Automate to sequence - not on lowest track

When I import a composition to Premiere Pro it seems the only way to move it to the timeline is to "automate to sequence". My issue is, the Automate to Sequence automatically drops it on the lowest video track number no matter what track I have selected. Any way to change this?

By design, Automate to Sequence will target the lowest available video and audio tracks. You could lock the tracks you do not want it to automate to. e.g.: if you wanted to automate to track 3, then you would lock tracks 1 & 2. Hope this helps.

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    When I use the Automate to Sequence feature after arranging clips in a Bin, none of the associated audio files show up in Audio 1 but the video clips do show up in Video 1. When I do this on other computers it works fine. (This is a classroom setting.)

    Start reading on mono and stereo tracks and project setup.

  • Audio tracks missing when doing automate to sequence.

    Using PMW200 with 4 audio tracks. When dragging single file to timeline I get the 4 audio tracks. But when I do an automate to sequence, I only get 1 audio track, plus, the default audio transition is not going on.
    I have all the tracks highlighted and have ticked apply audio and video transitions.
    Any idea where I'm going wrong? Thanks
    Mike Ward

    Hi Kevin.  I uploaded a clip onto you tube for you to try, but you tube mixed the audio tracks so it was useless.
    Basically, drag any video clip with 4 audio tracks recorded from camera onto timeline in cs6, and all audio tracks appear on the timeline.  But automate several similar tracks to timeline and only one audio track gets added.  The other 3 do not appear.  Is there a work around for this, rather than dragging all on one at a time.

  • Automate to sequence audio tracks bug.

    When you select clips that contain 4 audio tracks, to apply "automate to sequence", only track 1 is added to the timeline. Please, can you fix?

    I think it is important to resolve this because I used to put multiple clips on the timeline, with the overlay option "x" frames and apply audio transition.

  • Automate To Sequence - "Placement" box do not open "unnumbered markers" option

    Hi all,
    I tried to place photos in a Sequence automatically by pressing
    the Automate To Sequence button .
    I want to place the photos at the unnumbered sequence markers that I had already marked .
    the problem is that the "Placement" box do not open this option.
    It opens only the "Sequentially" option.
    I have used this feature before in PPRO 2.0 and it was OK then.
    Please help,

    Here's a suggestion from a user named Jusko that worked for me:
    Delete the pref file --- C:\Users\user id\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Premiere Pro\3.0\Adobe Premiere Pro Prefs
    then, the "At Unnumbered Markers" option will appear again.
    On my PC the file path is:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Sid\Application Data\Adobe\Premiere Pro\3.0\Adobe Premiere Pro Prefs
    Meanwhile, in case I run into this again, I've copied my latest good config file so I can fall back on it after deleting the corrupted one.
    Something else that works is to log in as a different user. Either way, you will need to update your preferences (path to scratch files, etc.)
    Here's a link to another discussion of the same problem:
    Sid Roberts, "Placement "At Unnumbered Markers" disappeared" #6, 5 Jun 2008 9:40 am
    Hope this helps,

  • How to edit source sequence from 'multicam mode' sequence (not bearing multicam icon)?

    I'm 'multicam editing' what i believe I setup as a regular sequence, then enabled (i believe by nesting) as opposed to a textbook multicam sequence setup with multicam icon where you setup a 'source' then a 'target' prior to starting.  my 'multicam' sequence that works like a charm does not bear the multicam icon.  Is there a difference between the two or are they essentially the same?
    I was able to switch cameras on the fly like a charm so i 'multicam' edited an entire show when I realized I had 1 minor audio-to-picture beat-mismatch to correct in the source.
    I read that to fix this, press Ctrl+Shift+F where you want to open the source sequence in the Timeline panel (and this did open expanded tracks as expected near that designated point in the timeline) so i made the quick edit and saved changes.  But now playing back my multicam sequence (that does not have a multicam icon), I'm not sure what i must do to see those changes so i can continue/finish my show edit?  it isn't automatically doing this as i would expect.
    i'm forced to wonder what's going on, what 'source' I actually edited, and how or if it is connected to my multicam sequence if at all.  my icons seem reversed to me i.e. the sequence with expanded independent a/v tracks bears the 'multicam' icon whereas the sequence I actually did the multicam switching on the fly does not bear the 'multicam icon' or the audio-picture realignment edit I made in the expanded tracks.
    if these two are related, why do edits in the expanded sequence not reflect in the collapsed.  is there any other way to reveal/expand the multicam sequence?  so confused.
    Message was edited by: Tanya Lee
    Message was edited by: Tanya Lee

