New Network Locations Being Created on Their Own

I'm having an interesting problem with the Network Location feature.
About 70% of the time I wake my MBP or turn it on, it does not automatically reconnect to my preferred wireless network, and it automatically creates a new network location based on the date and time. I then have to manually select my wireless network.
What ends up happening over a couple months is that I get tons of locations that I have to manually get rid of. They look like this:
Location (10/4/08 2:35PM)
Location (9/28/08 10:09AM)
Location (9/26/08 8:34PM)
etc etc - hundreds of these!
And instead of staying on Automatic, where my mac remembers my home network, it selects the most recent location and I always have to manually reconnect to my home air port network and type in my password.
Some other facts about this:
- This been happening since 10.5.4, and continues since I updated to 10.5.5
- I've tried permissions repairs and zapping the PRAM.
- I started out just having the network set to automatic, air port as the highest networking service order, then ethernet, remembering any wireless network that I join. A very normal and basic setup, and this problem just crops up and won't go away.
Is there a specific preference file for this that I should try trashing?
Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated!

Hi ,
The default mode of Forms is the insert mode.... This means that-in all the cases except when you have set your form in query mode-your form is ready to insert data if of course you have typed some values in the text fields or selected from a list item e.t.c. . In other words , your block(s) are marked as new...
That happens in your situation .. when you select the PROD1 and PROD2 afterwards, the block containing the master block is marked as new and the detail block as new , as well.....because of the master-detail connection through the use of primary-foreign key....
In order to avoid this annoying message "value must be entered" , you can:
Set the Required property of the item-which is the primary key- to "No".

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    The TC is very hard to just move.. it retains too much of the old network setup.. buried deep in the bowels of the firmware configuration files.. or even on the hard disk special partitions used by the TC.. invisible to you btw.. !!
    Do a factory reset and setup from scratch.
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    Factory reset.
    The Factory Reset Gen1-4.
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    Factory reset Gen 5
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    They can either share an Apple ID, or, if they create two seperate accounts, they can authorize the same computer with two different apple IDs so purchases across both accounts are accessible on the same machine.
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    Message was edited by: gdw35
    Message was edited by: gdw35

    - my account and my wife's account on both iMac and MacBook share a common library
    That's four Users on Two machines.
    The only way to do what you want is to put the Library on an external disk - USB or FIrewire.
    This disk needs to be formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled), and set to ignore File Permissions.
    To move the Library:
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library. Do this from each machine and each account in turn.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    Next Up: Connecting to it:
    A strong warning: If you're trying to edit the Library (that is, make albums, move photos around, keyword, make books or slideshows etc.) or edit individual photos in it via Wireless be very careful. Dropouts are a common fact of wireless networking, and should one occur while the app is writing to the database then your Library will be damaged. Simply, I would not do this with my Libraries.
    If you're viewing and so on the a Wireless Connection is fine.

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    30 messages displayed is the default, but you can change that.  On your email page, under "settings" is an option to change the number of messages per page.  One  option is "no limit."

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    Has anybody had similar problems? Thanks for your help.

    Re: network locations and Airport connection
    Posted: 06-Nov-2008 09:07
    Hi: located in england bought a new macbook pro upgraded leopard to 10.5.5 with that upgrade that got pulled very quickly.
    I also have an old g4 with 10.4.11
    The g4 works perfectly in recognizing the airport network and is up and running in no time. no problems.. the macbookpro with leopard has problems recognizing and logging in tothe the same router. it needs help or I just i there waiting. there is no set way of getting it back to working. but I tend to go into network preferences and it says airport logged on but no connection. the g4 is happy and set up. I then turn off airport and turn it on. eventually I am back and running just fine but do not go to sleep or close the machine cheers
    ps. I work from locations with different routers and different isp's same problems......
    therefore it must leopard...(or the airport card in the machine)

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    You can accomplish this through Group Policies.  There is a VERY helpful guide to enable Certificate Templates and dot1x configuration on the client in the Partner GOLD Labs.
    Start by going here:
    Choose Path 3:
    Then Choose the AD-LDAP lab:
    You will have to have you CCO ID to get here.  If you cannot log in, then you should ask your AM for access.
    Please Rate Helpful posts and mark this question as answered if, in fact, this does answer your question.  Otherwise, feel free to post follow-up questions.
    Charles Moreton

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    How to use multiple iPods, iPads, or iPhones with one computer

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