Photoshop issues reinstall

Hi  I'm been trying to reinsatall PMy version of Creative suite 5.5 design standard...
The  Photoshop version did not  appear in the aplications?

Do you receive any error messages?  Which operating system are you using?  What have you tried so far to resolve your difficulties?

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    Using an iMac 27", with 8GB RAM, 10.6.5, and the most current versions of all other software and drivers.
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    I don't have a script as such -- but the installer cleanup tool helps after doing an uninstall.
    And the initial release of Photoshop did have some bugs, which is why we put out 2 dot releases.
    And MacOS has had a few dot releases to fix bugs that were affecting Photoshop as well, and they still have more to go.

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    Since upgrading to Yosemite 10.101, I have had issues with Photoshop not working properly. I am using the Creative Cloud versions of photoshop and they are up-to-date. The photoshop issue is that after an image is opened, the screen within the application turns completely black. You can't see the image although photoshop doesn't crash. I believe Adobe are looking into this issue.
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    I have a 2013 imac 2.9ghz intel core i5 with 1TB storage of which half is free
    8gb 1600 Mhz DDR3 Ram
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M 512 MB
    I am trying to understand:
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    - Should I be raising the issue with Apple or Adobe in terms of not being able to use the Creative Cloud Photoshop and Lightroom? I am paying a monthly subscription for the packages but now can't use either of them due to the upgrades.
    If anyone has any ideas/suggestions, I would be really appreciative. If I haven't explained the issue clearly enough, please let me know and I can try to elaborate!

    [discussion moved to Downloading, Installing, Setting Up forum.]

  • Weird Photoshop Issue....

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    Here's a Youtube vid of the issue that I just made. Have any of you seen this before???

    My first thought was maybe a perference for adjusting the timing for stickykeys, but there isn't anything about stickykeys there. But there is an option for selecting the tools with or without the shift key. Perhaps it thinks you want to select another tool.
    Anyway its all guessing. Other culprits could be plugins or extentions. Hmm...

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    But after several swithces between brush and eraser, my Intuos4 pen stops drawing or erasing. The cursor still moves around, but I can't draw or erase. Is thre something I can do about this?
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    Any insight? I plan on updating computer and software. Maybe this is not a problem with a new iMac and Lion?

    ThanosG wrote:
    After installing this update, I've been facing some issues, since I have already been using Jitouch (which I really need).
    Is there any way to uninstall this update??
    Welcome to Apple's discussion groups.
    The brute-force approach would be to reinstall the last version of Mac OS X.
    Another approach, although not necessarily for the faint at heart, is to look in /Library/Receipts/boms ("bill of materials", presumably) for a file named after the update, then look in it for the list of files updated as part of the update. I don't know if there's a user-oriented application that knows how to look into a "bom" file, but I was able to see that information with a "strings" command in a Terminal session.
    One last approach might be to look in /System/Library/Extensions for a "kext" file with a name and/or date that suggests that it was updated as part of the trackpad update.
    Once new and/or updated files have been identified, you could move them out of the directory where they are found. If a file has been updated, it might be important to replace it with the older version of the file, otherwise something important could be disabled.

  • CS4 Photoshop issues

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    "Could not initialize PhotoShop because the file is locked. Use the Get Info command in the Finder to unlock the file".
    UNLOCK what file, I am trying open PS not a file.
    PS itself is not locked either.
    What gives.

    Thanks Jene.
    Odd indeed.
    Out of the 5 new units we have 2 are working, although one did have the same issue with PS and somehow it works now.
    Did go to the app on the HD, only one user "EVERYONE" was set to READ only so I set them to "READ/WRITE".
    I then logged on as ADMIN and I opened PS no problem.
    I added myself to the listing and tried to open PS same error.
    Its a good thing there aren't any hammers around here.
    Short of completely wiping and reloading the operating system I am out of ideas.
    P.S. The unit I'm trying to make work has 8G memory and is running OS X 10.6

  • Wacom or photoshop issue ?

    Hi all,
    First things first. I work with the following setup : win7 64bit, photoshop cs5 (latest update), wacom intuos4m (driver up to date).
    I don't do a lot of drawing in photoshop, so I may have missed the exact moment when the issue started, but yesterday I got annoyed.
    I was drawing and then flipping to use the "eraser" end of the pen, it didn't work, it simply continued to work as a brush. I remember it working fine last year, so I checked the software setting of the pen
    first. They were still ok. Then I went to Wacom forums first where I found this :
    The state it's the software that handles the pen, not the wacom driver, so therefore the glitch must be photoshop's (according to wacom). So I did reset photoshop to it's defaults
    but it didn't change a thing. The eraser end of the pen is still not working.
    Further googling didn't reveal anything useful. Anyone who ran into the same issue and found a solution ? It's a habit of not switching to
    Thanks !

