Adobe still not Smartphone friendly - how is this possible

As a user of Adobe Business Catalyst it would be more useful if the administration area was smartphone friendly. However it is impossible access the email area as the screen is distorted, and clearly the site has not been designed for smartphone access.
Now that 50% of retail business is conducted online and much of this on smartphone, business administrators need to have the same access to their business. Can Adobe make administration of catalyst more smartphone friendly, by creating a mobile site?
Will Adobe look at designing an app specifically for BC?

Hi Luke,
I can confirm that this item is found on our road-map, though I can't offer a clear date at this point. Nevertheless, when having finalized development in this area, we will issue demos on how this can be achieved through server-to-server technology. We really want our partners to have the tools necessary for delivering better next-gen experiences to the end-customers and we're actively working on this, so, hopefully, streamlining mobile access of admin functionality combined with the recently added Liquid technology should allow them to do just that.
Kind Regards,

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