IPhone 4 restoring error (16)

I bought an iPhone 4 a few days ago and went to set it up as per usual. When I set it up, i did it from a back up like usual but from then on ive had nothing but problems. Firstly the set-up didnt work and got an error message that it could not be activated the phone. Tried it again, got same error. Then it ended up in recovery mode, tried to restore the phone, its get to the end of the recovery and get an error message "An unknown error occurred (16)" Entered the phone in DFU mode as well and tried same thing, still get same error message. Tried restoring from both a downloaded iOs and directly off the Apple server for both methods. Nothing seems to work. Anyone have any ideas as to what/where i should do next. Thanks.

Is everyone else on a Windows PC as well? I think this is iTunes Windows PC related... but, here is my story...
I have an iPad 2 that is also getting this error, as others have said, at the very end of the verify process.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes.
I have tried to update from another iTunes account.
I have tried to update from another iTunes account on a different computer.
I tried reinstalling in DFU mode.
I called Apple Care, and they were quite mystified by Error 16 because, as we know, it is undocumented. They seem to think, however, that this is related to other 16XX errors:
Apple Care asked me to remove all my USB devies, dismantle my security software, and remove any firewalls or third-party security software. I did that to the best of my abilities and I got the same message.
I also tried on my husband's laptop, and got error 3194, which is related again to security and firewall settings causing the update server to be unreachable.
This feels wrong to me because I have three other iOS devices (iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPad 4) and all updated to iOS 7, iOS 7.01, and iOS 7.02 just fine.
I may try to update from work where I may be able to use a Mac. I will let you know if that works.
If not, I guess I'm driving 3 hours to the Apple Store.

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    This Error Code is indicative of the Device being jailbroken / Hacked...
    Sorry... But...
    The discussion of Jailbroken Devices is against the Terms of Use of this Forum.
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    Resolve iOS update and restore errors
    Check for hardware issues
    Related errors: 1, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 1000, 1002, 1004, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667, or 1669.
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    Check that your security software and settings aren't preventing your device from communicating with the Apple update server.
    Then try to restore your iOS device two more times while connected with a cable, computer, and network you know are good.
    Confirm that your security software and settings are allowing communication between your device and update servers.
    If you still see the error message when you update or restore, contact Apple support.

