Audio Addition Issue

Hi there! I am trying to add an audio recording of myself speaking in for a video and the audio wont play. the cursor just moves through it and there is no sound. video works fine as does the music. I tried to load audio recording from my phone and the same thing happened. Any suggestions?

Hi helpmeplease1314,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
Take a look at the article below, it provides some great suggestions for muted audio in iMovie projects.
iMovie is missing audio on import, export, or playback
If your iMovie project appears to be missing one or more audio tracks when you play, import, or export a project, try these steps.
Make sure the audio track has not been muted in the timeline.
Switch to timeline view by clicking the clock button in the iMovie window.
There are three checkboxes on the right side of the iMovie window underneath the sound icon. These checkboxes correspond to the video track and two additional audio tracks. Make sure all three tracks are selected. Any deselected tracks are muted.
If you are using iMovie 3 or later, check the "Edit Volume" option to see if it is selected. If so, make sure the volume of the affected video clips is not set to its lowest level, or try deselecting the option to Edit Volume.
See if the volume in iMovie is set to its lowest setting. Directly under the Preview pane in iMovie is a volume slider. Set this slider to maximum volume.
Make sure the computer's audio is not muted.
Quit and reopen iMovie, then check the clip to see if it now plays with audio.
Check to see if any of the video clips you have imported are in the MPEG-1 format. MPEG-1 clips will lose audio when you export them as part of your iMovie project.
Quit and reopen iMovie, then reimport the footage from the camera. Play the newly imported footage and see if you now have audio.
If you are using an analog to DV converter instead of a camera, make sure the audio connections are good between your VCR or other analog device and the converter. Check the documentation that came with your converter for more information.
Check /Library/QuickTime/ and ~/Library/QuickTime/ for any third-party plugins. Remove them if present, log out, and log back in. Check to see if the issue persists. If not, check with the manufacturer of the disabled plugin to see if an update is available. Note: The tilde (~) represents your Home directory.
Note: "Apple Intermediate Codec" and "QuickTimeMPEG2" are Apple components. For more information about a particular plugin, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info. Look at the version string of the Get Info window to see if the plugin developer name is listed.

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    First to thank you for taking the time to read and consider this if you do - any help in this would be hugely appreciated
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    EDIT: I also posted this in the general iMac forum. Posting here for people w specific audio knowledge thanks!

    Pancenter, thanks once again.
    Sorry about delay replying - have had an internet outage here just to add to my woes haha.
    Anyway, the good news is that I think I've cracked it:
    After updating the OS per your suggestion, uninstalling both Audacity and the m-audio (profire 610), and lastly resetting defaults on sys audio midi prefs I was still experiencing this problem - just on a line-in to Garageband. Pure frustration.
    So eventually I just elected (in lieu of chucking the hardware out the nearest window lol) to do a cold re-install of the OS (erase and install option, backup hdd done). As I bought the iMac in January the OS is 10.5.5 I think.
    After install, before doing anything else at all, I opened Garageband, set up an audio track and set input prefs to Line in Stereo 1/2 etc, and hooked up the tape unit via rca and the line-in port. The result? Perfect 2-channel stereo.
    My personal theory is that the problem was created by the audio interface installation - an m-audio "profire 610" - Tho Audio interfaces are a frickin minefield anyway between Macs and PCS, chipset compatabilities, dodgy beta drivers, worthless gadget-hawking etc etc... I also realised that while my first original attempt was on Audacity I had already installed the profire unit just immediately before (but didn't use it). I doubt it was Logic which is designed specifically for the mac - I feel this theory might be proven when I reinstall these.
    So there you go - get the Audio interface right it seems.. And I've got stereo audio.
    Thanks for your help and input Pancenter - much obliged.

  • Audio synch issues in QT

    My project displays fine in PE8. No audio synch issues in the preview. After outputting the project to a quicktime movie withe LAN setting the audio becomes seems to run faster than the video, becoming more and more out of synch as the movie plays. Any ideas what might cause such an issue?

