Getting site contents twice in treeview-sharepoint2013

While selecting tree view getting “site content” and “site contents” in left side navigation. How to remove site contents from treeview.if I hide tag in master page it will effect to quick lunch also. Please advise how to remove or hide "site contents"
in treeview-sharepoint2013

According to your description, there are two “Site Contents” in the tree view.
What if disable the tree and then enable again?
As I can’t reproduce your issue in my environment, a suggestion is that you can use CSS code to hide one of them if there is a “Site Contents” always stays in a fixed position
in the tree view.
About how to use CSS selectors to find the specific element on a page:
Feel free to reply if there are still any questions.
Best regards,
Patrick Liang
TechNet Community Support

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    Can't you remove one of the link via the navigation menu?
    Best regards, Christopher.
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  • Using Site Content and Structure unable to move documents,pages and getting weird error message

    Hi ,
    earlier we are moving a page ,document from one site to another sub site with in the Site Collection.
    Now,we are getting a un-readable format error.
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    and the file can't move.
    What might me be the error.
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    1.As we can do using Internet Explorer,
    2. Using Send To also we can move.
    Using this Site Content and structure we can maintain Versoining also.
    If any one face the same issue then we can easily find out the solution.
    Regards ,
    SP Developer
    Specify the destination to move the items you selected.

    Using Site Content and Structure unable to move documents,pages and getting weird error message
    We are getting Below error:
    When Moving Document items from one site to another site in the same site collection using Site content and structure(But it's working in same site,we can move documents from one library to another library)

  • All "Site Content and Structure" default views incorrectly showing "There are no items to show in this view"

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    below). I know this is incorrect and should show at least ten items that have been checked out to me for over two months. I am also a member of the Site Collection Administration and Owner groups.
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    Hi Colin,
    As I understand, all “Site Content and Structure” default views are showing “There are no items to show in this view” in your SharePoint online site.
    Check things below:
    1. Go to site content and structure logs in site setting to check if there is correct information.
    2. Create a new site collection to check if there are items in Site Content and Structure.
    3. Switch another computer to check if it can work.
    If the issue still exists, I recommend you to post it in the O365 forum.
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Best regards,
    Sara Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Bottom (or should I say "top") line? I'm looking forward to our organization developing a more scientific content distribution strategy in 2014. Can I get an "amen!"? So, what are you and your teams doing to take a more scientific approach to content distribution in 2014? Or what are you currently doing? I look forward to Topliners feedback!
    P.S. Technologies currently under review:
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    - Look to specific vendors to push content on publisher’s sites: Outbrain, Sharethrough, Taboola
    - Identify social content winners and invest to amplify reach on the networks that work: SimpleReach
    - Keep an eye on emerging technologies for content visibility and distribution: TrendSpottr
    - Others:
    CC: marilyncox

    I agree! In our current blog consolidation project, we're implementing Google Authorship for all our bloggers and we're currently evaluating how to best leverage Deltek's Google+ channel w/in our content strategy. Our PR/Social Director is not a fan - I'm working on, I mean with, her to see the possibilities.

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    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]
    If it does work in Safe-mode then disable all your extensions and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one at a time until the problem reappears.
    You can use "Disable all add-ons" on the [[Safe mode]] start window to disable all extensions.
    You have to close and restart Firefox after each change via "File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit")
    Also check the Mouse driver settings in the Control Panel.

  • Infopath 2007 "Updating Site Content Failed"

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    Does anyone have any ideas how to realistically fix this outside of the hotfix?
    I've tried every method I can find on the internet, but nothing seems to work.

