Msi neo & 3700 clawhammer maddness

Before i go into a long tirate, can anyone tell me if the 3700 claw requires ecc memory, memory faster than 3200 (corsair 3200 tccd 428) 2.5-3-3-11.Why when i oc to 2700 my bandwith drops from 3500 to 2700. Stability is gone running a bench yet mem test is stable, running any bench results in bsod. T1 or t2 means chit, timings has no endearing qualities,  . I can lower the muti and clock the fsb to 240 memtest stable, boot into windows and corruption all over  no benching allowed.Or up the multi and set the fsb to 220 and still the same  . memtest stable yet corruption all over. Psu 485 noisetaker 33 amps 12v, Msi neo, Corsair 3200c2 xms c2 tccd 428.  Last but not least my 6800 gt wil no longer overclock to 425/1160 and using the mbm5 prog all the rails are rock solid no variation at all.  Is this the mem controller da cheating bitch     (ohh idle is 32c load 45c & no sata just plain old ide)

You're probably right it's the ram controller, especially if you're running 4 banks which means you're up to the supported limit @ stock speeds.
If you want to go into unsupported territory you want to up the ram voltage a bit and maybe drop the latency a notch (down to CAS 3.0) and I wouldn't want to oc the ram so yes faster would be better but it's not required and ecc is certainly not required.

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    Is it very possible that MSI will release a BIOS update to go higher on the ole FSB than 300Mhz... say 350Mhz?
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    That'll do for the mo, hope someone can get me up to speed.  Oh and one last thing, and ETA on when the board will be released to suppliers in the UK?  I've got the CPU but no mobo... arrrghh!   :D

    Well, I haven't had to mess with memory timings at all. I've tried four different brands of memory and they've all worked. Kingmax MPXC22D, Kingston KVR400X64C25, Infineon PC3200, and one other - Samsung I think. Right now I'm running 2~512 sticks of double-banked Infineon. The Athlon64 3000+ is an awesome CPU. I thought my Barton 2500+ was fast. This makes that one seem ssssllllllooooowwwww.  I've had my system up and running for a couple months now, with only a BIOS flash problem to talk about. It is a very stable, fast machine. Anyhow, I'm also waiting for the MSI K8N Neo Platinum and the Athlon 3400+ w/512Mb Cache (Newcastle), or the newer 3700+.

  • MSI Neo Platinum questions

    Hi I am new here
    Here is the stuff i got
    MSI Neo Platinum
    Athlon 64 3200 (clawhammer) CG
    Zalman CNPS7000A  ALCU
    corsair xms 3200 1gb
    maxtor sata diamondmax9
    My zalman came in a retail box but, the backplate was not included, so i went ahead and installed it on the MSIs backplate. It seemed like a good fit and sits well now. When i powered the computer the CPU temp was showing about 64C. I wasnt too worried and went ahead and updated the BIOS to v 1.2. So now the temp is around 45C. Is this a good temp for A64?
    Also another problem that i sometimes having is that when i power down the computer and then power it back on it just hangs in bios (that was happening in both 1.1 and 1.2 bioses) It where it says Identifying devices... or something like that. But this only happenes sometimes, and i can ctrl alt del to restart computer and it boots all fine. What I am going to do is connect those LEDs and see what they show when that happens. But for now anyone heard or had something like this happen ?
    But other than these 2 things right now everything runs smothly, all benchmarks work well and system is stable.

    ok man this whole thing really got me interested how come i fitted that thing on....
    so i looked through zalman instructions i got, the backplate is not even part of the contents. And then it hit me, I got the Zalman CNPS7000 ALCU not Zalman CNPS7000A ALCU "A" after 7000 is the difference. Quick visit to resulted in .... the A version supports more sockets, but overall they are the same thing, thats why mine didnt come with a backplate.
    now how come it fit and 7000A needs its own backplate to fit is interesting as they look identical.
    to answer ur question SAB i just used the 2 nipples that came with my zalman. Stays on pretty solid.  

  • MSI Neo-FIS2R build questions! & SATA RAID questions!