    The Stream info in MPEG streamclip for files from both cameras gives me this info:
    Bitrate: 30.31 Mpbs
    Video Tracks:
    DV/DVCPRO - NTSC, 720x480, 16:9, 29.9699999999999 fps, 28.77 Mbps
    Audio Tracks:
    16-Bit Little Endian mono, 48 khz, 768 kbps
    I don't know if this helps.

  • 10.4.10 Audio Popping Issues: Information Check with Internal Speakers

    For people with internal speakers, or those without subwoofers: Please read all the way to the bottom to find a test that will determine whether you are also having audio problems, even if you can't hear pops.
    We've had a lot of discussion about audio popping due to 10.4.10, and the evidence indicates that the audio circuitry is going to sleep to conserve power, even on AC-only computers like the iMac, Mac Mini, and (at least one) Mac Pro. Some people claim to not have this problem, but I'm wondering if they just aren't noticing it.
    Having external speakers with a subwoofer, set to high amplification, are key to obvious detection of the problem. Let the sound subsystem go idle for 30+ seconds (wait a minute with no audio, just to be safe), turn up your external speakers really loud, and cause the computer to make a sound. You should hear a burst before the sound plays. If you repeat the sound, you won't hear the burst. This is the sound of the audio circuitry powering on, and the speakers are amplifying it.
    About 30 seconds after the sound finishes playing, if you leave the volume of your speakers turned way up, you should hear a "pop" as the circuitry is powered off. Then, playing another sound will recreate the burst.
    I haven't been able to hear these sounds with internal speakers, either on the Mini or iMac. But the problem still exists, and it is detectable... if you know what you are looking for.
    The burst of the audio circuitry turning on also causes a delay in the audio. The delay is a noticeable fraction of a second, an it can easily be detected if you have a repeatable source of sound. I like, because I use that application all day, every day. Here is how you can check to see if you are also subject to the audio problems:
    1. Start (in the /Applications/Utilities directory).
    2. Wait one minute for the audio circuitry to shut down.
    3. Without typing anything else, very quickly strike and release the Backspace key.
    4. If you pressed the key all the way, the program should have caused a beep. However, if the audio circuitry goes to sleep, the beep should occur after you have moved your hand off the key. This is because the circuitry takes time to power itself on before playing the sound.
    5. Now, quickly strike the Backspace key again. You should notice that the sound is produced immediately as you hit the key, without the delay you just witnessed.
    6. Strike the Backspace key repeatedly, to confirm that there is no audio delay. Do this about once every second or two. If you press the key too rapidly, not all of the presses will produce sounds... this behavior is not related to the issue we are testing.
    7. Wait another minute for the audio circuitry to shut down, and strike the Backspace key once more. You should again observe a delay between your strike and the sound production.
    If you witness delays like this, your audio circuitry is also going to sleep, and you are having the same audio problems as the rest of us. However, either because you are using internal speakers, or because your external speakers don't have the appropriate response, you aren't hearing the same bursts and pops as the rest of us.
    Please try this test, and report here. I want to build a list of people who previously couldn't hear the sounds, but still have the delay. This might give us a better picture of the scope of the problem.

    Re: 10.4.10 Audio Popping Issues: Information Check with Internal Speakers
    Your analysis of what is happening is right on.
    The problem on my Intel Mac mini with external Klipsch speakers (two mid-range/high and a subwoofer) is REAL obvious as the system emits a hum like a Spinal Tap amplifier turned up to #11 when 10.4.10 powers down the audio circuitry
    Then, if I play a song in iTunes, it first pops and the hum disappears right before playing.
    Quite annoying.
    Here's what I sent to Apple tech support:
    Guys/Gals (OS X Engineers):
    Concerning the Snap, Crackle Pop Audio problem in the 10.4.10 update:
    Please. Just do the right thing and fix the audio.
    There is no need to power cycle the audio subsystem to save .0005 amps on your laptops.
    And then to make your Mac mini/iMac/other desktop users have to put up with it when using AC power is ridiculous.
    Put the audio subsystem back like it was in 10.4.9 and let the laptop battery freaks looking for mini-amp savings get a "work-a-round".
    Mac Mini 1.83 Ghz Intel Core Duo 1GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   20 Years of Microsoft-Induced Grey Hair

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    To see the stream with the OSMF/Strobe player, go to:
    I do not have JW set up for public viewing yet, but the two above show the distinct difference.
    We are really hoping to start pointing our customers towards the OSMF player because of the support provided by the community and Adobe, but we have to get the quality of the playback to be acceptable first.
    If someone has ideas on debugging I can PM the actual video assets to you.

