Batch Capture Sequence Only

I've been searching and cannot find any good info or a good process to batch capture only the media used in a sequence.
I just had an old client contact me and want to do some simple updating of an older video project- changing text graphics and replacing a few shots.
The project was longer- almost 15 minutes and was created/culled from a very large amount of source footage. All of that footage has long since gone offline.
I've tried multiple times and processes to batch capture the the media used only in the sequence, but cannot seem to figure out a way to convince FCP to capture only the footage used. It continues to try and capture ALL the source media in the entire project.
I know that on my old Avid system, all I had to do was select the sequence and click batch capture and it would do it with no problem (even grabbing handles on the new footage). It's frustrating that to do so on FCP is so difficult.
Is there anyone out there who has found a solution or developed a process by which they can batch capture only the media in a sequence. If so, please share it with me.

FCP can do the same as Avid's consolidation with the media manager, however when it's done, the original media has to still be online. (not your situation). I have gotten into the habit of creating a sequence that only references the media used in it, before I trash the original media because of this.
I'd suggest an XML or EDL export of the sequence, reimport that and batch it. This new sequence will only reference the media used in it, and you can add handles to it during the batch capture. If you use an EDL, you could take your titles and graphics and edit them from the original offline sequence to the new.

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    Superstitious, indeed.
    As noted, we can't tell much from where we're sitting. Welcome to the forum, too.
    Beginners' issues with batch capturing are often traced to not completely understanding how logging works. Maybe you have designated several overlapping clips.

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    FCP 7.0.2
    OSX 10.5.8
    Mac Pro 2x2.8 ghz Quad-core intel Xeon
    8GB ram

    Never seen this behaviour before. Trash prefs and try again.

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    I didn't receive a reply to this but I believe I figured out what what "drop frame box" Irl is taking about.
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    Use the Media Manager to create new offline sequences with the unused media removed into a new project. Then you can batch capture the newly created clips.

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    Power Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.2)   FCP 5.01

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    Dual 2.7 GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   2 GB RAM

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    Create a new sequence and delete all the audio in the timeline. This should reduce the amount of media needing to recapture. It still may show a time larger than the length of your sequence. Even with out handles. Not sure why.
    Also, make sure all the clips have timecode and a reel number. It won't deleted the unused portions if it doesn't have it.

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    FCP rewinds the tape because it loads the clips in ascending timecode order -not the order that they appear in your sequence. This saves wear and tear on the tape because FCP does not have to spool back and forth, it simply progesses up the tape grabbing the clips.
    It might be that the first segment that FCP is trying to grab is too close to the beginning of your tape and there is not enough stable timecode at that point.
    Try the following: reduce the amount of pre-roll time or shorten the length of any handles you may have assigned.
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    Create a new sequence and delete all the audio in the timeline. This should reduce the amount of media needing to recapture. It still may show a time larger than the length of your sequence. Even with out handles. Not sure why.
    Also, make sure all the clips have timecode and a reel number. It won't deleted the unused portions if it doesn't have it.

  • Unable to locate timecode in batch capture

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    If anyone knows a workaround for this that will help me avoid having to edit the footage all over again I will be extremely grateful.

    HI I have the same problem, the capture window says: Waiting for time code, the device must set in vcr mode and then This operation could not be complete as there is no video, the F!#!%$$ problem is very illogical ,at this mooring I do batch capture without a problem but since the second tape this problem starting, I update to FCP 6.0.4 and,. @@#%#@%#$ the first tape capture but the second not capture and the problem starting againd, note that IMOVIE capture the tape and work very well, iI replace fire wire, camera VCR and , I trayu with Canon, Sony, JVC and the problem persist , I have quicktime 7.4.5, FCO 6.0.4, note that I have two Macs with the same problem in both macs IMOVIE work like a PRO edition Software but FCP is very bad, I have with this problem a long time, I formated Mac, reinstall FCS2 many timers and the problem persist. IS not a problem whit easy setup or wherever , I download the FireWire SDK from Apple and test all connection with the applications of sdk and in all case , the camera and the fire wire are OK, the problem is with quicktime and FCP, If any one is working OK with FCP and DV NTSC devices and JVC PRO HD devices, please tell us HOW DO. I'm working with FCP since 2000 and in this month FCP makes me very UNHAPPY.

