Iphone 4S Lost in Post by Royal Mail?

I have had a screen issue with my iphone 4s so I booked mail in service with Applecare, they sent me the shipment box with return label which I used when posted back to Applecare.
It's 15 days since then and Apple still has not received my handset so chances are that it has gone walking within Royal Mail network somewhere
I do have proof of postage which I obtained from post office when I posted the device. At the moment my only concern is what would happen if  it really has been lost and does not reach Apple Care?
Anyone else has had similar issue? What was the outcome?
PS. I bought this phone on ebay so I do not have original purchase receipt if that matters.
Any input will be much appreciated.............

So hopefully there is some insurance cover
The only people that can help are Apple care themeselves
The must have a procedure to handle lost in Transit, you can't be the first.
You should have an ebay/paypal receipt that confirms your ownership
and the iPhone will be registered through iTunes

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    This is a user to user community, Apple are unlikely to read your comments, if you have any suggestions that you think might enhance iCloud you can send Apple your feedback here.
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    moynul82 wrote:
    but still it is not deliver to apple.
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    The Author of this posting offers the information contained within this posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose. Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
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    Blair84 wrote:
    Double check your contacts email, and if its incorrect, go to their contact and change it and save it or you can delete the email you put in, and manually type it in.
    Hope this helps.
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