    This is going to sound like a stupid question. And I'm not even sure that I know what I am asking.
    I've built two computers so far. One with an MSI K7N2G-L and another with an MSI K7N2G-ILSR. Both nForce2 motherboards with AMD processors.
    Here's what I'm getting at... I'm planning on building a new machine with either the Abit IC7-G or the MSI Neo-FIS2R (both 875P boards obviously).
    Now, when I built the two nForce2 boards it was really easy. I put all of the components together, turned on the machine, the bios auto enabled settings, I put the windows xp pro cd in the cd drive and formatted the hard drive for NTFS, I then installed the OS and booted the system! Then I intstalled the drivers fromt the MSI CD. Ran Live BIOS and flashed to the most current motherboard BIOS. SIMPLE! Everything worked fine.
    Here's my question. For the 875P system will everything pretty much happen the same way? Or do I need to do additional things? One of my main concerns (especially if I go with the Abit IC7-G over the MSI) is flashing the bios. Do I need a floppy drive or something? I've never flashed a BIOS outside of the Live BIOS utility. I don't want to put a floppy drive in my system! What are my options here?
    Not that I want to do it, but if I needed to (say with the Abit board) HOW DO I FLASH THE BIOS WITHOUT USING THE LIVE BIOS UTILTY?
    Bottom line is, I'm building this system for someone else and I want it all to be a painless experience (especially if they are looking over my shoulder).
    One final question. This may sound even more stupid than the first question. I'm purchasing SATA drives ONLY. I'm not purchasing any IDE drives. So, here's my question...Can I boot from a SATA drive? What if it's in RAID 0? From the posts in the forums it appears that the SATA and RAID on these 875P motherboards either doesn't work or isn't very reliable (may potentially lose data). IS THIS AT ALL TRUE?! I'm stupid when it comes to RAID and SATA. Any help in this department would be appreciated.

    Originally posted by ZippyGaloo
    1. If I only install one SATA drive I have to set it up as a RAID anyway right? Wrong?
    2. If I install two SATA drives I have to set it up as a RAID as well right? Wrong?
    3. If I install two SATA drives and set up a RAID
    (either 0 or 1) which drive does the OS go on?
    I have never built a raid array (as yet) and have never owned a SATA disk (as yet), but from what I have read...
    RAID is a method of connecting several disks together so they perform as a single disk.  That means, in response to your points above:
    1) If you install only one drive (SATA or not), it will not be set up as RAID.
    2) If you install two SATA drives, you have the option of using them as two individual drives OR setting them up in a RAID 0 or 1 configuration.
    3) Ok, RAID 0 is known as "striping" - this method makes two disks look like one big disk, that works twice as fast as the individual drives.  Every time the PC writes data to the drive, it sends the first bit of data to drive 1, the second to drive 2, then drive 1 again etc etc.  This speeds up the disk read/write time, as the two disks can both work simultaneously.  To the OS though, the two drives appear as one.  The OS will be spread across both disks - it needs both of them connected to run, take either disk out and you'll be left with half an OS (that obviously won't work)
    With RAID 1 (known as "mirroring"), you still use two disks.  You will only have a useable capacity of the smallest disk however (using two 40gb drives only gives you a total of 40gb of space. with RAID 0, two 40gb disks will make one big one - nearly 80gb large {I think the RAID system itself uses a bit of space}).  The advantage with mirroring, is the second disk holds an exact copy of the first.  If one disk goes bang, you have a duplicate copy on the second - so, to answer your point above, the OS will reside on both disks.
    To summarize, RAID 0 is good for increasing speed; RAID 1 is good for increasing protection of your data as you have two copies incase a drive gives up.  To get the best of both worlds you need RAID 0+1 (this method needs 4 disks though, 2 striped - then 2 mirroring the striped).
    There is a lot to RAID - just search the net for some manuals if you're interested, hope this gives you an idea though (providing I've got it right!)


    Hi guys,
    I have an MSI NEO 3 P45 with a Q6600, geforce 8800 gtx, and 4 gigs of OCZ ram which can run up to 1066MHZ. My southbridge is on auto, northbridge is on 1,2 VOlt and FSB voltage is at 1,3. My cpu voltage is at 1,46 voltage and my cpu is overclocked to 3 ghz.
    Sometimes when i overclock my cpu, it works on the first boot perfectly but then i have problems in booting and it says that it cannot read my harddrive. THen i have to reset the cmos and start again. it is very annoying. do you guys think that the northbridge is damaged?

