Nokia Maps 3.0 + N95, street searching

I have N95 with Ovi Maps v3.0 and I have a quastion. How I can find this street: Latvia, Riga, Ilūkstes 103 k3 (k3 - korpuss 3)?

The beta has been out for your phone for a while now and licenses from previous versions do work with the beta. 
You need to ask about availability of the final product on the maps 3 beta forum.  You will most likely will not get an official answer here. 

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  • Special characters issue with Nokia Maps on N95

    Hi there,
    when using Navigation in conjunction with Nokia Maps on my N95, all streets and towns which contain any special character in their name (for example: é, è, ü, ä, ö, etc…) do appear as unreadable garbage on the screen of the N95.
    I only noticed the problem after having purchased the 3 years license Navigation upgrade (EUR 99.99) and immediately notified Nokia. That was back in October. Since then I have called them at least 10 times and ultimately I have asked for a refund as no solution is still available.
    In all these calls with Nokia, the only reasonable argument I heard was that maybe (!!!) the new software update version 20.0.015 released back at the end of November could solve the issue. Unfortunately, for my phone (which is a branded one) the update is not yet available.
    Today, after calling them again, I was told that Nokia’s policies do not foresee refunds and therefore my request has been rejected. I was told to bring my phone to a Nokia Store and see if they can help me (I don’t see how). I was also told that maybe I would have to send-in the phone for repair.
    This is soooo frustrating that despite the 3 months of patience and all the money spent for the N95 (not quite cheap), the navigation upgrade and the phone calls to Nokia, I still have the same issue. I will probably end up filing a complaint with a monthly consumer’s magazine in the hope they will publish my story.
    After all, it may not even be Nokia’s fault but rather the guys who are responsible for the maps, but if Nokia accepts to have a commercial venture with a vendor, than they also accept liability for the joint product. And by turning down my legitimate request for refund, they have proven not to give a **bleep** about people like you and me.
    Forgive me for the long post - needed to release some of the frustration...

    I have been using an N95-8GB since Nov.'07. From my experience with this phone that has a built-in mass memory besides the phone memory. I had trouble retrieving some of the softwares I have installed. For eg. I have saved some themes in the mass memory & I could not find it when I want to delete it. There are some 3rd parties games software inside where I cannot even delete
    This is what I don't like about the phone. I have bought an N82/Black recently as it uses an external memory card.
    Coming back to Nokia maps. Personnaly, I don't think they are that good & I have problem downloading it into my phone from my PC after having downloaded it from Nokia.
    By the way the Nokia map is not even the latest map 2.0. Is still a 1.0
    I used Navfone map software & it works OK in the 8GB. You have to purchase it.
    I have used a couple of N-series phones in the past ie. N-90, N-70, N-71, N-73, N-80/Black, N95, N-95/8GB & now N-82.
    Common with all N-series phones. After you have disconnected when you are done with your call you have to wait for a while before the word "disconnected" disappears.
    The more features it has, the more problem you are gonna to encounter.
    Unless you want to download softwares into your phone & have a good camera thats where the N series phones come in.
    For normal usage, a 40 series phone will suffice.

  • Nokia Maps Crashes

    Loaded Nokia Maps 2 on my N95 with 1gig memory card in phone. Problem i have is that Maps shuts down after about an hour of driving. I have the incar charger plugged into the phone when the maps are in use.
    The phone software is V12.0.013
    Nokia N95(42.03)
    on the UK 3 network.
    Any tips would be appreciated.

    Hi soupakanja,
    The Nokia instructions do say that if you install the Nokia Maps 2 into N95, the phone must have the latest 20.0.15 firmware in it.
    Also I think that the 1 GB card is too small for Maps. Especially the satellite maps take space. Downloading a single city takes several hundreds of megabits (> 100 Mb).

  • Nokia Maps 2.0 don't show maps on N95

    Installed the latest firmware on the N95 (V21.0.016 14-02-08 RM-159 A5.01), formatted the memory card, installed Nokia Maps 2.0 (v2.0wk21b02), started it (in order for MapLoader to work properly), installed MapLoader 1.3.8, installed the swiss and german maps via MapLoader (the files are definitively in the 'cities' directory on the memory card), rebooted the phone then started the maps application again. The GPS works find but no map is displayed (even though I'm in Switzerland, everything is just green background, no matter what kind of view (satellite, hybrid, 3d, normal) I choose.
    What's wrong? Bad quality assurance?

