Marketing Budget

How to prepare marketing budget in SAP CRM Marketing 7.0 version and assign them to marketing projects......

hi meka
To have such type of functionality your crm server must be connected with BI-BPS
Budgeting needs to be activated & designed in BI where these will be called from CRM by assiging budgeting to your maketing plan.Here you can find a specific budgeting button.
debi prasad routray

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    I created a marketing budget and then linked a coupon/offer to that budget.
    How can I track the offer usage? There is a "utilized amount" field on the budget, how does it get populated?

    The utilized column is populated by orders (when the offer code has been applied) booked through Oracle Order Management.

  • How to approve marketing budget request

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    Thanks in advance

    Have you setup Department Approvers?
    By design, eAM Work Request would be routed to Department approver (Department is populated on Work Request).
    Do let me know if you need further information.

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    how to configure sales forcast and assign marketing budget

    As per my knowledge i am telling forecasting is done by Historical Data { MM & PP Module }
    when you collect the data based that we have to plan every month how much you want to procure the raw material etc..,
    that should be entered in the material master under "Forecasting" tab there we have to maintain monthly wise forecasting values
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  • Please help me understand making and loading variable classes

    Hi guys ,
    I know that I am stupid but I just can't get this!  AS3 says you need to load variables into a class?  Please please give me a simple example
    my variables look like this... (the whole point of playing around with variables was that if I had to make a change I could access one place and change them...
    but now I realse that I can't access or call them outside the movie clip they are in:(
    please hlep me!
    var ans1="";
    var ans2="";
    var w1="ABN";
    var def1="An ABN (Australian Business Number), is a personal number for your business that makes it easier and quicker to deal with  government and other businesses.";
    var w2="ACN";
    var def2="An ACN is an Australian Company Number, which is a special number that each company gets to identify it.  No two companies can have the same ACN";
    var w3="Action Plan";
    var def3="A business Action Plan will show What needs to be done and When it needs to be done by."
    var w4="Advertising";
    var def4="Advertising is producing information to let people know about your business and try to increase sales."
    var w5="Promotions";
    var def5="Promotions are where your business tries to increase the sales of a particular item through offering a good deal, advertising or a special display.";
    var w6="Benefit";
    var def6="A benefit is something good that you get.  One benefit of doing exercise is getting fit, another benefit is losing weight.";
    var w7="Business Mentor";
    var def7="A business mentor is a trusted guide. Someone who has experience and has been successful in business and can help and advise you.";
    var w8="Business Name";
    var def8="A Business name is the name a business uses to do its work.  It lets customers know who you are.";
    var w9="Business Registration";
    var def9="When you start a business you need to register your ABN, you may need to register your business name.";
    var w10="Cash flow";
    var def10="Cash Flow for a business is having enough cash saved to be able to pay your bills when they are due.";
    var w11="Characteristic";
    var def11="The characteristics of something are describing words about that thing.";
    var w12="Charges";
    var def12="A charge is something you have to pay, an expense.";
    var w13="Company";
    var def13="Is the same as a corporation. A company is a type of business that needs to be registered (either State or Federal) and has special legal status.  A company can put Pty. Ltd after it’s business name.";
    var w14="Competitor";
    var def14="A competitor is another business that is challenging you for customers.";
    var w15="Constitution";
    var def15="A constitution in business is a list of rules and principles that a company has agreed to follow.";
    var w16="Corporations Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act";
    var def16="In the 1960s and 1970s, various reviews advised the Australian Government of the need for legislation to make it easier for Indigenous communities and organisations to form corporations. As a result, the ACA Act was passed, allowing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups to form corporations for any social or economic purpose.";
    var w17="Corporations Act";
    var def17="The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) have laws that apply to corporations and these are found in the Corporations Act.";
    var w18="Cultural knowledge";
    var def18="Cultural knowledge is special information that is held by a particular cultural group, this could include technologies (e.g. special ways of using materials, making and using tools), stories, language and song, cultural rules, taboos, regulations and oral history.";
    var w19="Customer";
    var def19="The customer is someone who is buying something from a business.";
    var w20="Debt";
    var def20="Is something that you have to pay back. If you borrow 20 dollars you have a $20 debt.";
    var w21="Direct competitor";
    var def21="Is selling exactly the same thing as your business and competing for your customers.";
    var w22="Dividend";
    var def22="A dividend is money that is paid to shareholders regularly out of the company’s profits.";
    var w23="(Microsoft) Excel";
    var def23="Microsoft Excel is a computer program that lets you keep lists of numbers and also add up totals and do other sums to those numbers.";
    var w24="Fees";
    var def24="A fee is something that you have to pay, an expense.";
    var w25="Financial Management";
    var def25="Financial Management is the planning, organising, checking  and controlling of the income, expenses and Tax for a business.";
    var w26="Franchise";
    var def26="A franchise is a type of business you can buy. When you buy a franchise you set up the same type of business that has been successful somewhere else.";
    var w27="General ledger";
    var def27="A general ledger for a business is where all of the income and expenses for that business are kept in a document.";
