Itunes wont save library

I have downloaded the newest version of Itunes and when reopened my music library and all other stuff is gone. How do I keep the library?

Oh and I also tried to airdrop by ziping the music files and also tried importing them to Quicktime then sending through airdrop.   Someone MUST have experienced this before  please help its frustrating me to no end and I'm going away in a few days and want some tunes to play on my new macbook pro

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    Thanks Pedro,
    I have seen this article. Since the error occurs mostly when I am just in itunes adding music or listening, I didn't do any of the things that were mentioned. This time I shut off Windows Firewall and Turned Off Norton Anti Virus. The problem still occurred.
    I have a workaround for adding files that is working sort of:
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    hi Blizzo!
    good gracious. you're only the 4th -1450 i've ever seen reported. but we have some leads on the various things that might cause it. you may want to check the cabling inside your PC, and also check to see if you've got overly aggressive script blocking going on with your antivirus programs. see (view all):
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    keep us posted.
    love, b

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    You rock!! should of asked that 45 minutes ago, haha. Thanks!!!

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    You're welcome.
    For tips on logical organization within iTunes see my article on Grouping Tracks Into Albums.

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    Look under your Start Menu for Apple Software Update, but before doing that, check the time and date on your computer that it's correct.
    It's also saying the iTunes Library .XML file in your iTunes Folder file is new, for some reason, but your songs should be still in the iTunes Folder.
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    how do i resolve this ?

    By way of experiment, let's first try specifically choosing a library for iTunes to open.
    Quit iTunes if that error message is showing. Now hold down your Shift key, and then open iTunes. (Keep holding down the shift key while iTunes is opening.)
    You should see a dialog asking you if you want to choose or create a library, as per the following screenshot:
    Click "Choose Library ..."
    You should now see a screen like the following screenshot:
    Select the "iTunes Library.itl" file (shown circled in the screenshot) and click "Open".
    Does your iTunes library open without the error?

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    I had the same problem on my iphone 5s, and this fixed it.

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