    I agree with loonym,1.46 seems way too high for only 3ghz on a Q6600...Ive never overclocked a quad yet but i think 3ghz is easily obtained with stock volts (or a very small increase in volts)
    I also agree that there is no way you damaged your NB (at least the chances are extremely little)
    Ive done a google search for the PSU you listed and came back with this .....(Voltage max +5V-30A...+12 V1/V2-16A/16A....+12 V3/V4 16A/16A)
    if this is your PSU than it says your +12v rails are @ only 16amps (this is extremely low for just running your system nevermind overclocking)
    you need to get a new PSU ASAP if you want to overclock...If I was you I would get a new PSU ASAP regardless and get something that's a single rail PSU with a +12v rail above 30amps...the corsair vx/tx are great choices and we have seen many many people switch to these in the last year(  not a single complaint yet )
    regardless of the PSU I would definitely remove your overclock and start did you come to this overclock?....did you do it correctly by slowly raising FSB while running stability tests? or did you just crank it up to 3ghz and throttle it with volts till it booted?
    I'm positive that your overclock is unstable...and this is the heart of all problems
    another question: what kind of cooling do you have?

  • Please post you MSI NEO-Fis2r specs

    If your amd 64 is running everything faster then you expected with an msi NEO-FIs2r please post your ram and other hardware specs.
    I need to know what I'm doing wrong

    AMD64 3400+ @ 210FSB @ 1.5V with Turbo Enabled  > Arctic silver 3 compound
    1Gig OCZ Twinned PC3200 Dual Channel Platinum Series EL-DDR @ @ 2.7v
    MSI K8T800 Neo @ BIOS 1.2
    2 x 36gb Raptors 10k rpm on Promise > RAID (striping)
    Audigy 2 Platinum
    Coolermaster ATC-201 all alloy case with 5 internal fans
    Zalman CNPS7000A-Cu HSF
    Globalwin Onyx 18db 520w K8/Server PSU
    Onboard LAN + FW Disabled > 3com 10/100 nic instead
    Radeon 9700 Pro (Hercules) OC @ 389/366 with Artic Silent HSF (to be replaced with R420 on release day :D)
    FunC 1030 Mousematt with mouse skatez / Microsoft Opticalmouse / Internet Pro keyboard
    Plextor Premium CDRW / Pioneer DVD / Panasonic Floppy
    Temperatures : cpu idle 38c  / stress 46c  - system temp 36c (still trying to work out cuz last mobo was 22c with all these fans :/)
    WinXP Pro SP1 + updates DX9.0b (will be Win64 in summer when released)
    Prime 95 stable.
    3dmark03 6103.
    If you want a very stable PC build with the above specs .. excellent. no probs whatsoever - not even a slight hang/glitch or anything

  • Msi Neo Plat & A64 3000

    Hi guys
    Well finally after a few months of waiting ive got rid of my stock A64 cooler and had chance to fiidle with some overclocking i really would like some advise on my recent overclcock perhaps some of you guys know where i might be able to tweak my system alittle bit here's the details
    A64 3000+
    MSI Neo Plat
    2 X 512mb Crucial Ballistix PC4000
    Radeon x800 pro Vivo
    Hiper 450w PSU
    60gig seagate IDE HDD
    80gig seagate SATA HDD
    Thermalright SLK-978u
    Artic Cooling rev4
    so far i have reached this
    FSB 235 x 10 @ 1.65v mem @ 2.5,3,3,10 @ 1.70v
    temps are around 39
    3DMark 2001 = 23766
    3DMark 2003 = Havent try'd yet :p
    So are my mem timings good ive try'd higher FSB but couldn't seem to get it without upping my volts,  im thinking that it might be my memory settings holding me back but not really sure
    Cheers for reading

    Second double sided dimm in the 7030's seem to really give it headaches.  WILL NOT run @ 1:1 no matter what I do.  Automatically defaults it to 166 divider no matter what slots or bios settings I try.  I managed to get them to run @ 200 by OC'ing to 240fsb but even then I had to use way worse timings than they would do by themselves.  OCZ is the only manufacturer I have found that makes a 1 Gig stick that runs at the same timings as their 512 Mb sticks.  When I get one of those babies I'll really be able to see what this thing will do @ 1:1.  Probaly only get to 220 or so with pc3200 but doing it @ 1:1 with good timings will be sweet!