    I got it working!!! I sure hope this helps you all too!!!!
    Firstly, make sure you go to the app. manager on your phone (usually found in the applications folder) and delete the nokia maps 2 from there.
    Also reformat your memory card.
    Then do what needtogetfit posted but I've made it step by step for ppl like me LOL):
    Connect your phone to your computer using the "data transfer" NOT PC Suite. A folder should show up, if not, go to 'my computer' and it will be there as "memory card" or whatever you have named your card.
    Open it and you will see a few files in there. Make sure you delete the folder "cities" or "diskcashe" if it is still there and also delete a file called qf-file. (for some reason they seem to stay there even after a reformat etc and that's what seems to stop the maps from being seen properly)
    I also made sure I had 'show hidden files' checked in the tools/folder options/view so I could see if they were hidden or not.
    I then installed the nokia maps from my computer onto my phone via PC suite.
    Open up your maps (it may take awhile cause it's starting a new directory structure on your memory card to replace the ones you deleted)... and allow it to connect to the internet briefly so you can get satellite coverage. (dont panic, you will still only see a green page, but if you zoom out you should at least now see your country etc)
    Once you've done that, close and connect your phone to your computer using the "data transfer" and open up the map loader program and download your countries maps + voices you may want.
    Once done, go back to your maps and you will find that all the streets will be showing once again!!
    I hope this helps, it worked for me and I tried it on two different reformatted cards that weren't working before this.

  • N95 Nokia Maps 2.0 crashing

    Help !
    Last week I updated the firmware on my unbranded N95 to the latest 21.0.016 and udated Nokia Maps, then went a drive in the car to use the free trial and it worked perfectly.
    As I was going on holiday at the start of the week, I purchased the 30day useage and also the traffic info update.
    On Monday we set of on our holidays, we stopped at a service station and before leaving I put on Nokia Maps, within minutes it had pinpointed my location, but it kept asking to close my current connection and every time i did it the phone turned off!
    If i selected no, it would let me select my destination and then crash!
    I have lots of applications installed, so i removed anyone that used the GPS function (ie Picture locator) and it still does not work.
    The only items that remain live (that I know of) when the phone is on is Step Counter & M-Panel, i removed M-Panel and turned of Step Counter and it does not make any difference at all.
    I am annoyed that I have spent money and I cant use it, also the Traffice Info never worked anywhere I went, it kept saying (not availabe). Even when on M74 & M6
    I went on to Nokia FAQ when I came back from holidays and it is a known problem,
    I have re-installed Nokia Maps 2.0 and maps / voices but it still crashes.
    Has anyone experienced this?

    N95-1 with LATEST FIRMWARE
    & "Nokia_Maps_2.0_2204_3.1_u.sis"
    Now MAPS 2.0 loads perfectly connecting to WIFI LAN but as I zoom in closer as I get to street view it crashed out eveytime. and zooming into recent find the same.
    Tried GPS ASSISTED, crashes out
    Tried Just Network BAsed but crashes the same.
    And before I was able to do everything except LIVE GPS Voice Assisted guidance but it would PREVIEW the Journey and the Voice used to work, its now totally unusable.
    Message Edited by ka05com on 20-Jul-2008 02:42 PM
    N95-1 (8GB-MicroSD),LCG-Audio,Fring,Nimbuzz,Skype,Youtube,iPlayer,Garmin4-GPS.Googlemaps,SkyFire,ZoneTag,Gravity, Sennheiser CX-400-IIs,500-IIs,TR-120 Wireless,HD215'S.AudioTechnica ATX-M50's.BT B-Tube BT Speaker.

  • Nokia Drive+ Beta maps - please make East Street i...

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    Bing maps and Google maps know this - do a search.
    Please could Nokia maps be updated to reflect - Drive+ Beta keeps routing me down East Street
    Thanks guys

    Also David, it seems like you know of this particular traffic arrangement. Wouldn't it just be simpler to use that knowledge? I have a hard time using navigation in the city in which I live; I tend to actually know directions and routes better than it. But that, of course, is just me. All the best to you, mate!