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    To Whom It May Conern,
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    2014-02-18 10:52:55.000 iTunes[2116:207]: restore library built Oct 10
    2013 at 18:04:35
    2014-02-18 10:52:55.000 iTunes[2116:207]: iTunes: iTunes 11.1.4
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    version: 11B554a
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    state machine
    [10:53:15.0634] Successfully applied power assertion
    [10:53:15.0637] Changing state from 'Idle' to 'Restoring'
    [10:53:15.0643] amai: AMAuthInstallSsoInitialize: can't find
    [10:53:15.0647] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:15.0649] requested variant: Erase
    [10:53:15.1101] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:15.9821] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is True
    [10:53:15.9825] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "RestoreLogo" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16fc7e00 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length
    = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9832] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "RestoreDeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16892c40
    [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9839] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "RestoreKernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d168ea840
    [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9845] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "RestoreRamDisk" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d168a7000
    [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9851] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBEC"
    Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16c21100 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20,
    capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [10:53:15.9859] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBSS"
    Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d1507c650 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20,
    capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [10:53:15.9865] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "KernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16f5f980 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length
    = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9869] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "LLB"
    Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16fd64f0 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20,
    capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [10:53:15.9873] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "AppleLogo" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d1689a570 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length =
    20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [10:53:15.9878] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "BatteryCharging1" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d1567e560
    [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9883] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "BatteryFull" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16a7af60 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length
    = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9888] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "BatteryPlugin" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16c1a4b0
    [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9892] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "BatteryCharging0" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d15650d30
    [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9897] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "BatteryLow0" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16ecbeb0 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length
    = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9901] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "BatteryLow1" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d13cf2800 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length
    = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9906] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "RecoveryMode" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d1564e840
    [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9910] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "DeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d1568cb40 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length
    = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:15.9915] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing
    "iBoot" Digest = "<CFData 0x7f9d16886ee0 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20,
    capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [10:53:15.9919] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: using UniqueBuildID
    <CFData 0x7f9d16a71da0 [0x7fff7d3ddfa0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20,
    bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}
    [10:53:15.9924] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: SSO function
    returned NULL, SSO disabled.
    [10:53:15.9928] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object
    [10:53:15.9931] amai: AMAuthInstallHttpMessageSendSync:
    httpRequest=<CFHTTPMessageRef 0x7f9d16f60320(0x7f9d16f60330)> { POST
    request, priority -1, url
    http://gs.apple.com:80/TSS/controller?action=2 }
    [10:53:16.2453] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss
    response (server version: 2.1.0)
    [10:53:16.2457] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object
    [10:53:16.2517] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle:
    no entry in manifest found for "Diags"
    [10:53:16.2566] iBoot build-version = iBoot-1940.3.5
    [10:53:16.2574] iBoot build-style = RELEASE
    [10:53:16.2576] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:16.2598] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:16.2605] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:16.2625] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:16.2633] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [10:53:16.2987] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002.
    boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [10:53:16.2991] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware:
    firmwareDirectory not in options
    [10:53:16.2994] DeviceRequest failed: 0xe000404f
    [10:53:16.2997] command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed:
    [10:53:16.2999] radio-error not set
    [10:53:16.3001] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [10:53:16.3003] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d1563ab30>: production fused
    [10:53:16.3005] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:16.3016] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:16.3023] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:16.3043] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:16.3491] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d1563ab30>: operation 4
    progress -1
    [10:53:16.3966] bootstrapping restore with iBEC
    [10:53:16.3968] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:16.3988] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:16.4108] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d1563ab30>: operation 31
    progress -1
    [10:53:17.4124] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d1563ab30>: Recovery mode
    [10:53:17.4130] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful
    [10:53:17.5143] Recovery mode device disconnected
    [10:53:17.5146] Recovery mode device disconnected
    [10:53:17.5148] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device
    to transition state
    [10:53:17.5150] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
    [10:53:17.5153] Creating timer to monitor transition
    [10:53:19.6720] Recovery mode device connected
    [10:53:19.6722] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
    [10:53:19.6723] Canceling timer
    [10:53:19.6725] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
    [10:53:19.6727] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:19.6728] requested variant: Erase
    [10:53:19.6745] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:20.1654] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is False
    [10:53:20.1658] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1662] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1667] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1671] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1674] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1676] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBSS" has
    been previously personalized; skipping it
    [10:53:20.1680] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1683] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "LLB" has been
    previously personalized; skipping it
    [10:53:20.1688] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1691] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1695] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1699] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1703] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1707] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1712] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1716] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1720] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1724] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:20.1727] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
    [10:53:20.1731] iBoot build-version = iBoot-1940.3.5
    [10:53:20.1734] iBoot build-style = RELEASE
    [10:53:20.1737] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:20.1740] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:20.1745] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:20.1757] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:20.1766] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [10:53:20.1771] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002.
    boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [10:53:20.1775] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware:
    firmwareDirectory not in options
    [10:53:20.1779] DeviceRequest failed: 0xe000404f
    [10:53:20.1782] command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed:
    [10:53:20.1785] radio-error not set
    [10:53:20.1787] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [10:53:20.1791] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: production fused
    [10:53:20.1794] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:20.1805] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:20.1813] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:20.1834] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:20.2282] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: operation 4
    progress -1
    [10:53:20.2754] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [10:53:20.2762] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002.
    boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [10:53:20.2769] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware:
    firmwareDirectory not in options
    [10:53:20.2776] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:20.2802] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:20.2816] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:20.2851] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:20.2862] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: operation 42
    progress -1
    [10:53:20.2867] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:20.2889] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:21.3216] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: operation 5
    progress -1
    [10:53:21.6870] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [10:53:21.6874] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002.
    boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [10:53:21.6878] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware:
    firmwareDirectory not in options
    [10:53:21.6881] DeviceRequest failed: 0xe000404f
    [10:53:21.6884] command device request for 'getenv ramdisk-delay'
    failed: 2008
    [10:53:23.3506] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: operation 6
    progress -1
    [10:53:24.3622] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: operation 7
    progress -1
    [10:53:24.6932] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: operation 8
    progress -1
    [10:53:24.6935] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [10:53:24.6937] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002.
    boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [10:53:24.6940] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware:
    firmwareDirectory not in options
    [10:53:24.6943] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: operation 9
    progress -1
    [10:53:24.6945] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f9d16edfcf0>: Recovery mode
    [10:53:24.6948] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful
    [10:53:25.8983] Recovery mode device disconnected
    [10:53:25.8984] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device
    to transition state
    [10:53:25.8987] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
    [10:53:25.8989] Creating timer to monitor transition
    [10:53:28.3991] RestoreOS mode device connected
