How to block PO change if GR is done

Dear All,
in our system, after GR is done , stil we can change PO ,
Could you pls kindly adivse how to block PO if GR is done?

This is impossible with config. measures only. Remember that there can be partial deliveries, the price might need to be changed when the coming invoice shows different price from the one that you expected in the PO, etc.
However, if you are sure this is the right approach in your business case, then I believe the only way to solve this is via the BAdI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST, method OPEN. Here you can check what kind of PO is being opened and then set the flag CH_DISPLAY_ONLY if required.

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    You can grey out the quantity field and u can ask the users to have a PR mandatory and the Qty can flow from PR.
    You can define a Release stratergy that once the PO is released you cannot change the PO at any cost. this is controlled with the help of the indicators defined in the release stratergy.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Best Regards

    U can try with release streatgy with setting release indicator as 1
    Pardeep Malik

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    Dear Sudha
    Yes it is possible to confiquire your system insuch a way where once if the PO  gets final relase then it cannot be changed.Only possiblity that will be available for the user to make chanegs in PO is possible when the final release is to be reset and then make the changes.
    Release Indicator: specicfies whether the PO documents is blocked or can be processed for the follow functions.
    You can define the release indicators you need for your release procedure:
    •The Released indicator is used to specify whether messages (PO documents in output format) may be transmitted for a purchase order with this indicator.
    •The Changeability indicator shows the effect of changes to the PO (a change to a PO may require a new release strategy to be determined, for instance).
    •By means of the Value change indicator, you can specify that the release strategy is to be re-started if a PO is changed and the value of a PO item thereby increases by a certain percentage (e.g. 10%). Set the Changeability indicator to "4 - Changeable, new release in case of new strategy or value change" or "6 - Changeable, new release in case of new strategy or value change/outputted" and enter a percentage in the Value change field.
    And after that you can specify release statuese where you can specify which release indicator/status a PO is to have after having been released via a certain release code.
    and after release simulation .
    Test for the PO change after final release System will not allow you tomake changes by giving the message that the release  indicator doesnot allow you make the changes in PO.

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    Please review by note again -This is by system design .
    I don't know why you are so worried abt this because by setting up discount max ,if user cannot post the document ,that means it is not in the system ,no matter they change multiple times in the fields .
    But I think your scenario is different ,
    You are copying with certain discount from Delivery to AR invoice and i think you don't want user to change the discount field , then you can solve your issue by using approval or sp_notification
    If you really want it to be greyed out ,I think you might have to go through by SDK or Boyum addon.
    Thank you

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    Goto customizatin of rellease procedure of p.req, in that select setup procedure with classification  and select release indicator,and select details in that changeability indicator is there in that you will select based on your requirement
       changeble,new release in case of release strategy
    1-cannot be changed
    2-changeble,no new determination of strategy
    3-changeble,new release in case of release strategy
    4-changeble,new release in case of release strategy or value change
    select in the list and save and check your scenario.

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    Thank You all very much in advance!
    Edited by: vtb777 on Nov 21, 2011 1:46 PM
    Edited by: vtb777 on Nov 21, 2011 1:50 PM
    Edited by: vtb777 on Nov 21, 2011 1:52 PM

    from time to time i am working with macroses, but they are not good for the report's reliability.
    maybe You have some example of such macros?
    I have tried to edit event, called WorkbookBeforeClose in module BExEventHandler, adding there such a line:
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    but no result. maybe there are some other ways of solving this problem?
    Edited by: vtb777 on Nov 22, 2011 6:26 AM
    I got such a code, but it doesn't work:
    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    If MsgBox("Save changes to file? " & Name, vbYesNo, "") = vbNo Then
       Cancel = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Edited by: vtb777 on Nov 22, 2011 11:07 AM
    Edited by: vtb777 on Nov 22, 2011 11:16 AM
    Edited by: vtb777 on Nov 22, 2011 11:20 AM

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    Dear Goel,
    When setting the message 06076 and 06400 as described in the note 385002            
    to error it is no more possible to create a second purchase order with              
    reference to the purchase requisition.                                              
    See SAP note
    315448     ME21N: Referencing a purchase requisition                                                                               
    V V

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    lockPref("network.proxy.type", 1);
    lockPref("network.proxy.http", "");
    lockPref("network.proxy.http_port", "");

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       We are looking to implement a policy on how to block certain users not to be able to take on account payment. One more query is it possible to disable a field. I want to disable the field "Payment on account" in the Incoming Payments. Please advice

    Sue below code in transaction notification procedure,Change userid =1 to user id for user ou want to block payment on account
    IF @Object_type = N'24' and @transaction_type = N'A'
    if exists (SELECT    ORCT.DocEntry from ORCT
                         WHERE (ORCT.PayNoDoc='Y' and ORCT.UserSign=1) and ORCT.DocEntry  = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
            select @error =14
       select @error_message = 'Cannot make on account payments '

  • How to block an order if the price is too low?

    My problem is :
    How to block an order if the price is too low?
    I created a new type of condition ZMIN and an access by material.
    When the net price is below the minimum price the system must position the order on incomplete document for error of price.
    Thank you in advance.
    Frédéric Blaise
    e-Kenz S.A.

    you can enter a lower limit in the condition record:
    Lower limit of the condition rate/amount
    Indicates whether, during document processing, the system checks if manual changes fall short of the lower limit allowed for the corresponding condition record.
    When you maintain the scales in a condition record, the system checks whether the scale value falls below the lower limit.
    Or you can use the flag 'conditon update'.
    Condition update
    Controls whether limit values are relevant for pricing.
    E.g.: you can make the use of a particular condition record in the document dependent on a specified total value.
    This total value can be specified in the condition record.
    I hope that the information are helpful.
    With best regards
    Claudia Neudeck

  • How to restrict the changes in Relesed PO?.

    Hi all,
    How to restrict the users to make a changes in the Released PO?. User should make the changes only if it is unreleased by the respective codes.
    1. Is there any user parameters like functional authorisation?
    2. I have already suggested two solutions to the clients that
        1. To restrict the authorisation of TCodes ME22n at the user level, but it's not a suitable solution, if user want to make any changes before releasing, then system is not allow to do the changes.
        2. I have made release indicator as a 1 - not changeable if it is released, in release strategy settings. But the system is not allowing the all the users including release codes to make the changes?.
    If there is any solution, please reply immediately.
    with regards,

    if u set release indicator 1, after release is taken place, for any changes, u need to revoke the release. and then change the PO.
    even u cant directly block the changes to already released PO, because, in future if at all qty or some changes is required to change, it should allow u to change!

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    How to Block user from Sending IM or Hide Presence of there user who is not in his department.
    Thank you

    Hi Jp,
    Method 1:
    You can use the Enhanced Privacy Mode in Lync 2013
    <section class="ocpSection">
    Enable Privacy Mode
    By default, everyone except Blocked Contacts can see your presence status. To modify the privacy settings, you can do the following:
    In the Lync main window, click the Options button.
    In the Lync - Options dialog box, click Status, and then do one of the following:
    Click I want everyone to be able to see my presence regardless of system settings (override default settings).
    Click I want the system administrator to decide - currently everyone can see my presence but this could change in the future.
    About Enhanced Privacy Mode
    If your organization has enabled Enhanced Privacy Mode in Lync, you can choose whether to limit visibility of your presence information to only those people you’ve added to your Contacts list. You do that by selecting one of the following on the
    Options->Status window:
    I want everyone to be able to see my presence
    I only want people in my Contacts list to see my presence
    Method 2:
    Using Privacy Relationship, you can block a particular user by adding him to blocked contacts
    Anil Kumar (MCITP)
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

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