Cannot close OVI suite

After downloading the latest Nokia updater, I keep getting the msg:" You must close OVI suite before using the Nokia Updater" But the OVI suite is not running. I tried opening and then closing the OVI suite, but still the same msg. Task Manager does not show the OVI suite as running. Any ideas, anyone? Thanks

Its bit hard 2 chck frm ur initial post, No information abt ur pc Again if u say, u cant close ovi suite, y not attach some screen shots, it may give better idea.  A picture can say 1000 words, same ur screen shot(if any) too. Paste ur system information thru Nokia ovi suite > Help > About Nokia Ovi Suite > System Information
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    1. Run OviSuite
    2. Tools> Options> Contacts/Calendar and Tasks
    3. Select Microsoft Outlook from " Sync with Contacts Application/ Sync Conflict Resolution
    4. Save and Sync now
    Please THANK me by clicking on the ****WHITE STAR** ( Giving KUDOS) the big GREEN BOX to your LEFT .
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    Thanking You

  • Cannot recommend OVI Suite 2.0 at all

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    Nokia appears to be making a big splash on a poorly thought through and untested piece of software.   
    I have gone back to PC Suite.
    If my post helped you, click on Kudos button and if my solution provided is opt 2 u, accpt my solution

  • Ovi suite cannot access music

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    Now when I start Nokia Ovi Suite, it seems not to have access to the music folder on my phone. Everything else works, but it shows 0 music files on my phone, although there are plenty on it. Also, when I try to synchronize music, I get the error message "files cannot be transferred" (translated from German) for each play list in the Ovi Suite. So obviously, it can neither read nor write music.
    I tried to reinstall the operating system on my phone, and to reinstall and update Ovi Suite. Both was unsuccessful.
    I would use Nokia Ovi Player instead, but that does not connect to the phone (neither in PC Suite nor in media transfer mode). It still tells me to connect my phone, switch it to media transfer mode, and press OK, but does not recognize the phone when I do this. And PC Suite has not integrated music manager, as I understand.
    I can copy the files one by one in "file transfer mode", but then they are not linked with the phone's music player, and it is far from comfortable.
    I would be either happy with a working Ovi Suite or Ovi Player
    Phone: Nokia 5800 XPressMusic, softwareversion 40.0.005.C02.01
    PC: Win XP
    Nokia Ovi Suite:
    Nokia Ovi Player: 2.0.1106.00
    Connection: USB
    Thank you. 

    This enables me to use the mass storage mode to add music, so it is a bit better now. Thank you very much!
    However, I still cannot use Ovi Suite or Ovi Player. The problems stay the same.

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    Wish I had not started on this process. Any ideas?

    msam wrote:
    Thanks guys. No I didn't miss anything on the phone and its working normally. I finally bit the bullet and terminated Ovi and all seems normal, except no update of course.
    Presumably update via FOTA was not an option, go to Menu > Ctrl. panel > SW update or this instructed you to update via PC?
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

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    What version of Windows is being used? Windows Vista
    What Service Pack is installed? SP2
    What version of PC Suite is installed? Ovi Suite
    What is the connection method, cable, bluetooth or IR? Cable
    Nokia Ovi Suite
    PC Connectivity Solution
    Connectivity Cable Driver
    Nokia Ovi Suite Software Updater 2009.40.0.60128
    Maps Service API
    Nokia mPlatform 2.5.195
    Ovi Desktop Sync Engine
    Système d'exploitation :
    Microsoft Windows Vista Édition 32 bits, Service Pack 2
    Langue : Français
    Navigateurs Internet détectés :
    - Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18828
    - Mozilla Firefox 3.0.15 (Navigateur par défaut)
    Piles Bluetooth détectées :
    - Microsoft (Version : 6.0.6000, Préversion : 16386)
    If my post helped you, click on Kudos button and if my solution provided is opt 2 u, accpt my solution

  • Cannot get Calendar on ovi Suite

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    Cud u pls chck in
    Nokia OVI Suite > Tools > Options > Calendar and Tasks.
    Or if u hav problm in syncing calendar on ovi suite using BT
    If my post helped you, click on Kudos button and if my solution provided is opt 2 u, accpt my solution