    [10:53:28.3992] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
    [10:53:28.3994] Canceling timer
    [10:53:28.3996] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
    [10:53:28.4028] <Restore Device 0x7f9d16a1e4d0>: operation 44 progress
    [10:53:28.4036] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:28.4039] requested variant: Erase
    [10:53:28.4054] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:28.8914] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is False
    [10:53:28.8918] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8922] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8927] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8929] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8932] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8934] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBSS" has
    been previously personalized; skipping it
    [10:53:28.8937] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8940] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "LLB" has been
    previously personalized; skipping it
    [10:53:28.8944] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8948] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8952] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8956] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8961] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8965] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8968] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8971] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8973] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8976] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing
    [10:53:28.8978] amai:
    _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
    [10:53:28.8981] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:28.8983] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:28.9006] device did not return saved USB log
    [10:53:28.9009] device did not return saved panic log
    [10:53:28.9011] previous restore failed with exit status 0x100
    [10:53:28.9035] connected to service com.apple.mobile.restored
    [10:53:28.9038] using protocol version 13
    [10:53:28.9084] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [10:53:28.9087] board config = n42ap
    [10:53:28.9113] no value returned for BootArgs
    [10:53:28.9116] _copyDeviceProperty() failed for restore bootargs
    [10:53:28.9132] no value returned for MarketingPartNumber
    [10:53:28.9135] _copyDeviceProperty() failed for mpn
    [10:53:28.9138] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [10:53:28.9158] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant:
    No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap
    chipid and boardid only.
    [10:53:28.9194] value query for 'HardwareModel' returned 'N42AP'
    [10:53:28.9244] <Restore Device 0x7f9d16a1e4d0>: operation 28 progress
    [10:53:44.9192] previous restore failed: '
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 4 as
    [10:53:44.9192] Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives
    [10:53:44.9192] BSD root: md0, major 3, minor 0
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 4
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 5 as
    'System Config'
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 6 as
    'Diagnostic Data'
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 7 as 'Bad
    Block Table'
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 7
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM
    Device=uart1 at 0x32600000(0x9cb9d000)
    [10:53:44.9192] com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSwissPPNFTL started with IOFlashStoragePartition
    [10:53:44.9192] [NAND] _FindFlashMediaAndKeepout:601 physical nand
    block offset 1
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleNANDFTL registered[NAND] start:356 this 0xa31aa800
    PROVIDER=0xa2e64100 flashMedia=0xa2e64100
    [10:53:44.9192] [NAND] WMR_Start:149 Apple PPN NAND Driver, Read/Write
    [10:53:44.9192] [NAND] WMR_Start:174 FIL_Init  [OK]
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM
    Device=uart3 at 0x32800000(0x9cbce000)
    [10:53:44.9192] com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
    [10:53:44.9192] L2TP domain init
    [10:53:44.9192] L2TP domain init complete
    [10:53:44.9192] PPTP domain init
    [10:53:44.9192] Scaler 0 enableDeviceClock(true,HALF_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [10:53:44.9192] Scaler 0 enableDeviceClock(true,FULL_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [10:53:44.9192] Scaler 0 enableDevicePower(true,0,HALF_CLOCK_INDEX) =
    [10:53:44.9192] Scaler 0 enableDeviceClock(false,FULL_CLOCK_INDEX) =
    [10:53:44.9192] CLCD not initied by iBoot, driver will not load
    [10:53:44.9192] [NAND] WMR_Open:371 VFL_Open    [OK]
    [10:53:44.9192] Scaler 1 enableDeviceClock(true,HALF_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [10:53:44.9192] Scaler 1 enableDeviceClock(true,FULL_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [10:53:44.9192] Scaler 1 enableDevicePower(true,0,HALF_CLOCK_INDEX) =
    [10:53:44.9192] Scaler 1 enableDeviceClock(false,FULL_CLOCK_INDEX) =
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleH4CamIn::start - back camera expected
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleH4CamIn::start - front camera expected
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleH4CamIn::power_off_hardware
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleH4CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 0
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleMultitouchN1SPI: successfully started
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleAP3DSH::probe found device with ID: 0x3f
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart _calibrationMatrix [65149
    -1004 -881] [-2131 64608 -379] [481 595 66374]
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart _calibrationOffsets [950093
    -603282 3384666]
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart - No calibration inverse
    matrix or the data is invalid, Compute locally
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart _calibrationInverseMatrix
    [65953 1016 880] [2172 66508 408] [-497 -603 64699]
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart _odr400HzSampleInterval = 2433
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_handleUSBCableConnect
    cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleCS35L19Amp: could not allocate control 395
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_handleUSBCableConnect
    cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleMultitouchN1SPI: detected HBPP. driver will be
    kept alive
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_handleUSBCableConnect
    cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
    [10:53:44.9192] inverting UI colordisplay-scale = 2
    [10:53:44.9192] display-rotation = 0
    [10:53:44.9192] found applelogo at
    /usr/share/progressui/[email protected]
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to find a usable display
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to get framebuffer
    [10:53:44.9192] found PTP interface
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: PTP
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: iPod USB
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface:
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface:
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: IapOverUsbHid
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP + Apple
    Mobile Device
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: PTP
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: AppleUSBMux
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP + Apple
    Mobile Device + Apple USB Ethernet
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: PTP
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: AppleUSBMux
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface:
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register
    function USBAudioStreaming
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register
    function AppleUSBEthernet
    [10:53:44.9192] IOAccessoryPortUSB::start
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register
    function USBAudioControl
    [10:53:44.9192] virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService *)
    build: Sep 27 2013 23:30:36
    [10:53:44.9192] init_waste
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register
    function AppleUSBMux
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register
    function IapOverUsbHid
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register
    function PTP
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::startUSBStack Starting usb stack
    [10:53:44.9192] IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::setPropertiesGated(OSObject
    *) setting debug level to 7
    [10:53:44.9192] 000169.889813 wlan.N[0]
    AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceHSIC (0xa3c5a800) -->>--
    AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceHSICShim (0xa43240c0)
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleBCMWLANCore::init(): IO80211-40 Sep 27 2013
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleBCMWLANCore::init(): AppleBCMWLANV2-249.2 Sep 27
    2013 23:32:48 release
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa482f268 established 62078<-lo0->49152 62078<-usb->56320
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa482f268
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(13, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa482f268 established 62078<-lo0->49153 62078<-usb->56576
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa482f210 established 62078<-lo0->49154 62078<-usb->56832
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa482f1b8 established 62078<-lo0->49155 62078<-usb->57088
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa482f210
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(14, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa482f1b8
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa482f1b8 established 62078<-lo0->49156 62078<-usb->57344
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(15, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa482f268
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa482f210 established 62078<-lo0->49157 62078<-usb->57600
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa482f268 established 62078<-lo0->49158 62078<-usb->57856
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(13, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa482f268
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(13, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa482f210
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(15, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa482f210 established 62078<-lo0->49159 62078<-usb->58112
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa482f210
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(13, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] 000169.996345 wlan.N[1] AppleBCMWLANCore::start():
    Starting with MAC Address: <<<mac address>>>
    [10:53:44.9192] 000169.996747 wlan.N[2]
    AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated():   powerState 1, fStateFlags
    0x20, dev 0x80326000 (this 1, provider 0)
    [10:53:44.9192] 000169.996762 wlan.N[3]
    AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated():  Received power state change
    before driver has initialized, ignoring
    [10:53:44.9192] IO80211Peer::addPhyStatistics Phy stats started for
    addr <<<mac address>>>
    [10:53:44.9192] IO80211Peer::addPhyStatistics Tx Completion stats
    started for addr <<<mac address>>>
    [10:53:44.9192] IO80211PeerManager::initWithInterface cant add
    monitoring timer
    [10:53:44.9192] Started logging for intf
    [10:53:44.9192] IO80211PeerManager::initWithInterface: inited peer
    [10:53:44.9192] IO80211Interface::init peerManager=0xa4de4400
    [10:53:44.9192] start:156
    [10:53:44.9192] start:156
    [10:53:44.9192] [NAND] WMR_Open:420 FTL_Open    [OK]
    [10:53:44.9192] [NAND] _publishServices:642 FTL capabilities: 0x00000001
    [10:53:44.9192] [NAND] _ppnvflGetStruct:3469 Checking borrowed blocks -
    count: 23 max_count: 23
    [10:53:44.9192] [NAND] _fetchBorrowedList:881 number of borrowed blocks
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 0
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 1
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 2
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 3
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 5
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 6
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa500ca50 established 62078<-lo0->49160 62078<-usb->58368
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa500ca50
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa500ca50 established 62078<-lo0->49161 62078<-usb->58624
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa500ca50
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa500ca50 established 62078<-lo0->49162 62078<-usb->58880
    [10:53:44.9192] unrecognized key 'BootArgs' in value query
    [10:53:44.9192] failed to handle value query for key 'BootArgs',
    sending back empty response
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa500ca50
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa500ca50 established 62078<-lo0->49163 62078<-usb->59136
    [10:53:44.9192] unrecognized key 'MarketingPartNumber' in value query