    Sorry for the delay, I've been ill since Tuesday
    @Trevor.Dennis : Ty for replying. The first thing I checked were the pen settings and yes the preference for the pen's eraser is set to "eraser". Flipping the pen to erase is a habit I guess.
    @dmcrescent : Ty too.  I have not uninstalled and reinstalled anything yet. I planned it but unfortunately I fell ill.
    Anyway, I found this : after booting the pc today, first thing I did was launch PS to have a look if rebooting helped. It didn't. Usually I work in with the 64bit version of photoshop; I decided to try the 32bit version of PS and bingo, in the 32bit version the eraser functions as it should. So..... is it a Wacom or an Adobe issue ?

  • Re: Photoshop issues continue

    I have this same problem and your suggestions doesn't seem to resolve the issue.

    Jgspdx the error indicates there are problems updating the profiles directory or possibly a specific profile.  I would recommend reviewing your log files for the specific error.  You can find details on how to review your installation log files at Troubleshoot install issues with log files | CC -
    It is likely you can remove the corrupted profile and it will be reinstalled with the Photoshop installation.  If you use any custom ICC profiles make sure they are not being removed.

  • Adobe Photoshop issues with save as!

    The save as is saving the photo the first attempt as a paper looking file with the tab turned down, as a jpg and if I save as again
    it saves correctly as a jpg with the photo, how do I fix the issue of the first saved file incorrectly?

    Hello Tony,
    I found the following information. It looks like it might apply.
    Dan Kelleher
    After installing Crystal Reports 9, some 'File' menu options, such as 'Open', 'Save', and 'Save as', are unavailable. Uninstalling and reinstalling Crystal Reports 9 does not correct this behavior.
    " This behavior was reported by our customers as occurring on a computer with Windows XP Service Pack 2 but may occur under different technical environments.
    " This behavior was reported and resolved by the customer only. It has not been reproduced by Business Objects Customer Support.
    How can you resolve this behavior?
    To resolve this behavior, manually register the ATL.DLL and FILEDIALOG.DLL files.
    1. Quit Crystal Reports.
    2. On the 'Start' menu, click 'Run', and then type the following:
    Regsvr32 "<the full path to ATL.DLL>"
    3. Repeat step 2 for FILEDIALOG.DLL.
    After registering the necessary files, all applicable 'File' menu options are available.

  • Some Photoshop issues after upgrading from CS5 Master to CS5.5 Master

    I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to the Adobe stuff. Not so with PC's
    Win 7 SP1 x64 8G RAM etc etc...
    I have a CS5.5 Master License and it is the update from CS5 that has thrown a wrench into my works.
    I had CS5 MAster Collection happily running along; no problems. I decided to buy the CS5.5 upgrade and I installed it in place.... that is, on top of the CS5 stuff.
    Now I have Photoshop problems;
    1.  The upgrade did not over-write my PS 5 directory... it created a PS5.1  Directory. D'oh! No plugins in PS5.1!! Not what I expected at all. I  just wanted it to upgrade. Is it normal for Adobe products to do this (the answer seems to be yes)  and if so how do I get my plugins in the new version? It's kind of a  pain... I have a lot of photoshop plugins... What do most users here do? Uninstall old versions first? Change the "plugins" path? I don't require the older version of PS5 on my hard drive... but now the plugs are in PS5 and the OS opens PS5.1... whoops!
    2. My  Photoshop printing broke in both versions 5 and 5.1. I am just using an  Epson 3880 and when I try to print in PS I get a message to the effect  that the printer is no longer available (it is) and it's the wrong  profile... trouble is... the Printer menu item then becomes greyed  out... I can't change anything. Can't fix. Does that ring a bell with anyone? This seems to be related to the upgrade. My Lightroom 3.x still prints the exact same photo with the same profile and printer just fine.
    So.... If  anyone can shed some light on these two specific issues I would really  appreciatte it! and with so many pieces (it is a huge Suite) would I be better  off un-installing CS5 and then installing CS 5.5? What are the hardcore  adobe users thoughts on best practices for upgrades?
    Thanks a ton! -- David

    1. Yes, Adobe apps always install in new folders.
    2. Try the Photoshop forum for Photoshop specific questions.
    Most of the apps weren't really upgraded. The .1 releases just added CS services as far as I know.
    I just built a new machine and installed InDesign CS5 and then installed the CS5.5 Master Collection. Your needs may vary.

  • Collapsing panel in Photoshop issue

    I have a CS SDK panel deployed in all the 3 applications - Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. My panel has a login component and users need to log in before using it.
    1) In Photoshop, when a logged in user collapses the panel, works on Photoshop and activates the collapsed icon, the panel goes back to the login screen and they are forced to login every time. This behavior does not occur in Indesign and Illustrator.
    Can you please tell me if there are any workarounds for this issue?
    Other discrepencies between the apps -
    2) In Illustrator, when the panel is closed entirely and re-opened under Extensions > <panel name>, users are not taken back to the login screen. They are forced to quit Illustrator and restart it in order to re-login to the panel. This does not happen in InDesign and Photoshop.
    thanks for any help in this regard.

