Dreamweaver stops rendering CSS

Fairly frequently as I am editing pages in a Dreamweaver
document the program stops rendering using my css stylesheet. If I
preview (F12) in Firefox the page renders fine. If I save the file
then close and reload Dreamweaver and reload the page I was working
on everything works fine again.
Has anyone see this and eliminated the problem?
Dreamweaver CS3 WinXP Pro 2GB Ram

When you see it stop rendering, check VIEW | Style Rendering,
and make sure
it's enabled.
That said, I have never seen a post from someone with these
occurring intermittantly as you describe.
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
- DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
Tutorials & Resources
"Wild Dog Road Photo" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
news:fof79r$h1f$[email protected]..
> Fairly frequently as I am editing pages in a Dreamweaver
document the
> program
> stops rendering using my css stylesheet. If I preview
(F12) in Firefox
> the
> page renders fine. If I save the file then close and
reload Dreamweaver
> and
> reload the page I was working on everything works fine
again. Has anyone
> see
> this and eliminated the problem? Dreamweaver CS3 WinXP
Pro 2GB Ram

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    Hi John -
    "...When you are in the middle of a project, never use Software Update...."
    That is sound advice, especially regarding iMovie itself. Not that it does create problems, but rather that it might.
    The original poster does not say whether or not recent updates have been installed, or even if they have, whether the project pre-dated that installation.
    And the wording of your comment suggested that it was necessary to return to earlier versions not only of QT but also of iMovie and the OS!
    I too have noted that some seem to have had problems after the latest QT update, indeed I initiated a topic to check out the extent of this. Most people who responded had no problems at all, so I up-dated my laptop version. It is running flawlessly, and yes, KB imports perfectly.
    My initial response to you was simply to point out that it was rather too dogmatic to state that the update was definitely the cause of the problem.
    By the way, just how many is 'countless'?:-)
    G5 Dual 2.0 ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   1.5 GB RAM; VidCam: Sony DCR TRV80E

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    Windows 7
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    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance

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    Sounds like a fairly good sized project. Have you checked to make sure that you have sufficient free disk space on your start up disk for iMovie to operate? Should have at least 10GB, and more is better.

  • Files stop rendering after a while! both in media encoder and direct export from timeline

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    getting very frustrated here need to deliver a file but each time it stops rendering (each time at the same moment)
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    What i found out is that the first preset i used worked. (i rendered a waveform file for mastering in my audio software)
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    I tried several tricks (import timeline in another one, save copy project etc) non succesfull.
    i work with PC/asus P6T SE/i7 - window 7 professional
    hope anyone can help me with a workaround!
    P.S. i succeeded to render the previous file with specific H264 setting using CBR in stead of VBR encoding but can not reproduce it so far!

    hi Arjun,
    no third party plug-ins used.
    Editing mode: Sony XDCAM HD/EX 1080i (SP)
    Timebase: 25,00fps
    Video Settings
    Frame size: 1440h 1080v (1,3333)
    Frame rate: 25,00 frames/second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: HD Anamorphic 1080 (1.333)
    Fields: Upper Field First
    Audio Settings
    Sample rate: 48000 samples/second
    Default Sequence
    Total video tracks: 3
    Master track type: Stereo
    Audio Tracks:
    Audio 1: Standard
    Audio 2: Standard
    Audio 3: Standard
    Audio 4: Standard

  • Dreamweaver to be CSS-based by default?

    Does anyone know if Adobe plans on having a new version of
    Dreamweaver to be CSS based by default. I heard the new Web
    Expression by Microsoft is to be totally CSS design.

    The person who wrote that had not only no understanding of
    CSS but also none
    of DW. So far, I have found nothing in EW regarding CSS that
    cannot also be
    done just as easily in DW.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "chichi8" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:el1vn4$3ij$[email protected]..
    >I read this article about Web Expresson and was wondering
    if Dreamweaver
    > do the same in a later release.
    > "Unlike FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver, Expression
    Web creates tight,
    > easily maintained CSS-based pages automatically, instead
    of treating CSS
    > as an
    > add-on to traditional HTML. This alone may make
    Expression Web the leading
    > Web
    > editor before version 1.0 is even released"
    > "Expression Web is the first major Web editor designed
    from the ground up
    > to
    > create code based on CSS and XML. Even when you drag an
    image or text box
    > to
    > resize it, the program inserts CSS-based layout code
    rather than the
    > old-style
    > HTML tags created by FrontPage or DreamWeaver."

  • Stops rendering to media until I restart the program - when exporting to H.264

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    I'm not sure if this is related, but I just built a new system with a terabyte solid state drive and reinstalled CS6 when it seems that these errors began. The preview renderings are being saved to a partition on this drive, but the export renderings go to a different normal spinning Sata drive.
    Any suggestions?

    Others have reported the same thing, and I saw it happen once but can't tell what combination of factors is causing the encoder library to fault. Queuing the sequence into AME doesn't seem to help, nor does rendering with previews.
    The 'workaround' is to export from Premiere in another, high-quality format (e.g. Cineform AVI) then use Media Encoder to convert to H.264. I can't make it crash in standalone mode, even with VBR2.

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    Upgrade FCPX

  • 1.5 Stops Rendering Unexpectedly

    I assume this is a memory problem. A timeline will stop rendering at some point without warning or any real predictability, writing only a portion of video to disk. I've searched PREFERENCES for some way to massage how Premiere Pro handles its memory use, but no luck. Is this something I must do in Windows instead? Any hints will be deeply appreciated!

    Read Harm on drive setup http://forums.adobe.com/thread/662972?tstart=0
    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at http://ppro.wikia.com/wiki/Troubleshooting
    If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with ALL OF THE DETAILS asked for in the FINALLY section, the questions at the end of the troubleshooting link... most especially the codec used... see Question 1

  • Seeking: Drop Down Menu Tutorial for DreamWeaver CC (Pure CSS)

    Hey all.
    I'm relatively new to Dreamweaver, and web design in general.  I took on a project to create a small-business website for my buddy.
    I'll start by saying that I've googled, and have found several copy / paste solutions, as well as several plugin-style solutions.  For various reasons, I'm not interested in other methods of creating a menu (jQuery).  Project 7, before you post (like you seem to do in EVERY thread I've read about this topic...), I may purchase your tool later, but I want to learn the process first.
    I'd like to know if anyone knows of a video or a walkthrough of how to create a CSS-only drop down menu for DreamWeaver CC.  An in-depth tutorial will help me better understand CSS and HTML in general, as well as help me navigate the changes in DreamWeaver (namely, the CSS designer).
    Any ideas?

    Try one of these sites, should have what your are looking for.

Maybe you are looking for