  • Batch Capture - Ingesting Footage of a Public Hearing

    I have a unique video verité project and I'm trying a unique approach to the Log and Capture process for it, and I'm asking for a little advice...
    On Thursday, I was recruited to record a nearly-five-hours-long public meeting at which over 150 people spoke. (1,200 in attendance) Fortunately, the meeting had a pro-grade P.A. system, and the hosts offered a box to plug in for audio pick ups on the P.A., so I used my wireless mic system to feed the speakers' voices directly into my new Canon Vixia HV 40 camcorder; I recorded the whole thing in HDV onto 5 tapes. The audio was clear as a bell. This project has a vaguely C-SPAN feel to it.
    Now comes the challenge. This was a non-stop, live-on-tape meeting. The only time I stopped was the switch to newer cassettes. The organization I am helping asked me to find a way to ingest this footage as quickly as possible, figure out how to get it onto regular DVD media, and ship it out to a couple of volunteer organizations so that people can digest the proceedings and get organized for future plans. There is no time for frills or FX or anything but a plain brown wrapper on these DVDs.
    I switched my HV 40 over to output down-converted DV streams. I started up Final Cut Pro 7 (I previously used FCP 4.5 on other projects) and got the log-and-capture process going. One thing I noticed during the Log and Capture process on the first tape:
    I decided to Log the video using the Batch Capture process. All five 60 minute tapes have been thoroughly logged now. I wanted to use Batch Capture so that it would be easier to isolate individual speakers by clip if necessary; I logged consecutive back-to-back clips of four speakers apiece on each of the tapes, each tape is logged to a different logging bin for better organization. (The logged clips are each typically 8 minutes duration.) I intend to make sequences in Final Cut, each sequence will be a different DVD disc (Disc 1 of 3, for example) and I will insert the clips consecutively into the Timeline to form a complete show.
    During the Logging process, I noticed something odd: doing everything on the fly, one clip will end on a specific frame and the next logged clip will begin on the very same frame as the previous clip ended. Shouldn't consecutively logged-on-the-fly clips with an end point followed by the beginning of the next clip on the next frame afterwards? Should I adjust the clip frame-times in the Browser by offsetting them by one frame to make them flow properly?
    Thanks in advance,
    [NOTE: 5 tapes used, 5 logging bins logged, meeting was just over 4.5 hours in length.]

    Since saving time is essential in this case, I would have logged each tape as one clip, captured that tape and move on to the next. Drop two full clips in one Sequence for DVD 1, play out the Timeline to a stand-alone DVD recorder in real time, and move on to the next one.
    Once they had their 'no frills' DVDs, you could then go back and make subclips of each speaker if needed.

  • Failed Batch Capture - Broken Timecode

    I'm attempting to capture some old footage from a project I had done in Premiere about a year ago.
    There is clip in particular I'm trying to capture where the timecode was broken - premiere attempts to capture the first 8 minutes of my clip and then stops and gives me an error stating that the timecode was broken.
    Is there anyway to force premiere to capture this clip all the way through and ignore the broken timecode point?
    It's not a big deal to capture the clip "manually" but the problem is that I had split up and edited this clip so much, I'd rather batch capture it so that it will automatically appear on my sequence and I won't have to re-edit the whole thing.

    I also have a Canopus card (in a system with Premiere 6.5) and broken timecode ("timecode hell" as I call it) was really only an issue when the tape pre-rolled over the break point during batch capture.
    Do you still have the old Canopus .avi? You could use their util for CDVC <-> DVSD conversions:

  • Major Batch Capture Problem!  Please, Please Help!!!

    I have a project that is 1hr 41 minutes. The footage is on 3 tapes.
    I need to re-capture the footage into this project to make some changes. When I try to batch capture the clips, I get an error saying that I am trying to capture drop-frame footage to a non-drop frame clip. This of course (it would seem) is impossible, as the footage was captured from these very same tapes.
    I first tried ignoring the warning and capturing the footage, but that didn't work, and all the footage was in the wrong places.
    I then looked at the off-line time code and went to the same time-code on the original tapes, and the time code is not correct! For instance, at the beginning of the sequence, the person introduces themselves. This footage is from tape 2 at timecode 2:06:48:07. If I go to that timecode on the tape, that is not what is there.
    Does anyone have any clue what I could have done wrong? Is there even a way to change a clip from drop-code to non-drop?

    It is true. Try it. I just did to make sure.
    When you capture a clip using Capture Now AND Non-Controllable Device, the timecode starts at 0:00:00:00 each time you begin to capture a new clip.
    If you use the device control & capture now, you retain timecode from the source tape. But if you turn off device control, you turn off timecode.
    The FCP manual talks about it on I-276, but the language is pretty vague. It basically tells you the ONLY time you should set it to Non-Controllable Device is when you don't have timecode to begin with.

  • Batch capture opening rather than log and transfer

    What causes batch capture to open rather than log and transfer? Attempting to media manage and reimport clips but only batch capture will open? Thanks, Michael

    Hey there camera400,
    were there any solutions you found? I'm having exactly the same issue at the moment....
    I'm following the "RED FCS White Paper" dated November 11, 2008 from the RED support page-
    Doing "Workflow 2: Work offline Using ProRes; Finish Using RED Quicktime Media" - (my offline was ProRes (hq)).
    Based on this workflow, I get all way through step 5.3 of Workflow 2 -- creating offline project and setting Log & Transfer settings.
    The Paper suggests that when I right-click the new offline sequence, select "Batch Capture" from the shortcut menu, the Log & Transfer window will appear, allowing me to reinjest RED footage.
    However, it opens Batch Capture instead...
    Any insights appreciated.

  • Batch capture takes twice as long to capture

    Weird problem. Say I have 3 clips on a single tape (this happens across all tapes and projects) I log them and then select them to batch capture.
    All, seemingly, goes well, they cue up and the log and capture screen says "item 1 of 3" or "2 of 3" etc.. but then when it looks like it is done, rather than end, it goes all the way back to the beginning and seemingly re-captures all footage! When I check my capture scratch folder, i only have one file for each capture sequence.
    Thus, my capturing takes 2x as long to capture!
    any ideas?
    FC Studio 2 (i.e. FCP 6.x)

    So it's PAL footage? or NTSC? anamorphic?
    Odd though, never seen this behavior, so not sure how to troubleshoot it other than to rebuild your startup disk... (the old sledge hammer approach). It shouldn't be happening though and likely won't with all the setup being clean (as in rebuilding your startup disk). It's all up to the latest too right? 104.11 or or 10.5.2, and QT 7.4.1? FCP 6.0.2, right?

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