2 sql & 2 matrix in same layout

is there any way that i can create two sql and 2 matrix in the same layout?

sure. You can add queries in the data modell and you can use "Additional Layout" in the layout editor to add a new part for your layout.

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    Best Regards,

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    [email protected]
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    and tnsnames.ora files. You can then create a database link to SQL Server just like you would to any other Oracle database. You can
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    as well as a Heterogeneous Connectivity forum on this site.
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    5.5. The library will be in the $ORACLE_HOME\oca20\plsqllib directory for these versions. The Developer documentation should have
    additional information.

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    Why you need  screen layout for Frame work order document type same as standard PO?
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    Agregando procedimiento 'ADM_SGI.UGDIASINOI'
    Agregando procedimiento 'ADM_SGI.UGDIASINOI'
    Agregando procedimiento 'ADM_SGI.UGDIASINOI'
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    I am having some problems.<br><br>
    This is the code I am running in Fuego Studio 5.5 SP 11 Build #71108:<br><br>
    dynamicSQL as Fuego.Sql.DynamicSQL<br>
    iterator as Iterator(Any[Any])<br>
    sentence as String<br>
    implname as String<br><br>
    dynamicSQL = Fuego.Sql.DynamicSQL()<br>
    implname = "conexionORBPAU"<br>
    sentence = "var result REFCURSOR; " + <br>
    "exec :result_cursor := pkg_audbpm_bpaasig_indicador.prgetsingle(9999);";<br>
    iterator = executeQuery(DynamicSQL, sentence, implname, inParameters : []);<br><br>
    And, this is the error:<br><br>
    java.sql.SQLException: Falta el parametro IN o OUT en el indice:: 1 <br>
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:112)<br>      at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:146)<br>
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3280)<br>
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3329)<br>
         at fuego.jdbc.FaultTolerantPreparedStatement.executeQuery(FaultTolerantPreparedStatement.java:579)<br>
         at fuegoblock.sql.DynamicSQL.executeQuery(DynamicSQL.java:340)<br>
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    TYPE cursor_type IS REF CURSOR;<br>
         FUNCTION prGetSingle<br>
              p_ID_ASIG_INDICADOR IN NUMBER<br>
         RETURN cursor_type;<br><br>
    is my code OK? Any ideas?<br><br>
    Thanks in advance.<br>

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    It is not clear to me if you are working with sapscript or smartforms.
    You have only to find a variable which identifies the kind of invoice
    I do not know that variable so i use an example variable
    for sapscript:
    /: IF &VBDKR-FKTYP& = '1'
    /  INVOICE
    /: ELSE
    /: ENDIF.
    In a smartform you can also do something like that.
    but There you work with conditions (eq, BOOLEAN)
    You have only to find the right variable
    Gr., Frank

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    Configure Separated SQL Server to use in an Enterprise deployment of Lync Server. Standard Edition servers use a collocated SQL Server Express version of SQL Server that is right sized for the workloads of a Standard Edition server.
    Also you can refer below link
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"

  • Creating a PDF while maintaining same layout

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    On a hunch, try this.  In Ai with the original file open > do a command Y ( this will show you the artwork and elements in "outline" mode ) > Command A ( select all ).  You might see a hidden element that is forcing the artboard to read larger than it actually is.  If there are any hidden elements on or outside the artboard, delete them. My "locked" holding line will not be affected because you will not be able to select it.  Hope this helps.
    Should everything look the way it should, hit the command Y keys again to bring back the preview.

  • SQL Explain differs with same query

    DB 1: Oracle EE 11gR1 64-bit
    DB 2: Oracle XE 11gR2 64-bit
    Both on OEL 64-bit
    DB 1 does not do a SORT related to the subquery whereas DB 2 does do a SORT. Otherwise EXPLAN PLAN identical. But performance on DB 2 noticeably faster.
    Here is the SQL:
    select col4
    from tab1 join tab2 on tab1.col1 = tab2.col1
    where tab2.col3 = (select max(col3) from tab3);
    Explain plan (brief)
    DB 2:
    DB 1:
    Any hints (no pun) on what might cause this to occur? Is the optimizer different from XE 11gR4 and EE 11gR1 (wouldn't think so)? Or is it a parameter setting, memory or temp space (default settings apply for both DBs).

