Conversion from 2013 to 2010

 I am writting asking if i could be helped to convert the Vi in the attchment below from 2013 to 2010 version
Thank you in advance
regards ,
Attachments: ‏251 KB
jamessmarthouse ‏815 KB
jamessmarthouse ‏815 KB

This must be a school project...look here:​ion-from-2013-to-2010/m-p/3079848#U3079848
There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions

Similar Messages

  • Conversion from 2013 to 2011

        can you the attached file from 2013 to 2011 version.
    Thank you

    this is a snapshot and it cannot be converted. But the vi's used are present in Labview 2011 also, so you can apply them yourself.
    Best regards,
    "Kudos: Users may give one another Kudos on the forums for posts that they found particularly helpful or insightful."

  • Can not send email from 2013 to 2010 server?

    I've got an Exchange 2010 and 2013 coexistence scenario (migration project). I'm not able to send an email from a mailbox residing on Exchange 2013 to a mailbox residing to Exchange 2010. I've tested the following with powershell send-mailmessage:
    Send-MailMessage -Body "" -To User2013 -SmtpServer 2010server -From "" -Subject "" > succesfull
    Send-MailMessage -Body "" -To User2013 -SmtpServer 2013server -From "" -Subject "" > succesfull
    Send-MailMessage -Body "" -To User2010 -SmtpServer 2010server -From "" -Subject "" > succesfull
    Send-MailMessage -Body "" -To User2010 -SmtpServer 2013server -From "" -Subject "" > NOT succesfull
    I also can send an email from an user on the Exchange 2013 server to our mailgateway (smarthost). I've added no additional receive connectors
    on the Exchange 2013 server. The email that's not delivered remains in the Exchange 2013 queue. Exchange 2010 is still the main email server so all messages are delevired to this server (have not moved mailboxes yet).
    We've got one 2010 server and one 2013 server with all roles installed.
    What am I missing here, or will this work when I make Exchange 2013 the dedicated server?
    Thnx Remco

    From your description, when you send an email from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2010, the email will remain in the Exchange 2013 queue. Please check the error message in the Queue Viewer, if it is: "451 5.7.3 Cannot achieve Exchange Server authentication."
    If yes, this issue is because the Exchange server can't authenticate with the remote Exchange server. Authentication is required for Exchange servers to route internal emails between them.
    For more information, here is a KB for your reference:
    Some e-mail messages become stuck in an Exchange Server environment
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Convert to labview 2010 or 2011 from 2013

    Could someone help me converting these llb to LV 2010 or 2011?
    Thanks for your help!
    Attachments: ‏168 KB

    Conversion done here:
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Getting ÿþ as saved conversations from Lync in Outlook in Office 2013

    I've been trying to get to the bottom of this and have found similar posts, but no one seems to have an answer.
    When I IM someone using Lync 2013, they get a pop up notification but instead of the message they see ÿþ<.  Once they open the chat window, they can see my typed text.  Occasionally, certain people can't see the first line of my chat, but as
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    All my conversations that are saved in outlook show ÿþ< for the text and are unreadable.  I've disabled the saving of conversations because they have become worthless.
    I believe it has to do with BOM but have not been able to find a way to fix this.
    If I copy a conversation from the chat window and paste it into Microsoft Word it shows ÿþ<, but if I paste it into notepad the conversation appears.
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    (I had inserted a screenshot here, but am unable to because I am unable to figure out how to get my account "verified")
    I enabled logging for Lync and the event IDs that come up are 1, 11 and 12, to which I cannot find any information for at the moment.
    Any help and or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Did the issue happen only for you or for multiple users?
    Please try to delete Lync User Profile and information on Registry, then repair Office 2013.
    The path of Lync User Profile: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync
    The path for information on Registry: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\[email protected]
    Then test the issue again.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Project Server 2013 reporting database change in Schema from Project Server 2010

    I have a current Project Server 2010 implementation, I am planning to migrate to Project Online.
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    Are there differences in the Reporting DB schema  between PS 2010 and Project Online?
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    Another question is that, is PS 2013 Reporting DB schema the same as Project Online?

    Hi Atia,
    IN project server 2013 we have only one database instead of 4, it means draft, archive, published and reporting with in one database.Project Server 2013 reporting database schema tool that can be downloaded.
    There are differences in reporting of on-premises vs. Project Online
    The Project Server 2013 reporting schema includes three new tables, 27 new views, and a total of 33 tables and views that include new fields.
    Answer-1 : Yes there are some differences between PS 2010 and project Online.
    Answer-2 : Reports will crash as In Project Online you have to use ODATA to create report. You can not query project online data for reporting directly you have to have use ODATA.
    Answer-3 : NO, PS 2013 Schema and Project online Schema is different. 

