Outlook 2013 not loading

Since udating to build 10041  outlook no loads..wheres with the previous build it did ?

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Wanikiya and Dyami--Team Zigzag

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    I am tryng to sync Outlook 2013 (WIndows 7 Ultimate 64 bit)  with iCloud. It will just not load the Add-in!
    I cna see the Add-in reference in the Registry. Apple.DAV.Addin is in  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins. Load behaviour is set to 3 as recommended. (I've tried it on 2 as well)
    How is it that it the iCloud Add-in does NOT appear when I go into "View and Manage Log-ins" in Outlook? It appears under NEITHER 'Enabled' NOR 'Disabled' categories.
    I am desperate to get this resolved... Can anyone throw any light on it ? Please?
    Not sure what is rubbish.... iCloud or Outlook!
    Best wishes
    Nick Hepher
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    I struggled with this but found the answer.  You need to set the LoadBehaviour property in the Registry to 2 (Load at Start Up).
    Run RegEdit
    Navigate to here [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Apple.DAV.addin]
    LoadBehaviour will probably be sitting at 0.  Double click that to open, change it to 2 and you're done.
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    I Have two Exchange server 2013 in our environment. Both server install mailbox and CAS role. After configure exchange server 2013, Outlook 2013 not connect in internal network. I have configure outlook manually. i tried by using the suggestion from blog
    but not work. Outlook show that Server cannot connect/ server name could not be resolved. in outlook setting i also put exchange proxy setting. In exchange admin center i have changed the OWA, OAB, Auto discover name. But still not work.
    I know that outlook can be connect from external by using ssl certificate and publish outlook anywhere but i did my configure from internal network. 
    Can you please suggest as soon as possible.

    Firstly, I’d like to explain, same with external users, internal users use Outlook Anywhere to connect with Exchange server and use Autodiscover get all settings.
    Thus, let’s try the following resolutions:
    1. run the following command: get-clientaccessservice |fl autodiscoverserviceinternaluri
    2. check if the host name in the above URL is in the DNS server and there is a DNS entry about the host name points to the proper IP address.
    3. Check if the above host name is in your certificate.
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Outlook 2013 not warning of oversized email

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    Outbox and the User assumes the message is gone. The server actually deletes the email but the User still doesn't know that. Any ideas why Outlook is not warning with the prompt?

    Hi jpwesty55,
    Might be these given links can help you more:
    Note: Improve community discussions by marking the answers helpful.
    Clark Kent

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    I struggled with this but found the answer.  You need to set the LoadBehaviour property in the Registry to 2 (Load at Start Up).
    Run RegEdit
    Navigate to here [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Apple.DAV.addin]
    LoadBehaviour will probably be sitting at 0.  Double click that to open, change it to 2 and you're done.
    Open Outlook, the Add-in will probably still be inactive.  MAke it active, close Outlook, open it again and it should work...

  • Outlook 2013 not opening

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    /safe" and "outlook.exe /resetnavpane" but same thing.
    Thanks in advance.

    What type of email account(s) do you use? Try creating a profile with just one account and see if it opens. If so, a data file could be corrupt. 
    Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
    Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center
    Outlook Tips
    Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook weekly newsletter