  • 1 core only on MSI NEO PLANTIUM 7125 WITH Dual core 4400 +AMD

    Need your help. Im using xp 64bit on MSI NEO PLANTIUM 7125  WITH Dual core 4400 +AMD and cant seem to get the 2nd core activiated even after flashing the bios to Award BOS release 1.5.I also installed the latest driver for the cpu. Im using only the default settings in the bios. Can anyone tell me the correct settings in the bios to make the 2nd core run and also how can  i tell its running im currently using everest benchmark tool for that but unsure its the right tool. Also i have 4 512 kingston ram sticks.

    Quote from: jbnetdev on 24-July-05, 18:47:16
    Need your help. Im using xp 64bit on MSI NEO PLANTIUM 7125  WITH Dual core 4400 +AMD and cant seem to get the 2nd core activiated even after flashing the bios to Award BOS release 1.5.I also installed the latest driver for the cpu. Im using only the default settings in the bios. Can anyone tell me the correct settings in the bios to make the 2nd core run and also how can  i tell its running im currently using everest benchmark tool for that but unsure its the right tool. Also i have 4 512 kingston ram sticks.
    SOLVED IT !!. You have to flash the bios to the most current version. Then i used ntune software to optimize the system and last iwnet into the bios and selected optimize settings F7 rebooted and fixed !!!

  • MSI Neo i875P FIS2R Vdd & Vtt Problems?!

    I have been reading that other Intel 875 chipset Boards like ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe & Abit IC7-Max3 are suffering from Vdd & Vtt problems!!!
    Does anyone know if this is the case with the MSI Neo i875P FIS2R boards aswell?
    Did anyone follow this up?
    Would be interested if this is the case & if anyone has done any mods to their RAM slots.

    No they Dont, and it was only the First revisions of those other Manufacturers Boards That are Really Second Revision i875's, and it has Nothing to due with the INTEL (i875) Chipset, It had to do with a Batch of Bad Winbond Memory Voltage Regulating Chips, that Both ABIT and ASUS Used...MSI does NOT use either that Particular Winbond Chip, or the Same DDR-Power Architecture that MSI employs on their i875P...........Sean REILLY875

  • Assorted MSI Neo-2-S mainboard problems

    I just bought a MSI NEO-2-S Mainboard. I unwrap it and the first thing I see is a sticker on the AGP slot that says "1.5volt ONLY".
    I cannot find *ANY* information to tell me how many volts my MSI video card is..
    I have a MSI Geforce 4 TI-4200 card (64mb version). I need to know if it is 1.5 volt or not, or how many volts, so I don't burn my new mainboard.
    Video card:
    Manufacturer: MSI
    Model: Geforce 4 TI-4200 64mb
    S/N: M88700205267511
    8870 VER 10A
    PS: Support email is bouncing, I have tried from 2 seperate email and work.
    Your message
      To:      support
      Subject: MSI Neo 2 S will not power up
      Sent:    Tue, 9 Sep 2003 13:05:58 +0800
    did not reach the following recipient(s):
    support on Tue, 9 Sep 2003 13:05:51 +0800
        The recipient was unavailable to take delivery of the message
    [email protected] = dud address or you are having exchange server issues

    Thank you for the quick replies.
    Now I am having a different problem. The motherboard will not power up.
    It is a 300 watt power supply, should that not be sufficient?
    I unhook everything..floppy, fans, hard drive..still no power up.
    I try putting ram in different slots, still no power up. Nothing. Not even on that optional connector on the back with 4 LEDs to indicate system status.
    I can't figure out what's wrong here. Usually when a mobo will not power up it is improperly seated video card, ram, or some combination thereof.
    I have reseated the ram and video card to no avail. I have tried the RAM in slots 1&3, 1&2, and 2&4.
    One other quirk is while this IS a P4 PS because it has the 12V CPU power hookup (the 4 connector one) there is no "power switch" or "reset switch" wire(s) to go to the motherboard. Should that cause a problem? I had a P3-350 in there just fine prior to putting in the Neo-2-S, it never had any problems needing that wire. Do I need a new case?
    System specs:
    300 Watt PS
    MSI Neo-2-S mainboard
    MSI G4 TI-4200 64mb AGP
    1GB (512 * 2) Matched Geil pairs
    P4 2.4c Intel CPU
    WD 1200JB HD
    Can anyone help..I've never had so much trouble with components before. :/ I build PC's all day long at work, never had problems like these. This is my first Pentium 4.
    I can't get the mainboard to power up, period..we're not even to the point it could POST, because no power..
    I have no spare parts to swap in to see if anything is DOA..and if I start playing "guess which item to send back" it's going to get very costly in restocking fees. :/

