Lumia 2520 - Windows button fires arbitrary

hi, I have purchased my lumia 2520 about 4 months ago. Everything just worked fine but since last month the windows button just fires arbitrary. i do not touch the button, the lumia just arbitrary starts to vibrate and than changes to home screen.
may somebody can help?

Welcome to our community, reza2520. Any activity that you have done on the Lumia tablet prior to this issue? Have you already tried restarting it to see if there's any difference? Is it up-to-date? If you haven't tried checking it, here's how: Software Update for Lumia tablet with Windows RT. We look forward to your reply. 

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    Is there any way to turn it off and on?
    Thank you for any help.
    ps: my 920 buttons light up perfectly.
    Go to Solution.

    There isn't a light under that button so there is no way to make it light up. It doesn't light up on many other windows tablets either, guessing that's because of it being the only front button and being in an easy to remember location.

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    DB Jones
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    Go to Solution.

    The date/time is it correct in your tablet? adjust de date and try again to test.
    DBJOn wrote:
    About a week or so ago, my Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet with Power Keyboard (purchased through Telstra in Australia) wouldn't start and took me to the Windows RT 8.1 Recovery options. After unsuccessfully trying to use the recovery options to do a refresh, I decided to do a full Reset as all my data was either stored on a MicroSD card or in OneDrive.
    Unfortunately, the device has not worked since. The cause of the problem is that when I reset the device (effectively doing a reset to factory default) and then going through the initial set up of Windows RT 8.1, I am advised that I need to activate the device, but the device failes activation and I am getting an error, Error code: 0xc004f012 the licensing software service reported that the call has failed because the value for the input was not found.
    I am unable to use Microsoft Office as I am advised it isn't licensed and about 75% of Windows updates fail. I have now reset the device a few times, but I am getting nowwhere.
    I rang and spoke to Nokia Australia Support today on 1300 366 733 and they advised me to search and run a command "slui 4", which started a wizard to perform a phone activation, but after selecting Australia as the country, the next windows, which is meant to provide the number to call and provide the installation ID from which I am meant to get an confirmation ID to enter. Unfortunately, the details of the telephone number and installation ID are never displayed, with the circling little dots going for ever!!
    In essence, the Windows Activation process is looking for a Windows Product Key, which is not provided.  Consequently, I am being asked for a Product key for Windows RT 8.1 even though you don't get one.
    Although I will try with Nokia Support again tomorrow, I am starting to getting desperate! Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    DB Jones
    PS Does anyone know how to change your alias. My alias was created by accident.Te

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    You can try a soft reset by holding both the Power and Volume Down buttons pressed until the phone vibrates and restarts. If that doesn't help, try a full reset from settings > about > reset your phone. Make sure you back up all you can before doing that. The last DIY resort is a complete clean firmware reinstall using the Nokia Software Recovery Tool
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    Is this a problem with the tablet, or the keyboard.  
    Please help.   

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    Hi, mattypaul. We appreciate your time visiting the Microsoft Mobile Community. We can't confirm if it's a software related issue, but there are troubleshooting steps we can try to further identify it. Can you confirm that the fixes you've already tried are the ones given here:​uct/lumia2520/product-troubleshooting/? Note that the link is intended for the US, but it's still applicable regardless of your location. We'll wait for your reply. 

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    Kind Regards, JR

    Hi, jrfin.
    Welcome to the forum! 
    How's the tablet doing? Did you happen to solve this issue? If yes, that would be a good news. If no, check this and try the listed workarounds: Just take note that the link is intended for US region. If you are from a different one, go here: 
    We will wait for your update about the outcome. 

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    Nokia telephone tech support had me go through that same exercise with no fix. I also refreshed Windows to see if a driver was corrupt with no joy.
    None of the nearby Verizon, AT&T or Microsoft stores have the Nokia Porwe Keyboard in stock so I ordered another keyboard from Verizon and if it works then will get a refund on this one that isn't working.
    If anyone has any other ideas on how to get the keyboard battery to show that it is charged beyond 0% then please let me know so I won't be returning a good keyboard thinking it is defective.

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    1. Reader App froze the screen. I was reading a pdf and the screen froze, the solution was to hold the power button to hard reboot the device.
    2. Infinite restarting. i shutted down the table with 3% of battery. After that i tried to turn on the device and a infinite loop of restarts was started, and it continued even after "Automatic Repair". In order to solve the problem, i plugged the power adapter.
    Probably these failures caused because of the Windows RT OS, and i would like to inform nokia about them because the tablet (hardware+nokia apps) is awesome.

