Need to automate several fairly simple actions

I need to automate several simple actions, and wonder what is the best approach - automator or Apple Script? And if so, how?
When I work away from home, I need to still be able to easily send email, bypassing the annoying security of my ISP - using email relay. So what I do is open a terminal window and run a "sudo ssh..." one line command that does what I need. Enter two passwords at two prompts, and all done.
I would love to put it into a one-click-icon on the desktop.

Not on tiger at the moment, but from Terminal have you tried Save as...

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  • Need to automatically display update date and user in update form field

    Hi all,
    Hopefully someone can help me with this... I am using dreamweaver cs4 and php/mysql.  I have a database table that will be updated by 1-5 different people at random times.  I have everything set up and working, as far as the update function, delete function, add new, etc.  In my update form the last two fields are Last Updated and Last Updated By.  There are fields in the table called 'last_updated' (formatted in PHPmyadmin as timestamp) and 'last_updated_by'.  But how do I get them to update on their own?  Right now it is showing the first entry into the field which I did in the PHPmyadmin table, but it is not updating automatically.  It would be a nice field to have so that we know who has worked on the table and when it was last updated, without the user manually typing that in, which I am sure they would forget to do.  By the way, users will login to this with a username and password before editing the records.
    This is the code for the last row in the update form with those two fields.  It is pulling the fields from the database table, but they do not update automatically...
              <th class="blackfont" scope="row">
                <div align="right">
                  <label for="last_updated">Last Updated Date:</label></div>
              <td colspan="3" class="blackfont"><input name="last_updated" type="text" id="last_updated" tabindex="47" value="<?php echo $row_getMember['last_updated']; ?>" size="15" />
                <label for="last_updated_by">Last Updated By:</label>
                <input name="last_updated_by" type="text" id="last_updated_by"tabindex="48" value="<?php echo $row_getMember['last_updated_by']; ?>" size="15" /></td>

    Here is all the code the the Admin Login page...
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  • Find and Replace simple action crashes Illustrator CC

    I am now trying Creative Cloud and I came with this bug. When I use a simple action to find and replace a text string in my file it will crash the Illustrator.
    My actions is pretty simple:
    Find > "aa" (I do have to check all the options to work)
    Find and Replace > "aa" to "2014.01.29"
    This action works well if I use it once by the Edit menu, but if I close the Illustrator and reopen, it'll not work again and will crash the software.
    Everyday I do update my action to actual date, so the action will work normally but sometimes I do have to close the app and I have to make the action again and again everytime.
    This was a problem already in CS5, last version that I used.
    I'm using Windows 8.

    Msot likely this isthe problem of the action playing back to fast.
    Actions Flyout >> playback options > set to altast 1 second
    You will need to change this setting each time you resart illustrator

  • Any ideas for a (fairly) simple program?

    Does anybody have any ideas for a fairly simple program that I could try to write (I am a fair programmer, but I'm not to creative)?

    You know, Java Game Programming for Dummies is actually a pretty good book (despite the "Dummies" part!) It is written in 1.0, but it has a "ponglet", card games, and several maze games. All the applets I've tried from them actually work (some typos in the book itself, but the CD is ok). Any of these could be "starter" code.
    Yahoo has a whole bunch of Java applet games. You could try to reproduce pieces of the games you see. (These are also interesting in the sense that you can immediately see what works in a game and what doesn't.)
    It is always fun to write little components. Cool buttons (write a nice little non-rectangular button that lights up or something), text boxes that look like digital displays, funny text labels (maybe with a weird font or with letters that jump all over the place when you mouse over them).. These don't take a whole lot of time to write, but write them well and they are very useful for your future games.
    :) jen

  • Need some quick help - fairly urgent!

    I've just taken over a new job and have been the task of finishing the new brochure for Christmas, there's not a lot to do but a lot of the measurements need changing
    This is the layout I'm dealing with..
    All the boxes have been made in Illustrator
    The text has been done in In'Design and it seems every piece of text is it's own box if that makes sense
    My question is, if I select the whole specification box - copy, paste it into Adobe Illustrator and change the text there, then paste the edited box back into In-Design, will I lose quality when it gets printed?
    I'm worried if I do it this way it may come out blurred? Or am I just worrying about nothing?

    I couldn't find an Illy file in the end and have ended up creating tables in ID to replicate what was already there!
    Didn't take very long and I guess if I didn't do it now, I'd come across the same situation next time!
    Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:48:07 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Need some quick help - fairly urgent!
        Re: Need some quick help - fairly urgent!
        created by Peter Spier in InDesign - View the full discussion
    There certainly are viable "quick fix" solutions proposed here, and if the dealine is looming and this file never needs to be touched again I might be tempted, but they are only postponing the pain for a file that needs periodic updates, and I wouldn't waste effort on them, myself, when that time can be put toward a proper rebuild now if that's the ultimate goal.
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  • Need to automate DVD Production

    I have customers who buy customized DVDs. The customer selects about 30 short training videos from a library of about 1000. The order arrives as a text listing of the videos that need to end up on DVD. I need to automate the process of putting those videos on a DVD, along with menus. Can anyone get me headed in the right direction?

