Layout attach to document series (numbering)

Is possible to attach a specific layout to a serie of document, for sales order or anothe type of document?
this is a good feature that help when we have different series number in the same type of document.

This functionality does not exists today and might probably not be included as this is a very specific request and to my knowledge has not been brought up before in many years.
Unless the templates are completely different you could create a formula based of the values of the Series and link it to all the fields that belong to that series value.

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    Thanks Jeff, I was not aware that a template could be multi-page.  (All the existing templates were 1 page)
    But it worked, saving me some steps.  When I was finished I renamed the document, and locked it.
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    JE numbering document can not base on origin document. But they can be set default by user only. That is system behavior.
    Hope this helps,

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    May you attach the beast to a mail and send them to my mailbox ?
    Click my blue name to get my address.
    I wiil try to discover what is wrong.
    I guess that something is wrong in the index.xml file.
    I received several documents with this kind of problem.
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    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 23 janvier 2010 16:05:04

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    Hope that helps...
    I highly recommend using the built in Mail App (Email Client).
    Multiple Email Accounts:
    An Email Client allows multiple email accounts from different email providers to all be used simultaneous in one simple to use interface without any problematic POP forwarding settings or delayed delivery problems. i.e. It will gather and display email from Yahoo, Gmail, iCloud, AOL, Microsoft Exchange or any other email provider.
    Accounts can still be viewed separately or all together:
    All email accounts can still be viewed separately or all together with a click of the mouse or a tap of the screen, again without any forwarding settings. i.e. It's great for keeping personal and/or work accounts separate, and it also allows multiple signatures which helps relay professionalism, consistency and saves a little typing, too.
    Select Multiple Messages:
    A person can select multiple messages (even from different email accounts or email providers), and move, copy, delete, or even forward them all at the same time with a single action.
    Work Offline:
    It allows a person to continue working offline. i.e. no matter if Wi-Fi or the internet goes down or is unavailable in a certain area.
    Advanced Rules and Filtering Based on Multiple Factors:
    A person can set rules or advanced rules and filtering based on multiple factors (words, senders, subjects, headers, etc.)
    Quick Look:
    And, if you’re on a Mac, you can used features like "Quick Look" to view full Microsoft Office or Apple iWorks (Pages, Numbers, or Keynote) documents right inside your Mail App.
    No Extra Apps to Download:
    As it's already pre-installed on all Apple computers and iOS devices, so it's one less App to download or maintain.
    Mac and iOS Versions Both Work Similarly:
    Both the desktop and mobile versions work very similarly.
    Easy to Maintain:
    Apple automatically maintains it with each System Update, which is great for security, too.
    Attachments are Easy (with less importing/exporting):
    Working with attachments is super easy without any external importing or exporting (for example: items can be imported and exported directly to and from iPhoto, Contacts, Calendars etc. without any duplication).
    It takes full advantage of the built in systemwide OS X / iOS features that popup:
    Spell Checker
    User Learned Spell Checker
    Dictation and Speak Selection
    Full Thesaurus (no internet required)
    Full built in Oxford Dictionary (no internet required)
    Wikipedia (on demand with an internet or data plan connection)

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    cFolders is web based collaboration folder. Please see other thread.
    [CFolder implementation|CFolder implementation]

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    I have came across a scenario where we have to setup different Document Series for Different Locations. Actually the Company is having 2 units . First one is the factory itself and the second one is Subcontracting Unit to which the company sends the job work order . But there it wishes to track the productions processes and the Stock tracking Warehouse Wise for
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    The obvious requirement here is to maintain different Document Series for Productions orders for both the units .
    Please guide me about how to overcome this scenario.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Pooja Singh.

    Hi Pooja,
    Yes. You can maintain different document series for production Order or any documents depending upon your business scenario.  Let's say, you need to maintain Production orderu2019s of job work and sub contracting.
    You can define this under Administration>System Initialization> Document numbering.
    Select Production orders--> let say Factory first number 1, last number 199999, select current period indicator and update. Similarly for the subcontracting, in the name field, "work order", first number as 110001 or the way you desire, and then the last number.
    Senthil Maruthappan.

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    LT012-- copied from delivery
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    LT016-- copied from delivery

    There is no way to get the document no after cancelling ... The Document no. is Auto incremental whenever u  r adding the doc. in SAP the system will automatically allocates the next no for the new doc....
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    Thanks, but I had figured this out.  Let us suppose you are replying to an email from the boss who, copying 50 Polish, Indian, Arab and Thai coworkers on their personal emails-- and with whom you have never previously communicated--has asked you to share with the group your latest drafts for the upcoming weekend top secret strategy session and now you want to attach something other than a photo, such as a slide presentation in ersatz PowerPoint, a draft marketing plan in fake word and the budget in pseudo excel? You are fly fishing in the pesos without access to a computer, only your trusty IPad which fortunately has the drafts you need and a wireless connection.  Because this new initiative must fly under the company radar screen due to its sensitivity, you cannot use the corporate VPN and the attach docs are too chunky to be in anything but a series of three emails as you have no compression software.
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  • Document Series

    Dear Experts,
    I have created different different document series for marketing documents such as 'MEL', 'PER', 'SYD'.
    Now suppose, I create a Sales Order using series 'MEL'. My requirement is if I copy this Sales order to delivery, then the document series on the delivery should also be selected as 'MEL' automatically.
    how can I do that ?
    plz reply.