    [10:53:44.9192] failed to handle value query for key
    'MarketingPartNumber', sending back empty response
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa500ca50
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa500ca50 established 62078<-lo0->49164 62078<-usb->59392
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t)
    received reset, closing 0xa500ca50
    [10:53:44.9192] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to read message size: -1
    [10:53:44.9192] could not receive message
    [10:53:44.9192] client protocol version 13
    [10:53:44.9192] *** UUID 360DBEAB-9524-1042-B7B7-D4CE5137AC4D ***
    [10:53:44.9192] Restore options:
    [10:53:44.9192]      UUID                           => <CFString 0x1564af90
    [0x3d0ad0]>{contents = "360DBEAB-9524-1042-B7B7-D4CE5137AC4D"}
    [10:53:44.9192]      MinimumSystemPartition         => <CFNumber 0x1564aee0
    [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +1589, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [10:53:44.9192]      SystemPartitionSize            => <CFNumber 0x1564a8e0
    [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +1589, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [10:53:44.9192]      SystemPartitionPadding         => <CFBasicHash
    0x1564b1f0 [0x3d0ad0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 5,
    [10:53:44.9192] entries =>
    [10:53:44.9192]      2 : <CFString 0x1564b1a0 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents = "128"}
    = <CFNumber 0x1564af10 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +1280, type =
    [10:53:44.9192]      3 : <CFString 0x1564ae20 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents = "16"}
    = <CFNumber 0x1564af40 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +160, type =
    [10:53:44.9192]      4 : <CFString 0x1564aeb0 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents = "32"}
    = <CFNumber 0x1564ac20 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +320, type =
    [10:53:44.9192]      5 : <CFString 0x1564ab20 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents = "8"} =
    <CFNumber 0x1564a5e0 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +80, type =
    [10:53:44.9192]      8 : <CFString 0x1564abd0 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents = "64"}
    = <CFNumber 0x1564ab10 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +640, type =
    [10:53:44.9192] }
    [10:53:44.9192] entering load_sep_os
    [10:53:44.9192] device has no sep
    [10:53:44.9192] entering partition_nand_device
    [10:53:44.9192] device supports boot-from-NAND
    [10:53:44.9192] nand device is already partitioned
    [10:53:44.9192] entering wait_for_storage_device
    [10:53:44.9192] Searching for NAND service
    [10:53:44.9192] Found NAND service: IOFlashStoragePartition
    [10:53:44.9192] NAND initialized. Waiting for devnode.
    [10:53:44.9192] entering clear_remap_variable
    [10:53:44.9192] waiting for matching IOKit service: <CFBasicHash
    0x1564a9b0 [0x3d0ad0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 2,
    [10:53:44.9192] entries =>
    [10:53:44.9192]      0 : <CFString 0x1c5e98 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "IOResourceMatch"} = <CFString 0x156498e0 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    [10:53:44.9192]      2 : <CFString 0x529f00 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "IOProviderClass"} = <CFString 0x1564a960 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    [10:53:44.9192] }
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /usr/sbin/nvram
    [10:53:44.9192] entering format_effaceable_storage
    [10:53:44.9192] effaceable storage is formatted, clearing it
    [10:53:44.9192] [effaceable:INIT] found current generation, 46, in
    group 1
    [10:53:44.9192] [effaceable:INIT] started
    [10:53:44.9192] [effaceable:INIT] started
    [10:53:44.9192] effaceable storaged cleared
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [10:53:44.9192] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [10:53:44.9192] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1
    system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s1
    [10:53:44.9192]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-227).
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [10:53:44.9192]    The volume name is InnsbruckTaos11B554a.N42OS
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume information.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** The volume InnsbruckTaos11B554a.N42OS appears to be
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1
    [10:53:44.9192] entering check_for_restore_log
    [10:53:44.9192] found restore log (size = 28041)
    [10:53:44.9192] entering unmount_filesystems
    [10:53:44.9192] error unmounting '/mnt2': Invalid argument
    [10:53:44.9192] entering clean_NAND
    [10:53:44.9192] NAND format complete
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [10:53:44.9192] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0 system=
    [10:53:44.9192] entering format_storage_for_LwVM
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [10:53:44.9192] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [10:53:44.9192] unexpected partition 'LwVM' - skipping
    [10:53:44.9192] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1
    system= data=
    [10:53:44.9192] entering create_filesystem_partitions
    [10:53:44.9192] User specified system partition size, skipping firmware
    extras size.
    [10:53:44.9192] system partition padding size is: 167772160 bytes
    [10:53:44.9192] unable to open : No such file or directory
    [10:53:44.9192] creating 2 partitions
    [10:53:44.9192] creating encrypted data partition
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [10:53:44.9192] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [10:53:44.9192] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1
    system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [10:53:44.9192] wipe entire partition: 1 (old = 0 new = 1749)
    [10:53:44.9192] block size for /dev/disk0s1s1: 4096
    [10:53:44.9192] /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J /dev/disk0s1s1
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J /dev/disk0s1s1
    [10:53:44.9192] Initialized /dev/rdisk0s1s1 as a 2 GB case-sensitive
    HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
    [10:53:44.9192] block size for /dev/disk0s1s2: 4096
    [10:53:44.9192] /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P /dev/disk0s1s2
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P
    [10:53:44.9192] Initialized /dev/rdisk0s1s2 as a 13 GB case-sensitive
    HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [10:53:44.9192] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [10:53:44.9192] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1
    system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [10:53:44.9192] entering mount_filesystems
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s1
    [10:53:44.9192]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-227).
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [10:53:44.9192]    The volume name is System
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume information.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** The volume System appears to be OK.
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s2
    [10:53:44.9192]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-227).
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [10:53:44.9192]    The volume name is Data
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume information.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** The volume Data appears to be OK.
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] /dev/disk0s1s2 mounted on /mnt2
    [10:53:44.9192] entering resize_system_partition_to_options
    [10:53:44.9192] User specified system partition size, skipping firmware
    extras size.
    [10:53:44.9192] Found SystemPartitionPadding value of 167772160 bytes
    [10:53:44.9192] Erasing system partition prior to resize operation.
    [10:53:44.9192] block size for /dev/disk0s1s1: 4096
    [10:53:44.9192] /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J /dev/disk0s1s1
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J /dev/disk0s1s1
    [10:53:44.9192] Initialized /dev/rdisk0s1s1 as a 2 GB case-sensitive
    HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s1
    [10:53:44.9192]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-227).
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [10:53:44.9192]    The volume name is System
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume information.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** The volume System appears to be OK.
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1
    [10:53:44.9192] Trying to resize system partition to 1833959424 bytes
    aka 1749 MB
    [10:53:44.9192] entering adjust_partition
    [10:53:44.9192] partition: requiredSize=447744
    [10:53:44.9192] no change in size
    [10:53:44.9192] Successfully resized the system partition
    [10:53:44.9192] entering maximize_data_partition
    [10:53:44.9192] entering adjust_partition
    [10:53:44.9192] partition: requiredSize=<<<<<IMEI>>>>>>6
    [10:53:44.9192] maximizing data partition to 14020509695 bytes
    [10:53:44.9192] entering adjust_partition
    [10:53:44.9192] partition: requiredSize=3422976
    [10:53:44.9192] no change in size
    [10:53:44.9192] Successfully resized data partition to consume free
    [10:53:44.9192] The system partition now has a total HFS+ capacity of
    1749 MB
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [10:53:44.9192] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [10:53:44.9192] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1
    system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [10:53:44.9192] entering unmount_filesystems
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_ticket_update
    [10:53:44.9192] looking up root ticket hash
    [10:53:44.9192] device tree ticket-hash: <CFData 0x155547e0
    [0x3d0ad0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes =
    [10:53:44.9192] ticket_hash: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    [10:53:44.9192] received valid ticket (2729 bytes)
    [10:53:44.9192] entering restore_images
    [10:53:44.9192] Successfully marked device node /dev/rdisk0s1s1 as
    static data
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /usr/sbin/asr -source asr://localhost:12345
    -target /dev/disk0s1s1 -erase -noprompt --chunkchecksum --puppetstrings
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult(struct
    BulkUSBMuxSession *, errno_t) new session to port 12345 failed: 61
    [10:53:44.9192] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult(struct
    BulkUSBMuxSession *, errno_t) new session to port 12345 failed: 61
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: asr: Unable to disable idle sleep - -536870199
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR STATUS: start     241.1     multicast-client
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: Waiting for connection attempt from server
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session
    0xa500c6e0 established 12345<-lo0->49167 12345<-usb->60160
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR STATUS: setup
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: Validating target...
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: done
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR STATUS: metadata
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: Validating source...
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: done
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: Retrieving scan information...
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: done
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: Validating sizes...
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: done
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR STATUS: restore
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 2%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 4%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 6%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 8%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 10%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 12%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 14%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 16%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 18%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 20%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 22%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 24%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 26%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 28%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 30%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 32%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 34%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 36%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 38%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 40%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 42%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 44%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 46%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 48%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 50%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 52%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 54%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 56%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 58%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 60%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 62%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 64%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 66%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 68%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 70%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 72%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 74%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 76%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 78%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 80%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 82%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 84%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 86%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 88%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 90%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 92%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 94%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 96%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 98%
