MIDI playback quality in Windows and "as inteded

Hi,?since the days of Windows 95 and OPL3 playback on SB6, AWE32, ect. I'm confronted with the problem that MIDI files, from games for example, sound differend in Windows (MediaPlayer, ect.) than they sound in the game itself or in pure DOS 6 environment with a Soundblaster playback program. Is there a way to playback the old MIDI files with hardware OPL3 and Windows as they where inteded to?Thanks!

WKjun wrote:
Hi,since the days of Windows 95 and OPL3 playback on SB6, AWE32, ect. I'm confronted with the problem that MIDI files, from games for example, sound differend in Windows (MediaPlayer, ect.) than they sound in the game itself or in pure DOS 6 environment with a Soundblaster playback program. Is there a way to playback the old MIDI files with hardware OPL3 and Windows as they where inteded to?Thanks!
Have you tried all different MIDI playback devices (HW/SW Synths) you have listed there to select from (Windows Audio settings)?

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    Hi Eriksimon,
    Firstly, thanks for your message.
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    Hi there,
    The simplest way is to drag it across wirelessly using the 'Airdrop' application once both computers are near one another. 'Airdrop' can be found near the top, on the left hand side menu, within 'Finder'.

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    You should ask this question on
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    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for your reply.
    I do not have the
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    Welcome to the Support Communities.
    m.raslan wrote:
    I tested the project on Apple Macintosh operating system
    Click on the  menu at top left of your screen, choose About This Mac and, in the panel that appears, note the Version no. in the form 10.n.n. Then update your product list so we can see what version of OS X you're running on the Mac — see this tutorial:
    Update your product list
    m.raslan wrote:
    "biosegnatures" can't be opened becouse it 's from undefined developer "
    This Apple doc may help:
    OS X: About Gatekeeper
    m.raslan wrote:
    shokwave player error
    Is Shockwave Player installed?...
    ...If not, get it here:

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    In short:
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  • Playback window and License caching trouble

    we have a Flash Access 2.0 DRM license server built using the reference design. We have a working setup with a default policy where the License Caching is disabled and unlimited playback window and we're now trying to add new functionality to enable offline viewing. We have however run into some problems.
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    We have seen this behaviour on both Windows 7 and Vista but not on XP so far.
    Do you have any idea what could be causing this behaviour?
    Best regards
    Jonas Hagberg

    It is fine to use the same policy for multiple pieces of content.  Typically, a content publisher will have a small number of policies, and use those policies for their entire content library. As Xuan Liu mentioned, if multiple pieces of content share the same license ID, then a single license will be used to protect all of the content. If, in fact, the user has some licenses that have expired and some that are still valid, then it doesn't look like all the content is sharing the same license.
    Do you have license chaining enabled? With license chaining, each piece of content has a leaf license, which can specify the license expiration. Leaf licenses are associated with a root license, and the root license can extend the expiration date for all leaf licenses associated with the root. License chaining is enabled through the policy.
    Jonas Hagberg wrote:
     The user has several videos downloaded, some where the 7 days license caching has expired and some where both the playback window and the license caching are still valid. When the user download yet another video ALL the previous videos get the same license expiration date as the last one and the play window seems to be extended to the full license caching period of 7 days.
    How did you determine that the expiration has been extended for all the existing videos? If you are not using license chaining, I suspect that when you go back to an older video, since the license has expired, it is actually requesting a new license from the license server (you should be able to verify this by looking at your license server logs). Since your policy says the license can be cached for 7 days, the new license is valid for 7 days from when it is issued.  However, if the 24 hour playback window has already been used, it would not be extended.  Playback window can only be used one time for each piece of content. If the playback window had already been used before the license caching period elasped, you would not get another 24 hour playback window when you get a new license on that machine for the same content.

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    I downloaded a 640x480 video off the internet
    Well there you go. You need to make sure that your projet setting match the clip settings exactly. Plus you are dealing with highly compressed video posted on the internet. Not ideal for editing.
    FCP is a great editing application...when used properly. What I mean is that if you capture footage directly from tape or P2 card. If you take random footage from the internet then no, it won't do what you want it to.
    Vegas is more designed for that. Vegas is also more of a consumer application, where FCP is a professional application. You are trying to use a professional application in a very "consumer" fashion.
    "There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

  • IPad 2 Video playback Quality Issue (Low Contrast and grayish black)