    I'm 'multicam editing' what i believe I setup as a regular sequence, then enabled (i believe by nesting) as opposed to a textbook multicam sequence setup with multicam icon where you setup a 'source' then a 'target' prior to starting.  my 'multicam' sequence that works like a charm does not bear the multicam icon.  Is there a difference between the two or are they essentially the same?
    I was able to switch cameras on the fly like a charm so i 'multicam' edited an entire show when I realized I had 1 minor audio-to-picture beat-mismatch to correct in the source.
    I read that to fix this, press Ctrl+Shift+F where you want to open the source sequence in the Timeline panel (and this did open expanded tracks as expected near that designated point in the timeline) so i made the quick edit and saved changes.  But now playing back my multicam sequence (that does not have a multicam icon), I'm not sure what i must do to see those changes so i can continue/finish my show edit?  it isn't automatically doing this as i would expect.
    i'm forced to wonder what's going on, what 'source' I actually edited, and how or if it is connected to my multicam sequence if at all.  my icons seem reversed to me i.e. the sequence with expanded independent a/v tracks bears the 'multicam' icon whereas the sequence I actually did the multicam switching on the fly does not bear the 'multicam icon' or the audio-picture realignment edit I made in the expanded tracks.
    if these two are related, why do edits in the expanded sequence not reflect in the collapsed.  is there any other way to reveal/expand the multicam sequence?  so confused.
    Message was edited by: Tanya Lee
    Message was edited by: Tanya Lee

  • Output--- automatic mail is not firing to sold to party.

    Dear Gurus,
        My client requirement is to sent mail to sold party when saving a sales order.
      For this I creted a new output type with following assignments
    In General data tab:acess sequence assigned and Access to conditions is checked
    In Default values tab: Dispatch time(send immadiately), transmission medium(External send), partner function(Sp
    ),Communication strategy(CS01) assigned.
    In Time tab: no information given
    In Storage system tab :Storage mode(print and archive),Document type(SDOORDER) info given.
    In Print tab: print parameters(sales org) assigned.
    In mail tab: nothing assigned.
    In sort order tab:nothing assigned
    In mail title and texts: En and DE languages are assigned.
    in processing routines: program and form routine is assgned.
    in partner functions: External send+ SP is maintained.
    and in condtion record maintained in VV11 tcode with details
    Partner function and in communication assigned printer and  selected check box print immadiately and release after out.
    But automatic mail is not firing when saving the sales order, but in change sales order in menu bar selected sales document and issue output to and selected print then mail is firing to the sold to party, pls tell me where i had done the mistake.
    Edited by: kishore gopala on Sep 13, 2008 1:42 PM

    Check whether you have maintained the email address in the customer master of Sold to party in the General Data>Address Tab> Under Communication Area??
    In the SCOT Transaction, check under SMTP (SMTP Mail Server)-->under INT (Internet) --> an  '*' asterisk has been maintained or not.
    Check the status of the email output in the Sales Order, is it showing with a green traffic light???
    If it is showing with a green traffic light you can manually see the status of the mail mesages in Transaction SOST.(by executing, by putting the Sender Id)
    If they have not gone you will be able to see them queued up there.
    Select the individual messages and press execute button. By doing this email outputs will be released.
    Hope this helps you.
    Caution: One word of caution is that SCOT is a very critical transaction. And if you are working on a live server, do not play with it as it controls the entire SAPconnect Administration Nodes.
    Hope this helps.

  • Automate to Sequence - Set To Unnumbered Markers

    I'm using Premier Pro CS3 on a Windows XP machine. I've found that if I select the "Sequentially" Placement Option under "Automate to Sequence" the other option (Set to Unnumbered Markers)in the drop-down box completely disappears (not just grayed out but gone from the program). It doesn't re-appear with a re-boot. The only way to get it to come back is to first, find the Adobe Preferences file buried deep under the users tree and then delete it. I've had to do this several times and it works. I've recently installed CS3 on a brand new workstation (the one described above) and the problem has continued, a new problem is, now I can't locate the Adobe Preferences file anywhere on the machine so I'm unable to delete it.
    Is this a problem that Adobe is 1)aware of, and 2)working on.
    Are there any work-arounds?
    I use/need the "Set to Unnumbered Markers" frequently and hate wasting time chasing the rabbit when it runs away.

    Thanks, Jeff.
    I just found that out the hard way trying to troubleshoot someone's problems on the phone.
    Seems you have to locate the ...\Adobe\Premiere Pro\3.0 folder in your user area and delete/change the name of the 3.0 folder nowadays to restart the many individual files that hold all the preferences nowadays.
    Looks like a useful folder to which to create a shortcut on the desktop to save having to keep looking for it if you have problems.
    For Tom: I guess it's the same with CS3, but with earlier versions the Preferences files were not replaced by a re-install of the program (nor deleted by the uninstall). Logic being that they are created if not there - so if they are there already the old ones are re-used. So you do need to deal with the preferences files to sort corruptions to the user interface or whatever, and a reinstall is unlikely to fix the problem.

  • Automate to sequence without transitions?