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleUSBDeviceMux::sessionUpcall socket is closed,
    session 0xa500c6e0 (12345<-lo0->49167 12345<-usb->60160)
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 100%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: Copied 1666908672 bytes in 70.21 seconds, 23184.43
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR STATUS: verify
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 2%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 4%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 6%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 8%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 10%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 12%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 14%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 16%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 18%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 20%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 22%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 24%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 26%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 28%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 30%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 32%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 34%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 36%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 38%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 40%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 42%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 44%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 46%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 48%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 50%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 52%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 54%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 56%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 58%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 60%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 62%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 64%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 66%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 68%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 70%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 72%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 74%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 76%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 78%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 80%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 82%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 84%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 86%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 88%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 90%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 92%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 94%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 96%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 98%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 100%
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR: Verified SHA-1 checksum 1666908672 bytes in 8.87
    seconds, 183434.91 KiB/s
    [10:53:44.9192] ASR STATUS: finish
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [10:53:44.9192] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [10:53:44.9192] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1
    system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [10:53:44.9192] entering mount_filesystems
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s1
    [10:53:44.9192]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-227).
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [10:53:44.9192]    The volume name is InnsbruckTaos11B554a.N42OS
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume information.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** The volume InnsbruckTaos11B554a.N42OS appears to be
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s2
    [10:53:44.9192]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-227).
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [10:53:44.9192]    The volume name is Data
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Checking volume information.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [10:53:44.9192] ** The volume Data appears to be OK.
    [10:53:44.9192] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [10:53:44.9192] /dev/disk0s1s2 mounted on /mnt2
    [10:53:44.9192] entering install_kernel_cache
    [10:53:44.9192] writing kernelcache to
    [10:53:44.9192] entering install_secure_vault_daemon
    [10:53:44.9192] entering get_hardware_platform
    [10:53:44.9192] platform-name = s5l8950x
    [10:53:44.9192] linking /mnt1/usr/sbin/securekeyvaultd to
    [10:53:44.9192] no securekeyvaultd for s5l8950x
    [10:53:44.9192] entering ramrod_ticket_write
    [10:53:44.9192] writing ticket to
    [10:53:44.9192] entering update_device_firmware
    [10:53:44.9192] create_baseband_update_options: Got imeisv: 6
    [10:53:44.9192] baseband updater options = <CFBasicHash 0x1564bca0
    [0x3d0ad0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 3,
    [10:53:44.9192] entries =>
    [10:53:44.9192]      0 : <CFString 0x1c7238 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "IMEISwVersion"} = <CFNumber 0x15553aa0 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +6, type =
    [10:53:44.9192]      1 : <CFString 0x1c7298 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "autoSetupEnv"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e88 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = false}
    [10:53:44.9192]      2 : <CFString 0x1c72a8 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "disablePing"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e80 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = true}
    [10:53:44.9192] }
    [10:53:44.9192] _baseband_update_requires_system_filesystem_once:
    querying baseband to determine if it requires system filesystem
    [10:53:44.9192] _baseband_update_requires_system_filesystem_once: query
    returned <CFBasicHash 0x1564bb90 [0x3d0ad0]>{type = mutable dict, count
    = 3,
    [10:53:44.9192] entries =>
    [10:53:44.9192]      0 : <CFString 0x1c7008 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "requireSystemPartitionMount"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e80 [0x3d0ad0]>{value
    = true}
    [10:53:44.9192]      1 : <CFString 0x1c7028 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "requireUserPartitionMount"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e88 [0x3d0ad0]>{value =
    [10:53:44.9192]      2 : <CFString 0x1c7038 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "requireBasebandFSPartitionMount"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e88
    [0x3d0ad0]>{value = false}
    [10:53:44.9192] }
    [10:53:44.9192] entering update_iBoot
    [10:53:44.9192] found 'AppleImage3NORAccess' object in IORegistry
    [10:53:44.9192] entering update_iBoot_image3_NOR_access
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing illb data (length = 0x24a1a)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing SCAB data (length = 0xaf0)
    [10:53:44.9192] ticket updated
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing ibot data (length = 0x4518c)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing chg1 data (length = 0x88cc)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing bat0 data (length = 0xaa4c)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing batF data (length = 0x1484c)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing logo data (length = 0x1a8c)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing recm data (length = 0xdd8c)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing dtre data (length = 0x153cc)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing chg0 data (length = 0x260c)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing bat1 data (length = 0x80c)
    [10:53:44.9192] write_image3_data: flashing glyP data (length = 0xf8c)
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleImage3NORAccess::_getSuperBlock imageVersion: 3
    [10:53:44.9192] AppleImage3NORAccess::_getSuperBlock imageVersion: 3
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@2289] first 2 pages of boot blocks
    written with copies of partition table
    [10:53:44.9192] entering update_gas_gauge
    [10:53:44.9192] entering update_ir_mcu
    [10:53:44.9192] looking for mcu nub...no entry from path!
    [10:53:44.9192] TiSerialFlasher not supported on this platform. Exiting.
    [10:53:44.9192] entering update_baseband
    [10:53:44.9192] update_baseband: registering for progress notifications
    [10:53:44.9192] create_baseband_update_options: Got imeisv: 6
    [10:53:44.9192] baseband updater options = <CFBasicHash 0x1564bc60
    [0x3d0ad0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6,
    [10:53:44.9192] entries =>
    [10:53:44.9192]      0 : <CFString 0x1c71e8 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "SystemRoot"} = <CFString 0x1564b270 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents = "/mnt1"}
    [10:53:44.9192]      1 : <CFString 0x1c7238 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "IMEISwVersion"} = <CFNumber 0x15553aa0 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = +6, type =
    [10:53:44.9192]      2 : <CFString 0x1c7298 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "autoSetupEnv"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e88 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = false}
    [10:53:44.9192]      3 : <CFString 0x1c7178 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "forceUpdate"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e80 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = true}
    [10:53:44.9192]      5 : <CFString 0x1c72a8 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "disablePing"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e80 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = true}
    [10:53:44.9192]      6 : <CFString 0x1c7198 [0x3d0ad0]>{contents =
    "DisallowFusiing"} = <CFBoolean 0x3d0e80 [0x3d0ad0]>{value = true}
    [10:53:44.9192] }
    [10:53:44.9192] update_baseband: querying baseband info
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater: BEGIN: Querying info at stage first
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:      BEGIN: Preparing first stage
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:           Requested boot mode:  kBBUBootModeNone
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:           Creating transport, attempts remaining
    5...bbupdater:           FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:           Creating transport, attempts remaining
    4...bbupdater:           FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@3169] next 98 pages of boot blocks
    written with LLB image of size 150080 bytes
    [10:53:44.9192] [nand_part_core:INF@3172] final 156 pages of boot
    blocks written with random data in full page format
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:           Creating transport, attempts remaining
    3...bbupdater:           FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:           Creating transport, attempts remaining
    2...bbupdater:           FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:           Creating transport, attempts remaining
    1...bbupdater:           FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:           Creating transport, attempts remaining
    0...bbupdater:           FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater:      END(kBBUReturnIOError): Preparing first
    [10:53:44.9192] bbupdater: END(kBBUReturnIOError): Querying info at
    stage first
    [10:53:44.9192] send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to
    [10:53:44.9192] update_baseband: bbupdater error: The operation
    couldn\U2019t be completed. (BBUpdater error 3 - Failed creating a
    communication transport to baseband.)
    [10:53:44.9192] 0: RamrodErrorDomain/3ec: update_baseband: failed
    querying baseband info
    [10:53:44.9192] 1: BBUpdater/3: Failed creating a communication
    transport to baseband.
    [10:53:44.9192] unable

