MSI K8N Neo 2 - motherboard is "down".

I had many problems at start (e.g. Picture problems in BIOS, strange voltage etc.) but later it was ok. There was faild-safe settings in BIOS. One evening i turned computer down and I noticed that power led is strange, regular flashing. Next day i couldn't tunr it on again. All Fans are down, there is no sign of life exept for this power led. Other components are ok, I tested them in other machines, everything works correct. What happened ? I tried to reset CMOS, use other memories, no effect. Can i try something else before RMA ? 

Power LED flashing is a typical indication that your PSU is in Overload. This can be from overloading it with goodies or even a power surge. Shut down the PSU on the back panel and unplug it for a few minutes. If you get it powered back up afterwards then it may have just been a surge. However if it does not repower or it does this again in the future then replace that PSU with a better one.

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    Thats not what I read (assuming this is the same correct model)
    420W double unit
    DC O/P Load Max
    +5V 42 Amp.
    +12V 16 Amp.
    +3.3V 28 Amp.
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    b) same as (a) but set moboard HTT/FSB from 200 to 206: 37610
        Seems reasonable to get just a slight speedup, since this step
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    c) same as (a) but use 3% DOT on the moboard. This has the effect
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    the effect of also (drastically) overclocking the video card (and to
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    talking 3000 aquamarks which is more like a 9% graphics card overclock!!)
    That's probably why a little motherboard DOT combined with
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    it to enter safe mode.
    BUT the question is: WHY should motherboard DOT be overclocking
    the graphics card in the first place?  Has anyone else seen this?  Is it

    Using RivaTuner, which plots video card GPU and mem mhz in real time, I'm able to absolutely confirm that turning on either 1% or 3% DOT on the motherboard (k8n) has the effect of dramatically overclocking the video card (a 5900xt)
    Strangely enough, the overclock of video card overclocks the GPU mhz but leaves the video card mem speed unchanged. Again, I'm using RivaTuner to make these claims.
    I've tried with BIOS 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4b2
    gfx card set to defaults (390/700). moboard set to 1% DOT.
    RivaTuner shows that aquamark3 starts at 390/700 for a few moments, then it jumps up to 429/700. Should have stayed at 390/700.
    example 2: 400/700...actually runs at 441/700 (again, a 10% GPU overclock)
    weird example 3: 405/700...stays at 405/700 (no GPU overclock)
    example 4 (the killer): 410/700...aquamark3 freezes at frame 873 (graphics card goes into throttle mode). What does RivaTuner show?
    It shows the graphics card running at 526.5, which is waaaaay over spec and is over a 28% overclock beyond what I asked for! (which was 410)
    And where does the 28% come from?  At least in previous runs it was either 0 or 10%, which at least I could plan around if it was consistent...but 28%?!
    Bottom line: MSI K8n neo plat motherboard DOT (even at just 1% DOT) has a nasty side effect of also overclocking the GPU core. This is bad, but could be worked around if the amount was consistent. Unfortunately, the amount isn't consistent (usually 10%, but sometimes 0 or even 28%)
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    Fireware ports are faster for example external drives will be fastest 1394 rather than usb2.
    there are many companies doing drive bays which can add ports to your current case see Front Port Extension Unit however you need to decide what exactly you want,
    The example shown passes through case & connects to rear ports.
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    Is there some setting that  I did'nt see or what?
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Thanks Hodgie_ns for your fast reply, but it was not set up in Core Center for Cool'n'quit to slow down, it was on user setting to maximum.
    Problem resolved by connecting the CPU cooler on the other connector for SYS FAN for little time, then I connected back to the CPU FAN connector. Since then, it is working on 3000 RPM all the time. Funny?! Wird?! Bug?!
    Thanks and go for it!

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    thanks in advance !

    Just note that there are combinations of two sticks that will also make the board run in DDR333 mode (see page 2-8 of the manual). For example, using two double-sided sticks in DIMM2 and DIMM3. I've actually managed to get it to work at DDR400 in those two slots, but it's not perfectly stable and overclocking diminishes drastically. Bottom line is the system will work fine when forced to long as you don't expect to overclock the RAM to any significant degree.

  • Quick Question MSI K8N NEO 4 PLAT SLI

    Hey guys,i am new to this forums just needed some help, i am about to purchase a:
    AMD 64 3000 VENICE
    i was wondering woud i need to update the bios 1st or will the stock bios that comes with the motherboard will work with the venice. I am getting all these parts from Zip Zoom Fly, accept the PSU. Thanks for your help. 