  • 5230 ovi suite cannot find maps on device

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    Hi Mkws,
    To find the installed Maps and Navigation.
    Connect your device to the Pc/Laptop
    Open your OVi Suite, Goto --> View -> Go to -> Maps. On the left handside bottom you can find On your device, Below that select All. It will take a while to read your phone data. It will show you the Maps and the Voice Navigation installed in your device.
    Please delete all your maps which ever already installed in your device by clicking on Delete All on your right hand side top.
    Now you can download and install the maps and voice navigations once again one by one.
    Before this if you find any update for your maps software please go ahead and do it, prior to downloading Maps.
    Hope This will resolve the issue.
    If you like my post, kindly acknowlege the same by giving a kudos to me

  • OVI Suite STILL cannot sync to a network drive

    What is the point of having a support forum when everything gets ignored!
    What is the point of having a feedback system when it all gets ignored!
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    For how long will you go on ignoring us like this???
    I have been a passionate defender of Nokia since 2001 till literally 5mins ago when after downloading the new OVI suite, a simple task like syncing contacts crashes OVI time and time again.
    I can't select a network drive to sync to, all my support posts for the N8 have so far been ignored!!
    Do you guys actually have any software testers in the company?? Why is it that anything to do with software, you get it so horribly wrong. Whoever is running that bit of the company needs to be fired and new brains brought into the mix!
    I love Nokia as a company as they're full of ideas and potential but the software guys will spell doom for you! If something so simple like syncing contacts can be missed and the software is allowed to be released to the public with that very obvious bug!! Can't you just have it so things JUST WORK?!?!
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    I am so **bleep** with the whole company right now I'm on the brink of just throwing it all away and saying goodbye to Nokia for ever!
    But fortunately, my hatred for Steve Jobs is even more and can't be bothered with Android!!

    you can find the path in the windows registry:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nokia\Nokia Ovi Suite\{D995DE8A-1556-45a3-BC7A-568E63663F25}\PcPath]
    or just search the registry for the path shown in the 'Photos folder location' shown in the ovi suite.
    or search the registry for the value 'photos path'

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    Please send help!
    Gr, Marcel Verberg
    Go to Solution.

    Freeing space on C:\ phone memory is a problem.
    Windows says that the phone's memory is full,
    but after selecting the folders and files the total
    use is 36.5kB ?!
    So what goes wrong?
    Gr, Marcel Verberg
    2011-03-28_165451.png ‏185 KB
    2011-03-28_165547.png ‏277 KB

  • OVI Suite : Cannot sync contacts

    After my multitude of issues with the new N8, had to set up a router just for this device because it would crash my whole network, I decided to update to this version of OVI SUITE.  Long story short, I lost capability to sync my contacts with Outlook 2010. It worked with the previous version, this one simply crashes. Sync's everything else but contacts.  I said, there was a problem with the update process. I uninstalled the thing 10 times according to the guides here and no luck. Heck, I even formatted my laptop yesterday! Yeah, for New Year's whilsts I was waiting of guests I was formatting my laptop. Still no joy. Fresh OS, with fresh Outlook and brand new PST, does not sycn contacts. OVI Crashes! 
    Any solutions? Please don't say remove the software because I installed the damn thing on brand new OS and still crashes.