    Hello everyone,
    After dealing with this issue for a few days I was able to fix my issue.
    The errors that I was getting were 1 and -1 on an iPhone4 upgrading to IOS 7
    I read and tried every fix under the sun it seemed.
    The fix for me was the DNS cache (even though I tried it on a different computer)
    Here is the whole story...
    I had a working iPhone4 on iOS6 when I started trying to upgrade to the latest version.
    I plugged it in to iTunes and hit restore, after an extremely long DL (slow on my end) it failed.
    I decided at that time that I would actually start trying and I unplugged all my other USB and used a real apply usb cable as opposed to my long one.
    I also updated iTunes to the latest version and hit the restore button in iTunes again.
    After another extemely long DL (because turns out my old verison of iTunes downloaded 6.1.3) I tried again.
    Error 1 or -1 depending on which time I tried.
    I then checked my hosts file and it was good so I tried disconnecting the battery and hitting the power buton a bunch to drain the power and it still failed with error 1.
    After maunally downloading the firmware from ipsw downloader i tried again but no results so I downloaded the alternate version of the software for GSM phones which was the incorrect version so didn't even start before it failed.
    Frustrated at this point so I get a netbook and throw a fresh copy of windows 7 onto it.
    Update all the drivers and various runtimes then installed latest verison of iTunes.
    checked the hosts just to be stupid sure it would work and it was good.
    Error 1
    So at this point I have waisted two days and I have alreadly replaced the clients phone as "I (meaning apple)" broke it.
    So back on my main PC I start from square one and realise that I never actually cleared my DNS cache as it says in many instructions.
    So I try that and 10 minutes later I got a brand new phone.
    TLDR: Clear your DNS cache in Windows and Mac
    Steps I used to fix it
    Apple brand charger
    back/motherboard usb port
    hosts file empty
    dns cache cleared
    dfu mode
    Shift click restore button for custom ipsw file / latest version
    To clear DNS cache in Windows hit the windows key or button in the bottom right (windows 7) and type CMD
    Right click and run cmd as administrator
    ipconfig /flushdns
    I fixed mine after giving up so don't give up and don't feed the "unplug it" and "hit buttons at a certain point trolls".
    Good Luck.