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  • Adding an effect to a sound, not the entire track

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    By add effect, I assume you mean add some delay or reverb one one particular note or word. Several ways to do this. Put the effect plug-in on a bus return, and then automate the send level to come up/down for that one incident.
    Another way would be to make a 2nd track (audio or midi), Insert the effect on that track, and cut the phrase or note, and move down to that 2nd track. So the whole track would be dry, and that one word, note, would have the effect on the next track.
    Make sure levels are similar

  • Titles on linked Pr sequence not appearing on Encore DVD?

    I have a sequence linked from Pr pro CS5 to Encore CS5. I have added titles to video track two in the Pr sequence. They link up just fine in En. When I preview disc in En, the titles come in and fade out just as planned. All looks great. However, when I burn the project to DVD, there are no titles on the DVD??? I saved the Pr project, even rendered it prior to creating DVD in En CS5. I have done this process twice. Both times no titles on DVD. What am I missing??
    Thanks very much for advice. This is a once a year project, so sorry I have to re-learn many things again...and again.

    Anyone have any ideas of things I could test? As I stated, the disc when played in my PC shows the titles, just not on two different stand alone DVD players I have?
    Stan, you mentioned source/sequence settings? Is there something specific I could provide?
    So you know what I did to create these titles. In Pr, working with the sequence I have dynamically linked to En in the timeline. In Project panel, new item, title. Then edit title and drag to video track two in timeline, set keyframes for fade in/out.
    To make my next title, in title edit window, New Title Based on Current Title, rename it, edit, drag that to timeline etc.
    These titles show in En when previewing disc and on burned disc played on PC as stated.
    Stuck in the mud?
    Thanks for any/all suggestions!
       _ \<,_
    Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 06:22:44 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Titles on linked Pr sequence not appearing on Encore DVD?
    I would build to a folder and see if that plays correctly on the computer.  (Rule out disk/burning issues.)
    Do a small test project if the files are large, but bring the same bit out of Premiere with no fades on the titles.  Do they burn?
    I wonder about your source/sequence settings.
    I always find such problems very odd.

  • FCE4 'Modify Scale to Sequence' - not here .. :(

    pg 801 of the FCE handbook describes a method to scale stills (and videos) 'automatically' to Sequence properties.. it says:
    .. To scale an image within a sequence to exactly fit the sequence dimensions:
    1 Select one or more clips in the sequence. ∏ Tip: You can also place the playhead over a clip in the Timeline without selecting any clips.
    2 Choose Modify > Scale to Sequence.
    Each selected clip’s Scale parameter is set to the appropriate amount so that both horizontal and vertical image dimensions fit within the sequence dimensions. The images are not squeezed or stretched, but they may appear letterboxed or pillarboxed if the aspect ratios of the image and the sequence don’t match.
    Note: The Scale to Sequence command works on video clips as well as still-image clips.
    unfortunately, there's no 'Scale to Sequence'-command in that menu of FC/e 4.0.1 ..
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    so.. ? wrong chapter in handbook, FC/p only? ..
    appreciate any insights ..

    thanks, Tom, mystery solved!
    they translated this error into the German manual too

  • Subclips - Automate to Sequence: Ignores Subclip Length

    My Research didn't find any answers to my problem:
    Dragging and Dropping Subclips to the Sequence works as expected: Only the (shortened) length of the Subclip is dragged on the Timeline.
    By Using "Automate to Sequence" the length of the original Clip (much longer) is dropped on the Timeline.
    Is this by Design? I expected the same behaviour like dragging and dropping. With this behaviour its impossible to create quick rough cuts when you have Subclips in the project.
    Any ideas?

    Workaround for me: The length of the SubClip is not ignored if you check the "Restrict Trims To Subclip Boundaries" at the Subclip Properties at the time you use the "Automate to Sequence" Function.
    If you had to trim/extend the SubClip Boundaries afterwards, you have to uncheck the option for every subclip you used. So this really just i a workaround in my opinion.
    So is this an issue for a bug report?

  • FCP 4.5 Sequence w/ No Audio Tracks

    How can I create a sequence with no audio tracks? When I try to delete the audio tracks, I get an error message saying "Deleting all tracks is not permited."
    Any help? Thanks

    I'm getting the feeling that people are confused with what my goal is. In the timeline window, I want there to be NO audio tracks.< </div>
    I understand. You're not grasping the answer.
    How can I create a sequence with no audio tracks? When I try to delete the audio tracks, I get an error message saying "Deleting all tracks is not permited."< </div>
    Instead of saying A1, A2, etc, there would be NOTHING. < </div>
    You can't. Period. You can reduce the number of audio tracks to one but no fewer. You can create a preset, a default empty sequence, to open with only one audio track. But you cannot delete all audio tracks. Can't be done.

  • Separate automatic document sequence numbering for diff. branches

    The client wants to have different automatic document sequence numbering for its various branches.preferably the sequence will start from a prefix depicting a branch and sequential vouchers will be generated. in this way all the branches will have their vouchers in sequence. tracking and filling will become easier.
    if sombody knows the way of doing it, please respond.

    By using Document sequencing, you can do this have separate document sequence numbers for each bank, each branch with a code.
    Please contact for further details.

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