    Hi Tim,
    You need to add this setting:
    The actual value can be higher or lower. The best practice is to use a value that is twice the keyframe distance. Anyway, try different values and see which performs the best for your content.
    I know that the setup page does not contain this option and it is not documented in the UserGuide. We simply missed it. Sorry.
    Also note that the dynamic buffering algorithms are not being used for dynamic streaming content. I tried to explain this here:
    Looking forward to your confirmation that this solved your issue.

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    thought I'd give the forums a shot.
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    or if adobe knows of any bugs that are currently being looked

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    import the flv to the stage, as opposed to playing it
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    issues? Does Flash Player 9 have any difficulties displaying
    flv files loaded dynamically?
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    When I export my movies from imovie to quicktime it will play in quicktime, properly and without sync issues, for a really short period of time - seconds.  But after that, the audio no longer matches the video.   I know it's an issue in QT because when I upload the video to YouTube there are no audio sync issues whatsoever.
    Thank you so much,

    I am dissapointed to see that no one has addressed this issue. I have similar issues.
    The MP4's play perfectly in the quicktime player but in Premiere they are off by varying degrees sometimes up to a minute even. I had similar problems in the past with files from the same producer. However last time I was able to  change the extension before importing and then sync them up manually on the timeline. It worked everytime. This time however when I change the extension Premiere brings it in as an audio only file.

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    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at
    If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with ALL OF THE DETAILS asked for in the FINALLY section, the questions at the end of the troubleshooting link... most especially the codec used... see Question 1

  • Audio Sync Issue on Export

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    I am not sure what the problem is exactly.  I feel my workflow is not right and that is leading to this issue.
    I created the 50 slide comps in AE
    I then used the hour long DV clips in PrPRO to make sub clips (about 30 seconds each, total of 8)
    I rendered these out to then import into AE
    imported into AE and made comps out of them
    then render out a test file that would be my finalproject in mpeg format.
    I would like to not render the video a second time and would like, basically to take my AE photo comps straight to prmiere pro to insert the DV footage but don't know how exactly to do that.
    Is there something that you can recommend.

    We need to know a lot more to help you. Please provide answers to the questions listed here: "FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on this forum?"

  • Trouble exporting 11-min film as XML because of audio translation issue

    Hi, I am trying to export a short film XML file of approximately 11 minutes for a sound engineer and it's coming up with a ton of audio translation issues.
    Can I attach the report and someone help me? Most of the issues are audio tracks from ADR but I recorded them with the same H4Zoom I used for the original, and some were the original production audio to which I applied the DeNoiser effect. They're all stereo files with the exception of a few mp3s which were special effect sounds. Why are they not being translated? What can I do to get this into an .xml?? It looks like somewhere between 100-150 audio files were not translated.

    are you using merged clips? premiere merged clip XML issue
    if the sound engineer will take another format, premiere can export OMF or if you have audition you can open the OMF in audition and export it as a fcp xml.

  • So frustrating that nobody knows why. Audio Sync issue.

    I have an imovie project of old family footage that was ported over from VHS through a sony dcr pc120e mini dv cam straight through to intel imac via firewire. The imovie project is flawless and the sound is perfectly in sync. ive exported to idvd and when finished the audio is out of sync on the final disk. Now i have been reading about this issue and see that people blame idvd8 but it happens when i make a dvd with my imovie project using toast titanium 9 too. Surely if it plays perfectly as an imovie project there must be a way of transferring to dvd without audio sync issues. If anyone knows a solution or piece of software that will remedy this please please let me know as i have wasted about 12 dvds in various experiments.