  • Fix Iphone 4s restore error (-1)?

    This morning I dropped my Iphone 4s in water and got it out rather quickly. I put the Iphone in rice to dry it out, and it seemed to be working just fine. Later on in the day my signal dropped. Everything else on my Iphone is working perfectly except for the signal. It constantly says "searching" but never actually finds anything.
    So trying to fix it I thought I should restart my phone to factory settings to see if that'll work and while trying to do so I got hit with the "Error (-1)" message and it wont continue the restoration.
    Is there a way to fix this?
    **Also, with the signal problem, I tried a new sim card, tried turning it off and on and a hard restart but that didn't help either.**

    InfiniteMind wrote:
    ... while trying to do so I got hit with the "Error (-1)" message and it wont continue the restoration.
    Is there a way to fix this?
    Error -1
    Attempt to restore your iOS device two more times.
    If the issue is still unresolved, the device may need service.

  • IPhone 5 restore error (-1) after update attempt

    Cant restore my iphone 5 getting this error every time, tried with different macs and one win PC, changed the USB cable, stil no luck..anybody?

    As the iPhone 5 is not user serviceable, you have voided the warranty with Apple and forfeited your right to support on that phone, including from this forum.
    You'll need to search elsewhere on the internet, such as ifixit.com for a solution to your problem, if one indeed exists.  Again, you can receive no help on this forum.