  • Receiving an error when checking out Visio 2013 file from a Sharepoint 2010 site.

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    or file name, please let me know. I have checked answers to other questions but none seem to apply or the person responded that the answer did not work.

    Seems that your Microsoft Office Document cache is corrupted.  please try deleting cache folder :
    Clear the Microsoft Office Document Cache by opening the Upload Center->Settings->Delete cached files.
    Clear the Office File Cache at  C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\14.0\OfficeFileCache.
    Clear the Office File Cache at  C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\OfficeFileCache.
    Ganesh Jat [My Blog |
    LinkedIn | Twitter ]
    Please click 'Mark As Answer' if a post solves your problem or 'Vote As Helpful' if it was useful.

  • Step by Step Migration from Lync Server 2010 to Lync Server 2013

    Hi All,
    I just finished migration from Lync Server 2010 to Lync Server 2013 (for enterprise servers) in my lab environment. After that I started to write article series that contains five parts. You can see below first three parts and I think , I will upload
    rest of parts until this weekend.
    Part 1 -
    Part 2 -
    Part 3 -
    Hope to be useful,
    Part 4
    Part 5 (added on 20.12.2012)

    It's working for me now, so maybe it's back up.
    If this helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer" | Blog | Twitter

  • Deleting a Single Conversation from one Contact

    I have to say I find this a real let down with Skype.
    It is a breach of users rights to not be able to delete one conversation, and have it removed from all devices used.
    I use my Skype 24/7 for work and staying in touch with family, and therefore my history becomes FULL.
    Some of the conversations I have I need to keep for work reference, others with family, and non important stuff I need to delete.
    It is crazy that this cannot be done, and all you can do is delete your whole history - which is a non option for me, otherwise I would loose things like customer quote details, details for flights etc etc etc.
    Also deleting your history deletes all your favourites, and all the groups we have set up, eg Sales / Support etc !!!!
    Really stupid and not very efficient at all.
    Can someone from Skype PLEASE answer why this has been done as such ?

    Why would it be possible to delete a single conversation using Mac and not PC?  This thread, in the meantime is from 2013 and the issue has been raised multiple times, yet no response from Skype.  The management of the contact list and of information stored in the account is certainly as fundamental as being able to throw away old telephone bills and account statements.  The necessity to maintain messy and irrelevant has never been explained by skype that I can find.  Please change this, as only being able to "hide" a conversation leaves one with an ominous feeling of Big Brother is Watching You.
    Thank you.

  • Page numbers incorrect after conversion from Excel to pdf

    Page numbers incorrect after conversion from Excel to pdf
    ""This above link (thread:834599) is from a case back in 2011 that claims to solve this problem, but it does not solve this problem. I think that customer only cared about having continuous page numbering, not discrete page numbering per sheet.
    I still have this issue in Acrobat XI and MS Office Professional Plus 2010. I keep upgrading to no avail. This regression has resulted in a huge time drain for me. If you fixed it, please explain how I can get my hands on the resolution.
    Previous versions of Excel and Adobe Acrobat enabled flexibility around the "Page #" of "Number of Pages" (Page &[Page] of &[Pages]) token, depending on context and usage. The "# of pages" token could represent EITHER the number of pages in the workbook OR the number of pages in the tab/sheet, depending on how you generated the PDF:
    You could select "Selected Sheets" and then select all or some of the individual sheets in the workbook, and the PDF would honor the discrete numbering of each of the sheets, so the first page of each sheet was p1 and the "# of pages" was the number of pages in the sheet; not the number of pages in the workbook; or
    You could select "Entire Workbook" and the PDF would honor continuous page numbers across all sheets, as a single document.
    Now, it only honors the total number of pages in the workbook, regardless of the method you use to publish to PDF: saving as PDF, printing to PDF, using "createPDF" from Acrobat plugin to Excel's menu ribbon; selecting all sheets, some sheets, or Entire Workbook; automatic First page number or "1" under Page Setup > Page> First page number. (This last option, btw, does restart every sheet at p1, but it hardly makes sense if the total number of pages is still the total number in the workbook instead of the number in the sheet.)
    I spent a lot of time trying each which way that the blog posts recommended and have tried this on multiple versions of Excel and Acrobat now.
    NONE of these time-consuming experiments gave me what I wanted.They all insist that "Page #" of "Number of Pages" (Page &[Page] of &[Pages]) is the total number of pages in the workbook or the total number of pages in the selected sheets combined.
    The numbering are correct in Excel Page Layout.
    The same issue happens when using LibreOffice calc. (Although, I never tested with Libre Office before, so I don't know that it ever worked).
    The workaround now is to create PDF for each spreadsheet one at a time, and then compile them using the Acrobat combine/binder feature. All alternatives are extremely time consuming and tedious. It used to be automatic. This is a major regression that has gone untreated for over a year now, maybe two years.
    My task takes infinitely more time to complete than it did with previous versions of Acrobat. That means that days are added to my project, when the functionality used to enable a quick pdf generation that was ready for review, now I have to do this very manual time-consuming set of steps to generate a draft. As the project has grown and more tabs are added, my pdf-generation task takes that much longer. We require lots of drafts. It used to be easy and fast. Now it is hard and time-consuming.
    In my opinion, the problem is not Excel; it is Acrobat because it was introduced with an upgrade in Acrobat, not an upgrade in Excel. The problem was introduced in Acrobat 9 or 10. Please provide a patch or add-on or something.

