Other Party Can See Pictures In Chat

Hi, I was wondering if somebody could help me. When chatting I receive the pictures the other party is sending but they can't see mine. I was wondering if there was anyway to fix this?

There are several ways to Send Pics to a Buddy.
1) Dragging said Pic as a File to the Buddy List and dropping it in their Name.
This does not require any sort of Chat to be open and is worth checking that they can receive this way.  (it proves the basic concept works)
2) Probably the most common is to drag the Pic to the Text entry Field and let go.  Click once to "Un-highlight" it (they sometimes retains that blue edge glow to say they are highlighted)
Add Text if needed.
Press Enter to Send.
These should appear in the Chat itself and are Scalable by dragging the chat Window bigger.
(They can be dragged to other apps or the Desktop for "Storage")
3) During a Video Chat with someone then you can drag files to Share ove the Chat window.
It divides into two halfs offering to Send or to Share.  (Sharing a pic this way sends it as the Video Feed from your end. Depending on which version of iChat, what Processor you have will impact on what you see at your end - with most Intels it will be a bit like a Group Video chat with you sliding to one side, your Buddy staying On view and the Share having the majority of the window)
Sending works like the other two in that in some cases they will need to Accept.
Notes to help.
In iChat up to iChat 6 the default Login port for AIM logins was 5190 using the TCP Protocol.
File Sending is on the Same Port but UDP protocol.
This change is what causes the little grey message in iChat that says the Chat has become a Direct Chat.
(It may be at the top or between IMs once the chat is started)
Now this port does not need to be open for Outgoing stuff (so you buddy may be ending with it closed)
It does need to be open for Incoming stuff, hence he cannot accept if it is closed.
Most likely it is his router.
More so if he changed the default Login port to 443  (This is below a threshold on most routers where the ports are open).
If his router has it he should enable UPnP.
If he is still login in on port 5190 for any AIM login then it will pay to change those to port 443 as there are some routers that don't like this "Dual Use" of port 5190 even when doing UPnP.
7:49 PM      Sunday; March 11, 2012
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
  iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Probably the first thing you want to do is close face time, then doulbe tap the home button to see the task bar... Touch and hold any of those icons until they jiggle, then close them all off by touching the minus sign.   Then reboot the pad by holding the sleep and home buttons until the apple logo appears.  Ignore the red slider. 
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    Using FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4319
    Troubleshooting FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3367
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     Cheers, Tom


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    Hi mduggan,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    If the other person can't see you during a FaceTime call, first use the Camera app on the iPhone to make sure the camera is working properly. If you don't see an image when using the Camera app, try these troubleshooting steps first:
    If the screen shows a closed lens or black image, force quit the Camera app.
    Ensure the camera lens is clean and free from any obstructions. Use a microfiber polishing cloth to clean the lens.
    Cases can interfere with the camera and the flash. Try gently cleaning the lens with a clean dry cloth or removing the case if you see image or color-quality issues with photos.
    Try turning iPhone off and then back on.
    If your iPhone has a front and rear camera, try switching between them to verify if the issue persists on both.
    You can find these steps and more information here:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    If the camera is working normally, next troubleshoot FaceTime using the steps in this article:
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime
    All the best,

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    Using FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4319
    Troubleshooting FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3367
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime: Set-up, Use, and Troubleshooting Problems
     Cheers, Tom

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    This is an annoying problem for many people. Most likely your dock connector (on the bottom where you plug in your phone) is dirty or screwed up and is probably just coincidence that it happened after you updated. Some people have had success cleaning the port with a dry clean tooth brush. There is a long discussion going on at the thread I linked below. Good luck...

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    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Images_or_animations_do_not_load
    * You can see the permissions for the domain in the current tab in Tools > Page Info > Permissions
    * You can see all exceptions in Tools > Options > Content: Load Images > Exceptions
    * You can check the Tools > Page Info > Media tab for blocked images (scroll through all the images)
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    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

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    Not sure if the problem is the unlocking code or something else, but I have a few tips that might get you around the problem.
    First, Starter Edition does not have any files 'in' it; it is an index of pictures that you've imported into the program. What gets imported is the path to the file, not the file itself. What you see in Starter Edition is a preview thumbnail of the file that was drawn at the time of import, but it's not the actual file.
    Some of the other data that you may have added after importing the file IS only accessible from within the program; stuff like captions, tags, and dates, if you've reassigned them. That information is stored in a catalog file, which can be imported into Photoshop Elements. More on that later.
    But it's important to understand that the files are not locked into the program in any way, other than the custom data that you added to it with Starter Edition. It also means that if you are needing to get at the files that you used to browse using Starter Edition, you will have to use Windows Explorer, or even Picasa (which works similarly to Starter Edition; as an index of files you have on your computer).
    The first strategy I would employ to find files is to look in My Pictures for files. If' you imported files using the Photo Downloader, then it might have copied files into a Digital Camera Photos folder. Browse there and see if they are in there. It is possible that you may have pointed the Photo Downloader to some other location for downloading photos, but that's an advanced feature, so look for the Digital Camera Photos folder. While you're there, look for any other suspicious folders in your My Pictures folder; who knows where files could have gone, but I'd dig through all the folders there, just as I would turn the house upside down to find my car keys. Hopefully, you will be able to successfully locate the files you used to see within Starter Edition.
    If you would like to carry forward all the tag info that you've added to the files using Starter Edition, you could import the Starter Edition catalog into  Photoshop Elements 8 (there is a risk-free trial that you can download from https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cfm?loc=en%5Fus&product=photoshop%5Felements).
    I am trying to help another customer who ran into a snag converting a catalog from version 2 of the program, but if you have 3.0 or 3.2, I can say I fully expect that to convert. Then you would have 30 days to try that out, and see if you would be willing to pay the $99 or so that it costs.
    If you don't want to pay, but you do want to save all that tag info that you've added to the file so that some other program could use it, you can select all your files in the Photoshop Elements Organizer, and use the Write Info to Files command to embed tag info to the files.
    Note that the Photoshop Elements Organizer works in the same basic way as the Starter Edition program; it indexes the files, but it doesn't copy any files INTO it. Also note that if you attempt to convert a catalog into Photoshop Elements, but the links to the pictures have been previously severed (as a result of moving the file from its original location), then the file will NOT be created in Organizer; it can only work with files that it finds.
    Since you mention that the program is crashing, if you still have the installer, you could try reinstalling; sometimes that helps, and if it's not a problem with the unlocking code, a new install might do the trick.
    Let me know if something doesn't add up; you should be able to preserve your catalog and import it into Photoshop Elements, even if you can't launch Starter Edition.

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    Thank you for the additional information! What version of the Windows phone do you have? We want to make sure we make this pictures viewable. What type of message does the recipient receive when trying to view your picture?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    My Old computer, running XP can see my domains via the Netgear router. Computers running Vista cannot
    GoDaddy is my host.

    Hi cor-el,
    Thanks for the reply. I tried those things with no result. Then I followed the link you sent and found something that MIGHT be the answer if I can find someone to show me how to "send a ping" and "define the subnetmask."
    I have no idea what a subnetmask is, let alone how to define it!
    But I do feel that the problem has some connection to the router. My old computer has one IP address, while the 3 that won't work all share a different one.
    It would really help if I spoke "compuetreze," but I don't.
    Thanks again,

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