    A little more information.  On the server itself I don't show any indication or problem in the Event logs related to this issue.
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    Event Type: Error      Event Soruce MSSOAP
    Event Category: Generic   Event ID: 16
    Description: Soap error: Connection Time out
    I get two of those and two of these:
    Event Type: Error   Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: General  Event ID: 16
    Description: Unspecified HTTP error.
    I went into the sharepoint central admin and changed the timeout value (which was 30 seconds) in the infopath forms section to 120 seconds and it hasn't made any difference.
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  • Get media content now

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    Did you check the Settings>access point?  In many cases the correct settings are in the app database an will setup automatically. You might want to do a search on these forums as this has been covered many times before. If this app is missing scan the QR code below on your phone to get it.
    On the vodacom site they only offer sending a settings SMS or using USSD, both are not supported by WIndows phone (you could try the SMS option though). These setting are carrier dependent and so should be provided by the carrier.
    A quick look at settings for the Nokia C7 I found this and that should translate pretty well to settings for Lumia:
    Connection name: Vodacom
    Internet APN
    Accesspoint name: internet
    Proxy address:
    Proxy port: 8080
    Username: [blank]
    Password: [blank]
    MMS Access point name:
    Proxy address:
    Proxy port: 8080
    Username: [blank]
    Password: [blank]
    MMSC address:
    They should have the settings available for manual entry just like any other carrier has. If the above does not work contact them again and demand to speak to a manger as they should have these settings and it seems you ran into a clueless agent here. As this is basically Vodafone you might try and shoot their HQ a message to complain on this.
    And lastly remember; Google is your best friend in these matters..
    Click on the blue Star Icon below if my advice has helped you or press the 'Accept As Solution' link if I solved your problem..
    qrcode.png ‏1 KB

  • Prevent Site Members to view Site Contents Page in SharePoint 2013

    I created SharePoint 2013 Site and it has 5 variation sub sites as well. Each site has several pages. I have end users added to Site Members group who should access all the Custom pages. Customer has raised a security issue, end users are able to access
    Site Contents page by supplying the link in the URL. I tried adding these end user to site visitors but unfortunately they are not able to access variations sub sites custom pages.
    Kindly help me how to solve this.

    Little confuse. 
    You want to stop users from viewing page or you want them to to be able to view pages
    Which pages are they able to view. 
    Just follow below steps to prevent users form accessing application pages
    You can even try this powershell
    param (
    $wa = Get-SPWebApplication $WebApplicationUrl
    $wa.PolicyRoles.Add("Deny System Pages",
    "", "EmptyMask", "ViewFormPages")
    $claimType = ""
    $claimValue = "AspNetMembership"
    $claim = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaim($claimType,
    $claimValue, "", [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPOriginalIssuers]::GetIssuerType("SecurityTokenService"))
    $encodedClaim = $claim.ToEncodedString()
    $policies = $wa.ZonePolicies("Default")
    $policy = $policies.Add($encodedClaim
    , "Authenticated visitors")
    If you want restrict users to access some specific page, the you need to remove inheritance of the site 
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Get web Content into array

    Hello, I am trying to retrieve the content of a web site into an array so that i can compare it to itself later to see if it has changed. I am trying to make get the content into an array then get the content into a different array later and compare the two arrays to look for the change. I am having some trouble with the reading the content and putting that content into the arrays. Is a buffered reader/imputstream reader the best way to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated :).

    Look into this code, this will store url contents into Hashtable and you can compare them by retrieving them from this Hashtable.
    import java.util.*;
    class ContentReader {
         private Hashtable urlContent;
         public ContentReader() {
              urlContent = new Hashtable();
         public void addContent(String url) {
              try {
                   URL res = new URL(url);
                   URLConnection uc = res.openConnection();
                   InputStream is = uc.getInputStream();
                   DataInputStream bs = new DataInputStream(is);
                   String line="";
                   ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
                   while((line=bs.readLine()) != null) al.add(line.trim());
                   Object[] content = al.toArray();
                   for(int i=0;i<content.length;i++) System.out.println(content);
              } catch(Exception e) {
         public boolean compareURLs(String url1,String url2) {
              boolean ret=false;
              //You can code your comparison here.
              return ret;
         //This method is for testing the above code
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              ContentReader cr = new ContentReader();
              String url1="some_url1";
              String url2="some_url2";
    Hope this give you an idea. Don't forget dukes if it helps you.

  • Retrieving iweb site content from server?

    Hi y'all.
    I was working on my iweb site and everything was going dandy. Then my comp crashed and the only way to get it too work was to re-install the entire system. Unfortunately, I didn't get around to backing up my iweb stuff but I did publish it before the crash so its on the server. Is there anyway possible to get the content back from the server to my comp? kind of like reverse-publishing (if that makes any sense) I'd rather not go back and have to do the site over from scratch if there's a way around it.
    any suggestions would be appreciated...