  • Iphone 4 restore error 1....any help pls

    i just go this iphone ,its was working very well the it suddely lock me out i cant get in ..i have tried to restore the phone even though i never had any data yet.Please i need iphone pros on this one..thanks

    Check for hardware issues
    Related errors: 1, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28,  29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 1000, 1002, 1004, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667, or  1669.
    Try to restore your iOS device two more times while connected with a cable, computer, and network you know are good. Also, confirm your security software and settings are  allowing communication between your device and update servers. If you  still see the error message when you update or restore, contact Apple support.

  • HT1414 iphone cannot restore error 1015

    i cannot restore my iphone error 1015

    Error 1015 means you are trying to downgrade the iOS or your iPhone was jailbroken.  Neither is allowed.  If your iPhone was jailbroken the terms of this forum prohibit any further discussion.  Check the following link for more information about this error:

  • TS2529 iPhone 3gs Restore Error : Could not activate iPhone

    i have jail broken iphone 3gs with BB 5.0.1, then i have updated to 5.1.1, when i am restoring it is not connecting to my network carrier. Error: Your iPhone could not activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable.
    Pls suggest...
    Someshwar. A

    Sorry but your iphone is jailbroken and you cannot get any help here.

  • HT201263 Black iPhone 4S restore error 3259

    My iPhone 4S has a black/unresponsive screen. I completed all listed resolution steps and still no change, except when in iTunes and I attempted to restore to factory - I received 2x error: 3259  - been without a phone for 5 days - SOS!!


  • IPone 3GS activation problem  and IPhone 4s restoring error 4005

    I upgraded  my 3Gs  software  from 5 ro 6 but I can't activate it can't find SIM always says NO Service
    And I've IPone 4s I restored through Itune but it Can't be complteed error occurred 4005
    please help me to solve these problems

    Posting more than once makes things much too confusing for anyone trying to help; I've asked the hosts to remove the duplicate.

  • Iphone will not restore - error

    Hi, can anybody help me. My iphone was regulary losing network and telling me I needed to restore..so I did. Now the restore will not complete due to an error (1). I have tried this several times. Now my iphone is showing the çonnect to itunes' symbol and will not work at all.
    I can't access support because the IEMI number is not recognised and I dont have any other product information because the phone is locked out.
    Please help

    i also had this problem with my iPhone, i put it in the dock, iTunes came up on my MacBook, then the iPhone restarted a white screen came up for about 25 seconds then an Apple came up, then the connect to iTunes logo appeared, I was puzzled as to why this had happened since i'm extremely careful & certainly would not ever jailbreak it, because its against Apple's EULA. So i click restore expecting everything to work, then I get something like "iTunes cannot connect to the iPhone "iPhone" an unknown error accrued error 21. Then i put it in DUF mode, the screen went white again, looked like the firmware was installing then that failed & now its displaying error 2001, what shall I do

  • My iphone 4s wont turn on with out being pluged in and when i unplug it it dies instantly i pluged it in put it in dfu mode and tried to restore it hoping it might help but its stuck in dfu and has restore error 21 help!!!

    my iphone 4s wont turn on with out being pluged in and when i unplug it it dies instantly i pluged it in put it in dfu mode and tried to restore it hoping it might help but its stuck in dfu and has restore error 21 help!!!

    Hey jestinsinclairr,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like you had one issue and then got a second trying to resolve the first. A frustrating situation for sure. The first article linked has what to do if it is not powering on unless plugged in. The second article addresses the error you are receiving when trying to restore.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Will not turn on, will not turn on unless connected to power, or unexpected power off
    Resolve iOS update and restore errors
    Check for hardware issues
    Related errors: 1, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 1000, 1002, 1004, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667, or 1669.
    Have a nice day,

  • Iphone 4, purhcased 4/12, reluctant to turn on after fully expended battery in the past,  now will not power on, communicate w/ itunes, tried restore -error 3194, then error 1600.  help me please...do I have a warranty?

    I purchased an Iphone 4 in April of 2012.  I always keep it on and charge it every night.  I have had some trouble turning, a couple of times, in the past.  It was simply reluctant to turn on after allowing the battery to be completely expended and has behaved the same way after being manually turned off.  I have again allowed the battery to completly die and turn off the phone.   This time it will not turn on at all.  I have tried various combinations of pressing and holding home and power to no avail.  I plugged it in to the computer, but Itunes will not recognize it as my phone.  Itunes is labeling it "Iphone" and has requested that I restore the phone in order to use it with Itunes.  Itunes states that "has detected an Iphone in recovery mode".  I, reluctantly, attempted to restore the phone.  After waiting quite a while on a "software update" to download, it said preparing Iphone for restore and then said "unable to restore Iphone, unknown error - 3194".  I read, online, that I needed the most recent version of itunes in order to restore.  So I upgraded Itunes and restarted the compluter.  On the second, and all subsequent attempts to complete the restoration, I am prompted with a message stating "unable to restore IPhone, unknown error - 1600".  My computer also attempted, and I believe, successfully, installed new device driver software for iphone4 (DFU mode).  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Also is my phone, purchased 4/12, under any service or replacement warranty.  I truly feel it should be easier to turn on and I did not even want to restore the phone, I just need to use it. 
    Thank you,

    I am reading on this site about the error I am getting and it wants me to change some files that I am not comfortable messing with. Mainly because it is like a foreign language. Will the store do this for me or tell me if it is neccessary?

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