    var w28="Goal";
    var def28="A goal is a target that you set yourself or your business.  Something that you want to achieve.";
    var w29="Growth opportunity";
    var def29="A growth opportunity is a chance for a business to get bigger.";
    var w30="GST";
    var def30="The Goods and Services Tax is paid when you buy things. Some items like food and medicine do not have the Goods and Services tax charged to them.";
    var w31="ICN";
    var def31="Indigenous Corporations Number is a special number given each indigenous corporation to identify it. No two indigenous corporations can have the same ICN.";
    var w32="Incorporate";
    var def32="Incorporate is what people do when they create a company or corporation.";
    var w33="Indirect competitor";
    var def33="An indirect competitor is selling a similar product or service to your business.  E.g. If you had a pizza shop, a fried chicken shop is an indirect competitor because it sells food and your customers might want to eat chicken instead of pizza.";
    var w34="Labour";
    var def34="Labour is all the work done by people (including you) in your business.";
    var w35="Legal name";
    var def35="Your Legal Name is the name that is on your Birth Certificate.";
    var w36="Legal protection";
    var def36="Legal protection means you are protected under the law from certain things happening.";
    var w37="Legal structure (business)";
    var def37="Legal structure is the type of business, sole trader, company, partnership.";
    var w38="Liability";
    var def38="A liability is something you are responsible for.";
    var w39="Licence";
    var def39="A license is proof that you have permission to do something.  For example, if you have a driving license you can drive a car.";
    var w40="Lodge";
    var def40="To lodge a form means to send it to where it has to go.";
    var w41="Manufacturing";
    var def41="A manufacturing business makes things.";
    var w42="Marketing budget";
    var def42="A marketing budget is the amount of money you have set aside for advertising and promotion for your business.";
    var w43="Minor criminal convictions";
    var def43="A minor criminal conviction is something small you have been in trouble over with the police.  Shop lifting is an example of a minor criminal conviction. ";
    var w44="MYOB";
    var def44="MYOB is financial management software for business.";
    var w45="Networks";
    var def45="A network for business is all of your contacts, customers and the people you know through doing business. ";
    var w46="Obligations";
    var def46="Obligations are things you are responsible for.";
    var w47="One off";
    var def47="A “one off” cost is something that only needs to be paid for once.";
    var w48="Operating budget";
    var def48="The Operating Budget is a record of the income and expenses of a business.";
    var w49="Overheads";
    var def49="Overheads are the expenses or costs in running your business, the things you have to pay for.";
    var w50="Partnership";
    var def50="A partnership is where two or more people own and run a business.";
    var w51="Permission";
    var def51="Permission is where you ask if you can do something.  If you ask and the person, group or council and they say yes, you have permission.";
    var w52="Permit";
    var def52="A permit is a special license or permission to do something";
    var w53="Personal assets";
    var def53="Personal assets are things that you own, like your car, house and furniture.";
    var w54="Personal protection";
    var def54="Being part of a company offers the shareholders some personal protection from legal and debt liabilities. This means that they have less responsibility than a Sole trader.";
    var w55="Photo identification";
    var def55="Photo Identification is a document that shows who you are and has your photo on it, like a Driver’s License, 18+ card or a passport.";
    var w56="Postal address";
    var def56="Your postal address is the address where you get your mail sent.  It might be different to the address where you live.";
    var w57="Pricing structure";
    var def57="Pricing structure is where prices for something can change depending on how much the customer orders.  The bigger the order the cheaper the price becomes.";
    var w58="Private";
    var def58="Private means not part of government.";
    var w59="Profitable";
    var def59="Profitable means that there is money left over after a business pays for all of its expenses out of the money it has made.";
    var w60="Promote";
    var def60="When you promote something you try to advertise or increase the amount of people who know about it.";
    var w61="Public liability insurance";
    var def61="Public Liability Insurance gives legal protection to the business owner against getting sued by a member of the public for things like injury or property damage. ";
    var w62="Quickbooks";
    var def62="Quickbooks is financial management software for business. ";
    var w63="Registered";
    var def63="Registered means that you have recorded your information on an official list.  You register your car to be able to drive it on the road.";
    var w64="Regulations";
    var def64="Regulations are rules or laws that control what you can and can’t do.";
    var w65="Retail";
    var def65="Retail is where things get sold in small amounts to customers.  Retail usually happens in a shop and the prices are higher.";
    var w66="Service";
    var def66="A Service business provides a service, like lawn mowing or accounting services.";
    var w67="Shareholders";
    var def67="Shareholders are people that own part of a company.";
    var w68="Sole trader";
    var def68="A sole trader is where one person owns and runs a business.";
    var w69="Start up budget";
    var def69="A Start Up Budget is the first Budget that gets done for a starting business and includes all of the costs involved in setting up the business.";
    var w70="strategy";
    var def70="A strategy in business is a plan of attack, or a plan of how to get something done.";
    var w71="system";
    var def71="A system is business is a set of detailed plans and rules for how to do something in your business.";
    var w72="Vision";
    var def72="Vision in business is being able to imagine and see something in the future.  To set up a new business you need to be able to see something new that wasn’t there before.";
    var w73="Wholesale";
    var def73="Wholesale is where things get sold in large amounts, usually for a cheaper price. The Wholesale price. A wholesaler is usually a big shed where goods are stored. Wholesale is not usually available to just anyone.";

