Error Backing Up!

I get this Error message when I try to backup my device data. I don't understand what the problem is?
Message Edited by CoB on 01-30-2009 05:33 AM
Ahmed @ Zain Bahrain
Pearl 8100, Bold 9000, Curve 8900

This problem occurs often when there is a "broken" piece of data on your device. When Desktop Manager meets this broken piece of data it feels bad and causes the error.
Check the link below:
There is information how to overcome this situation.
Message Edited by tbilisoft on 30-01-2009 10:37 AM

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    Message Edited by bantam on 07-26-2009 03:36 PM

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    I have been reading a lot of these posts and appreciate this nice community.
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    Go to Solution.

    Welcome to the forums
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    I have a sync scenario (JAVA Application <-> PI <-> CRM (service)) where i want to send back any mapping exception that occurs in PI on the request side of the call, back to the consumer.
    You can use the XI alerting framework for that, here are some references:
    XI: Alerts - Step by step (Step-by-Step blog by Michal)
    I have implemented Fault Mapping in my scenario. Will this take care of any connection failures between PI and CRM also?
    Fault Mapping is for application errors only, it will not handle system errors.
    Hope this helps,

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    Kind Regards,

    Hi Praveen,
      In my case, the error exception usually is done by BPM exception branch. You must to use BPM for your process and send SYSTAT or ALEAUD idocs types. I recommend you the use of SYSTAT idoc because is more openness than ALEAUD idoc type.
      SAP should to improve this funcionality with new versions of SAP PI because if you want a good exception handling the best option is the use of BPM and the performance of BPM is lower than simple business scenario.
    Best regards.

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    Elements Organizer
    Core Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
    Language Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
    Current Catalog:
    Catalog Name: Arild PE v6
    Catalog Location: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\Arild PE v6\
    Catalog Size: 71,5MB
    Catalog Cache Size: 945,9MB
    Operating System Name: XP
    Operating System Version: 5.1 Service Pack 3
    System Architecture: Intel CPU Family:6 Model:15 Stepping:6 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP
    Built-in Memory: 3,5GB
    Free Memory: 2,3GB
    Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries:
    Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0
    Apple QuickTime Version: 7.70
    Adobe Reader Version: 11.0
    Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed

    I'm getting this same issue/  Also Elements 11.  Backup was fine a month ago.  Just wondering if you found a way to solve this. 
    I can do an incremental backup just fine but I want to do a full backup, Trying to get this to work to migrate to new laptop in a week or two's time.
    I've tried all tips ago, incl re-indexing (which has helped organizer performance significantly)
    My Catalog size to be backed up is 418GB  (some of my catalog is on C: drive, but most of my videos in the catalog are stored  on H: drive)
    I have 865GB free on H: dirve, my target disk
    I have 93GB of 451GB free on C: drive
    System info below.
    Many thanks for any advice
    Elements Organizer
    Core Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
    Language Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
    Current Catalog:
    Catalog Name: My Catalog
    Catalog Location: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\My Catalog\
    Catalog Size: 124.4MB
    Catalog Cache Size: 3.6GB
    Operating System Name: Windows 7
    Operating System Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
    System Architecture: Intel CPU Family:6 Model:14 Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP
    Built-in Memory: 3.9GB
    Free Memory: 917.8MB
    Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries:
    Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0
    Apple QuickTime Version: 7.75
    Adobe Reader Version: 10.1
    Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed
    CD and DVD drives:
    D: (HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW BUS: 2 ID: 2 Firmware: GA31N)

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    You should ask in the
    Windows Phone forums on the Microsoft Community forums.
    As the Microsoft Community is on a different platform, we cannot move the question for you.
    Once there, click on Participate near the top of the screen, and select 'Ask a Question' or 'Start a Discussion'
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
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    i found a way.
    if <my item is changed> then
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    Clear_Block (No_Validate);
    set_block_property(BLOCK,default_where,'initial where conditions');
    end if;

  • Error backing up with mailbfr

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    link_stat "/private/etc/amavisd.conf" failed: No such file or directory
    rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-14/rsync/main.c(633)
    speed 9600 baud;
    iflags: echoe echoke echotcl pendin
    oflags: -oxtabs
    cflags: cs8 -parenb
    mailbfr was aborted. the process was NOT completed successfully.
    I am running Mac OS X 10.3.9 and have mailbfr v0.4.6
    I need to know what I'm doing wrong so that I can get my mail backed up. Thanks for your help.
    PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    With any luck Pterobyte will notice your question.
    Mailbfr is not an Apple product, it was authored by Alex (aka "Pterobyte") and Dale Walsh.
    You must have downloaded the software from their site,
    which is probably the first place you should pose any questions about it
    I have used it successfully, and looking at that error message, I'm wondering about the reference to /SourceCache
    that is a build directory used and not where the executable should be. How are you invoking mailbfr exactly ? It should have been installed in /usr/sbin
    Try calling it directly:
    sudo /usr/sbin/mailbfr -youroptions
    Also, do you have the/any file /etc/amavisd.conf ?
    What result do you get from :
    ls -al /etc/amavisd.conf
    tail /private/etc/amavisd.conf

  • Error backing up after ios5

    I upgraded itunes 10.5 and went to upgrade my iPhone to iOS5.  I tried to back up manually after not seeing it back up automatically and there was no more option for backup when I control clicked my iPhone (on a powerbook).  I assumed it was due to haveing an older iOS, so I upgraded anyway and lost everything and had to set up my preferences from scratch.  I have synced successfully but itunes will not backup my iphone.  I have tried manually again and it does not show up as an option.  I then decided to try at work and noticed the option on my PC at work, but I did not backup yet.  I then came home to try and reinstall itunes sense it seems that is the problem, but that did not work.
    Also, I tried add a password on the summary page of my iphone, to try and force it to back up but I recieved an unknown error that does not google 0x4685D275
    I'm very fustrated as this makes no sense, any help would be very appreciated.  System specs below.
    Macbook pro, OSX Lion, 4 gig RAM, iTunes 10.5, iPhone 4 iOS5.  Very tech savy.

