Connecting problems for new HP5940

How do I let airport extreme know that I am connecting a printer. Also how do I know if I am connecting thru it says that wireless printing can not take place if I am connected that way.
Sorry but I am not that up on all the jargon. Keep it simple for me please.
I can print when I directly connect to the ibook

Everything is connected and working fine now.

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    Welcome to the discussion area!
    From your description, it sounds like the wireless communications between the AirPort Extreme and your wife's MacBook are picking up some sort of wireless interference from another source such as a cordless phone or another nearby security system.
    I suggest that you try different channels for your wireless to see if you can find a setting with less interference. To do this, you would:
    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Click on the AirPort Extreme and then click Manual Setup below
    Click the Wireless tab below the row of icons
    Look for the Radio Channel or Channel setting
    You may need to hold down the option key as you click on the selection box to display all available choices.
    Start at the highest channel and work your way down, or start at the lowest and work your way up.
    Click Update at the lower right of the window to save your current setting and the AirPort Extreme will restart in 20-25 seconds.
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    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at ork.html
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
     Cheers, Tom

  • Connection problem with new database

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    while connectting as sys user error
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    Please read the error again "listner failed to start dedicated server process". Means what, listner listened your request to connect, it tried to hand-off the connect request but due to resources problem (lack of memory) it is not possible to start server process; i.e. presumably the server is very busy at that time. If you are not able to resolve the issue, please check the unwanted services and stop them in strat-run-services.msc.
    More information can be found at below link too:
    Re: ORA-12500
    Girish Sharma

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    - The file is being used by another program
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           I tried to create another Library and post the file but it still shows me the same error message. I urgently need to fix this error as the file is viewed by several directors. Can someone help??? Thanks a lot!!

    Currently, when a workbook that contains a Data Model is published to a library in Office 365, data refresh is unavailable.
    However, you can use a PowerShell script to configure a workaround.
    donwload this white paper for workaround:
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:

  • Wireless Connection Problems for Home Hub 3 and Vi...

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    However when attempting to connect our family laptop (running Vista) we hit trouble. Initially I tried to use the icon in the tray (bottom right of the screen) by clicking on connect to a network, then selecting our hub, then inputting the wireless key and going through the menus correctly. It would only connect 'locally' and not recognise the hub. It says identifying then says unidentified (public network BT Hub 3) and only 'local' access which I then change to private network. With my preivious internet I was able to set it up as Home network - now I can only choose between public or private BUT NOT Home, Work or Public.
    So I then tried the BT disc that comes with the hub into the laptop. I go through the menus - it asks is the broadband light steady blue? Yes. Click next to continue wireless set up. So I press continue. It then asks for the wireless network/SSID BTHub3- numbers and letters and the wireless key. So I put that in correctly (double checking) and click next. It then says Connecting to your Hub which then gets ticked but then the checking wireless key doesn't tick - it crosses, and says failed. It asks me to check I typed the numbers and letters correctly (I am sure of that) and It goes to Manuel set up. Where I select my hub and again type in the wireless key and click next. But the same thing happens - connecting to your hub gets ticked but checking wireless key fails.
    I then get a message that says i should do a wired set up, which I can do and works but on the laptop wired solutions is just not satisfactory - laptops need wireless connectivity. Is this a problem with my laptop, Vista or the hub/modem or a combination.
    I also have been able to connect other things to the internet such as a netbook (running Windows 7) and a games console. Please comment if anthing needs explaining or more detail. Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
    Go to Solution.

    John46: I uninstalled the Hub programmes you said to. I then tried to connect to a network (wirelessly - accessed either by going to Start - Connect to or from the icon in the tray (bottom right). I selected my hub and clicked connect. It does its thing and says 'successfully connected to...' I close that and go onto Network and Sharing Center and it shows its trying to identify the network and wait a few seconds it then shows 'unidentified network (public network)...' and that I have only got local access and so cannot surf the web.
    As I mentioned in my earlier post:
    With my previous Internet I was able to set it up as Home network - now I can only choose between public or private BUT not got the choice between Home, Work or Public.
    Hope I've explained myself.