    no, that's not a reason you would use a class file.
    anyway, your document class variables are defined on the main timeline so to reference them from any timeline you can use:
    MovieClip(root).w36;  // for example  (but it's really undesirable to have coding in more than one timeline)

  • Internal order valid only for a given period

    Dear All
    I s there are way to maintian a validity period for a statistical order ???  We want our marketing budget to be broken down based on the month, based on an internal order which is only valid for a month.
    Thank you

    Go to KO02, enter to the order, then Menu - Edit - Lock - Set (to unlock Menu - Edit - Lock - Undo).
    You can do it also for multiple I/O via KOK4.

  • Promotion: points collection and free goods

    Dear experts,
    our Sales Dept. is going to propose special promotions based on points
    collection. For example, each time a customer orders 100 PCS he is
    awarded with 1 point.
    At the end of the promotion validity period, he gets the right to
    receive a free merchandise, whose value depends on the total number of
    collected points.
    It is something very similar to promotions used by airline (points per
    mile) and oil companies (points per liter).
    Pointing out that the problem is not the management of free goods, but
    just the accumulation of points, anyway we were not able to find a
    suitable standard solution in SAP up to now (free goods determination
    seems not useful, as we do not want generation of a new item nor a
    discount; standard pricing results always in a currency amount, while
    we need just "points").
    How would you solve this issue?
    Thank you in advance,

    I doubt whether this is possible using standard SAP.
    If the free merchandise is outside the company's product range - all you can do is just generate a report for each customer using SIS for the campaign period, to calculate the total qty the customer has purchased. You can calculate the reward points from this to determine the free merchandise.
    I do not see any reason why this needs to be tracked within orders/billing document as this expense would anyway be accounted under the marketing budgets, if accounting was your concern.
    May be if you can explain the exact need, we can think of alternatives,