  • Nokia Maps full postcode search stopped working?

    I have nokia maps with navigation upgrade on an N95 8GB. It's always been great and allows for a full 7 digit postcode search if you allow it to go online.
    However, this has now suddenly stopped working and only does the normal 3 or 4 digit search that it would do if not online. For me this makes the sat nav useless as it can never find addresses accurately.
    Anyone else had this problem?
    I formatted the mass memory the other day as it was slow and had to reload the actual maps (the program is in the phone memory). Could this have affected it?

    I received a reply to my email to Nokia after 3 days.
    They suggested:
    1) I ensure I have installed the latest version of Nokia Maps, which is a bit dumb considering it is built into my firmware.
    2) Take my phone to a Nokia service centre.
    I have now done a hard reset and still no joy. This is a very weird problem. Given that all firmware, memory and s/w have been completely reset the problem must lie elsewhere.
    I see three remaining options:
    1) My mobile account is blocked from accessing the Nokia Map server - unlikely
    2) It is some kind of hardware fault - possible
    3) Even a hard reset does not clear some config problem from the phone - possible

  • Nokia Maps - Postcode search is no longer working

    Please help!
    The is a post on the navigation and GPS section but I wanted to see if anyone on the main forum has experienced the problem, because we cannot find a solution.
    Up until the last few days whilst online when I searched for a post code on Nokia Maps the result was the full post code location. When I did the same search offline the result was truncated. ie bp11 4re became bp11 4.
    This is pretty useless in trying to locate anything using a post code.
    Today I noticed that whether I was online or not, the post code search always produced the shortened result.
    I have now searched on line and found nothing save for the post mentioned above. I have performed a hard reset and have the latest firmware for my phone (v12) I also have the latest version of maps v1.2.
    Please can someone shed some light on why this search facility has changed. Could it be something to do with the Nokia Server?

    A late reply but in case somebody is looking:
    The last one suggests that a full postcode search needs an internet connection.
    This lead to a solution!
    In Maps, under Settings / General / Connection you have a choice of Online or Offline. If you have Offline then the search is limited as described, with the last two postcode characters ignored. If you have Online selected, then it works properly.
    So even though Nokia Maps are offline maps, the full postcode search is done on their server.

  • N95 v21.0.016 after using Nokia Maps 2.0 Beta on v...

    After updating software Nokia Maps returns to v1.2 wk48 b01 and of course maps in E:/Cities need to be deleted and old maps downloaded using Maploader v1.3 after running Nokia Maps to define folder structure. However on a microSDHC with 708.5Mb space left for maps(Maploader definition) it allows me to download and install a 20Mb map but after downloading a further 120Mb map it won't let it install with the message "Your local drive might be full or your access rights are insufficient".
    This is of course great news when you've wasted about an hour downloading it!
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

    28-Mar-2008 08:02 AM
    harrykaa wrote:
    Why did you not choose to stay with the 2.0 Beta version?
    Hi harrykaa
    Essentially so that I am aware of the problems (if any) experienced by users of N95 with the version of Nokia Maps pre-installed in v21.0.016
    The answer to my problem was to replace the existing "diskcache" folder in "Cities" with one I found on an older memory card, just wish I had thought of this solution sooner.
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • Installing Nokia Maps on N95

    trying to install the program "Nokia Maps" on my new N95, but it keeps failing.
    Have tried both from PC and from putting the file "Nokia_Maps_S60.SISX" on the Memory card and starting from there. It get
    s through "Install smart2go?" but then stops with "Opdateringsfejl!"
    My phone is using Danish language.

    Wasn't it pre-installed?
    You could check the settings - off the top of my head:
    Tools - Application Manager - Options - Software Installation - On
    Nokia History: 3110, 5110, 7110, 7110, 3510i, 6210, 6310i, 5210, 6100, 6610, 7250, 7250i, 6650, 6230, 6230i, 6260, N70, N70, 5300, N95, N95, E71, E72
    Android History: HTC Desire, SE Xperia Arc, HTC Sensation, Sensation XE, One X+, Google Nexus 5

  • Nokia Maps/ N95: Support for network links?

