Prevent negative budget upon prepost in FMBB

I have a situation where the system allows budget transfers (with insufficient budget) to prepost using FMBB. The scenario is as follows...
FundCenterA 100  50  50
FundCenterB 200  25 175
Although only 50 is available in fund center A, the system allows the user to prepost a transfer for more than 50 (75 for instance) from fund center A to B.
After the initiator creates the prepost transfer document, approval of the transfer is attempted by a budget analyst, but the document remains in prepost status and the analyst can't take any further action.
Can preventing this be accomplished through consistency checks causing the initiator to get a hard error? If so, how or why not? If it cannot be done using consistency checks then what are my choices.
Evidently our consistency check (and availability control) only works during the document check. The system will not prevent the user from hitting prepost even though the check reveals a hard error.

We could not resovlve the issue with the use of consistency checks. Instead, in IMG we found the configuration settings to turn on AVC during workflow for preposted as well as posted budget documents.
Public Sector Management
  Funds Management Government
    Budget Control System
      BCS Availability Control
        Settings for Availability Control Ledger
          Define Filter Settings for Budget Values
            Define the Consumable Budget

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    FundCenterB     200     25     175
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    Hi Andryuha!!!
    The AVC control should stop you from reducing the budget below the available amount. Try to reconstruct the AVC ledgers and see if the problem persits.
    Consistency  libraries could be of any use, if you do not have consumption in the budget line in question. Then, you can prevent entering negative budget. But when part of a budget has been consumed, AVC should issue a message.

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            The clent is investing first then he is get rvenue by selling product.
               For the investment you should create Investment project and take the approved budget by CJ30 and the release it by CJ32.And finaly make Asset for this by settelment.
                                                                                    Then you should make the Coustomer Project for that you should get revenue .So CP you have to suggest.
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    Exit MV45AFZZ will be useful.

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    Hi Mar,
    I had seen this SAP note before posting thread.
    I have some doubts in regard to implementing above note which are as follows:
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          b. If i can not make payment then this note is of no use as i want to track down payment against purchase order.
          c. If i can make the down payment against purchase order, will it not impact purchase order history?
          d. this change will only impact fund management & down payment document will not impact fund management

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    Hi Drew,
    I think you're talking about machine authentication. Windows radius server easily checks the machine account on the domain so there is no added burden for the user.
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    However, WLC has nothing to do in this story actually ...
    Don't forget to rate answers that you find useful

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    notes 20347 and .302756.                                      
    Try to change following customizing temporarily to 160:               
    IMG->FI-AA->Transactions->Determine default transaction types for            
         internal transactions->Acquisition from goods receipt                                                                               
    Another alternative could be to TEMPORARILY change the definition  of transaction type group 10 so that it allows negative values.                                                                               
    139899   AA629 when posting MR01/MRHR/MIRO invoice receipt                                                                               
    AA629 is raised when the transactions per transaction type group in one year are negative in balance and the definition of the  transaction type group only allows positive values  (that means TABWG-VZJSAL is '+'). This is the case for transaction           
    type group 10. After posting transaction I recommend to set transaction   group 10 back to its original definition.                                    
    Regards Bernhard

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    Please advise .
    Best regards,
    Y. Golan

    Elena is right.
    A workaround would be the use of separate ledgers for each period and use consistency checks accordingly.
    I hope this helps.
    Regards, Mar.

  • Exclude budget update in Funds Management for particular FI document type

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    We have an issue in FM .We do the service entry for Transporters for the whole years charges at one time . ( for some reason it cant be done for the month) So we have to pass the FI entry for the Prepaid Expenses. But when we do this entry in FI  corresponding effect goes in FM and the Budget for this committment item gets INCREASED. THIS WE DONT WANT since this temperorily available budget may get used for other things. This is the background .
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    Its been resolved..
    For budget not being available for consumption after being posted through FMBB th issue was in my AVC profile. and for the second part where budget was not consumed after invoice being posted through FB60 the issue was in my fiscal yeas variant year shift. the posting was taking plane in the wrong fiscal yeas hence consuming budget for that particular fiscal year and not of the year i intended to post to. Thank you so much fpr approving my query

  • Reason for Budget Deficit in GMAVCOVRW

    Hi Guys:
    Client has reported an issue regarding a Grant. System has allowed user to consume budget more than the available budget in sponsored class for the grant. In Report GMAVCOVRW system is showing this abnormal behavior for only two Grants in live system. We never turned off budget check, we never used flexible tolerance profile for these sponsored class , why it is happening i am unable to figure it out. I checked GMIA table there are no any entries like FI adjustment posting which may cause negative budget in Available amount column. Please check it.