  • MSI NEO-FISR2 875 lockup issues

    I've just built a new system on the MSI NEO FISR2 875P motherboard.  Here are the specs:
    2.8GHz Intel Pentium 4
    2x512MB Kingston 434mhz HyperX modules
    2x120GB Seagate SATA drives
    1x200GB Western Digital drive
    Plextor DVD-RW
    Creative 6x DVD-ROM
    SoundBlaster Audigy2 Platinum
    ATI Radeon 9700 Pro
    The system seems rock solid, until I run any kind of game, at which point the system will lock up within 10 minutes (usually much less) of play.  I've tried the following:
    Cooling: I have five case fans, a processor fan, a power supply fan, and a video card fan.  This ATI card was in my last system as well (Athlon 1.4ghz, 512MB RAM), and would lock up only if the case was closed; I concluded that it was a heat problem.  However, this lockup occurs no matter if the case is open or closed, and due to the case fan on the side, I imagine it's cooler if the case is closed anyway.
    Disabling sound: I've disabled the Audigy2 in the hardware manager, and got the same problem.
    Underclocking the video card: I underclocked the ATI basically as far as it would go; same problem.
    Updating drivers: I have the latest BIOS (I guess I should consider myself lucky considering the amount of unsuccessful BIOS flashers in this forum), sound drivers, video drivers, DirectX (9.0a), chipset drivers, and HDD controller drivers.
    I guess when I get home today I'm going to try swapping out the ATI in exchange for an old Geforce2 GTS.  Even if it does "fix" the problem, though, I'm concerned that it may not be the video card; MSI's "stealth" overclocking whenever the system gets taxed might be stressing the AGP bus to the point where the ATI can't handle it and the Geforce2 can.
    Is there something I'm missing?  Any way to disable this ridiculous "technology" that MSI has implemented?  Do you think I could convince them this is a reason for an RMA?  

    Ah yes.  Sorry I didn't mention that.  It's an Antec TruePower 430W power supply.  
    It might also be worth mentioning that after one of the aforementioned game crashes:
    - I'm pretty sure things crash back to the desktop, but the display is so corrupted that I cannot be sure; the system seems to respond somewhat to keyboard events.
    - Most of the time, after the crash, if I press the ATX power switch, the system will shutdown properly (or as far as I can tell; the shutdown sound plays and the system turns off, but the display remains corrupted so I don't really know).
    - After such a crash, when I power back on, the CMOS has been cleared.
    - After such a crash, sometimes, the ICH5R fails to detect one or both SATA drives, but when ctrl-alt-deleted, everything's fine (I replaced both serial ATA and serial ATA power cables).
    - After such a crash, sometimes, the system boots such that both monitors are displaying the same thing, and I have to manually select "Extend my windows desktop" onto the second monitor, change its resolution, and *reboot* (which is odd; I can change this without a reboot if the system did not just crash) before the settings are applied.
    Any ideas appreciated.

  • BIOS problem? MSI Neo P35 F

    I need help regarding some problem.
    My PC has the following specs:
    Motherboard: MSI Neo P35 F
    I replaced the old CPU (Intel Core 2 duo 2.13 Ghz, E6420) by a new one (Intel Quad Core Q9650).
    From then, the pc didn't recognize the new CPU
    so I updated the old BIOS with the latest version (2.1) according to recognize the new CPU.
    Now the pc boots, recognizes the CPU, but BIOS does not have the AHCI options possible, and I always get a "no hard disk detected" kind of error.
    I only have IDE available, not even RAID.
    So I need the AHCI too, to get a good connection to my hard drive I read somewhere.
    (so I need a modded bios for that I suppose, can I find that anywhere?)
    Other problems to mention:
    Each time I change something in BIOS, like time/date or boot sequence, and I save, he does not boot further...
    Each time I want to reboot it, I have to remove battery in order to get him rebooted again. (it's new battery)
    With some workaround (in GRUB, running a linux os), I can get the OS started, so the hard disk and OS still work fine. But when shutting down the computer, he doesn't boot the correct way, and have to remove battery again. So maybe the BIOS is corrupted, or the shutting down method is wrong?
    What could be the problem? Could I solve it by a modded bios?