    Quote from: Dream_true on 28-June-05, 08:14:40
    Only BIOS 1.4 and above support Venice & San Diego. However BIOS 1.4 has shut-down issue with RAID. It is suggested that you let your reseller help you flash BIOS to the latest version 1.5. After flashing BIOS, Loading Optimized defaults is needed of course. Good Luck!
    Support new features in that cpuid yes. But that is not the same as you are not able to boot/post your system
    with an earlier bios .
    I booted up a venice on a K8N Neo2 with an aged 1.3 bios (with no venice SD support) just fine .
    If the bios supports 90nm cpu it will post .
    New CPUID added means :
    Shown on post (display)
    And e.g new model spesific features (like e.g SSE3 ) enabled .
    Use the CPUID instruction to properly identify the processor.
    • Determine the processor type, stepping, and available features by using functions 0000_0001h
    and 8000_0001h of the CPUID instruction.
    • Boot-up display - The processor name should be displayed according to the processor name string
    defined in CPUID Guide for the AMD Athlon™ 64 and AMD Opteron™ Processors, order#
    Chapter 12 , Bios and Kernel developers quide for athlon 64 . 26094.PDF

  • MSI k8n neo platinum post problem

    I just bought a 2nd hand K8N neo platinum and I can't get it to post, I have reduced down to 1 stick of ram(tried all slots) vga and cpu running out of case. I have an ultra 600 psu that certainly should be doing the buisness as everything was fine on an NF7S-V2 up until 1/2 hour prior.
    On the led device it's starting 4 red then after a couple of seconds it goes 1 red 2 red 3 green 4 red which I found relates to keyboard controller. I've tried with various keyboards but no joy. I get nothing on the screen at all but that's the next stage in post.
    My memory is Twinmos 3200 twin x 2 x 512 double sided, which I saw in the sticky can be troublesome.
    Any body got any ideas?

    i am having an almost identical problem.
    First the system wont go past post,then i realised it would but only boot if i had the USB mouse unplugged (i noticed the d-brackets lights changed after i unplugged the mouse)
    then i was able to get to windows, however i couldn't do much (mouse wouldnt detect if replugged, keyboard not detected - all lights off)
    So i tried clearing the CMOS
    now i am having the same problem, except this time i get CMOS checksum error - defaults loaded
    then it tells me to press f1 to continue to del to enter setup, which i cant do since the keyboard wont work. so now im totally bamboozled
    I've tried changing the PSU as well with no luck (both were 500watts)
    Funny thing is, the pc having the problem is identical to the pc im writing on now, presonally i think the motherboard is not v good, since alot of people have this problem or similar to it. (and yes im using the keyboard and mouse now, that i tested on the other pc)
    MSI k8N Neo Platinum
    Powercolor Radeon 9800 Pro
    AMD 64 3000+
    1GB Geil Memory
    Maxtor 160GB
    500watt Magna Dual Fans
    Will check what the D-bracket says and will report back.
    ok here goes:
    (with usb mouse plugged in)
    1= green
    2= red
    (without usb mouse plugged in) - but bare in mind i cant press f1 (no keyboard) to continue else i would probably be able to get to windows.
    1= green
    2= green

  • MSI K8N NEO-FSR BIOS Flash Corrupt

    So there was an updated BIOS for my motherboard version 1.8 while I had 1.7. I went ahead and updated and it went fine. But then I noticed that my CPU speed was dramatically reduced and the multiplier was set to 5.0 giving me a 1ghz CPU. While I thought maybe the CMOS needed to be cleared I went ahead and did that but to no avail I wasnt able to fix that problem. I went over to the MSI Live Update to check for a new BIOS update and it had said that I had 1.8 version while the current version is 1.7. Just a few days before it said 1.8 was the latest. Hmmm. So I went off to the MSI website to find version 1.7 and downloaded it. To my surprise version 1.8 was available on the MSI website. I used the WinFlash program to flash my BIOS. Before doing so I closed all open applications including anti-virus, browsers, chatting programs, and so forth. But the flash was going VERY slow and it stopped with unable to verify bios. This made me scared pooless. After I restarted to no surprise my computer started up with BIOS Checksum error and asked for a floppy. I didn't have a floppy drive connected at the time but the computer shut itself off automatically. So I went and connected and floppy and looked up online at the MSI website about how to recover the BIOS. I found it and for my AWARD bios i followed the procedure. But each time it detects the floppy drive and then the computer shuts itself off. Even if i have no disc inside the floppy drive it'll shut off. Is it supposed to do this? I am unable to reflash my BIOS because of this behavior. I don't know what the cause of this problem is now. Did maybe the recovery portion of the BIOS get corrupted too? Please help. Let me know if you need any more information. Thanks in advanced. My specs are below btw:
    AWARD REV. 1.8
    AMD ATHLON 3200+ 754
    PDP 2x512MB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra
    Ultra-X 500watt
    WD 160GB IDE, Seagate 200GB IDE
    Pioneer D-A07
    Windows XP SP2, Gentoo Linux, Ubuntu Linux