  • Inconsistent results wrapping text using floats in CSS

    I have <div id="sidebar1"> that floats right, inside of
    <div id="mainContent"> which houses all the content. IE won't
    allow the text to extend (wrap) the entire width of <div
    id="mainContent"> once it is past or below <div
    id="sidebar1"> that floats right. Firefox allows it and displays
    correctly. I am using SPRY widgets in <div id="sidebar1">
    Below is the code...
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Citecast Digital Signage</title>
    <link href="/CSS/twoColElsRtHdr.css" rel="stylesheet"
    type="text/css" />
    <!--[if IE]>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional
    comment */
    .twoColElsRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
    .twoColElsRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; padding-top: 15px; }
    /* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout
    it needs to avoid several bugs */
    <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js"
    <style type="text/css" media="screen">
    @import url("p7pm/p7pmh7new.css");
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.css" rel="stylesheet"
    type="text/css" />
    <body class="twoColElsRtHdr"
    <div class="twoColElsRtHdr" id="container">
    <div id="header">
    <!-- end #header -->
    <div id="container_margintop">
    <div id="menu">
    <!--#include virtual="/includes/citecastmenu-NEW.html"
    <div id="sidebar1">
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
    <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Research shows digital
    signage is more memorable, less annoying than other
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
    <p><strong>Caveats to keep in mind
    <p>Like any research sponsored by a party with a
    vested interest in the outcome, these results need to be taken with
    a grain of salt. </p>
    <p> <a
    href="/Pages/articles-columns-news/researchShows...caveats to keep
    in mind.shtml">more ...</a> </p>
    <div class="AccordionPanel">
    <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Research shows digital
    signage is more memorable ... <strong>What does it all
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
    <p>Some of the above results simply indicate how much
    time the respondents spend interacting with each type of media.
    href="/Pages/articles-columns-news/researchShows...what does it all
    mean.shtml">More ...</a> </p>
    <br />
    <br />
    <div align="center"><img
    src="/Images/clarkpowell-integrator-logo.png" alt="clark powell"
    width="214" height="69" /></div>
    <div align="center"><img src="/Images/cp 25yr
    seal.png" /></div>
    <br />
    <div align="center"><img
    src="/Images/princeton_logo_horiz.jpg" alt="princeton"
    /></div><br />
    <br />
    <!-- end #sidebar1 --></div>
    <div id="mainContent">
    <h1 align="center"> </h1>
    <h2 align="center">Turn Key Digital Signage</h2>
    <p align="center">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,28,0','wid th','344','height','400','title','Citecast
    digital signage
    example','src','/flash/home-tv-reflection','quality','high','pluginspage','','movi e','/flash/home-tv-reflection'
    ); //end AC code
    classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0"
    width="344" height="400" title="Citecast digital signage
    <param name="movie" value="/flash/home-tv-reflection.swf"
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <embed src="/flash/home-tv-reflection.swf" quality="high"
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="344"
    <h3>Complete Digital Signage Solution</h3>
    <p align="left"><strong>Citecast is a turnkey,
    worry free digital signage solution</strong> that includes
    content, appropriate hardware, software, installation, training and
    support. </p>
    <p align="left">Need it quickly? Citecast can be
    deployed rapidly so that you are up and communicating fast.
    We make it easy to try Citecast with a low cost of entry and
    reasonable monthly usage fees. There is no need to purchase
    expensive equipment or grow and train your staff. </p>
    <p align="left">A Citecast Solution is high end
    digital signage without a huge capital investment.
    Citecast’s affordable options offer alternatives to
    costly capital expenditure by allowing you to use existing
    operating or marketing budgets. </p>
    <div class="spacershad"></div>
    <h3 align="center" class="twoColElsRtHdr">Compelling
    digital signage at the point of decision! </h3>
    <p class="text1">
    What is it worth to you and your organization to have a
    sales representative who is always in the right
    place to interact with the right people when they are at the
    point of decision? What is it worth
    to have representation that is informative, always accurate,
    and up-to-date delivering an efficient,
    positive, message to a captive market in at their point of
    decision. </p>
    <p class="text1"><a
    href="/Pages/Products_and_Services/Examples.shtml">View Citecast
    examples </a>
    <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
    <!-- This clearing element should immediately follow the
    #mainContent div in order to force the #container div to contain
    all child floats --><br class="clearfloat" />
    <div class="clearfloat"></div>
    <div id="footer">
    <!-- end #footer --></div>
    <!-- end #container -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1");