    Quote from: brusselswafeltje on 16-December-14, 04:16:35
    Consider this done !
    But still have this blinking cursor after first boot screen. 
    But still have this blinking cursor after first boot screen. 
    the purpose was to fix bios saving issue only!: [not other things]
    Quote from: brusselswafeltje on 15-December-14, 23:24:05
    Problems so far: BIOS does not seem to save changes (boot sequence).
    Quote from: Svet on 15-December-14, 23:48:05
    reflash BIOS again,
    but with >>Use the MSI HQ Forum USB flasher<<
    should fix unable to save bios settings issue
    about this:
    When booting, after the bios screen I get a black screen with blinking cursor. And then I can't get any further.
    I sometimes get an error message: "no hard drive detected".
    i don't expect changes
    go in BIOS Setup and check if your HDD(s) are detected
    if yes, adjust boot priority and make 1st boot the one who contain your OS
    reisntall OS if needs

  • MSI Neo-fsr motherboard won't post help!!!!!

    Okay so I got the parts yesterday and I put it together and when I turn it on it won't post. Not only that but everything seem to be powered up except for the video card the fan isn't spinning. It was a 9700 pro. Then I took my brothers Geforce MX and tried it and it still won't post. I mounted the motherboard correctly it is definitely not grounded to anything. I connected the D-bracket and all four red light show up. But my cpu is brand new out of the retail box.  I don't think its the cpu. So any body got any ideas?  
    Here are my spec:
    Athlon 64 3000+
    1 gig OCZ el memory
    MSI neo fsr
    9700 pro

    I had a similiar problem:
    The mainboard got replaced and now it works.
    It's not certain however that it's the mainboard in your case.

  • MSI Neo Platinum and G.skill Ram

    Was just wondering if anybody had this combination (MSI K8N Neo Platinum and G.skill Ram). I have the MSI Neo Platinum. I ordered the processor yesterday (3400 1Mb socket 754) and now I need some ram. I ran across this ram and saw that it had good timings. If anyone has this or has tried it please lemme know how it worked for you and what size sticks you got. Thanks

    looked at the links you provided
     specs seem ok nice range of speeds and can run at a nice low latency at pc3200 i.e 400mhz.
    should also enable a nice o`clock at pc 4400 specs ie ie higher fsb etc.
    than pc 3200 ram
    you should be able to run it at fairly low latencies and fairly high fsb sort of half way between the 2.
    might well be worth a try you might have found something good there. but then again you wont know till you try it..
    contact the reseller and see if you can rma it if it wont run
    then you got some comeback if it aint compatable..
    keep us informed  

  • MSI Neo 2 865PE and aftermarket Northbridge Heatsinks

    Is it possible to change the heatsink/fan on the northbridge on an MSI Neo 2 865PE mobo with an aftermarket passive heatsink and maintain the warranty?  I'd like to eliminate the fan as a noise source and many other reputable mobo manufacturer's don't use a fan for the chipset.  Though I was impressed by the Neo 2's performance on a recent Tom's Hardware mobo shootout, I'd go back to my original choice of an Asus P4P800 Deluxe if I couldn't eliminate the chipset fan.

    I guess if you remove it and replace it with something else it voids the warrenty.
    I would not care about that, as long as you take care whey you do it so the mobo dont get static damage there is no problem.
    Most motherboards are easy to change the HS if you want to, I did this on a old MSI motherboard. I changed the HS from a small one to a Zallman ZM-NB47J and that was somthing like 70% larger than the original, that dropped the temp way down.
    I have allso added cooling to other devices, stand alone dvd players etc. Just get cooling HS of different sorts and some "arctic silver adheasiv" and you are good to go :D

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