Apple support issue and general MacBookPro solidity

The main question:
Can a backup with Timemachine be used to restore a new HD, which unfortunately is already formatted and has content? The backup was from a 500GB disk, the new disk has 320GB. However, the 500GB disk was not full and was less than 320GB.
Can anybody help?
A more generic question and some background:
About 3 years ago I purchased my first MacBook Pro to allow me to enter the multi media work area. Two years after the purchase the MacBook encountered a problem with the video chip, which requires the replacement of the motherboard. This happened when I lived in the middle of Africa and at a time when I had to complete a movie project. I went to South Africa to buy a new MacBook Pro last February as this was the "cheapest" option. The new MacBook broke down in July - only 5 months after purchase with a known and well documented issue whereby the computer does not start up, but shows a "permit" sign instead. I have moved from Rwanda to Senegal and found an authorised, licensed Apple store. After 10 long and painful weeks the shop finally was able to confirm the obvious and also to provide me with a temporary replacement disk. They were instructed to only physically install the disk, so that everything else can be done via the time machine. However, they ignored the instructions and provided a disk, that leaves me with mostly corrupted applications and documents. Trying to restore them one by one does not result in success and I am extremely frustrated. Obviously the licensed store does not have the capacity and it seems that the MacBook Pro in general is not as stable as one would wish. Any comments - any advise - any help?

Can a backup with Timemachine be used to restore a new HD, which unfortunately is already formatted and has content? The backup was from a 500GB disk, the new disk has 320GB. However, the 500GB disk was not full and was less than 320GB.
How much less than 320GB?
Generally speaking you don't want the hard drive to get more than 85% full (an arbitrary number that has worked for most people). Time machine stores its data in folders fairly free hand based on time stored, but a mixed recovery may or may not work depending on how different the types of data are together. What kind of data are you wishing to restore?
Obviously the licensed store does not have the capacity and it seems that the MacBook Pro in general is not as stable as one would wish. Any comments - any advise - any help?
AppleCare may be your best remediation in this case. Buying it anytime the machine is under a year old gives you unlimited hardware and software support for Apple's own product, though data restore of non-Apple applications is probably not within that coverage. I can't say for certain about that, although AppleCare is known to do data recovery at a fee.
Their nearest contact number is here:
They would be able to tell you what can and can't be done, and if you aren't satisfied with their response, don't hang up, just get a case number and request Customer Relations look into your issue and tell you what's possible.

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    You're Very Welcome KT!
    And Thank You for extending the courtesy of awarding in  Discussions. As this is not a requirement nor mandatory, but is much appreciated!
    ali b

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    Well my friend, im in the same boat as you, I was waiting and waiting for this f/w. I had oringal phone back in october, f/w ver 3 or something like that, I went to update it at the shop and it came back f/w 11 etc..
    I used my phone for about a week and the autofocus stopped and also the button on the side froze. So again it went back, 3-4 weeks later i was sent a brand new phone. I was pleased as I though great the new f/w on it too.
    How wrong was i, it was f/w 10 etc...
    So after reading many discusions telling us not to goto the latest f/w because of the b/w video and other faults. I waited. I did not want to waste my time to goto the shop and get it sorted as Nokia's website said there will be an update.
    Feb theres an update, but its the same f/w which people were telling others to stay well clear of.
    So again my phone,
    b/w video
    b/w pictures (**bleep**) even in colour there grainy and thats in full light.
    the sms function don tget me started..
    I send about 10 texts in one go, and it fails after the 1st two have gone out.
    I have to then goto the outbox, click on each one and then click resend or send again.
    While this is going on, I get a message which says I have a new message, I click on show, and then it freezes the menu, I have to turn off and back on again to get the whole damn phone working again.
    The menu's are sluggish, not at all quick like the past f/w version.
    The batt well it lasts a day, I bought two and a desktop charger to help matters.
    Barcode reader, well full light, waiting for 1min and more for it to produce something is so wrong, whats the point?
    Ring tones,
    Somedays its like the speakers shot, or fuzzy, while other days its fine.
    Not really much use unless you got your phone in there face, so whats the point in having a light on it? Is is really there as a torch? rubbish!
    I do not know, or cant remember if this was an option here, remember the day where you could have it on silent for a specified time? where has that gone or was it not there?
    Oh also, if you do a full backup, and then upgrade online, and then restore, all your songs, videos which have keys, will not work again, even if you still have the orginal keys, they will not re-install. (thanks nokia)
    For me thats it after a few days after upgrade. I will post more faults apart from the obvious ones.
    Like someone else says in previous posts, maybe if Nokia juse admit that there flag ship phone is a muk up and do a recall and give out either n93i, n95 or even the n97. This will cut down on time they have to keep fixing the n93 and then can work on other things.
    Well Nokia customer service did ring me, very shocked....
    They asked me what if any problems i had and gave me a range of questions to answer rating on 1 to 5, 5 being best.
    So far Nokia, you dont even come on the rating... your well below.
    I suppose its what you get if you buy something for money these days and not on tick or hp. You save up or even just think you got to gave the next best thing (as the adverts say it is!!) and then it isnt, whats that saying?
    All that glisters is not gold?

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