    If you are setting up the page numbers in Excel, the resulting PDF would display the the page numbers created in Excel. On Excel 2010 support page, ( HA010342619.aspx#BM2) is stated the following "tip" which indicates by default Excel 2010 starts numbering each tab with 1. Exel's workaround tip is below - 
    Set a different number for the starting page
    Tip   To number all of the worksheet pages in a workbook sequentially, first add page numbers to all worksheets in a workbook, and then use the following procedure to begin the page number for each worksheet with the appropriate number. For example, if your workbook contains two worksheets that with both be printed as two pages, you would use this procedure to begin the page numbering for the second worksheet with the number 3.
    On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Page Setup.
    On the Page tab, in the First page number box, type the number that you want to use for the first page.
    Tip   To use the default numbering system, type Auto in the First page number box.
    Also helpful in the same section is the note on viewing page numbers. To see if the page numbering dilemma originates in Excel make sure you are using the Page Layout View see below:
    Hide All
    If you want numbers shown on pages when you print a worksheet  you can insert page numbers in the headers or footers of the worksheet pages. Page numbers that you insert are not displayed on the worksheet in Normal view — they are shown only in Page Layout view and on the printed pages.
    Overall it may be easier not to create the page numbers in Excel but instead create then in Acrobat using the Headers and Footers option in Acrobat.  I hope this helps - it sounds like a frustrating issue you are experiencing.

  • Exchange 2013 and 2010 co-existance

    We will have 2013 and 2010 exist together for a while...we plan to move away from using Unified Access Gateway for HTTP redirection to our Exchange services and implement Kemp
    load balancers...two at our HQ site and two at our DR stie...
    We plan to have a one arm configuration...from what I gathered...each load balancer will have a network connection and only one network connection and be on the same network as
    our new Exchange 2013 servers.  Can someone take a look at my config and give some input whether or not this will work and some suggestion on Ex13 urls, cert SAN names, etc.
    HQKemp 2400 A    
    HQKemp 2400 B               
    DCKemp 2400 A        DCKemp 2400 B                        
    Virtual IP          
                             Virtual IP
    From the video I’ve watched for Kemp install…we’ll create the following internal DNS records for the Exchange services that will be configured on balancers.
    We will configure the Exchange services with these ip addresses linked to each service on all four load balancers? 
    Or will DR site load balancers have different IPs configured for same Exchange services?
    Exchange services are split between our two sites…meaning Outlook Anywhere is configured for our CAS servers at our DR site and ActiveSync comes to HQ CAS servers as an example…so
    I want all Exchange services to come through the newly installed load balancers at HQ and if they don’t respond…the Exchange services get redirected to the load balancers at our DR site. 
    Can you give some insight on the config of load balancers as to how we can do that?
    I have a question about the cert we will have. 
    Our Microsoft rep says we should get a new wildcard cert…currently we have a UCC cert with the following SANs attached.
    Will this new cert have to be installed on load balancers? 
    If so…can you suggest some ideas as to what new SANs I need if any of the new cert with Exchange 2010 and 2013 co-existing for a while. 
    Below are the SANs on our current UCC cert.
    Outside resolvable SANs                 
    Internal SANs                                         
    (this CAS Array server name that HQ CAS servers create)
    What do you suggest we use for the external urls on Exchange 2013 for these services?
    Our firewall guy says we’ll use same names, 
    but I’m not sure if we try to use same name if we’ll get an error? 
    Active Directory may say name already in use?
    We plan to have firewall to just redirect requests for external urls to load balancers…sound correct? 
    Meaning load balancer won’t have an external NIC defined…which makes it a one arm config…correct?