  • FTP/SSL Connection Problem for FTP Receiver Adapter

    Hello All,
    We are trying to establish an FTPS/SSL connection with one of our customers from our XI(Unix) system, and are receive following error:
    <b> Server certificate rejected by ChainVerifier</b>
    Communication Channel Parameters:
    Connection Security: FTP (FTP Using SSL/TLS) for Control Connection or FTP (FTP Using SSL/TLS) for Control Connection and Data Connection
    Command Order: AUTH TLS, USER, PASS, PBSZ, PROT
    Checkbox - Use X.509 Certificate.... checked (Certificate was provided by third party (customer issued) and uploaded to service_ssl certificate store on J2EE server)
    Data Connection: Passive
    Port: 10021
    Keystore: service_ssl
    X.509 Certificate & Private Key: ssl-credentials
    Note: Initial handshaking occurs but connection is being dropped by the third party FTP Server when SSL certificate credentials are being validated. We also tried connecting to the third party FTPS server using standard FTPS client(FileZilla software), this connection gets established successfully with no certificate issues which means certificate and third party FTP Server is functioning correctly.
    We therefore are thinking that the problem lies with our XI system being unable to load the certificate information correctly at the point when FTPS session is being established.
    Your help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks and Best Regards
    Prashant Rajani

    Hello All,
    Further in order to test connection set up and communication channel configuration we tried simulating the FTP connection locally by configuring FTP Server using FileZilla at a local machine and accessed it from Client's XI Server.
    This set up simulates the problem we encounter with our customer's FTP Server.
    If connection security parameter in communication channel for Sender FTP Adapter is set to <b>"FTPs( FTP Using SSL/TLS) with Control Connection" only</b>, file gets successfully created with data at the FTP server but as soon as we switch the connection security parameter to <b>"FTPs( FTP Using SSL/TLS) with Control and Data Connection"</b>, we receive error "Certificate rejected by Chain Verifier". The initial handshaking happens successfully and file gets created at the FTP Server but its empty, connection fails when attempt is made to write data into file and we end up with said error thereby closing the connection.
    This is what the FTP (FileZilla) sees when the XI system attempts to set-up a fully encrypted data  (FTPS) connection i.e., connection security parameter value as<b>"FTPs( FTP Using SSL/TLS) with Control and Data Connection"</b> :-
    - (not logged in) (> Connected, sending welcome message...
    - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.18 beta
    - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse ([email protected])
    - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit
    - (not logged in) (> AUTH TLS
    - (not logged in) (> 234 Using authentication type TLS
    - (not logged in) (> SSL connection established
    - (not logged in) (> USER test
    - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for test
    - (not logged in) (> PASS ***********
    - test (> 230 Logged on
    - test (> PBSZ 0
    - test (> 200 PBSZ=0
    - test (> PROT P
    - test (> 200 Protection level set to P
    - test (> SYST
    - test (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
    - test (> PWD
    - test (> 257 "/" is current directory.
    - test (> CWD /payment/
    - test (> <b>250 CWD successful. "/payment" is current directory.</b>- test (> TYPE I
    - test (> 200 Type set to I
    - test (> PASV
    - test (> <b>227 Entering Passive Mode (10,27,7,103,15,63)</b>- test (> STOR BHPDSB20060911-153840-834.txt
    - test (> <b>150 Connection accepted</b>
    - test (> <b>Data connection SSL warning: SSL3 alert read: fatal: bad certificate</b>
    - test (> <b>Data connection SSL warning: SSL_accept: failed in SSLv3 read client certificate A</b>- test (> <b>Data connection SSL warning: error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate</b>- test (> <b>Data connection SSL warning: error:140940E5:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:ssl handshake failure</b>- test (> <b>426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.</b>- test (> QUIT
    - test (> 221 Goodbye
    - test (> SSL connection established
    Please suggest your valuable inputs if we are missing out something. Any helpful inputs in this regard is highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Best Regards