    Does anyone notice that the video playback quality is really bad on the iPad 2? If you try to play any video (youtube, apple trailer, your own converted video) on the iPad 2, any black images will turn grayish... Just put your iPhone, iPod touch, or even the older iPad next to it, then you will notice a BIG difference. The color is similar to what happened when you set the gamma incorrectly on a display.
    Also, you will notice this more if you change the orientation of the device, the contrast will be corrected for a fraction of a second.
    I've tried this on other iPad 2 and they all share the same problem. I tried to talk to the Apple Genius Bar and they refused to give me a proper answer on this, instead simply claiming that is just the way it is... I wanted to refund this but I've passed the 14 days rule and also I got it from a authorized retailer and so Apple just won't take it back.
    I believe it can be fixed by software... Any idea? or I shall throw it away T_T

    I'm on the phone with apple support right now. I work at a post production house, and we/our clients keep having this issue - everything looks great on screen and on the ipad 1, and theres a huge gamma shift on the ipad 2. they need to fix this ASAP. like Jls21 already said, a lot of us use ipads for work purposes - unacceptable!
    this thread ( https://discussions.apple.com/message/15100980#15100980 ) seems to blame the h.264 codec/compression settings…? does anyone know of another codec that prevents this gamma shift on the ipad 2?
    this is from the tech specs page:
    Video formats supported: H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format
    is there anything that jumps out to anyone regarding workarounds for this issue?
    we've used both Compressor and MPEG Streamclip - there's no quality difference between them, in case anyone is trying that.
    okay so, i was transferred to a senior technical rep and he looked it up - apparently apple is getting a bunch of complaints about this issue and they've submitted it to their developers. the more people that call and complain, the higher up on the priority list it goes to be fixed in a software update. there is no workaround known, and it's a standard issue across all ipad 2's.

  • IDVD and playback quality

    So I have pulled together a 30min movie in iMovieHD6 using my CanonHF200 HD camera, and I have retained max quality through the process. However, exporting as a full quality QT (.DV) and then dropping into iDVD results in a seemingly interlaced-looking ("striped") result that can also appear grainy at times (on computer screen or TV). TV is a 720p Plasma and DVD player is a 480->720 converter. Perhaps the current result would look better on an SD TV, but I dont have one.

    You might want to export out of iMovie HD in the following way because it gives you some quality options you can set.
    Use this path:
    Share>Share Compress movie for export settings push Share
    Movie to QuickTime Movie Options
    Settings AIC (you can adjust several quality settings)
    I hope the above makes sense.

  • How to export for both windows and mac users

    I'm new to the video stuff, so i have a few questions. i am planning to post videos on my blog. I want to have them in a format that both windows and mac users can play. is this a possibility or will i have to export .wmv for windows and quicktime for mac? i realize that windows users can download quicktime, but i either want the video to be viewable in a format that can be read by all without having to download anything (might be too big a wish :o) ). if i can't do that, then i'd like to have 2 links - one for quicktime and one to the .wmv. in this case, how to i export a .wmv file? i don't see that option anywhere on the share menu? do i need to buy quicktime pro? that leads me to another questions - if i have imovie, do i need quicktime pro? so far i'm having a hard time figuring out what quicktime pro has that imovie doesn't....thanks in advance!

    I'm new to the video stuff, so i have a few questions. i am planning to post videos on my blog. I want to have them in a format that both windows and mac users can play. is this a possibility or will i have to export .wmv for windows and quicktime for mac? i realize that windows users can download quicktime, but i either want the video to be viewable in a format that can be read by all without having to download anything (might be too big a wish :o) ).
    Posting to YouTube and providing a URL link might be the most universal method of playback although quality may be on the weak side.
    if i can't do that, then i'd like to have 2 links - one for quicktime and one to the .wmv. in this case, how to i export a .wmv file?
    WMV is a proprietary compression format. You will either have to purchase the authorized QT components from Flip4Mac or purchase a separate open source converter application like Visual Hub.
    i don't see that option anywhere on the share menu?
    Any you won't even if you purchase and install the QT component -- iMovie '08 only exports to QT compression formats.
    do i need to buy quicktime pro?
    It wouldn't help. Getting QT Pro only unlocks editing and conversion features. It does not add any additional codecs which don't already have installed.
    if i have imovie, do i need quicktime pro? so far i'm having a hard time figuring out what quicktime pro has that imovie doesn't.
    As indicated above, QT Pro allows you to convert to/from any compression formats for which you have working import/export QT components. This can already be be done using GarageBand and iMovie. GarageBand allows you to access any installed QT import/export component while iMovie '08 restricts you to Apple QT components. In addition, QT Pro allows you to create player displays with multiple audio/video tracks, gives you ability to layer graphic elements (e.g, create watermarks, create pictures-within-pictures, etc,), allow the viewer to switch between alternate audio and/or video tracks, and may other things.
    ADDED: If you really want to see what QT Pro can do, check out QTKirk's examples on his DotMac account.
    Message was edited by: Jon Walker

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