    Sounds like you have a perfect project for your own 'into to AppleScript' course. Your project a few steps, but not too many, and each step is not terribly complex, but not too simple.
    Break each of the steps down and script each one, then tie them all together.
    From what you describe there are two major parts; getting all the info together and burning the disk.
    Copying files from a list is pretty easy. I think I would look at using a disk image. I am not a pro at disk burning, but I have been annoyed that Apple caches a disk image before burning. I was using Toast which would directly write a disk from an image. In your production environment a direct burn will mean higher throughput.
    If you want to take this on yourself jump in and when you get stuck ask for help. I hope you will find that the more focused the question the more focused your response from this community.
    Good luck,
    PS, check this link for some tips on getting started.

  • How to make a fairly simple keyword structure for a amateur shooter?

    I am trying to find a clever way of keywording my images, and have found the hierarchy that comes standard with Aperture to be unsuitable for my needs.
    I was hoping to share some ideas on how to build a suitable general structure for someone (amateur) that may end up shooting pictures of almost anything. Once again - I am looking for a fairly simple structure that I might actually end up using and not the pro huge hierarchies that some pro shooters use.
    So far, I have identified 3 main questions that I think keywords should answer:
    1. What (description of situation)
    2. Where (location, as spesific as possible, even if some off my photos has got gps data in them)
    3. Who (names, but also classified into family, friends, collegues, anonymous)
    Elabourating on this list, the next branch could perhaps be:
    1.2 ?
    1.3 ?
    1.4 ...
    Some ideas on categories here are: Work/Leisure, arts/crafts,
    2. Where
    2.1 Country
    2.2 County
    2.3 District
    2.4 Place/location
    3. Who
    3.1 Family
    3.2 Friends
    3.3 Collegues
    3.4 Anonymous
    I would love input on this topic and I would also like the hierarchy be expandable.
    Would also love to know where I can find more information on this topic for amateurs like myself.
    Best regards,
    Kjell Are Refsvik

    An intensity graph is just a 2D array. All you need is initialize a 2D integer array of sufficient size and keep it in a shift register. Increment elements based on the xy coordinates.
    For some ideas, have a look at this old example.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • VMM 2012: How to Configure Automatic Start and Stop Actions for a Virtual Machine?

    Does somebody know how to confgure Automatic Start and Stop Actions for a Virtual Machine in VMM 2012?
    I miss that option.

    Automatic Start or Automatic Restart actions are available for virtual machines running on a Hyper-V cluster from within Virtual Machine Manager.
    From within Virtual Machine Manager, bring up the Virtual Machine's properties:
    Click "Hardware Configuration"
    Click "Availability"
    Click "High", "Medium", or "Low" to enable automatic start/restart or
    Click "Do not restart automatically" to disable automatic start/restart
    Screenshot from VMM 2012 for a VM running in a Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V cluster:
    VMs running on a cluster have to be marked "Highly Available" and logically, Microsoft assumes that you'll want these VMs to be running all the time when this setting is selected.  If the cluster fails or needs to be restarted, you can set the priority
    by which a VM restarts, or you can set the VM to not restart at all when cluster services are restored by using the settings above.

  • I have a 1.5 hour video of a concert from which I need to extract several 'tracks' as individual files, and then join them together in a new video. How do I do this using imovie?

    I have a 1.5 hour video of a concert from which I need to extract several 'tracks' as individual files, and then join them together in a new video. How do I do this using imovie?

    Adobe has made this process much simpler in recent years.
    No need to re-install any version earlier than the current version (CS6). All installers (upgrade or full) contain the full program code. The difference between full and upgrade is in the serial number.
    All you need do is download (link below) and install CS6, enter the CS6 upgrade serial number then enter the CS5 serial number (even if that too is an upgrade).
    Download CS6 products

  • How do I print Avery labels?  I can do the address only using address book, but I need to add several lines of additional information.

    How do I print Avery mailing labels?  I can do them using my address book, but I need to have several lines of additional info. on the label.  Thanks.

    You chose a group of addresses you want to print and then use command-P. You will get a drop down menu where you have to select the Avery number or size of labels. It's pretty rigid.
    I can't stand the limitations of the Contacts method of printing address labels. I don't want to waste a partial sheet if my selection doesn't come out even with the number of labels. I'd like to duplicate addresses which I use often to fill up the partial sheet. I like being creative with fonts, colors and even borders or images. Your ability to be creative with Contacts printing is severely limited.
    I've used Pay&Play's Label Printer Pro software for years. I originally paid MUCH more for this program. It's extremely versitle. Design one label and you can copy it to the rest of the labels in the drop down menu with one click. Chose how many of whichever lablel you want to duplicate with a simple cut and paste to fill up the page.
    I can vouch that it works perfectly with Mountain Lion, v 10.8.2.
    Here's the link to their direct download from their website for $6.95:
    Or you can look up Label Printer Pro 7 on the app store and pay $9.99.
    No, I don't work for or have any ties to the company other than being a satisfied customer of a product which suits my needs perfectly.