    Yes, the optimizer is different in 11gR2 than 11gR1. Also the optimizer in Enterprise Edition will have more choices available than in XE (partitioning, for example; parallel processing, since XE uses only 1 CPU), but in this case I doubt the difference is that deep.
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    Is the volume of data the same in both databases?
    Are statistics up to date in both databases?
    Are statistics gathered the same way in each database?
    For anything more specific we need to see the 4-digit oracle version for each database, exact explain plans (copy-paste), and possibly some CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements if someone wants to reproduce what you are seeing in their database.

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    I used JPublisher to generate a wrapper class of the package, named MyPckg. It has three Constructors: MyPckg (),MyPckg (ConnectionContext c) and MyPckg (Connection c). The problem is that I dont know how to use the existing connection of EntityImpl object (or of ApplicationModuleImpl) to create a new MyPckg object.
    The example below makes a new connection to database:
    public class EOImpl extends oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl {
    public void create(AttributeList attributeList) {
    Oracle.connect("jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521:DB1", "user", "pwd");
    MyPckg dflts = new MyPckg ();
    setField1 (dflts.getDflt ());
    I believed that I can do it through DBTransaction but I couldnt find a relationship between DBTransaction and java.sql.Connection or sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext.
    In MetaLink, I found a couple of items with the same problem, but they appear not to be answered.
    Thanks in advance

    Thank you very much for replay.
    The suggested technique uses JDBC. In fact, I wanted to use BC4J Entity Object and embedded SQLJ (generated by JPublisher). In the JDeveloper Help Topic Embedding SQL in Java Programs with JDBCstays: JDBC provides Java programs with low-level access to databases. If your application or applet uses purely static SQL, where you know the database schema at compile time, you should consider using SQLJ instead. So what I am looking for is how to get a java.sql.Connection or sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext or sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext Object from some BC4J Object (ApplicationModule or Entity).
    Thanks in advance


    Hi all ,
    I have an installation of    SAP4.7SR1 /MSSQL2000 on a windows 2003 server.
    I want to install SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 4.0 /MSSQL2005 on the same server ... it is possible that two version of SQL ( 2000 and 2005 ) coexists on the same server ? It's sufficent to install SQL into two different directory ?
    Thank's a lot.
    Antonio Voce.

    yes it is possible to install SQL2000 and SQL2005 on same server but there are certain special considerations that you should be aware of
    look at following blog
    also look http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143694.aspx
    but in case of SAP Installation i prefered that to upgarde SQL2000 to SQL2005  then install solman 4.0

  • CR-11.5/ODBC-Changing SQL-Server Database in same instance

    I'm using CR 11.5 against SQL-Server 2005.  In the same SQL-Server default instance, I have both  Demo and Production databases.  I've used both the SQL-Server Native ODBC driver, and the OLE/ADO driver as a trial.  Some of my reports have used the standard Table selection method to generate the  SQL; others have needed a Command script due to embedded subqueries.
    My problem is getting a Demo reports changed over to Production reports.  If I make up an original Demo ODBC connection against the Demo database, and then make up a new Production ODBC connection against the same instance but against the Production database, the Data Source will change over to the newly named ODBC connection, but the Database remains pointed at the previous Demo database despite the new ODBC connection telling it to do otherwise.
    This seems particularly troublesome with the standard Table reports as the the new connection Database properties have to be changed to Production as well as the Database properties for every single table.
    Also, is it possible to use just one ODBC connection and force the change by changing the default database from Demo to Production and updating the data?
    Am I missing something here?

    Set location and then Verify the data

  • How to run a SQL manually with the same SQL_ID

    I want to know how to run a SQL which comes from application side manually so that same SQL_ID is generated. I am aware that even if there is a small change in the sql(even a space) the sql_id gets changed. CURSOR_SHARING_PARAMETER is similar in my DB.

    I think you really want is the execution plan (plan_hash_value), what about outlines ?
    Antonio NAVARRO

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