    Can't see your CSS code this way. Much better to publish to a
    folder on your remote server.
    But as a guess, I think this might work. Add this to your
    outer div's CSS.
    #mainContent {
    height: 1%; /** IE6 peekaboo fix **/
    overflow: auto; /** Mozilla clear floats **/
    --Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    "Dad Blame" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > I have <div id="sidebar1"> that floats right,
    inside of <div
    > which houses all the content. IE won't allow the text to
    extend (wrap) the
    > entire width of <div id="mainContent"> once it is
    past or below <div
    > id="sidebar1"> that floats right. Firefox allows it
    and displays
    correctly. I
    > am using SPRY widgets in <div id="sidebar1">
    > Below is the code...
    > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    > "">
    > <html xmlns="">
    > <head>
    > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=utf-8" />
    > <title>Citecast Digital Signage</title>
    > <link href="/CSS/twoColElsRtHdr.css" rel="stylesheet"
    type="text/css" />
    > <!--[if IE]>
    > <style type="text/css">
    > /* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this
    conditional comment */
    > .twoColElsRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
    > .twoColElsRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; padding-top:
    15px; }
    > /* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the
    hasLayout it needs to
    > avoid several bugs */
    > </style>
    > <![endif]-->
    > <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    > <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js"
    > <script type="text/javascript"
    > <script src="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js"
    > <style type="text/css" media="screen">
    > <!--
    > @import url("p7pm/p7pmh7new.css");
    > -->
    > </style>
    > <link href="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.css"
    type="text/css" />
    > </head>
    > <body class="twoColElsRtHdr"
    > <div class="twoColElsRtHdr" id="container">
    > <div id="header">
    > </div>
    > <!-- end #header -->
    > <div id="container_margintop">
    > <div id="menu">
    > <!--#include
    virtual="/includes/citecastmenu-NEW.html" -->
    > </div>
    > <div id="sidebar1">
    > <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion"
    > <div class="AccordionPanel">
    > <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Research shows
    digital signage is more
    > memorable, less annoying than other media</div>
    > <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
    > <p>
    Caveats to keep in mind ...</p>
    > <p>Like any research sponsored by a party with a
    vested interest in
    > outcome, these results need to be taken with a grain of
    salt. </p>
    > <p> <a
    > keep in mind.shtml">more ...</a> </p>
    > </div>
    > </div>
    > <div class="AccordionPanel">
    > <div class="AccordionPanelTab">Research shows
    digital signage is more
    > memorable ...
    What does it all mean?</div>
    > <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
    > <p>Some of the above results simply indicate how
    much time the
    > respondents spend interacting with each type of media.
    > <p><a
    href="/Pages/articles-columns-news/researchShows...what does
    > all mean.shtml">More ...</a> </p>
    > </div>
    > </div>
    > </div>
    > <br />
    > <br />
    > <div align="center"><img
    > alt="clark powell" width="214" height="69"
    > <div align="center"><img src="/Images/cp 25yr
    seal.png" /></div>
    > <br />
    > <div align="center"><img
    > alt="princeton" /></div><br />
    > <br />
    > <!-- end #sidebar1 --></div>
    > <div id="mainContent">
    > <h1 align="center"> </h1>
    > <h2 align="center">Turn Key Digital
    > <p align="center">
    > <script type="text/javascript">
    > AC_FL_RunContent(
    > signage
    > 'movie','/flash/home-tv-reflection' ); //end AC code
    > </script>
    > <noscript>
    > <object
    > rsion=9,0,28,0" width="344" height="400" title="Citecast
    digital signage
    > example">
    > <param name="movie"
    value="/flash/home-tv-reflection.swf" />
    > <param name="quality" value="high" />
    > <embed src="/flash/home-tv-reflection.swf"
    > n=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    > height="400"></embed>
    > </object>
    > </noscript>
    > </p>
    > <h3>Complete Digital Signage Solution</h3>
    > <p align="left">
    Citecast is a turnkey, worry free digital
    > solution that includes content, appropriate
    hardware, software,
    > installation, training and support. </p>
    > <p align="left">Need it quickly? Citecast can be
    deployed rapidly
    > that you are up and communicating fast.
    > We make it easy to try Citecast with a low cost of entry
    > reasonable monthly usage fees. There is no need to
    purchase expensive
    > or grow and train your staff. </p>
    > <p align="left">A Citecast Solution is high end
    digital signage
    > a huge capital investment.
    > Citecast?s affordable options offer alternatives to
    > expenditure by allowing you to use existing operating or
    budgets. </p>
    > <div class="spacershad"></div>
    > <h3 align="center"
    class="twoColElsRtHdr">Compelling digital
    signage at
    > the point of decision! </h3>
    > <p class="text1">
    > What is it worth to you and your organization to have a
    > representative who is always in the right
    > place to interact with the right people when they are at
    point of
    > decision? What is it worth
    > to have representation that is informative, always
    accurate, and
    > up-to-date delivering an efficient,
    > positive, message to a captive market in at their point
    > </p>
    > <p class="text1"><a
    href="/Pages/Products_and_Services/Examples.shtml">View Citecast
    > <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
    > <!-- This clearing element should immediately follow
    the #mainContent
    > in order to force the #container div to contain all
    child floats --><br
    > class="clearfloat" />
    > </div>
    > <div class="clearfloat"></div>
    > <div id="footer">
    > <p></p>
    > <!-- end #footer --></div>
    > <!-- end #container -->
    > </div>
    > <script type="text/javascript">
    > <!--
    > var Accordion1 = new
    > //-->
    > </script>
    > </body>
    > </html>