    Well, after digging into the Discussions some more I found Jeff Holland's reply to someone and did both the 3.2.1 updater and then the 3.3b3. They fixed the problem and now I get error-free backups again. Jeff was also kind enough to respond to me from Propaganda Productions with the update site.
    I really dislike the changes in the Discussions format. I can never find info as quickly as I did for years before; I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate this site!

  • Error backing up- previously worked...

    My time machine is failing back up so i installed the widget and its giving error:
    event store uuids dont match for the volume: Macintosh HD
    node requires deep traversal:/
    any help to resolve this please?

    padraig galvin wrote:
    My time machine is failing back up so i installed the widget and its giving error:
    event store uuids dont match for the volume: Macintosh HD
    node requires deep traversal:/
    That's not an error. Those messages are normal under some circumstances, and mean that Time Machine must compare everything on your system to the backups, to figure out what's changed and needs to be backed-up. See #A6 in [Time Machine - Troubleshooting|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum), for details.
    You've posted in the Snow Leopard forum, but your signature says you're running Leopard. If you're on 10.6.4 or later, you should see "Scanning xxxx items" on the +Time Machine Preferences+ window.
    The "deep traversal" will take a while, depending on how much is on your system. But it shouldn't take hours, even on the largest systems. If it does, cancel the backup (if it won't cancel after a while, see #D6 in Troubleshooting).
    Then verify your internal HD, and Repair your backups, per #A5 there.

  • "error backing up ipod (-43)"

    I have a 4th generation ipod. with the new itunes version, i try and get the update for iSO 5 but it wont work when it first 'backs up' my ipod. 1 minute into the backup a message pops up saying there is an error (-43) and gives me an option to continute but it says it will erase all content on my ipod. what do i do!?!? pleasee help me

    See the actions for that error number here:
    Also maybe here:
    Backup error (-5000): Apple Support Communities
    srl7575 wrote:
    Now it's saying (-5000)

  • Error backing up -5000

    I am FINALLY updating my IPod Touch from 3.1.3.  I have almost 1200 songs on it.  I have been leary to upgrade because I don't want to lose my music.  Today I had to the heart to ATTEMPT upgrading but then received an error message about backing up my data with error code -5000.  I am using ITunes 11.  I have already gone to Summary and selected Back Up Now.  I went into preferences and confirmed the back up date of today.  I even Synced it again just to be on the safe side. 
    What is this error and how do I finally update my ITouch without losing all my music??????

    iOS: Troubleshooting backup issues in iTunes
    Have you looked at the previous discussions listed on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This"? Ones with a green checkmark are solved.
    This one says solved
    Re: iOS5 update: Error occurred while backing up -5000
    The iPod backup that iTunes makes does not inclued any synced media like apps and music.
    Follow these instructions if all the synced media is not in your iTunes library.
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities
    Before you restore/update the iPod make sure that your iTunes library has the version of apps that are presently installed on your iPod. Many apps have been updated and the update apps are not compatible with the 1G iPod. I would do that by deleting the apps from your iTunes library and then transfer them to your iTunes library. See:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    In iTunes 11 use Control+B to show the Menu bar then go to iTunes>File>Devices>Transfer Purchases

  • Time Machine Error - Back up Directory

    I have searched the forum but didn't see anything specific on this. I have recently purchased the Time Capsule to go along with Time Machine and am having problems backing up after the first back up. Was able to complete the first back up but subsequent backups gives me an error "Time Machine Error. Unable to complete backup. Can not create back up directory."
    Has anyone seen this and if so, have they determined a fix? I have unmounted and mounted drive. I looked for any preferences that are related to Time Machine and found none. Might be the problem but I can't find solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    locmi01 wrote:
    Error: (-50) Creating directory 2009-02-02-085042.inProgress
    Failed to make snapshot container.
    Backup failed with error: 2
    This is fairly unusual. Here's other threads with what seems to be similar scenarios:
    As you'll see, the first one was a failing disk drive; the second never had a resolution posted (people often don't tell us what fixed their problems). So I'd be inclined to suspect your drive, since you've tried both USB and FW, pretty much ruling out cables, ports, loose connections, etc.
    How long did you use this disk before the problems started?
    Did you erase and format it, or use it as it came?
    Do you have any of the "heavy-duty" disk repair apps, like DiskWarrior? I'm not really familiar with them, but some are far more rigorous than DU.

  • Time machine error / back up to time capsule

    back up to time capsule with time machine
    after 1 week in unproblematic use, time machine generating following message:
    *time machine error*
    *backup volume image can not to be activated*
    have tried to reconfiguer (time capsule), repair,check..... (via disk utility), but no success !
    does anyone have the same problems ?

    HTRAMP wrote:
    back up to time capsule with time machine
    after 1 week in unproblematic use, time machine generating following message:
    *time machine error*
    *backup volume image can not to be activated*
    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    I've never seen that message. Assuming it's a translation, it sounds a bit like #C9, C10, or C11 in the Time Machine - Troubleshooting *User Tip* at the top of this forum.
    Or could it be: +Failed to mount disk image /Volumes/TMbackups/<name>.sparsebundle+ ? If so, if it's already mounted, try dismounting it; if not, see if you can mount it manually.
    If not, try or: (both available in several languages).

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