    At last I was able to find the reason behind budget overrun in GM
    despite of strict check.
    I first tracked the last document which consumed or committed the
    budget for this sponsored class, program, grant and fund from GMIA table. What I
    found is exchange rate fluctuations caused this issue. PO was created on
    17.07.2013 in currency EUR with exchange rate 1 EUR=132.11 Pkr. PO value was 819.82 EUR. In local currency 819.82*132.11=108306.4202 PKR. Commitment of 108306.4202 PKR was booked when PO was created.
    As PO was created in foreign currency, creator must
    have ticked Fixed Exchange rate in Delivery/Invoice tab of PO but he did not. GRN
    for this PO was booked on 28.12.2013, at that point in time Exchange rate had fluctuated
    to 1 EUR-=135.64 Pkr, hence budget actualization booked in foreign currency was 819.82 EUR but in PKR it was booked at new exchange rate and amount turned out to be 111200.3848 PKR and system since does not check budget overrun at GRN time so it consumed budget by 111200 PKR and this caused budget overrun in this sponsored class of 2894 PKR. This caused the issue. Since there is no budget check on GRN by default from SAP so I have asked client now if it is required or not. If they asked I will get it done through BADI mentioned in Note 755495

  • Internal Order not allowing to decrease budget amount

    Dear Experts
    We have to close Internal Order no. 800001526 but system is not allowing to decrease budget amount from Rs. 2606000

    Hi Ajeesh,
    I happen to go with Manikumar, because in the recent post we see either actuals/commitments Zero only, but when we see at your first screen, there we see total value (either actual/commitment) as 5212000, which is double of your budget i.e. 2606000, that's why there it is giving negative budget value of -2606000 (i.e. 2606000-5212000) which implies your budget has exhausted.
    So when you post with 5212000, system hasn't stop you as you might have not had availability control or had tolerance limit for more than 200%.
    Please if at all it is testing server, why don't you create one more order and check?

  • Budget Document Entry Upload via LSMW or BDC Program not working!

    Hi All,
    I tried creating a LSMW and a BDC program for upload of budgets by recording Tcode FMBB.  Unfortunately, I didn't succeed because some fields in Tcode FMBB are not input ready.  I therefore seek an alternative solution to upload the budgets.  I have the following questions:-
    1.  Is there a standard program that can be used to upload the budgets?  If so, please give a the name or   Tcode for the program.
    2. I have checked in this site and confirmed I can use BAPI BAPI_0050_CREATE to upload the budgets.  Unfortunately, I have never used BAPIs before. How do I the BAPI to upload my data in Excel? Do I call the BAPI as a function in a program? How do I format the data in Excel for Upload.  Kindly provide a step by step procedure on how this can be done and also explain how the data is formatted in Excel.
    Thank you.

    Hi Alok,
    May be ur recording a table control in the transaction FB01 for accounting line items..
    When recording line items.. u need to record the page "page down" button...
    If it is so..
    You can control the line item table control , by recording the line item in the second row, then recording the 'page down' button..
    This will move your line item to first row and the next line item will be recorded in the second row....and it continues on...
    But i am unaware that BDC is tuff for enjoy transactions... If it is so, please go for the bapi specified by Kishan..
    Awrd and close the thread if answered...

  • Unable to post FR50 (Original Budget) for New Fund Center

    Dear All,
    We are in ECC6.0 and using Former Budgeting, Our business team created a new fund center and assigned it to cost center in the derivation rule.
    Before they granted original budget using FR50, the business users started posting various invoices, expenses, POs, PRs against the cost center accordingly the Available Budget became Negative.
    Now they are trying to post Original Budget for the new fundcenter using FR50, however system gives an error saying Payment Budget exceeded.
    Please advice how to grant budget in such situations, we had an alternative to reverse all commitments and actuals posted against the fundcenter and grant budget, this worked in our test environment. However in Production we will not be able to do this due to too much volume already posted.
    Is there a way to fix this, note that Availability control is active and not sure why system allowed to post without budget.
    Any pointers, is this how standard SAP behaves or are we missing something.
    We have also checked on master data elements of commitment item/fundcenter.. everythign looks fine.
    request your inputs.

    I believe you are using Former Budgeting. Please check below if this is not the cause for your issue:
    Please check the following customizing that you have done in your system:
    SPRO -> Public Sector Management -> Funds Management Government -> Former Budgeting -> Availability Control -> Define Parameters for Availability Control
    See if you have set the flag: Check on lowest budget object with budget in your customizing.
    Please check the documentation about this flag, specially this part:
    "If you do not set the indicator, availability control runs against the first budget object, even if it has received NO BUDGET. This is the setting in the system as delivered."
    You can check also report BPINDAN2_NEW.
    This means that the budget is going to be checked in the first object with budget in your budget hierarchy.
    If this is your case, you have only two options:
    1.- Remove the negative budget you have in the combination of funds center/commitment item.
    2.- Add the Combination funds center/commitment item to the exemption list of AVC.
    I will prefer that you do the first option, as for me sounds strange to have negative budget, but this is one decision that you need to discuss it internally in your company.
    If you choose any of the 2 options above, please do not forget to reconstruct your budget and assigned values AFTER you have done one of the options above, with the following transactions (in this order):
    1.- Run transaction FMBV in order to reconstruct Budget values.
    2.- Run report RFFMRC04 in Test mode in order to check if there is still some inconsistency.
    3.- If RFFMRC04 shows inconsistencies, then run this report in Update Mode.
    4.- Reconstruct distributed values with transaction FM9P
    5.- Reconstruct Total values with transaction FM9Q
    6.- Reconstruct assigned values with FMBV again.
    I hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

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