MBP 13'' 2.53GHz overall performance

I've just got a new MBP 13'' 2.53GHz and I'm quite disappointed about its performance.
Out of the box, it takes ~90 seconds from turning on to the login screen and another 40 seconds from logging in to get Finder ready to use. There are no applications running at login time. I've read that having 4GB of RAM takes longer to boot but it doesn't feel right when it's more than 2 minutes.
I can live with this boot time but then, for example, starting Safari for the first time takes 15 seconds. And so does any application.
Finder is slow too, it takes up to 10 seconds to show the size of the .app files in the Applications folder. I've never seen the beach ball as often as with this new MBP.
I've already reset the PRAM several times, no improvement.
I've run the Test utility that comes with the Applications Install DVD and found no errors. Boot in verbose mode doesn't show anything weird.
Any help is much appreciated.

I've just returned from the Apple Store, actually it's a Premium Reseller, we don't have Apple stores in Argentina.
Anyway, I left my MPB13 (250GB stock HD) three days ago, today they called me because it was ready. When I get there, they told me that they didn't find anything wrong with it. I've asked to talk to the technician, he said that it's normal to have the beachball from time to time. I explained to him that it's more than that and ran the AJA System Test (http://www.aja.com/products/software/) where you can see that the HD performance drops to almost 0 MB/s when reading a 512MB file. After showing that, he took the laptop again. While I was waiting for him to return, I've run the same test on another MPB13 that they were showing. It didn't have the 1.7 firmware and the performance was a steady ~70MB/s writing and reading. Bottom line, they kept my MPB, they will look more into it and probably change the HD and memory (that's what he said).
So, it's not over but at least they recognized that something is not right. I've also mentioned this thread were they can find more information.
I recommend this AJA System Test, I've run it in several Macs and the performance is always constant not like my MBP13 with EFI 1.7.

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    MacOSG Founder/Ambassador  An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast
    Macsimum News Associate Editor  Creator of 'Mac611 - Mobile Mac Support'

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    Hi Zajebiscie
    Love the name!
    Depending upon your implementation (i.e. - if you're using EHP4), you can also rely on HRP7409 (which uses Central Person as the key) to pull the previous performance rating.  For any of these choices though, you're going to have to take the value and the scale and go against the text lookup table to find out what that actual value is.  So in this hypothetical, you'd look at HRP7409 for the max ENDDA of the the CP you're looking for.  Then you'd take the PERFORMANCE field and the SCALE_ID field and go up against T77SP where SCALE_ID = SCALE_ID and PERFORMANCE = RATING and return PSTEXT.
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    RSRT is the one transaction to check query performance (pls correct if iam wrong!)
    here is the docu abt the query performance.
    hope this helps.
    thanks & regards,

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    A few questions:
    1) Has the performance always been this way, or is it a new occurance.
    2) Which video card do you have?  If you are using the integrated intel video make sure you have the most up to date Windows7 drivers from Lenovo, if that doesn't seem to help you could try different releases to see which performs the best, a good way to see if the video is the issue is to do something video intensive (1080p video or the likes).  It is somewhat unlikely that the video driver could influence the speed of office however since for the most part these are non-graphic intensive apps.  Another thing would be to try using the Windows Basic theme, if you still have issues it is unlikely the video card.
    3) There are alot of factors which can influence memory usage in 64bit windows, keep in mind in most situations only 64 bit applications can access memory above 3gb.  What is the size of the page file?    If the system is reporting the full amount of memory it is unlikely that it isn't available to the system.   34% of your ram seems high for just the system since my 3gb system has 1.1 gb in use with firefox, aim, openoffice.org and all the lenovo apps and avira anti virus going.
    4) What antivirus software are you using, has the system been scanned recently and have you tried to reproduce the issue with the antivirus disabled?
    5) How full is your HD.  Even with SSD's things slow down quite a bit as the drive reaches it's capacity..  64GB is a little on the tight side for Windows7.
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    I checked heap memory paramaters
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    sometihng really wrong in Integration Engine

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    Best regards,
    Lars G. Gudbrandsen

    Hi Lars,
    Probably you would get a better response in the HCM section as opposed to ABAP.
    Maybe you can use change pointers, and badis rather, to acheive what you want but I am not 100% sure the requirement.
    Additional fields and infotypes don't impact the system negatively in my opinion. It wouldn't affect PA30, unless the specific infotype is selected and then provided if it has been correctly created in PM01 it should be fine, also depending how many fields you are talking about of course. PA40 would only be impacted for those transacitons for which the infotype is included.
    As for archiving, I am not sure, but once again i think HCM forum is your best bet.

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    Hacking or modding any iPod goes against Apple's policies for proper use, hence it is not permitted, as per the Terms of Use, to discuss such things on Apple Discussions.
    I would suggest visiting some other iPod forums (ilounge.com perhaps) to discuss this.
    You're more likely to get a reply if you post there.