  • Outlook 2013 Not Responding and Offline Address Book Issues with Office 365

    Around 3 months ago I setup a small business with Office 365 for email. They have 10 PCs, all running newly installed Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, eight with Office 2013 and two with Office 2010. All are connected to a local domain (Server Essentials
    2012) with a single internet connection through a new TP-LINK router. Each user logs into their own PC only.
    The network runs perfectly, internet connection is good but there seems to be RANDOM, INTERMITTENT issues with email not being SENT from Outlook every so often. Email will sit in the outbox for up to an hour sometimes before, eventually, being sent. Incoming
    email seems ok, although this is more difficult to tell. At others times, email will be sent instantly - the size of the message and any attachments makes no difference.
    The issue has happened at some point on every one of the PCs but no particular PC/user seems worse than any other. When email is stuck on one user's PC it can still be sent ok by other users at the same time - so the internet connection is not down. Users can
    can always login to the OWA service ok and iPhones etc. all sync ok even when email is stuck in the Outbox.
    To debug the issue I have worked on one particular user's PC and carried out the following changes - 
    Changes that made no difference
    I have checked the router. A SPI firewall is available on the router but this is switched off.
    I have changed the MTU on the router with no effect.
    There are no unsual add-ins to Outlook
    Outgoing email virus scanning is disabled
    Outlook is NOT integrated with Lync
    The OST file is around 1.7 GBytes is size.
    I have recreated the Outlook profile twice but this made no difference
    Switched OFF "Cached Exchange Mode" - this made things worse !
    The Outlook address book is set to \Offline Global Address List
    I have disabled with Windows firewall on the client PC - no change
    I have adjusted the KeepAliveTime for packets in the registry of the PC to 20 minutes
    Changes that reduced the frequency of "Not Responding"
    I have changed the Outlook automatic Send/Receive time from 30 to 10 minutes - this seemed to help 
    Possible Related Problem
    I have attempted to download the offline address book manually - this hangs at "Copying offline address book template file" in the Send/Receive dialog and there a NO OAB files in the data file location on the PC. 
    So the only measure that has so far "helped" has been the Outlook Send/Receive time change - now set to 10 minutes. Even so, Outlook will occasionally go "Not Responding" for 30 minutes or more (no windows active - only option
    is to close and reopen Outlook).
    There does seem to be a problem with the Offline Address book. I can download this ok for this user on my home PC (Outlook 2010) but this will not download manually on the work pc with Outlook 2013 (despite following all the debug steps above).
    On work PC I can see literally hundreds of "Schannel" errors in the Windows System event logs - 
    Error - Event 36888 Schannel
    The following fatal error was generated :10
    The internal error state is 10
    These errors occur every 2-4 minutes continually all the time Outlook is running. When Outlook is closed the "Schannel" errors stop !
    Can anyone suggest what else to try, please ?
    I have already investigated this issue on the Office 365 Community Forum, and the Outlook forum and they suggested that it was a client (i.e Outlook) issue and that I should post here for further information.
    Thanks for reading !

    An update to this problem.
    I brought one of the office PCs back to my home network and connected it up there. With no changes to the PC I was immediately able to download the Offline Address Book without errors.
    This suggests to me that there must be some problem with the internet connection or router setup in the office environment.
    The router is a TP-LINK W8970. The internet connection is PPPoA. I have seen some suggestion that an SPI firewall can cause issues. This router has an SPI firewall but this feature is disabled on the router.
    While investigating this issue I have frequently been connected remotely to an office PC - sometimes for up to an hour or more. During these periods I have not experienced any connection dropouts so the actual internet connection seems to be ok (i.e. it is
    not dropping out). 
    However, something seems to be preventing the Outlook client from connecting properly with the Office 365 Exchange server in the office environment - or something is dropping the connection to Outlook. Does anyone know of any router settings that might affect
    this ?
    I could try changing the office router but I do not have a spare available. Can anyone suggest a reasonably low cost, currenbtly available router that they know definitely works in the Office 365 environment so that I could buy this for test purposes ?

  • Exchange 2013 with Outlook 2013 - Not getting pop-up or mail tips for attachments exceeding max size

    Our environment is Exchange Server 2013 CU3 and Outlook 2013 in cached mode. We have a transport rule that sets the max attachment size to 20 mb.
    If someone sends an attachment larger than 20 mb they receive an NDR letting them know the message wasn't delivered because it exceeded the max attachment size. We would like for the user to be prevented from sending the message at all or to at least
    get a mail tip before they try to send the message. The Outlook pop-up message that says "The file you're attaching is bigger than the server allows. Try putting the file in a shared location ..." isn't being generated for us. Not sure if that's
    because we're running Exchange or not. If that pop-up isn't going to work it would be nice if the user could at least get a mail-tip warning them that the attachment exceeds the limit. But it doesn't look likes there's a mail-tip for attachment size, only
    for message size. And, I've found that the message size mail-tip only works if the limit is set on the user. It doesn't seem to work if the limit is set via a transport rule.
    Has anyone else gotten Outlook to present the pop-up or a mail-tip when exceeding attachment size? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks but I performed all of those trouble shooting prior to posting to the forum. But, I have found the answer!
    After referring to this article;
    I removed the 10mb default limits from the organization config and chose to set the attachment and message size limits in our environment via transport
    rules instead. That is the only way you can actually set an attachment size limit.
    I had read this article several times searching for an answer;
    The key is here;
    "If you are using an Exchange Server account, the 20-MB attachment
    limit for Internet email accounts is not used by Outlook 2013. Instead, Outlook uses the limit that is configured on your Exchange server. To modify the setting that is used to control the size of a message that is sent through an
    Exchange Server account, follow these steps."
    The steps that follow are for Exchange 2010 but they show setting organization limits not server limits. And note that it
    says the size of a message, not the size of an attachment. Since mail-tips for message size are not displayed when the limit is set via the transport rules I thought it
    was possible that the same inconsistency might apply to the attachment pop-up warning. I set the organization limits and voila! The pop-up now displays when an attachment that exceeds the message size limit is added to a message.
    This is exactly what I wanted. Now users won't fill up their sent items trying to send large attachments that just bounce anyway.
    It would be wonderful if Microsoft would provide information about what features of Outlook are affected when you apply message size limits at the
    various levels. 