    Okay I tried taking unnecessary stuff out but it didn't help. I'm actually having the same problem this guy is having :
    Hmm looks like i might be in for a new motherboard or i can try the RMA process but I dont know how long that will take. Other than that...I dont know what to do. I could buy myself a new bios flash chip but they're damn expensive and I'd rather just buy a new motherboard. On another note I noticed that when I boot up the pc and i see that it detects the floppy I immediately pressed the reset button but it'll still shut down. So it's as if there is a timer somewhere. What the hell is up with this? It also seems MSI didn't release bad BIOS releases for my board only. Seems like people with other boards are having tons of problems with the latest BIOS releases.

  • Unable to install windows XP på MSI K8N NEO

    I have problems installing windows XP (SP1) with MSI K8N NEO Platinum Edition. After I bootet my computer (I build it myself) I noticed I had extrem cpu temperatures (65-70 degrees celcius). A quick search on the net indicated that a bios-upgrade might solve the problem, as my current bios probably showed too high temperatures.
    As I had already installed windows XP i downloaded the bios and upgraded using the msi-windows-bios program. And, after the reboot my cpu temerature was 20 degrees lower (45 degrees celcius), which is more normal. But during the bootup of windows I got a blue-screen (or, actully a blue blink, just for a nano-second), and then my computer rebooted.
    As the system were fairly new and didn't contain any importaint data, I decided to try to make a fresh install of winXP. But now I get a blue-screen during the installation, when the progress-bar says "installing devices", the blue screen appears when it is about 75%.
    The installation of XP went fine before the bios upgrade, and I used XP for several hours without any problems at all - except the high cpu temperatur. Now my cpu temeperatur is acceptable, but XP wont install/boot.
    I have tried to disable all the integraded devices (such as firewire, network, sound card etc) in the bios menu, but the XP install still provides a bluescreen during the installation of devices.
    My system:
    A64 3000+
    1024Mb RAM (corsair value, I believe)
    Samsung SATA 160Gb HD
    Matrox Millenium G400 (I know it is old)
    NEC 2510 DVD Burner
    As I said, this is propably caused by the new bios, as it did work with the old one. I have also tried "Load failsafe defaults". Do you guys have any ideas of how to fix this?  Should I (can I) downgrade my bios (I do not have a floppy drive in the computer).

    Hi wirrum,
     I see you are Swedish (the på was a give away).
     I recently aquired a MSI K8N Neo2 from Komplett - where did you get yours from? maybe that have a bad batch because I am seeing the same problems as you.
     I have two different problems , the same stability problems you are seeing and problems with the keyboard (ps2) not always starting up. I'm currently at Bios V1 and after seeing your problems I might just wait with V1.1 unless everything else fails.
    Im considering an RMA to komplett soon and asking them for a motherboard that works (maybe from another manufacterer).
     I have a decent PSU (Antec Truepower 480) and DDR400  from Kingston thats on their reccommended list, no overclocking, stable settings, I built the thing with ESD protection and carefully. Not overly impressed right now.
     Some suggestions - turn off AGP Fastwrite, turn on SATA DMA access if you are using SATA. Turn off any Overclocking, move your memory around , try just one stick in DIMM 1 see if that helps.
     I finally managed to get through an XP install but it took 6 hours to install. And it will occasionally stutter then shutdown entirely.

  • Looking for MSI K8N Neo 'Spare part'

    I have an MSI K8N Neo-FSR that I recently bought from Newegg.
    Awesome board, very happy with it so far, didn't come with the back plate! You know, the part that fits over the ports - USB, PS/2, serial, parallel, etc - that mounts to the PC's chasis?
    If anyone has a spare one that would fit a K8N Neo-FSR, I'd really appreciate them getting in touch with me! Email addy is in profile!

    You can e-mail MSI Customer Service and ask them for one and they will more than likely send it to you. I bought a refurbished MSI motherboard last year and when I asked them for an I/O Shield, they asked if there was anything else I needed for my motherboard. They shipped it UPS and I got it in a couple of days (no charge to me). They're pretty good about standing behind thier stuff, so it's worth a shot.