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    Thanks in advance,

    I bought Civ IV for Mac when it came out beginning of this month. On my machine Civ IV work great (as far as I was expected). I do not have the drop out music the slow motion and other issues that a lot of people have been complaining in this forum: http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=199
    I also got the patch that Aspyr release few days ago: http://www.macgamefiles.com/detail.php?item=19218 but did not try since I installed it. Your machine is a little slower than my machine but in your case I will be more concern if you have the Minimum RAM (512) that came by default. I believe you have 128 of video RAM I do not know how critical it is (I have 256). I know it is a steep investment but I love it and that 3D environment is great to watch. A must have for Civ fans. I can not answer your Windows question, I have not put Windows on my machine.
    Hope this help.

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    Hi all,
    We are trying to use the out of the box feature of monitoring in OSB to capture the processing times for each message including service callouts.
    We have been able to use it well and find the results realistic.
    One thing that we want to confirm is the impact/overhead involved by enabling monitoring in OSB.
    We did do some sample runs to capture the results with and without monitoring enabled, but did not find any significant difference.
    Going by the general understand of similar EAI tools, we expect that there will be some overhead involved by enabling monitoring.
    Can anyone confirm this? If yes, what is that we can do to minimize the impact?
    Please give your comments/suggestions on this.

    Hi Anuj,
    We are using the OSB built-in feature monitoring to measure the performance. We enable the monitoring at Action Level in the proxy service Operational Settings.
    Then when we fire some sample requests, we get to capture the actual performance metrics at every stage of the ProxyService on the Dashboard under the Service Health tab.
    OSB gives the performance metrics like total message count that were processed, the average processing time, maximum processing time, etc ...
    Let me know if you need more information.

  • PS5 tool menus and overall performance

    I have a 17inch MacBook Pro, 2.3 GHz, 6GB of RAM, OS X Lion 10.7.2.
    I have just reinstalled adobe PS 5.1 thinking it would solve a problem, but it didn't.
    Right now, everytime I click on a tool in the tool bar, the tool activates fine, unless I have to hold down the buton to get the full menu for a specific tool. If I do need for example to get the Dodge Tool, and need to hold the Burn Tool in order to get there, the drop menu stalls for 5-6 seconds, than I can choose the tool, and then it stalls for another 6 seconds, and then I'm able to use the tool.
    I have had a much less powerful computer which is running CS5.1 just fine (in this case even better!).
    Can someone help me with this issue??

    Are Photoshop and OS fully updated?
    As with all unexplainable Photoshop-problems you might try trashing the prefs (after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed) by keeping command-alt-shift pressed on starting the program or starting from a new user-account.
    System Maintenance (repairing permissions, purging PRAM, running cron-scripts, cleaning caches, etc.) might also be beneficial, Onyx has been recommended for such tasks.
    Weeding out bad fonts never seems to be a bad idea, either. (Validate your fonts in Font Book and remove the bad ones.)
    If 3rd party plug-ins are installed try disabling them to verify if one of those may be responsible for the problem.
    Does turning off OpenGL in the Performance Preferences and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue?

  • 4.3.1 -- Overall performance declined

    Why has the update to 4.3 made the performance of my 3GS decline? It has annoyed me to no end that every iPhone update cripples an older iPhone. I have updated to 4.3.1 hoping it would fix the stupid glitches. The graphics are horrible: when I open up a program or double tap for multitasking, the graphics aren't nearly as smooth as they were on 4.2.1.; my battery performance ***** and I barely use my iPhone. All I do is text and manually check my mail throughout the day. When I was on 4.2.1, I could open a bunch of apps, check mail frequently, text frequently, use Safari, and still have about 50% battery left; response to any touch is rather sticky, such as texting or sliding the lock slider to unlock; I keep having issues with connecting to the cellular network; app store previews and app store lists use to load super fast and now are laggish.. it takes a while for the icon of the app to show up as well (and I'm in the same area, so I know it's not the connection).
    Restore and resets don't work--I get the same kind of performance. What's going on? Hopefully Apple listens to the complaints rather than ignoring them to get people to upgrade.

    Same issue with me. I lost a percent about every 2 minutes. I was previously on iOS 4.1.
    Here's what I posted in another thread:
    Background: iPhone 3GS ver. iOS 4.1 | iTunes 10.2
    Action: Update iOS from 4.1 to 4.3.1 with no issues identified
    I skipped iOS 4.3 due to Apple's pattern of initial iOS buggy releases. A lot of iPhone users who upgraded from iOS 4.3 to 4.3.1 state that they did notice a battery life improvement. However, this is a false comparison. Here's my case. How would you make a creditable statement about improved battery life coming from a bad iOS 4.3 which reduced the battery life. A valid comparison would be upgrading prior to iOS 4.3 to iOS 4.3.1. This is my situation and noticed the battery life was not improved, but worse. I tired the following to adjust the battery:
    1. Run the battery down and recharge to 100%. This is suppose to recalibrate it.
    2. Reset using the Home button and the power button
    3. Hard reset (had to reinstall everything) / factory setting
    I also noticed there is a increase lag time switching from applications.
    I am in agreement that another update will be due.

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