  • BAPI for return/supplement the funds for both overall and fiscal year.

    I have a development requirement for following and I am new to Investment ,management and Project
    Systems functionality.
    Your help will be appreciated
    The new transaction will use the upload data to create returns and/or supplements to Marketing budgets.  The following is what the transaction will do per request:
    •     Verify funds are available to shift.  The program will do this by creating an error log for items that do not meet this criteria.  The program will process all line items that have available funds (IM52).
    Q pls let me know what BAPi/FM to use to verify whether funds are vailable or not
    •     Return the funds for both overall and fiscal year (IM52).
    Q Pls tell me BAPI for same
    •     Supplement the funds for bother overall and fiscal year (IM52).
    Q BAPI for same
    •     Deactivate the availability control for the WBSE’s affected (CJBW).
    Q  How to do that and BAPI/FM for same
    •     Activate the availability control for the WBSE’s affected (CJBV).
    Q  How to do that and BAPI/FM for same
    •     Add appropriate text from the data in the upload spreadsheet (this may be a concatenation of data from the columns in the upload) (IM52).
           Not clear what user is trying to say
    •     The transaction needs to be able to handle whole dollars as well as numbers that might include up to two decimals:  e.g. .01 (IM52).

    I am answering my own question since i completed the above development by using the FM KBPV_POST_DATA .
    It will post to all the BP tables and is tested successfully.

  • Cost Planning in CRM Campaigns--Value Distribution Is Incorrect---Error

    Im working on CRM 2007 (6.0)
    I used the standard ones
    Planning profile Group--4MKT
    Plan Type--Cost planning
    Planning Area--4CRM0001(Marketing Budgeting/Cost Planning)
    This is assigned to the category CP in the define planning profile groups node in IMG.
    Im able to view this in WEB UI 2007, however when i choose DISTRIBUTE, im not getting the BPS Layout appearing from BI Planning.It is appearing in Tcode-BPS0(BI) perfectly but not in CRM WEB UI.IM getting the error------Value Distribution Is Incorrect
    Im basically looking at that layout to appear in the campaign  where i can key in my planned costs, resources and then i would like these values to be sent to ECC and BI will extract them and provide reporting.
    Is this a standard functionality or should i necessarily use a EEWB field, if so how?

    Hi Noah.
    Please check the following things:
    - Whether the Planning Profile 4CRMMP03 has been activated from Client-000 of BW system and transported to Client-800
    - After activating the Planning Profile 4CRMMP03 in Client-000 and transporting to Client-800, go to transaction bps0 in BW system and select the planning profile tree. Right click on it and set the profile.
    - Check whether Planning Profile 4CRMMP03 is associated to multi Planning Area, which will consist of basic planning areas.
    - Check whether at Planning level, Characteristics and Key Figures are selected and filtered.
    Wish this will be useful to you.

  • Tables in Investment Management

    Dear All,
    We need to develop an ABAP report for Budget distribution in investment management in the format specified by the user. The client uses Investment management for budgets in Marketing budgets.
    I got tables IMTP, IMPR, IMPU for Investment program, position id etc.
    But I could not find the tables where the Budget amounts get stored when we distribute amounts in Tran.Code IM32.
    Please tell me the tables where Budget amount, Distributable, Distributed etc get stored when we post IM32.
    Reply me soon.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    When we assign budget in IM32, lower level WBS budget will be total up to Top Level WBS, which can see in Distributed.
    My question is If we add budget at Top level WBS at certain intervals, that total budget added will be available in DISTRIBUTABLE.
    Is there any Distributable report which can help me how much is added at each interval and distribution of that budget.
    Please help me with Tables / Report which can give us the detailed information.