  • Hey guys. I want to connect my MacBook to my Samsung television and don't know what cable to purchase. It's a five year old machine and I presume a fairly simple solution but would appreciate it if someone could link me up to the correct cable to buy.

    Hey guys. I want to connect my MacBook to my Samsung television and don't know what cable to purchase. It's a five year old machine and I presume a fairly simple solution but would appreciate it if someone could link me up to the correct cable to buy.

    Depends on what input plug you'll be using on your TV. VGA, DVI, Composite or HDMI. You'll need a Mini-DVI adapter and a cable from that to your TV. Here's the various types of Mini-DVI adapters on i-dvi&x=9&y=13
    (Composite is the red, white and yellow RCA plugs on your TV or red, white and S-Video plugs.)
    You'll also need audio cables to the TV using a 3.5mm stereo headphone jack to RCA sound plugs for VGA, DVI or Composite. You attach it from the headphone jack of your MacBook to the appropriate input plugs on your TV i-dvi&x=9&y=13#/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_19?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=macbo o k+audio+cable&sprefix=macbook+audio+cable&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Amacbook+audio+cable
    If you connect the MacBook using a Mini-DVI to HDMI adapter you will probably need to use external speakers or a 3.5mm stereo headphone jack to RCA sound plugs connected to a stereo system for audio if your TV doesn't have separate RCA input plugs or a 3.5mm stereo input plug for audio with the HDMI plug. The Mini-DVI to HDMI doesn't carry audio and there're no audio plugs on most TVs to work with HDMI since it's expecting audio with the HDMI.

  • I need ready code for a simple paint program today

    hi all I need ready code for a simple paint program today for me ics projct
    plz give me a halp on this give me what you have with you and it is so good if it look like this :
    Design a GUI based drawing Java application that works like a simple paint program
    1-There should be a number of buttons for choosing different shapes to draw. For example, there should be a button for rectangle. If user presses the rectangle button, then he can draw a rectangle using mouse. Similarly, there should be a button for each shape(rectangle, circle, ellipse, and line etc.
    2-The shapes can be filled with different colors.
    3-There should be option of moving .
    4- There should also be three menus including File, Shape, and Color menu.
    i. File menu can have menu items New and Exit. If user selects New, the drawing area will be cleared and all shapes will be erased.
    ii. Shape menu will serve the same purpose as of feature 2 described above. It will have menu items for drawing all the different shapes. For example, there will be menu item for rectangle; so user can draw a rectangle by selecting the menu item for rectangle.
    iii. Color menu will serve the same purpose as of feature 3 described above. It will have menu items for all the colors which are shown in color buttons. The user can select a color from this menu and then click inside a shape to fill it with the selected color.

    Read the Swing tutorial. There are sections on how to use menus and painting and all other kinds of stuff you need to do this homework assignment. Nobody here is going to write the code for you:

  • Need to automate the process of partial orders-deliveries

    Hi experts,
    I need to automate the process of partial order deliveries in VL01N.
    I checked few BAPI for the above requirement.
    But have no clue ,which would be relevent.
    If any one of you have worked on any such requirement before,please let know,which BAPI i can use in this development.
    Thanks in advance.

    Try with function modules WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE and RV_DELIVERY_CREATE.

  • Need to automate Recruitmenmt Process

    I need to automate the recruitment process in portal using Webdynpro ABAP and WORKFLOW.
    Can anyone give me an idea like how should i start with. Am bit confused since this project includes HR ABAP, webdynpro and workflow. And am new to all these. I need help on how to integrate all these. Kindly help me on this and provide me your valuable advice.
    Thanks in advance,

    I think you are probably going to have to come up with more specific questions to get the best assistance from the forums.  Your questions is extremely broad and I'm not even sure where one would begin to answer it. 
    For general workflow technical integration into WDA search the forums. There have been questions on this topic (and solutions).  The SAP Press Workflow book also has a good chapter on the subject.
    It sounds like you need to do some basic research on WDA and how it works.  SDN is the right place, but I wouldn't expect someone to give you all the information you need in a forum posting. Have a look at the eLearnings, the online help (which for WDA is quite good), the WDA wiki and lurk around in this forum.  You will pickup a lot of the fundamentals that way.

  • HT1420 I need to deuathorize several computers that I do not have any more. How do i do that?

    I need to deuathorize several computers that I do not have any more. How do i do that?

    If you've got 5 computers authorised for the account in question, and you need to free up authorizations, I'd do a "Deauthorize All" from one of the computers you have access to, and then reauthorize the computers you have access to.
    For instructions, see the following document:
    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization

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