    mogreen wrote:
    camcorder on 16bit, i am using a vhs player attacthed to camera then firewire to imac, ... the imovie project is perfect in everyway. Everything is pal. Yes i did export to QT within IM and this was also out of sync.
    thanks for answering some of my Qs ...
    there's one thing, I do suspect, which was a 'source' for sync-weirdness for years.. which is the AUDIO connected to some video.
    you told us, video is 25fps, and audio is included 16bit (which is good...)
    I assume, adding some NON-conform audio could cause trouble... (as a 12bit audio would cause outofsynciness) .. we do know very little about, how iM08 handles audio+video internally, we 'Silverbacks' had long discussions about really weird side effects as a 'zooming' of dvfiles on export etc. I wouldn't be surprised, if adding some non-iTS, non-48kHz-aiff, non-whatever... causes such an effect.
    so, please answer my audio Q from above: source, format, bitrate...?
    and just for curiosity: how long is your project in total? hh:min:sec?
    pops into mind: in iM vers3, there was some 'bug', concerning PAL wrong audio and NTSC good audio ... wow < scratching bald head > .. try to contact some wiseguy with better memory..
    Message was edited by: Karsten Schlüter

  • Help please... Audio sync issues going from iMovie to iDVD (iLife '09 packa

    I've tried technical support, I've tried looking online but nothing seems to have helped, so here's the problem:
    I have a video/movie, that is around 58 minutes long, I share it to iDVD and the other media formats from iMovie. The vid has music, transitions, titles, credits, etc... It plays fine in iMovie while I am editing it. The problem comes when I try to export it to another media format and to iDVD.
    There's a section that has major audio sync issues that I have no idea how to even begin to fix. There is audio and music from the 55 minute mark that plays over the 27 minute mark for a good 3 minutes of video and audio.
    I've tried some of the suggestions I've come across but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have anything that they can offer this very frustrated guy? Please and thank you in advance.

    I don't shoot 12 bit audio (ever) so I'm not an expert on fixing it or converting it back to 16 bit audio. I can only report what others on this forum claim to have worked (in some cases with marginal success).
    The ones that comes to mind are:
    1. video and audio extraction in an attempt to re sync.
    2. exporting back to the camera from iMovie and then re-importing as 16 bit.
    Message was edited by: SDMacuser

  • Why does embedded video cause audio sync issues?

    Greetings all,
       I have a question that is perhaps best answered by an Adobe developer or someone who knows the SWF file format and various audio/video standards fairly well. When one drags an FLV file into the library in flash authoring tool, a window appears. If you click "Embed FLV in SWF and play on timeline", an awful message appears, "WARNING: Embedded video is likely to cause audio synchronization issues...". My question is: why would there be any audio synchronization issue? Is this really just a bug/unimplemented feature? Or is there some fundamental shortcoming of current versions of the SWF file format that does not allow for the FLV audio/video signals to be properly encoded in the SWF file? Or is it that the flash player plays SWF and FLV data in fundamentally different ways and that even if the audio/video is perfected sync'd in the SWF file, the fact that it's a SWF file causes flash player to lose sync?
       I'm guessing only a Flash developer could answer this (and probably not just any Flash developer!), so if there are any out there, please spare some wisdom for a poor lost SWF surfer.

    Welcome to discussions!
    From what I am reading, you are trying to use the audio that was in the original video-right? By that, I mean, you haven't added a voice over or music-just using the speaker's voice on the tape.
    If so, you might want to try using something like a Fade Out or Fade In instead of one of the transitions that add or subtract to the length of the video
    [Quoted from iMovie Help]
    Some transitions (for example, Cross Dissolve and Push) shorten your movie by a few seconds, depending on the speed of the transition. For example, if you add a transition with a speed of 2 seconds, iMovie overlaps 2 seconds from the first clip and 2 seconds from the second clip as it renders the transition. This shortens your movie by a total of 2 seconds.
    The Overlap transition freezes the last frame of the clip on its left and superimposes it over the next clip. Fade In/Fade Out blackens the last frames of the clip on the left and the first frames of the following clip.
    [End quote]
    Or you could try extracting the audio from the movie so that you could edit it and sync it that way.