    I'm having a similar issue here in the US. I bought my Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet 5 days ago. It has crashed on me everyday and generally have been able to get it to reboot. I tried a hard reset and yesterday tried to do a "refresh" of Windows RT. It worked fine after everything and so I used it last night and put it away without charging it because wanted to see if the battery would last with it off overnight. I woke up this morning (9 hours later) and the camera light keeps blinking and it won't boot. I left it to charge for two hours and it still has the blinking camera light and even though the Windows button vibrates, there is nothing on the screen. I have tried to power off and on, I have tried to hold down power and volume down for 70 seconds (both numerous times now) with no luck. It seems to have bricked, minus the blinking light and vibrating windows key. Anyone else have any suggestions? I really would hate to return it cause last time had a problem AT&T tried to screw me over with sending a used device instead of the new one I paid for.

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    What's wrong, and what can I do about it?
    Thank you.

    Hi, auchindrain. How's your tablet now? If you're still having the same issue, best to try the troubleshooting steps shown at this link: Lumia 2520 - Need help in fixing a problem?. Note that this link is intended for a specific region; search the same FAQ in the local MS Mobile support page: MS Mobile - Change locale.
    We'll wait for your response. BTW, welcome to the Microsoft Mobile Community! 

  • Lumia 1020 Windows Key bug after Denim Update

    Hey guys,
    I recently updated my WP 8.1 OS to Lumia Denim. Looks like there is a serious bug in the update. Sometimes when an application is open like messages, whatsapp, cortana search and then when you click on windows button, instead of going to home screen the application is refreshing. Its really annoying. Please let me know how to fix this issue.
    I have recorded the issue I am facing. Please check the video here.
    Phone : Lumia 1020
    Application version:
    Build Creation Date : 12-02-2015
    Developer account : No

    Hi, ssckm1087. Welcome to Microsoft Mobile Community. Have you tried checking if there is any update on the phone's system apps? You may try doing it by going to Store > ... > settings > check for updates. If this did not work, try performing the workarounds provided on this link: My phone does not work or respond as expected. Let us the outcome. Link is intended in the Philippines but it still helpful. 

  • I get no wireless signal in my home, so need a network extender for the Lumia 2520.  Specs indicate LTE FDD network:Band 20 (800MHz), Band 3 (1800 MHz), Band 7 (2600 MHz). Does Verizon offer a network extender that will work with the Lumia?

    I get no wireless signal inside my home, only outside, so I need a network extender that will work for the Lumia 2520, Specs indicate it uses LTE FDD netork Band 20 (800MHz), Band 3 (1800MHz), Band 7 (2600 MHz).  Does Verizon offer a network extender that will work with the Lumia 2520?

    We want to make sure you get service in your home Astromandata! I can check your area to see if you qualify for the network extender. What's your zip code? If it does qualify than you will be able to use it for your Lumia to support your voice services. Find out more information here: Is anyone else having this issue?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
    If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

  • Lumia 720 lock button issue

    my lumia 720 lock button doesn't respond all time .. it responds in sometimes and sometimes not !!!  i dont know wheres the problem is .. 

    Welcome to the Nokia's support community, @Shan88 ! 
    Are you still experiencing the issue? Have you tried visiting a Nokia Care Point and have your phone checked by the technicians? This can help us prevent further damage on it & immediate action needed be taken. However, having said that your phone has been updated to the Windows Phone 8.1 Preview for Developer software, your warranty has been voided and charges may apply. To check for an available care point in your location, go to your local support page: 
    Bear in mind that you have to create a backup of your files as they may be deleted during the repair process. To know how to do that: Note that the link will be directed to a US region intended website. For your location: 
    For other questions, just get back to us. 

  • When is the Lumia 2520 going to be back on sale in...

    So I understand why the Lumia 2520 was withdrawn from the shelves, but isn't it time a modified charger was available?
    Is there really nothing that can be said about when the product might be available again? Even a very rough guideline would be useful. Is it going to be days, weeks, months, years?

    You need to contact Nokia UK directly to see what they say. Twitter is probably the best method for getting an answer out of them. They really have handled this very badly.
    Personally i'd be looking at other tablets that run full Windows 8, not Windows 8RT as there's much more choice and they do a lot more. You may also want to see what Microsoft announce at their Surface event later today. With Microsoft buying Nokia's devices and services division the 2520 is probably going to be obsolete fairly quickly.

  • Lumia 2520: No battery sign

    On my 2520 RT tablet it shows a red cross (not available) through the battery sign. The tablet works fine. However it should be nice to see how much power is remaining. I own this tablet since a week, and first the battery sign was available. It seems to appear (don't know for sure) after a windows update.
    Does anyone how to solve this problem?

    Hi BolRob,
    Welcome to the forum. 
    You can try the solutions provided in this link: Lumia 2520 battery indicator issue. If that didn't work, we suggest doing the troubleshooting steps here: Nokia Lumia 2520 - Need help in fixing a problem?. We'll appreciate if you will update us with the outcome. Enjoy your day!

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