  • Sun One application server connection problem for Oracle DB

    On our project in live environments we have six Sun One application servers that have been configured to connect to RAC Oracle database using OCI drivers. ( JDBC thick driver)
    Sun one application server : Version 7.0.0
    Oracle Database : Version
    Following are two scenarios where Sun one server receives an error while attempting to perform any DML operations onto the database e.g. when you will try to send a insert/update msg through sun One.
    Case 1: - If the Oracle package/procedure/function is compiled using �Alter package/function/procedure....� command
    Any attempt to perform a DML operation using RMI calls though Sun one application server with already established oracle connection will fail.
    Sun One application server needs to be bounced to get an up-to-date state of the package.
    Case 2: If the Oracle package/procedure/function is compiled using �Create or Replace package/function/procedure....� command
    First attempt to perform any DML operation using RMI calls though Sun one application server with already established oracle connection will always fail. Any subsequent attempts will be successful.
    We are using JDBC OCI think drivers. I tried flushing Shared pool at the Oracle side but it didn't help. For some reason Sun One seems to Cache the session information for already establised connections with Oracle database. As its live system we don't want any outage. i.e we know bouncing oracle app server will solve the problem.
    So just wondering is there way/workaround to make aware the already estlised connection from sun one appserver to Oracle DB about changed packages/proceduress in the DB?
    Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.

    Forgot one thing: when I use remote debugging , it works.

  • 903 SessionEJB AM: pooled connection lost for new txn

    Our environment: JDev / OC4J 9.0.3 / Oracle
    JClient application works with Application module deployed as Session EJB, 'ejb-location' of the datasource is used.
    After new transaction is created in OC4J (commit/rollback from client), next connection-oriented action (jdbc command in OC4J) makes request on new connection from the datasource. Currently opened connection for the AM becomes lost.
    Reproducing: test AM EJB (scott.dept), commit/rollback changes and re-query from database. OC4J should be running with -Dtransaction.debug=true for getting a trace.
    Such a behavior makes troubles for JClient OLTP application where session timeouts are disabled - db-sessions number is constantly increased. Special efforts (not so easy) should be done in the connection pool to avoid this increasing.
    I'd like to know if this's a desired logic (and I missed something in configuration) or just a current error ?
    If latter, could we hope that this will be fixed in JDev ?
    Thanks for any comment.


  • Connection snag for new iMac G5 to AV receiver

    The user guide says that I can use an optical audio cable w/ mini-plug connector for a iMac G5-based home theater system. I bought a Sony HT-DDW670 5.1 system with an AV Receiver STR-K670P that has a digital optical in
    (SA-CD/CD in) that I connected to the optical out. When preferencing the sound setting for the selected device, Mac says that the Digital Out "has no output controls".
    The only note in the Sony guide concerning the optical hookup reads: "The sound is not output when you play a SA CD on the SA CD player connected to the SA-CD/CD OPTICAL IN jack on this receiver. Connect to the analog input
    jacks (SA-CD/CD IN jacks)." -compatible w/ 32, 44.1, 48, & 96 kHz.
    Does anyone have any ideas? The sony online support talked about a stereo mini pin adapter?
    iMac G5 PowerMac12,1   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    Hi there,
    Not sure quite waht your problem is!? I have my imac (iShight) G5 connected to my Sherwood amp through a monster audio optical cable with a mini concerter into the mac. As you say, the Mac ships the digital signal straight to the amp.... so you have no system volume controle. However applications can still have an influance on volume.
    I have my amp set to a hight volume and my apps to a mid level so I get a nice out put and have room to crank it up.
    My amp has a coaxcal and optical input, which is accessed through DVD input, as it assumes that DVD will have digital audio I also have to switch between coaxical and optical on the amp... depending on what cable I'm using.
    My DVD used to be coaxixal, may power mac and iMac are optical! The sound is fantastic when you get it to work!
    Did that cover your issue in any way? Sorry for rambeling!