  • Outlook 2013 'Not responding' errors

    I'm looking for someone who can help me with an issue that's been the been of my existence for the last couple of weeks/months. I tried every suggestion the Internet has to offer and I'm kinda at the end of my rope here.
    On a couple of our workstation we are experiencing serious problems with outlook 2013. The users who use outlook extensively (administrative and management) get 'not responding' messages at random intervals. This can occour when typing a mail, navigating
    in Outlook,...
    Most problems occur when working in the calendar ans when planning appointments in calendars of other user.
    They all use Windows 7 pro 64b laptops that are no older then a year. When they used outlook 2010 none of them experienced any problems.
    Here's a summation of what i tried already
    - Reinstall office
    - Reinstall OS
    - Replace laptop
    - Latest Update
    - Disable all COM-addins (in outlook and in registry on all levels)
    - Disable hardware acceleration (in outlook and registry)
    - Ran the Outlook FIXIT tool
    - Ran OFFCAT
    None of the diagnostic tools i used reveal any critical errors.
    When i check the log, there is an error but it doesn't reveal any info as to what caused it.
    [ Name]
    Application Hang
    [ Qualifiers]
    [ SystemTime]
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\OUTLOOK.EXE
    Binary data:
    In Words
    0000: 006E0055 006E006B 0077006F 0000006E
    0008: 0000
    In Bytes
    0000: 55 00 6E 00 6B 00 6E 00 U.n.k.n.
    0008: 6F 00 77 00 6E 00 00 00 o.w.n...
    0010: 00 00 ..
    Any help would be appreciated cause our management is starting to lose there patience and i have no idea what more i can try.

    Which account type are you using? If you are using Exchange server account, please swtich the online/cache Exchange mode to check the result
    Please also check if the Outlook data file size exceed the limit? If so, it may cause some unexpected behavior. Please refer to the following KB article to change the data file size limit:
    In addition, please have a look at this KB article and try the troubleshooting steps regarding Outlook crash.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Outlook 2013 not syncing with Jabber 9.7.3

    We are running Office 2013 Professional Plus and the Jabber 9.7.3 client will still not communicate with Outlook.  The bug report says to upgrade to Professional Plus, but it is still not working for us.  Jabber will not search my Outlook contacts or communicate with my calendar.  Has anyone else ran into this issue?
    Chris Kujawa

    Thanks, but I tried all that - took hours but no joy!! Checking the net, it looks like plenty of people have the same problem.
    See Outlook 2013 calendar sync to iphone not working  and https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/20e20201-4b54-46a2-ad49 -cdeea7a09c50/sync-issues-between-iphone-5-and-outlook-2013-through-itunes?forum =officeitpro

  • Outlook 2013 not responding when creating a new email item in Windows 8

    This issue occurs intermittently. No add-ins are running. No anti-virus programs are running. Outlook does not respond and it must be restarted. This issue also affects reply email items and forwarding email items as well.

    Which type of email account are you using? POP3, IMAP or Exchange?
    If you are using a POP3 email account with an Exchange server account configured in the same profile, this issue may happen because the
    delivery folder selection is corrupt and you are referencing a nonexistent folder. To fix it, in Outlook 2013, click on the File tab >
    Info > Account Settings > Account Settings > Highlight your POP account, then click Change Folder. Select a proper folder to deliver to. For more information, please refer:
    If above didn't apply, please follow the steps in the KB article below to troubleshoot the issue:
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Outlook 2013 not importing Ms Entourage 2008 archive files

    Hello, I have archive files exported from ms entourage 2008 from my mac which I want to import into outook 2013. The file format of these exported files is .rge but there is import option for these kind of file format in outlook 2013 in my windows system.
    Is there any other alternative available to import these .rge files in outlook 2013? Please help.