  • Canon cameras have audio sync issue with FCP?

    My mini dv deck died on me so,
    I am using a small palm size Canon mini dv firewire camera to transfer about 50 tapes.
    I am having a weird audio sync issue.
    Sometimes the capture footage plays down in sync - I pause>scroll>play - and it's suddenly out of sync. This keeps happening. Sometimes it plays in sync. Other times it does not.
    Because it's hit and miss- I'm not sure I can even re-sync.
    I imagine it could be the media drive (internal)- but I have other video files on this drive that play fine.
    I don't often use firewire capture.
    Is audio sync a common firewire issue?
    Will the quality suffer if I capture through composite/analog audio outputs?
    I can patch it through my
    decklink card.

    Audio sync is an issue with Firewire, just not all the time. Usually it is fine, but a lot of Avid people don't like Firewire for this reason.
    Most often it is a 5 frame sync issue. Slip your audio 5 frames forward and see if that solves the problem.
    As well, take a look in your Browser after you capture a clip and see if the Aud Rate is either 48,000.5 Hz or 47,999 Hz. I have seen the clips come in as both of these. Once you slip the footage, export the audio only, then reimport and attach the audio to the clip in the timeline. Should take care of it.
    Post back if these don't work.

  • Serious QT Player audio offset issue OS X/Win

    we are an animation studio for tv commercials in Germany working for advertisement agencies with over 15 years experience. The whole branch is mainly using Quicktime movies for presentations and approvals.
    Within our last project we figured out again that there's a serious audio offset issue by Quicktime which will give the whole approval and playout process a headache. Usually we encode in H.264 and these movies will be uploaded to a website or sent by email.
    The issue I am talking about is a very little desync of video and audio. We are talking about 3 frames delay of the picture. We found out that this is caused by the player only.
    Example: we have a picture sequence in After Effect and the audio file delivered by the sound studio which is perfectly mixed to the animation sequence. The After Effects RAM preview will play the whole movie perfectly as approved at the sound studio. When you export this to a Quicktime movie the Quicktime player result is different. Exactly 3 frames. Adjusting the audio track 3 frames forward will give you the right result.
    The main problem now is that you need to offset 3 frames to get sure that everyone will experience the correct audio/video on an Apple and Windows system (both tested here). For a playout to tape (station copy) or encoding in Flash, YouTube, Vimeo you need to deliver the version without the audio offset.
    If you use the 3 frames offset version for encoding in Flash, YouTube or Vimeo you will get a wrong result. This time the picture is running 3 frames behind. Playing the original Quicktime with another player like AFX RAM Player, VLC or Media Player Classic will show the correct result.
    We also downloaded a couple of Trailers and compared the original with a 3 frames audio offset version. The original ones look wrong in QT and the wrong ones look right. It's a player issue what has to be fixed asap by Apple. The question now is: where can I contact a qualified Apple support who will understand the problem? This has to be moved to the Apple development team.
    We googled the net and found discussions about the issue. But noone so far could work out that it's a Apple Player bug and not caused by other software. In one thread some users were sure that e.g. After Effects is exporting the wrong movie. It was recommended to move the audio in After Effects to get the right result. If you do so and believe and trust in the Quicktime Player you will export the wrong result and your TV Commercial's picture is 3 frames desynced to audio. Honestly this 3 frames offset is hard to recognize depending on the movie. But it's definitely an error what could cause a desaster if a commercial will be in a bugged version on-air.
    Any comments and questions are welcome. Feel free to contact me by email: [email protected]

    1. Check the cycle count of the battery against the rated life for your model. The battery may be due for replacement. If the power adapter is connected almost all the time, the battery may need replacing even though the cycle count is not too high.
    2. Follow these instructions, or these for OS X 10.8 or earlier.
    3. In the Energy Saver preference pane, uncheck the box marked
              Enable Power Nap while on battery power
    if it's shown (it may not be.)
    4. You can also try resetting the SMC.
    5. Make sure your system is up to date in Software Update.
    6. Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service center.

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