Cant update firmware?

Trying to update firware in a recently acquired 350 MHz slot loading iMac (so I can update the os to 10.3)
I am booting up from the HD, which is running OS 9.1
When I try running the firmware installer, the iMac boots up as usual (no long beep), and I always get the message that the firmware was nor iunstalled.... "review instructions" or cancel.
I am pressing in the developer button, but wondering if it is actually working! (I am not pressing the reset button by mistake)
Are there any key combinations I can use instead of trying to press in the button? Any other suggestions?

Thanks for the advice!
I have updated the system to 9.2.2, and still have thew same problem.
Starting up in Open Firmware gives the following message:
Apple PowerMac2, 1 2.4f1 BootROM Built on 02/18/00 at 09:44:35
Just to give a little more detail..... Following the instructions on the firmware upgrade (restarting while holding in the developer button) results in the usual start-up chime, after which the Mac quickly restarts, chimes again (normal start-up chime) then proceeds to boot as normal.
Once it has booted up, the firware installer tells me to review instructions & try again..... very frustrating! Any help gratefully received

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    Which G5?
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    Do you mean this one:

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    Hi, ashAleyP -
    Welcome to Apple's Discussions.
    Re the firmware update -
    In order to run the firmware updater, the machine must be booted to OS 9 - it will not run in Classic while the machine is still booted to OSX. To boot the machine to OS 9, open the Startup Disk control pane (Apple Menu > System Preferences > Startup Disk) and select OS 9 as the boot OS.
    It is a good idea to print out the instructions before performing the update.
    Note - if your G4 PowerBook is not OS 9 bootable, there is no firmware update for it.
    Re the RAM issue -
    If I understand correctly, you have one (new) 1.0GB RAM module and one (old) 256MB module, and the machine is recognizing only half of the new module (512MB + 256MB = 768MB net).
    This can be caused by more than one thing -
    • If your G4 PowerBook is OS 9 bootable, it can not use a 1.0GB RAM module. The largest it can use is 512MB, and the max it can address is 1.0GB. If this is the case, you will need to replace the 1.0GB module with a 512MB module of correct specs.
    • If your G4 PB is new enough that it can use a 1.0GB module, the module you received probably does not meet specs for that machine. RAM must meet the specific requirements for each Apple model.
    It would help us help you better if you would identify the specific model of your machine. This Apple KBase article can help you do that -
    In order to use Disk Utility to repair the drive, you will need to have the machine booted to the OSX Install disk. When the machine is booted to an OS on the hard drive, that drive is in use - and can not be repaired (nor dismounted).

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    Hi there.
    I had the same problem as you with my 5230, here's what did the trick for me.
    1st. When updating on the phone make sure you are using the WAP and not the GPRS... That probably isn't the case for you but I just wanted to be sure.
    I had tried updating on the phone and on OVI/PC suite but nothing worked after several tries and re-installs.
    I then thought that maybe the problem was with the network I was using, so I put a sim from a another phone I have that's on a different network and BOOM it worked, got it updated in about 10 minutes.
    If you don't have another SIM you can easily buy a manual top up/prepaid one or even borrow it from a friend.
    I know it sounds like a long shot but it worked for me.
    Best of luck.

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    Yep, that was the issue. Didn't know there was an admin user too. Guess I needed to start at the first page of the guide instead
    of going to the backup/upgrade part of it. Figured that out and came here to delete my thread, but couldn't b/c you already replied. You guys are fast!

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    Hi, I had the same problem on my wife's pc running XP, as a workaround I used another PC which just happened to be running Win 7 and it updated without problems, I think my wifes problem was XP that was corrupt, since then I have re-intalled XP and it now works correctly with her Iphone 3gs.

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    Your asking a user-to-user forum for advice on updating a phone that is not officially launched yet. Of course it is not supported by NSU or by OTA updates yet.
    Where did you buy it from? If the IMEI number begins with '00' instead of '35' then you have a prototype device which nobody had the right to sell to you, it remains always the property of the manufacturer - and if this is the case it could explain your problems as a prototype may not be the final version, it may in fact be far from complete.
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    A prototype will have no warranty as it was never intended for sale, a normal device given to a third party prior to the launch may also not be warrantied - the best thing to do is to check with Nokia customer services to check its status because there is good reason to suspect you have been sold a phone under false pretences and you should in that case have recourse with whoever sold it to you.

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    take my advice: there r many issues with ios 6! wait 4 ios 6.1
    however if u want 2 download it now, downloadthe firmware from ur browser (ggl chrome or mozilla,) then ggo 2 itunes, connect ur iphone & hold shift & press update & select the firmware hope that helps gd luck

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    Only fixed this in the last day or two . . .with this!

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    I just did a quick Google search on the error message you are getting.  It seems as though all reports I saw on it were happening to people who had jailbroken their iPhones, and they had to use some other hacks to get around the error.  Since jailbroken iPhones are not allowed to be discussed here, you probably won't find too many answers on this forum.

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    232.jpg ‏49 KB
    121.jpg ‏35 KB

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