    It does exist on your iDisk because the site is still active and online. Have you setup iDisk syncing to your Mac creating a duplicate locally? If so is that the iDisk that you are looking at or tried to delete from?
    While in the Finder select the Go menu and go to the iDisk ➙ My iDisk... option. That will mount your iDisk where you can go to the iDisk/Web/Sites folder and look for your web site folder.

  • Under Site Contents - Where is the add a Page or Web Part Page option.

    It seems the only way to add a page to a site is to create a document library first.

    Where is the SitePages Document Library.
    Up next to SkyDrive I click Sites. I select "My Child Site" It is a brand new site. Under the Cog there is Shared With, Edit Page, Add an app, view site contents and getting started. On the left I have Home, Site contents. If I go into Site contents I have
    the option of Lists, Libraries and other Apps or the option to create a new subsite. 
    Just to be sure I clicked Create a new Subsite". Once it is up I still don't have an option to create a page. And under the Cog I have the same settings as before.
    It seems like I have to create a document library app, create a page in the library, Add the app as a web part to the home page and then have a lot of clutter from the document library app. e.g. +new document or drag files here, current view... As opposed to
    a list of links to the pages. 
    It seems like a site should also be a document library or list to begin with. 
    I could swear in 2010 when you were in a new site you could could click create a page from the home page.

  • Site Content and Structure Move

    When i am trying to use site content and structure move from one document library to another i get error . It states Attempt to move fail and 
    <error><customData>d6b2cf5f-c9ab-4769-b36e-b7408321f1a8: Only farm admin can enable or disable throttling.</customData></error>
    What can be done by farm side to make this work? 

    You might have list items more than expected.You have to disable throttling for that list or library.
    $Site = Get-SPWeb -Identity <SiteURL>
    $List = $Site.Lists[“List Name”]
    $List.EnableThrottling = $false
    Amit Kotha

  • Moving pages using Manage Site content and structure is corrupting the version history

    I am using share point 2010 manage site content and structure feature to move pages from one sub site to other. After doing several edits and check ins of a page and if I try to move the page using manage site content and structure , the version history
    is corrupted in the destination site (i.e., all the versions are not showing).
    Note: Sometimes content is also getting replicated after performing move operation.
    Is it a Bug/ Known issue in SharePoint?
    Any info on this issue is very helpful to us.
    Thanks in advance!!

    Using Site Content and Structure unable to move documents,pages and getting weird error message
    We are getting Below error:
    When Moving Document items from one site to another site in the same site collection using Site content and structure(But it's working in same site,we can move documents from one library to another library)

  • Powershell script to get Site Collection. Site Owner, Title

    I am new to SharePoint, currently I have given one task to create the powershell script which contains the below fields from our two farms. Could you please help me out with the same.
    The script to list out below items:
    Site Collections:
    Site Collection Name:
    Site Collection Owners:
    Last Activity and the size of site collections.
    Many Thanks & Best Regards,

    To get all Site Collections:
    If all you want is a list of all site collections in the farm, all you have to do is open a PowerShell window, load the SharePoint Snapin, if you haven't (Add-PSSnapin
    Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell), and type Get-SPSite.
    If you want to return the list of site collections for a specific web application, the easiest way is to just pipe it as Get-SPWebApplication
    http://intranet | Get-SPSite
    To get Site Collection Owners:
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Get-SPWebApplication ""|
    Get-SPSite| foreach-object{ Write-host$_.Url - $_.Owner.Email}
    To get Size of all Site Collections:
    Get-SPSite | select url, @{label"Size in MB";Expression={$}} | Sort-Object
    -Descending -Property "Size in MB" | ConvertTo-Html -title "Site Collections sort by size" | Set-Content sc.html
    Regrading the retrieving the last activity I am not sure to what exactly you are looking for but I assume you are concern about getting users last logon time and date using PowerShell.
    For this refer here: Get Users Last Logon Time and Date using PowerShell
    Please remember to upvote if it helps you or
    click 'Mark as Answer' if the reply answers your query.

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