    I have a GPS tracker device I would like to monitor in Nokia N95's maps. On PC I am using Google Maps with a network link, to see it's position in real time.
    Does Nokia Maps support network links like in Google Earth?
    Feel free to try - here's a sample URL from TrackingTheWorld:
    It should look something like this:
    Bjørn Tore

    The beta has been out for your phone for a while now and licenses from previous versions do work with the beta. 
    You need to ask about availability of the final product on the maps 3 beta forum.  You will most likely will not get an official answer here. 

  • Nokia N95 8gb Nokia maps problem and comparing E61...

    Hi everyone,
    I have a nokia n95 8gb, i cant use the gps sistem of the nokia maps program without using the bluetooth, internet or Wifi(if i use it, the marker on the map is a square. In other words, i cant use it like a tom tom, but a friend of mine has the nokia E61i and he can find himself with his mobil (it comes out in a red dot) and he doesnt have to use the wifi or bluetooth, or anything else like a tom tom. If somebody knows why please tell me and if it changes or anything i live in barcelona.
    Thanks alot and waiting for a solution,

    06-Nov-2008 11:29 PM
    nalbarracin wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    I have a nokia n95 8gb, i cant use the gps sistem of the nokia maps program without using the bluetooth, internet or Wifi(if i use it, the marker on the map is a square. In other words, i cant use it like a tom tom, but a friend of mine has the nokia E61i and he can find himself with his mobil (it comes out in a red dot) and he doesnt have to use the wifi or bluetooth, or anything else like a tom tom. If somebody knows why please tell me and if it changes or anything i live in barcelona.
    Thanks alot and waiting for a solution,
    Hi Nick,
    Not certain what is causing the problem, but I do know that your phone needs to download maps, so you should connect using GPRS or Wifi to download the maps and then you should have maps for your locality, but you will need to connect again if you move outside of the locality. The best advise I would say is to get an internet add on for your phone so you won't be charged extra.
    you may be able to download maps and load them on also. You may also need to turn off the network assisted GPS so you are only using the built in GPS not the internet to find where you are.

  • N95 8GB Nokia MAPS System Error

    When I try to load the application on my phone, I am getting System error.
    I still have a warranty. Do I have to service it or reinstall it myself.

    Hi denskits
    Nokia Maps is pre-installed with firmware so perhaps try a "hard reset" after backing up essential phone data in case of software corruption.
    As advised previously you could also check with Nokia Software Updater to see whether option to update or re-install existing firmware is present.
    There is probably a more recent version of Nokia Maps v2.0_3204 available for your N95 8GB to download here, although whether it will install if problems with original installation is another matter:
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • N95 Nokia maps error

    I have reset my N95 and afterwards Nokia maps doesn't work anymore. When I want to start up the programme, I see the world in the screen but when he has to open the maps menu I see the standard Nokia menu (contacts, etc.).
    Does somebody know how to restart my maps again?

    What happens whilst it tries to openj? Does it get to either 30% or 90% then stop? If this is thes case then delete the 'Citiezs' folder from the memory card, start up Maps and allow it to connect to the internet to update its file structure, then you will have to reinstall your maps and voices again.
    If this doesn't work or it is not the issue, try reinstalling the Maps application itself.

  • Nokia Maps do not download - N95

    hi guys.. I am trying to download the nokia maps but it sits at 0.0% for hours and does not download anything. I first tired 2 weeks ago and left it running overnight and it only downloaded 61% of the map and appeared to hang. I crashed it and tried again, yet now I cannot get the download to start... any thoughts?

    Have you opened Maps on your phone with the memory card inserted at least once? That loads some files onto the card - the MapLoader looks for those, so if it can't see them, it won't recognise it.
    Nokia History: 3110, 5110, 7110, 7110, 3510i, 6210, 6310i, 5210, 6100, 6610, 7250, 7250i, 6650, 6230, 6230i, 6260, N70, N70, 5300, N95, N95, E71, E72
    Android History: HTC Desire, SE Xperia Arc, HTC Sensation, Sensation XE, One X+, Google Nexus 5

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