    I reported this issue to Nokia Support, got a detailed answer. Have not tried the suggested things because I was able to sync contacts by doing uninstall of OVI Suit and reinstalling from OVI Suit download link at
    Here´s the official answer:
    vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme mit Nokia Care.
    Bitte hinterlegen Sie als erstes in der NOKIA Ovi-Suite Ihre Ovi-Benutzerdaten unter Extras - Optionen - Proxy.
    Danach bitte ich Sie, die automatische Synchronisation zu deaktivieren – sofern eingestellt - und auf manuelle Synchronisation umzustellen:
    Synchronisieren > Synchronisationsoptionen > Gerätesynchronisation
    Hier entfernen Sie bitte alle Häkchen aus dem Feld " Bei jedem Verbinden des Gerätes automatisch synchronisieren.
    Sollte die nicht funktionieren, gehen Sie bitte wie folgt vor, um das Problem zu lösen:
    Öffnen Sie bitte bei Windows Vista und 7 folgenden Pfad:
    C:\Users\Benutzername\AppData\Local\Nokia\Nokia Data Store\DataBase
    Dieser Ordner ist sowohl unter Windows XP als auch unter Windows Vista ein versteckter Ordner, so dass Sie ihn unter Umständen je nach gewählten Optionen erst sichtbar machen müssen:
    a. Klicken Sie auf Start und anschließend auf Ausführen.
    b. Schreiben Sie control folders in die Box und klicken Sie Enter.
    c. Im Auftauchenden Fenster, wählen Sie bitte den Reiter Ansicht aus.
    d. Wählen Sie versteckte Ordner anzeigen aus.
    e. Deaktivieren Sie Geschützte Systemdateien ausblenden (empfohlen)
    f. Deaktivieren Sie Erweiterungen bei bekannten Dateitypen ausblenden
    Nachdem Sie diesen Ordner geöffnet haben, entfernen Sie bitte den MDataStore.db3. Starten Sie jetzt bitte die Ovi Suite erneut und versuchen zu synchronisieren.
    2. Sollte dies keinen Erfolg bringen, deinstallieren Sie bitte die ganze Ovi Suite und installieren Sie diese über folgenden Link neu:
    Bitte berücksichtigen Sie, daß Antivirensoftware und die Firewall die ordnungsgemäße Installation der Software behindern können.
    Für weitere Fragen und Anregungen stehen wir Ihnen gerne jederzeit auch telefonisch zur Verfügung.
    Tel.: 0180 / 501 502 0 (0,14 Euro pro Minute aus dem Festnetz der Deutschen Telekom; maximal 0,42 Euro pro Minute aus den Mobilfunknetzen); Montag bis Freitag in der Zeit von 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr, außer an bundesweiten Feiertagen.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Ihr Nokia Care Team

  • Cannot update phone software / Ovi Suite

    Everytime I connect my C3-00 to Ovi Suite to start the update process, this pop-up appears. I disabled my Kaspersky Internet Security but it's still not working. Now what I am supposed to do? Please help. Thanks.
    nokia.png ‏478 KB

    I'm having the same problem. I'm running a Nokia E63 on Windows 7, Nokia Ovi Suite software version, and the firmware version (device software version). on my phone is 200.21.012.
    This being very old firmware, I want to upgrade to the required 500.21.009. However, whenever I try to upgrade, I get the error attached (Error code: 12008). Can someone help me as I've reinstalled Ovi Suite to the latest version and still no joy.
    Ovi suite error - Error code 12008.png ‏41 KB

  • Cannot connect to ovi suite after deleted all prog...

    I have N97 mini and I deleted all programs on my phone. and now ovi suite is showing error that it is not recognizing phone.
    What can I do?
    files I can transfer, it works.

    Same problem here. In Ireland, using an E5, able to sign in on my PC and send links to my handset but then 'Sign-in failed. Check your user name and password'. I can actually sign in to the Ovi Store on my handset but if I try to download anything it request I sign in again and then I get the error message above. I've had the phone a month and it has always been like this. Head wrecking.

  • Ovi Suite - Cannot update C7 to symbian Anna

    I'm trying to update my mobile phone to symbian Anna, but I can't neither via Ovi Suite nor Wi-Fi connection. There is always error, that says, my mobile can't be updated (error 12017). I've reinstaled Ovi Suite and it didn't help. Restarting my mobile doesn't help either. There is still about 1MB of Symbian Anna 1/2 update to download, and it can't download it - it just start to instal and fails.
    I also can't use Ovi store from my mobile - it happened about month ago. And also can't reinstal ovi store - 2mb of download left and it tries to instal it -.-
    Please, help!
    Go to Solution.

    Solved. I had to restore default settings of my phone and after that, Symbian and all other things were instaled properly.

  • Nokia 5230 Cannot Sync with Ovi Suite

    Every time I connect my phone to my computer to sync up  with Ovi Suite and click on sync, it doesn't sync and a message pops up to tell me to reconnect or fix the Bluetooth. This has been happening to me ever since I got the phone 3 months ago and only once have I properly synced up my phone with my music (which now doesn't work either and doesn't pick up on the files on my memory card that I added through syncing with Ovi Suite, and every time I connect with the setting of mass storage it tells me I don't have enough room or shows the files ) I would like to restore it to the original factory settings but I have some important files on my phone that I would like to back up before I do that.

    Pleasew check this link.

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