Item Icons

How do you add new icons for different file types such as MS Project, Excel Template, Word Template, etc.??
Thanks in advance,
Jason Fernandez

Hi Jason
there are 2 solutions, i guess :
- add the image you want in the /images directory of your portal, then use it as a normal image
- create a icons library as i did and explained in Re: large database.bk file in /oradata/

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    Hi Marco -
    If you go the region properties (click the pencil icon on the region) on the attributes/style tab, the attributes section allows you to specify the order the attributes are shown in. The "New Item Indicator" is the attribute that you will want to shuffle the position in the selected attributes to put it in the same place in all region.
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    Panel well expanded:
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    Anyone got any more ideas?Maybe you have a programming problem, but we can't see your code so we don't know for sure.
    If you need further help then you need to create a [url]Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
    And don't forget to use the [url]Code Formatting Tags so the code retains its original formatting.

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    Try one more thing using the css file(s). Take any existing look and feel like default big horn look and feel. Add that to your project from Project Explorer View. By default all the files are in shared modules for look and feel stuff. Overwrite custom.css file with specific stuff related to Menu. First try just by changing like Fontsize, color for the Menu Items. Then you can modify .css files entries for Menu by adding Icons images in css file itself. If you want to control specific menu items only with different icons, you can do more customization.
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    Each of the items with the eject symbol is a mounted disk image, and using the eject button will remove them from the desktop. A disk image cannot be unmounted if any of the items on it are in use, and the application needs to be quit first. The dmg file associated with that image will make the icon reappear on the desktop if double-clicked.

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    - Rasmus

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    did you read this thread: Navigation Bar Image
    That helped me out at the same problem!

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    Oracle Portal Version:
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    Display Name: External URL
    Description: <none>
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    Help URL For Add Item Wizard: <none>
    Help URL For Edit Item Wizard: <none>
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    Has anyone found a better way to fix this problem without going through the tedious system restore?

    For the Downloads icon. From your Safari menu bar click View > Customize Toolbar.
    Drag up the default toolbar.
    You need the folder for the Mountain Lion installer in the Dock.

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