  • MSI K8n Neo Platinum

    Hi Guys,
                 I am having a problem with my computer at the moment. I am having trouble getting into the BIOS of this motherboard (MSI K8N Neo Platinum). When I try to get into BIOS, it goes into a black screen with a little line on top of it and its blinking. This has never happened before. Then when I shut off my computer since I couldn't get into the bios, I turned it back on and it goes on but nothing goes to screen or it wont boot up to startup screen. Then I turn it off, I reset the BIOS and turn it back on. Now it boots up to the startup screen, but when it says press del to get into bios, I pressed that and it happens again, it will not get into bios. When I do this over again by resetting the bios, this time without getting into BIOS, it goes on and boots up to Windows XP. I want to reformat my hard drive with a fresh copy of XP Pro, but I can't get into BIOS to do that. Can someone help me?

    Same thing happened to me today. Thanks MSI for publishing a Betaversion of a BIOSupgrade on the Live update.. 
    At first I figured that there must have been some fault during the BIOSflash so I downloaded the file again and repeated procedure. This time it worked like a charm and I could do all my BIOS-settings. The next restart the problem was back again though, and this time I had swapped the order for my SATA-drives to boot (to the way they should) but the system couldn't boot. So I couldn't enter neither the bios or Windows. Luckily you can shift the primary boot device by pressing F11 though, so I got out of the libido...
    Now I've downloaded the old 1.9 Version instead and I sure as h*** won't do any more beta-testing for MSI by using the Live Update anymore!

  • Msi k8n neo plat problems

    I have built 2 computers exactly the same.
    msi k8n neo plat
    512 corsair xms ddr 3200
    8og sata maxtor
    amd 64 3200
    128mb ati 9800 pro
    asus cd drive
    When i tried to install windows xp pro on both the machines i got the same error. could not copy file. On each try the file was a different one. After hours of trying new things i found that putting the memory in slot 2 on the motherboard  solved the problem, windows installed and booted up as norm. When i moved the memory back to slot 1 the computer would not boot.
    I have now left the memory in slot 2 but the computer will still crash every hour.
    I am sure this is something to do with the memory but not sure what the problem is.
    Can anyone help.

    Can anybody tell me what i should set the cpu fsb frequency to in the bios.
    I just read this in the faq
    What is the fsb speed of this cpu?
    Depending on which FSB you are asking about: The Athlon 64's have the memory controller built in (which was previously part of the Northbridge on the motherboard) which uses up to 200MHz DDR Memory (400MHz FSB) The HyperTransport link from the CPU to the rest of the motherboard runs up to 800MHz. Just to expand on my answer... The HT link is 800MHz, but it's 16 bit in size (2 bytes worth of data per clock) the total bandwidth of the HyperTransport link is 3.2GB in total - 1.6GB sending data to CPU and 1.6GB receiving data from CPU.

  • Problems with 64 3200+ on MSI k8n neo platinum.

    AMD Athlon64 Newcastle 3200+ AX 2200MHz/2.2GHz 512kb Boxed (with cpu-cooler!) Socket754
    MSI K8N Neo Platinum nForce3 250Gb 3DDR-DIMM 5PCI SATA Raid Audio GB-LAN Firewire Socket754 ATX
    Kingston KVR400X64C3A/512 512Mb DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin Unbuffered CL3
    Okey here it comes..
    I installed everything and all seemed to work okey,  until i threw in the XP install cd and began my install..
    in the dos install of windows xp, (when it moves files to the hdd) it stopped and said that there was a problem with a file that were to be copied, i pressed enter to try again and  the install moves on,  this accurs 4-5 times and then it gives me a BIG  "IRQL less or not equal".. Blue screen of death.. (it complains on different files each time i try to install xp, tried 15-20 times)
    I have tried to change memory to another Kingston KVR400X64C3A/512 512Mb DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin Unbuffered CL3 with no luck,
    changed hdd, change gfx-card. change psu,  removed all no-need pci-cards..
    but still same error, i aint no expert so i might have missed something in bios or something :(
    please help me if you can..

    Flashing bios with memory errors is a veeeeery bad idea .
    Almost guarantied to ruin your bios chip with bad data block.
    That this even is suggested with mem errors , well .
    You need to resolve the mem errors before doing anything else.
    The windows xp install routine is a very heavy user of cpu and memory
    and will fail if you have mem errors like you have.
    Some things to try is entering bios and change auto settings on cpu voltage
    giving it 0.5v more than default .
    Set the memorys voltage to vendors max approved voltage
    which for yours is 2.6v +/- 0.1v . So it's safe to set at 2.7v .
    Set timings to cas 3 ,ras 3 ,trp 3 , tras 8 , CMD 2T.
    Pushing it firmly down in the dimm socket , sometimes it's not all the way down there even if the plastic lockers snap in.
    Disconnect all devices not needed for a windows install ,things can be added later.
    Have only the hd that os is to be installed to , one cdrom , floppy , memory and
    gfx card .
    Disconnect USB case front connector (cause corruption and strange faults if
    USBOC pin is connected)

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