After restore 7.1.2 again after reset its stuck again in recovery

ipad2 after restart or long sleep its stuck in recovery
i notice that complete night i turn off auto lock to never it not stuck but when i ON ,its goes to sleep around  5 to 10 min it stuck in recovery mode but its doesn't show itune logo its black and my mac shown its stuck in recovery
after many restart  (hard restart  power/sleep+home) its back alive  and after sleep it dead again
my ipad work 7.0 to 7.1.1 perfectly this whole issue is after updating 7.1.2
any chance to revert back to  7.1.1

Hello camay from PK,
Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
If your device is going into recovery mode, you will need to restore it to its factory settings.
Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings
Take care,
Alex H.

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    Hey jestinsinclairr,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like you had one issue and then got a second trying to resolve the first. A frustrating situation for sure. The first article linked has what to do if it is not powering on unless plugged in. The second article addresses the error you are receiving when trying to restore.
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    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
     Cheers, Tom

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    try a different cable a different usb port, drop all security software and fire wall, try a different computer here are the steps
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    Peace, Clyde
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    Unable to Update or Restore...
    See Here  >
    You may need to try this More than Once...  Be sure to Follow ALL the Steps...
    Take your time... Pay particular attention to Steps 3 and 4.
    Some users have reported as many as 8 or 9 attempts were necessary before success.

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    If my answer solved the issue, then please click on the Accept as solution button. Thank you-----------------------------------------------------------------!
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    Hi chuckrabaw,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities. Based on what you stated, it sounds like the iPhone is searchiong for a network. It looks like you have already done some troubleshooting. There are a few steps listed in this article you did not mention trying, they may be able to help the issue.
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