volume Space Restrictions and migrations
    just folders, then it won't work.. directory restrictions should
    migrate, haven't tried becoz we only user Volume based.
    6.1.3 User Space Restrictions Only Migrated in Full Volume Copies
    In consolidation projects where individual folders are dragged and
    dropped, or where a volume is
    copied to a folder on the destination server, user space restrictions on
    the source volume are not
    migrated to the destination volume.
    If your consolidation project is set up to copy an entire volume, with
    the contents of the source
    volume being copied to the root of the destination volume, user space
    restrictions are migrated to the
    destination volume. If user space restrictions already exist on the
    destination volume, they are
    overwritten with the restrictions migrated from the source volume.

  • ZFS per-user quota availability

    I am just wondering if the new Solaris 10 update will include per-user quota for one ZFS file system?
    To be able to auto mount cross different file systems as exported by ZFS, one must use autofs4, which is an requirement very difficult to meet. We run different Linux distros/Unix and versions of various Linux and Unix. It's not possible to upgrade autofs to the latest autofs4 on all of them. Also we need to keep different versions around.

    Let's use an example. Create one file system for each user, user1, user2 and user3.
    On one Linux client, user1 logs in and autofs auto mounts /home/user1. When user1 tries to change directory to /home/user2. Autofs would not mount /home/user2 because the autofs older than autofs4 can't cross a different file system to mount.


    Hi All
    We had a setup of 2 Nos. of Controllers (MDCs) and also 2 Nos. of File Servers, named as ODFS. Now the services running in the ODFS are AFP, SMB, DNS, OD. For some reason we had to format the ODFS servers and all the users in Work Group had been re generated. The point is that the users with same rights as previously configured, when formatted came up with different UID numbers. Now when we started to view QUOTA from MDC, we couldn't find the OD users. The OD users are not reflecting and we cannot set quota for the OD users and also no management is possible thereby.
    Need to have your valuable suggestions on this issue. We have already binded the DNS twice & restarted the servers after format.

    OK, now I'm going crazy!
    I just had a few hours to spend (waste) on this and created a new test-user in OD. I disabled simultaneous logins and the user's home is on the server. So it's absolutely the same setup as with all the other accounts, BUT this user account can't login at all! I get a message stating that the user is logged in on another computer and therefore can't log in.
    At least now I know that it's actually possible to disallow simultanoeus logins and they even cared to localize this message!
    Well, so far we got
    a) user accounts that can login as many times as they wish, no matter what has been set up
    b) a user account that can't login at all, if I don't activate simultaneous logins
    I'm going to bed now, this is too much...

  • User quota question

    Okay, so I have one for the group here.
    I have a volume that supports quotas, and houses both user directories, and group directories.
    User has something in their home folder, that counts against the quota. User puts something in the group directory, that also counts against their quota.
    What I'm curious about is, is there any way to prevent the latter, above, short of a cron job (launchd) that chowns everything in the group folders to some user that doesn't have a quota?
    Used to be, you could use AFP inherit permissions. And while you can do setgid on a directory to force group inheritance, you can't do a similar thing with users.
    So, it's not horrible that this happens, but it would be nice to know how to get around this. And of course, there doesn't seem to be a way to exclude certain directories from impacting quota.
    btw, this is an Xsan 2.1 volume, but that shouldn't matter.

    Okay, so I have one for the group here.
    I have a volume that supports quotas, and houses both user directories, and group directories.
    User has something in their home folder, that counts against the quota. User puts something in the group directory, that also counts against their quota.
    What I'm curious about is, is there any way to prevent the latter, above, short of a cron job (launchd) that chowns everything in the group folders to some user that doesn't have a quota?
    Used to be, you could use AFP inherit permissions. And while you can do setgid on a directory to force group inheritance, you can't do a similar thing with users.
    So, it's not horrible that this happens, but it would be nice to know how to get around this. And of course, there doesn't seem to be a way to exclude certain directories from impacting quota.
    btw, this is an Xsan 2.1 volume, but that shouldn't matter.

  • Users quota- not sending email windows 2008 server r2

    I have setup quotas in File Server Resources Manager, when I test sending emails, it works ok I get email  from FSRM, but users doesn't get email when they reach quota even when they are on 100%. When I check Source Template Limit for each user I can
    see that system sends email, but users not getting any email.
    All users have email set in User Properties in AD.
    What can be wrong?
    I never left an open problem....I search, dig and ask, until it's solved....

    What external mail server do you use? Please try to create a receive connector with basic authentication only & anonymous permission on the mail server.
    For more detailed information, you could refer to the links below
    SMTP authentication and FSRM
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • User quotas on tablespace

    I created a tablespace and made it default to a user. immediateley i issued a command to apply a quota 0m for that user to that tablespace.Now when i am trying to create a table by logging on that newley created user and inserting the table on that tablespace i am able to do that no error. can any one say why it is happening? if i repeated the inserting operation after some time i get the error message of quota full.remember that i have already inserted arround 10000 of rows on that table which has only 2 columns on it.

    This is entirely expected behaviour. Setting a quota of zero means 'you may not consume space... and if you already have consumed space before, you may not consume any extra space'. It does not mean 'you cannot insert data into objects which already have space assigned to them'.
    In other words, creating a table causes an extent to be allocated. The table thus acquires some space (say, 1MB). You can think of that as your user 'consuming' or using up 1MB of space in the tablespace. You THEN set quota to zero. That means that table still exists; it's still allowed to be its (say) 1MB; but it can never acquire any **extra** space.
    So now you start inserting rows into that table -of course you're not going to get any errors, because you aren't asking the table to grow. You're simply filling up the 1MB that your table had already acquired when it was legal for it to do so. Eventually, however, you will fill up the initial extent and your next insert will cause the table to want to acquire a new extent -which it is not allowed to do because of the Quota 0 setting. At that point, you'll get the error.
    I see you've had some not-very-helpful replies in this thread already. Well, Daljit of course won't be able to replicate the behaviour you see, because in his example, he is trying to create a new table: that immediately seeks to acquire an initial extent; it's thus immediately trying to consume fresh space in the tablespace; it therefore immediately fails. The thing he didn't test properly was doing INSERTs when quota is zero: those will work fine, until one insert causes the table to want to extend.
    Similarly, since nothing is going wrong, it's pointless you worrying about whether it's a role or privilege thing. It's doubly pointless because quota enforcement has never had anything whatsoever to do with roles or privileges, with the sole exception of having unlimited quota via a grant of a particular system privilege (which we know can't be an issue here, since eventually the quota is being enforced).
    And, just for once, the repeated calls from others for your Oracle version are irrelevant: quotas have behaved this way since at least version 8.0, and quite possibly version 7 before that (but I have trouble remembering that far back with any certainty).
    I think we see in some of the replies to this thread that you are not alone in not knowing properly how quotas actually work!

Maybe you are looking for