Zen Micro - Lock

Why does the Zen Micro lockup so frequently?
What is the permanent solution to this problem?
I assume a firmware upgrade is due soon from Creative, if not the device is going back to the store!

Neil I've been one of the ones that have had a bad experience with this player also. Mine locked up over 30 times in 2 days so I shipped it back to Amazon. I guess it's a matter of what you really feel the problem is. I'm not sure it is the firmware ... it may be a HD problem and I didn't want to take that risk. I was just so frustrated because I spent the better part of 2 days trying to get the thing to work.
I'm not saying to send the player back right away. I've seen some posts here that I would try before making up my mind.
It seems some have solved their problem by using a different USB cable cable when connecting it to their computer. Another has been that fully charging the battery overnight has solved their problems. Others have done a reset (To do a reset, pull the battery out and slide the power switch to the ON position and HOLD it there when re-inserting the battery.) There are a bunch of options in there to reset, reload firmware, etc..
I did e-mail Creative support with my problem but by the time they got back to me, I had sent the player back. They did have a firmware attachment but I'm not sure if it was an upgrade or just the original firmware. I would say the best thing to do is play around with it as much as you can now and keep an eye on these boards. My patience lasted all of 2 days before I sent mine back... but I thought it was great for the short time I did have it working.
I'm waiting a month or two to see if they work the problems out. If all is OK, I will probably buy it again.

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    http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=dap&message.id=889&view=by_date_a scending&page=
    check out this link this guy is now ex creative becuase of the problems and all the moderators can say is "there is bound to be problems" blahh blahh heard it all i've tried every thing!! new cables usb, cards hubs, direct pluggin, firmware you name it i've done it CREATIVE YOU HAVE PROBLEM WITH THE MICRO!!!!
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    i searched for this problem on google its thriving
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    If you exit the software you are using to transfer does the Micro come out of docked status?
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    You lost your receipt ? No reason to loose hope as their are lots of options that will work. First off if you purchased it directly through us you can get it no problem as we have that information saved. If you bought it online then you will often be able to look up your receipt from the place you bought it from. If you bought it on credit card, a CC statement with the purchased on it will also work.

  • Creative Zen Micro Lock Up Prob

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    Any suggestions?

    )remove the battery
    2) Hold the power button to the left (the way u turn it one)
    3) Insert battery (still holding it to the left)
    4) Then you will get the a scren saying: Disk Clean Up, Format, Relod OS, Reboot(or restart cant remeber)
    5) Choose disk clean up and wait till it finishis
    6) The click reboot (or restart)
    7) Does it work
    8) if no Try Format and restart
    9) Work?
    0) If not try relod-os--BE WARNED have the firmware on ur computer so the firmware can be put back on.
    ) does it work?2 ) if not return it

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    It didn't used to do this, but I reinstalled and thus reinstalled drivers, WMP 0 etc...

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    I am having basically the same problem with a new Zen Micro. The computer almost always recognizes the Zen; it appears in device manager; but when a music transfer program loads, the program says nothing is connected. Meanwhile, the Zen Micro locks on "docked" and I have to remove the battery several times to get it working again. I have tried it on two laptops with the same results. Tech support told me to try it on my desktop, then take it back to the store.
    It seems like the only time it works is when I have been trying for a while, which made your post about the partially discharged battery interesting. I had thought about maybe the hard dri've loosening up a bit. Asus had a problem with one motherboard one time because it could not power up a hard dri've fast enough and would result in a hard dri've failure message. Then, it would boot right up the next time.

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