  • Tables for Investment Management

    Dear All,
    We need to develop an ABAP report for Budget distribution in investment management in the format specified by the user. The client uses Investment management for budgets in Marketing budgets.
    I got tables IMTP, IMPR, IMPU for Investment program, position id etc.
    But I could not find the tables where the Budget amounts get stored when we distribute amounts in Tran.Code IM32.
    Please tell me the tables where Budget amount, Distributable, Distributed etc get stored when we post IM32.
    Reply me soon.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    Refer BPGE, BPJA.

  • Sudden authorization / deauthorization issues

    I await the lavish apology due to me and countless others for the fact that something - almost certainly the recent "Security Update" - has caused iTunes to have some kind of hemorrhage. It says my computer is not authorized to play all the music I have paid good money to download, but when I try to authorize my machine iTunes tells me "This computer is already authorized". Color me unimpressed.
    And while we're at it, as others have written elsewhere on the web, what part of "DO NOT ASK ME THIS QUESTION AGAIN" does iTunes not understand?
    Basically, can a tiny fraction of Apple's marketing budget please be plowed into funding some better coding? Thanks.

    I agree 100%. I too have many songs that I spent money on and I can no longer play them. I have sent numerous emails to Apple and keep getting the same instruction on how to fix it! This is completely wrong and they need to do something about this.

  • Report Height?

    Hi all,
    I am using report 6i. I designed a master-detail report.
    It is working fine.
    But i want the output as every page shoud contain 3 reports(i.e 3 master records with details).
    For that i set maximum records per page and minimum windows records as 3.
    first 2 records coming fine. but there is no space for 3rd record. So Half of the record went for second page.
    If i increase the report height in layout editor main section property pallete im facing rep-1219.
    How to over come this? How to increase page height?
    Good help will be appreciated.

    This has the advantage that marketing is very easy(Buy Aion Gold) too. In this time of pinched marketing budgets, which can be a real plus. On the technical side, not less idea fits with the trend to lean startups. Shrinking technology development costs in start with the search for smaller companies or angel financing rounds, or simply bootstrapping the whole way, translates to profits. Many can get (Aion Leveling)a basic version of their fast Gold on WOW(WOW Power Leveling) software to be ready for customers, and are about to find out. Then can customer feedback in order to adjust to gradually add features, or the audience or the direction of the product. Too much fast WOW Gold.Many can get a basic version of their fast Too much fast WOW Gold. software to be ready for customers(to Buy WOW Gold), and are trying to find out.

  • Which R/3 module does this business function belong to?

    Hi Experts,
    I am a complete greenhorn in business processes.
    I like to know which module in R/3 is for the Marketing department, if any?
    I know there is SD, MM, PP, PM, FI, CO etc modules.
    But is there such a module that is meant for or used by Marketing departments?
    Please advise.
    Thanks in advance.

    SAP Marketing on-demand will be the second of three core CRM (customer relationship management) modules that the German company plans to offer this year.
    The new marketing on-demand offering, which can be purchased separately, offers business managers enhanced search capabilities to target new customers more effectively, as well as to track and pursue leads.
    SAP CRM provides a central marketing platform that enables organizations to analyze, plan, develop, and execute all marketing activities through all customer interaction points. This integrated application empowers marketers with complete business insights u2013 enabling you to make intelligent business decisions and to drive end-to-end marketing processes.
    SAP CRM supports critical marketing processes, including:
    Marketing resource and brand management
    Manage and optimize the use of marketing resources including budgets, people, time, and assets.
    Align all activities and resources around strategic marketing goals.
    Gain visibility and control into your marketing processes.
    Accurately manage the marketing budgets and costs.
    Increase brand awareness with proper usage and consistency across enterprise and third-party agencies.
    Facilitate collaboration among team members and coordinate marketing activities across the enterprise.
    SAP's marketing module includes campaign management and customer segmentation features that allow marketers to analyze customer data using advanced queries.
    SAP Updates On-Demand App With Marketing Module. It also offers lead management functionality that can track lead information on one overview page, and role maintenance and owner realignment capabilities so users can customize the application to the specific needs of the user.
    New to the SAP sales on-demand module are capabilities for pipeline performance management, lead generation, sales execution and client engagement. These features allow users to analyze current sales pipelines against forecasts and targets; provide increased visibility into the opportunity pipeline by displaying information about recent activities, contacts and competitors; and can trigger action to address outstanding issues
    R. Senthil Mareeswaran.

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