    We can use Entourage to PST Converter to convert Entourage Archive .rge files to PST File, then it would be easy to be imported to Outlook.(We may need to pay for the tool, but there's a Trial version to download)
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    Import Outlook items from an Outlook Data File (.pst):
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • OUTLOOK 2013 not sync'ing

    I am getting very frustrated and wondering if anyone else has seen this problem. I have search the database and have found nothing that is relating to my problem
    Here is the Basics:
    1. Using Outlook 2013 on windows 8.1
    2. Also using mail on windows 8.1 (same problems)
    3. I am using  @live.ca email account
    4. I have setup on a windows 7 laptop and outlook 2010 and everything works.
    5. I delete the accounts and reinitialized many time
    6. I have repaired datebase many times
    8. I have forced the sync of groups and mail boxes
    I cannot get the mail account to sync all email. If I switch the setting to sync only one month everything works great. There are no issues, but have to go to the web app to search beyond one month. The moment I switch to sync all then nothing works. Both
    Outlook and Windows 8 mail report issue of not connecting to server. If you shut down the computer and re-sync you see it connect... sync for a bit the give up with an error of not connecting to server. If you leave the program (outlook open for a few days
    it sporadically syncs some data without any pattern to the data it does sync, and the connection error is always prevalent.
    Please Help

    Please disable the firewall and anti-virus program temporarily, especially virus scanner integration in Outlook, check if the issue persists:
    Since you have reinitialized the account many times, we can also try creating a new Profile to setup the account in Outlook, which will also generate a new .ost file to sync:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Outlook 2013 not saving Office 365 Credentials in Roaming Profiles

    We have migrated one of our Exchange Mailboxes to our Office 365 Environment, we have had all the relevant DNS entries put in place, so when the user logs on and opens Outlook 2013, the Wizard picks up there Office 365 Mailbox and configures, it
    asks you for User Credentials, and you type them in and select remember and then Outlook open fine with all the emails presented,
    THE PROBLEM: After this user logs off and logs back on to either the same computer or another computer, and they open Outlook, you are yet again asked for your Credentials again, it remembers the username and not the password, once you enter the
    password and click remember password it opens Outlook fine
    Looking in Credential Manager, I can see that after selecting Remember Credentials, it is putting an entry in Generic Credentials, however when you log off and on again these disappear, I have added Manual Entries in Credential Manager and these
    are saving!
    I have noticed that in %USER%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials when you open Outlook and select remember password, it is adding a system file in here, so I decided to try copy the file to %USER%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials, when I log
    off this is writing back to the server, and when I log back on it is downloading, HOWEVER when I open Outlook, it still asks for the password! And when I type it in and select remember, it adds the system file back in %USER%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials,
    and ignores the Roaming one,
    So currently I am using a Logoff and Logon Script to copy these Files too and from the relative folders and this works, however it is not ideal
    The Script:
    xcopy %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Credentials %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Credentials\ /H /Y
    rmdir I:\MSCRM /S /Q
    xcopy %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\MSCRM I:\MSCRM /H /Y /I /E
    xcopy %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Credentials %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Credentials\ /H /Y
    xcopy I:\MSCRM %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\MSCRM /H /Y /I /E
    So I guess my question is how can you get Outlook to look at the %USER%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials instead of the Local one?

    Hi Andy,
    According to your description, I understand that Outlook always ask for password even through you have selected remember password after migrate mailbox to Office 365.
    If I misunderstand your concern, please do not hesitate to let me know.
    I want to double confirm some points, please help to collect answers for following questions:
    1. Is there still any Exchange server On-premise?
    2. All user or any special account experience this issue?
    By default for On-Premise environment, the Outlook client finds AutoDiscover also by using SCP first, if it can’t success. It will turn to use DNS.
    Please try to remove SCP by ADSI Edit then try again, I find an thread about remove SCP and a similar thread about your question, for your reference:
    Besides, this issue may be related to Office 365. Please contact Office 365 Team so that you can get more professional suggestions, please refer to:
    Best Regards,
    Allen Wang

  • Outlook 2013 not caching secondary mailbox

    Hi, We are using Outlook 2013 and it appears that when adding a secondary mailbox through Account Settings --> Change --> More settings --> Advanced tab -->
    Add, it does not cache the secondary mailbox. This results in access to that mailbox and calendars being really slow.<o:p></o:p>
    The user previously had Outlook 2010 and it was working fine. I have made sure that all the cached mode options are enabled but the secondary mailbox
    still shows as 'Online.'

    The slow access may be caused by too many shared folders in the secondary mailbox. The following KB is a detailed analysis about this performance problem:
    Performance problems when you try to access folders in a secondary mailbox in Outlook
    Hope it helps.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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