  • Wi-Fi connection problems with new ipad4

    I just bought a new iPad 4 and I am unable to connect to wi-fi unless I am right next to the router.  I tried turning off and on the wifi, tried forgetting the network and reconnecting, tried resetting network connections, tried resetting all settings, tried software update, but the devise is up to date (IOS 6.1.3), but problem still not resolved.  Can anyone help me, please.

    As much as I hate to see a brand new iPad have to be restored - have you tried that? Restoring the iOS Software?
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software - Support - Apple
    If you are having this many problems trying to stay connected to WiFi, and if the iPad is new, I would seriously consider returning the device to wherever you bought it. If you bought it from Apple, they have a 14 day refund policy. You can get your money back and try your luck with the purchase of another one.

  • Hi to all (Problems for new to Oracle)

    Hi everybody,
    Thanks in advance.
    Actually I know SQL Server/MySQL.
    I am new to Oracle.
    I want to enter in this field.
    Do I expect more problems regarding SQL/PLSQL???????

    For a good overview of PL/SQL, which you don't really have an equivalent of in MySQL or SQLServer you might want to have a look at Mastering Oracle PL/SQL by Connor McDonald. It's clear and reasonably straightforward.
    Also, if you're looking to learn, download Oracle XE, it's a first class training database and totally free, available for Windows and Linux. It's missing a few things, like a JVM, but mot of the power of 10g is there. You can get it via It's still in beta (very stable), the production release shoul be out by the end of the month.
    Tom Kyte, as the previous poster suggested, is widely regarded as the one of, if not the leading Oracle Technology guru, and all his books are excellent, but they are also daunting if you're just starting into Oracle (in fact, they're still daunting). Have a look at, and if you feel comfortable with the solution discussions, then get the credit card out and start buying, you'll never get a better understanding of the database.
    Don't forget about the Oracle library itself
    All Oracle documentation is published here, free. Good luck!

  • .Mac Alias  - Small Niggling Problem for New Apple User

    I have very recently purchased my very first Apple computer - and yes, i am one of those life long MS-DOS/Windows users who have been lured by the ease and simplicity of the iPod (which apparently a lot of people are loath to admit, but hey, I'm not proud).
    Anyhow, having got my nice new shiny system out of its box, and up and running, I set-up up a new .MAC account, and then set-up one alias, the thing is my 'alias' mail is not ending up in my .Mac mailbox, but my other mailbox which belongs to my broadband ISP.
    Basically in Apple Mail ( I have OS X Tiger.10.4.3) I have an 'InBox' which shows everything from my two accounts, and separate mailboxes within : One called 'BlueYonder' who is my broadband ISP, and a second mailbox called '.Mac Mail'. IYSWIM?
    Now ALL of the mail sent to my standard .Mac account address ends up in the .Mac mailbox, and the 'collective' InBox, but and here is the puzzle, any mail sent to my .Mac ''alias'' goes into the 'Collective' InBox and my 'BlueYonder' mailbox, but not into my .Mac mailbox!
    I sent an email to the .Mac support team, and they said that it was either an issue with Apple Mailbox, and that I should look in here at the 'Discussions' or I have a Rule set-up.
    Well I don't have a rule set-up except the one that was already set-up when I first bought my system. This is set to just highlight in Blue any mail from any 'Apple' address. No rules are set to move or change locations etc.
    So can anyone,if possible please advise me what is going on with my mailbox and also how I can rectify it if possible please?
    Thanks and all the best for the New year to you all.

    Drusus - would be good for you to share your findings here. It might help anyone else with the same problem in the future.

Maybe you are looking for