    Hello Kuldeep
    Document numbering series depends on the user who is adding the document. Due to that, for example if the user who created a Sales Order is the same user than the one who is creating the Delivery and he has got assigned same document series as the default one for Sales Orders and for Deliveries on Document Numbering customization, system will propose the same series than the one one in the Sales Order. Or if it is a different user, but both user have got assigned same series, it will also work as desired.
    The problem would be if the user who is Copying from the Sales Order into the Delivery has got assigned different series than the user who created the Sales Order. In that case system will propose the series who is assigned as default series to the user who is creating the delivery, no matter what the series on Sales Order is.
    I think you could block a user from adding a Delivery if its series does not match with Sales Order's one using Transaction Notification. But I do not think that there is a way to making system always propose the series based on related document series.

  • Query to combine document series name and number

    Hi all,
    Example of Sales Quotation document numbering as following:
    Document series name: SQ10
    Document number: 1001
    Can I have a query to combine the series name and number as one field, e.g. SQ101001?
    This is for the purpose of if there is revision in a sales quotation, new quotation will be raise and UDF need to display previous sales quotation no.
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for your help.
    Got the query as following:
    select T1.SeriesName + cast(T0.docnum as CHAR(15)) AS 'SQ No.', T1.[SeriesName],T0.[DocNum], T1.BeginStr AS 'Prefix', T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName]
    from OQUT T0, NNM1 T1
    where T1.ObjectCode = 23 and T1.Series = T0.Series

  • Document Series Authorization

    Hi All,
    I am using SAP 8.8 PL 10, I am facing an issue related to the authorization of  document series. I have 4 different series for four different locations and 4 different series group. Users of one particular location are authorized by group to view only their respective series. However users are facing a problem in opening the document, as it is suggesting to define new doc. series. it works by giving full authorization to all the series.
    Note: Groups are assigned to the doc. numbering and it works by selecting the series again and updating the same series group in the doc, numbering window for a particular document. however I have to do it for all the users and for all the documents..
    please help.

    Hi joseph,
    I did the same thing.Its not working.. even after giving right authorization to the user they are not able to open the document.
    only after select the document in doc. numbering. selecting the same series group . setting default for certain user(even if that same user is not selected) it works .here my problem is solved for a particular user and particular document.
    But my client has 80 users, 8 series groups, and SAP B1 has 26 diff. document..
    so i have to do the same process 80826 times :).

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    Purplehiddledog wrote:
    I do backup with iCloud.  I can't wait until the new iMac is available so that I can once again have my files in more than 1 location without needing to rely solely on the cloud. 
    I also rely on iTunes and my MacBook and Time Machine as well as backing up to iCloud. I know many users know have gone totally PC free, but I chose to use iCloud merely as my third backup.
    I assume that the restore would result in my ability to open Pages and Numbers and fix the problem with deleting apps, but this would also mean that if my Numbers documents still exist solely within the app and are just not on iCloud for some reason that they would be gone forever.  Is that right?
    In a word, yes. In a little more detail.... When you restore from an iCloud backup, you must erase the device and start all over again. There is no other way to access the backup in iCloud without erasing the device. Consequently, you are starting all over again. Therefore, it would also be my assumption that Pages and Numbers will work again and that the deleting apps issues would be fixed as well.
    If the documents are not in the backup, and you do not have a backup elsewhere, the documents could be gone forever.

  • Error encountered while attaching a document in an appraisal

    Hi Experts,
    Good day. I have enabled or allowed an attachment to be included in an appraisal but I am getting this error while attaching a document "Read error during PC upload (header of the pop-up box), Include file in PC application Try Again? Yes / No / Cancel (message contents)". Any inputs as to why I got this error? I also checked table T77S0 for GENER/OBJSV and it shows with the value of 1 meaning it is activated, right? One more thing, do you also have an idea as to why I am getting this warning message for the description of the appraisal template: "You have maintained a description that is not displayed." It allows me save but I just want to know why this happens and what do I need to do for it not to appear because the client may get back to me and ask the same thing. Any inputs will be greatly appreciated. Please help.
    Thanks in advance,

    did you install jacob ? with the correct version number described in the installation-guides.
    jacob is not an oracle tool, which normally is only useful for COM-commands against windows.
    What did you do with the image?

  • In window 8.1 latest ver of Thunderbird stops responding whenever attempting to attach a document etc.

    It does not matter whether you use the attach command from the tool bar or wait for Thunderbird to pick up the word attached from your text and then attempt to attach a document. As soon as you attempt to attach the item the program freezes and you are asked whether you would like to close the program or wait for Thunderbird to respond. Last choice Not recommended by the way.

    So what is happening or not happening now ? The problem computer is your Moms, but I assume your own computer works ok. Have you tried that on the same internet connection as your Mom uses & visiting the same sites?
    Also try Internet Explorer. If that is also very slow the problem may not lie with Firefox.
    I suggest you try the Firefox Reset feature on your Mom's computer,
    * BUT first of all
    **make a note of the software extensions that are in use, and bookmark their download and support sites.
    ** back up the Firefox profile [[Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles]]
    * follow the instructions in the following article, after reading the caution about what will be lost
    **[[Reset Firefox preferences to troubleshoot and fix problems]]

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