    As you've found, each application behaves differently with respect to lifecycle of the extension. Here we have a range of behaviors - on one end of the spectrum we have Photoshop which greedily unloads extensions whenever possible, and at the other end we have Illustrator which doesn’t unload an extension when it is closed through the UI.
    For #1, you have a couple of choices.
    Maintain the state of your extension somewhere that will persist between loading/unloading (e.g. on disk). When your extension is loaded, check this persistent state to see which UI you should present to the user.
    Use CSXSInterface.evalScript(“PhotoshopPersistent”) which will prevent Photoshop from unloading the panel when it is collapsed.
    For #2, you theoretically shouldn’t have to login again, since your panel has not be unloaded. As far as I know, Illustrator does not expose a similar mechanism for forcing an unload, although the Illustrator forum may be a better place to get a more definitive answer.

  • Photoshop CC reinstall

    Photoshop wont open on my mac air say some componants are missing reinstall - I cant find an option to uninstall and reinstall from the Creative clould menu

    Hi !
    Please navigate to Applications > Utilities > Adobe Installers > Photoshop CC uninstaller to uninstall PS CC.
    Then re-install from Creative Cloud app.

  • Photoshop issue with network login

    All my editors are having issues with photoshop and creating a new document. The program launches fine, but when they go to create a new document, they get the RWOD and it locks up and needs to be force quit.
    If I login to the local account I can launch photoshop and create a new document without any issues. I have checked the system log in Console, but it does not show me anything that would appear to cause issues. I ssh to that machine and watched system log while they attempted to create a new document and nothing showed up at all.
    Anybody have any ideas on what would be causing this? I have tried trashing the prefs as well with no luck. Thanks

    there was no error occured in AE monitoring as per logs it processed successfully, but receiver party which is outside organization network complained saying that they receive this file empty.
    Logs for your reference received by third party:-
    2011-08-26 08:23:35 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 21 980 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 33081 3172 XXXX-X-p@br 0 0 File Name 3 >>FILE INFO: D:\ftp\kunden\File Name was opened. Sharing is 1. File Handle is 0x00000b24.
    2011-08-26 08:23:35 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 21 980 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 33081 3172 XXXX-X-p@br 0 0 File Name 3 Did not receive any data, Error=1506, SubError=0, WSAError=0
    2011-08-26 08:23:35 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 21 980 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 33081 3172 XXXX-X-p@br 0 0 File Name 15 >>FILE INFO: D:\ftp\kunden\File Name was closed. File Handle is 0x00000b24.
    2011-08-26 08:23:35 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 21 980 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 33081 3172 XXXX-X-p@br 0 0 File Name 15 Finishing STOR, Triggering events manager for FX_EVENT_FILE_WRITE_SUCCESS
    2011-08-26 08:23:35 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 21 980 XXX.XXX.XX.XXX 33081 3172 XXXX-X-p@br 0 0 File Name 15 RESPONSE: 226 Closing data connection. Transferred 0 bytes in 1 seconds. 0KB/second.
    where in PI we could see message contains data and message has been successfully processed, could it be issue on receiver end?

  • Encore menu done in Photoshop issue

    For the past few years I build a DVD menu in Photoshop that I used in Encore. I have a roll over command for each chapter (=1) there are anywhere for 26-30 chapters. Every year I have done it with success except for this year.
    I'm using Encore
    So this year as in the past I using a old Photoshop menu and just updated the chapters and graphics.
    When I preview the menu in Encore only the first 18 of 30 chapters rollover works.
    Things i tried:
    1) Imported the previous menu for last year and it works without any issues. (This is the file I used this year as the template.
    2) When I delete the delete one of the first 1-18 chapters then chapter 19 will work when I rollover it. If I delete let's say chapters 1 and 2 then chapter 19 and 20 will work. It just seems the magic number is 18 chapters total.
    Other notes:
    1) the only thing I imported into Encore are the Photoshop file which I imported as a menu
    2) I'm using Photoshop CS 5
    3) Doing a 1280x720p 59.94 Blu-Ray project in Encore
    Thanks in advance, Bob

    I'm then puzzled is this the reason why my 2010 file that is 720x486 with 30 buttons work?  Is there a work-around for me...2 page menu?
    Ann Bens <[email protected]> wrote:
    Max number of buttons per menu is 18 for widescreen.

  • Using the arrow keys to move objects in photoshop issue

    When I move objects around in Photoshop using the arrow keys something odd to me happens.  When I press the left arrow key it seems to move 2 pixels then when I press the right arrow key it seems like it moves 1 pixel.  I noticed this when I had 3 objects.  One was centered and I wanted to move both the other objects 20 pixels away.  One looked twice as far away.  I looked closer and I found out that was the problem.  This also happens when using the up and down arrow keys.  Is that supposed to happen and is there a way to fix it? Thanks

    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, video card specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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