    Hi Techy,
    According to your description, I am still not quite sure about your environment. Could you please provide more information about it, such as:
    1. How many Exchange servers in your coexistence environment? One Exchange 2010 with all roles and one Exchange 2013 with all roles? Or several Exchange 2010 and multiple Exchange 2013?
    2. Are there two sites in your environment? What’s the Exchange deployment in different sites?
    3. Please confirm if both Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 are Internet-facing.
    Additionally, if you are using different namespaces for different services for internal access and external accessing, we need to include all service namespaces in your certificate with IIS service. Personal suggestion, we can follow ED Crowley’s suggestion
    to use split-brain DNS in your environment and only use the same namespace for Exchange service URLs.
    The following article described the details about how to configure different namespace for Exchange services by using Load Balance in Exchange 2013:
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • MAPI failure Word 2013 --- Outlook 2010

    One of my clients upgraded from Office 2010 to Office 2013, but had to keep using Outlook 2010 because Xobni doesn't work yet with 2013. When she tries to send a Word 2013 document as an attachment from within Word 2013 through Outlook 2010 she gets the
    MAPI failure error message (link broken). Same document in Word 2010 works fine. Tried loading the pst into her Outlook 2013 as a test, and it worked. Seems specific to this combination. Any workaround? Manageable, but interferes with productivity and error

    I had similar issue. I finally figured it out.
    Rename Msmapi32.dll located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033
    I spent a few hours looking and found this:
    (Similar issue on Outlook 2003-2007) 
    Tried this and it worked for my Windows 7 Office 2010 issues after downgrading from 2013.

  • Convert from 2013 to 2012 files

     any idea  how to convert from  2013 to 2012  ??
    thanks alot
    Go to Solution.

    In LV2013 do File...Save For Previous Version.
    I don't know if this is available for all LV version (I have Pro). You can also post your vi to the version conversion board

  • Since applying Feb 2013 Sharepoint 2010 CUs - Critical event log entries for Blob cache and missing images

    Since applying the February 2013 SharePoint 2010 updates, we are getting lots of entries in our event logs along the following:
    Content Management     Publishing Cache         
    5538     Critical 
    An error occurred in the blob cache.  The exception message was 'The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)’
    In pretty much all of these cases the image/ file in question that is reported in the ULS logs as missing is not actually in the collaboration site, master page / html etc so the fix needs to go back to the site owner to make the correction to avoid
    the 404 (if they make it!). This has only started happening, I believe since feb 2013 sp2010 cumulative updates updates
    I didn’t see this mentioned as a change / in the Fix list of the February updates. i.e. it flags up a critical error in our event logs. So with a lot of sites and a lot of missing images your event log can quickly fill up.
    Obviously you can suppress them in the monitoring -> web content management ->publishing cache = none & none which is not ideal.
    So my question is... are others seeing this and was a change made by Microsoft to flag a 404 missing image / file up a critical error in event log when blob cache is enabled?
    If i log this with MS they will just say, you need to fix it up the missing files in the site but would be nice to know this had changed prior! I also deleted and recreated the blob cache and this made no diffference

    I'm facing the same error on our SharePoint 2013 farm. We are on Aug 2013 CU and if the Dec CU (which is supposed to be the latest) doesn't solve it then what else could be done.
    Some users started getting the message "Server is busy now try again later" with a corelation id. I looked up ULS with that corelation id and found these two errors in addition to hundreds of "Micro Trace Tags (none)" and "forced
    due to logging gap":
    "GetFileFromUrl: FileNotFoundException when attempting get file Url /favicon.ico The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)"
    "Error in blob cache. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)"
    "Unable to cache URL /FAVICON.ICO.  File was not found" 
    Looks like this is a bug and MS hasn't fixed it in Dec CU..
    &quot;The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of anybody else&quot;

  • Convert from 2013 to 2012

    From 2013
    To 2012
    Turns out my school has a lesser version than I do. I need to work on this at school.
    Go to Solution.
    Expression ‏32 KB

    Here you go.
    For future reference, these conversion requests belong in the Version Conversion board.  I have asked the moderator to move this thread to that board.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Expression ‏18 KB

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