Re: Not responding Satellite P200

We have a Toshiba Satellite P200 laptop. Last time we used it, the computer shut down as normal. But when we tried to turn it on the next day it wouldn't do anything.
The blue power cable light is lit, but nothing else, and it won't respond.
Please help.

I also have a Satellite P200d. Same thing has happened after approx 1 month use. Removing battery and replacing allows computer to boot up but during boot get message that a fault has been found which will be repaired. That happens and laptop boots up ok - error log show video hardware fault. Next time I close down and then try to reboot the same happens again. In addition, during month use I have had a blank screen which recovers with the message that driver atikmdag has failed and has successfully recovered. This happens 2 or 3 times each time I use the laptop. Any suggestions will be welcome. Otherwise its a good bit of kit.

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    Thanks in advance,
    Sanjay Kedare

    The best way to check the functionality of the unit is to preinstall the unit with original recovery CD or DVD. Like I can see you have already done this.
    If the problem still persists I assume there is some hardware problem. I dont know if the unit is new one or used one but you should contact service partner in your country and explain them the situation. Valid warranty will cover all costs if some hardware part is defective and must be exchanged.

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    I have had a similar problem with my system. I just recently (within a week of this post) built a brand new desktop. I installed Windows 7 64-bit Home and had a clean install, no problems. Using IE downloaded an anti-virus program, and then, because it was the latest version, downloaded and installed Firefox 4.0. As I began to search the internet for other programs to install after about maybe 10-15 minutes my computer crashes. Blank screen (yet monitor was still receiving a signal from computer) and completely frozen (couldn't even change the caps and num lock on keyboard). I thought I perhaps forgot to reboot after an update so I did a manual reboot and it started up fine.
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    Why you dont search in the forum before you start a new topic?
    I mean you will hundreds of threads about this issue here in the forum and you will find the solution of your problem in few minutes.
    Well, the reason for this is because you need the SATA drivers before you can install Windows XP. As far as I know your notebook is equipped with an Intel chipset and so you need the Intel Storage Manager. You can integrate the drivers using an external FDD or nLite []. Furthermore this document could be useful for you:
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    >At first the drive worked perfectly, but has recently refused to start. Device manager now shows it with a yellow exclamation mark and it's status is given as "This device cannot start. (Code 10)".
    This error is definitely caused by a wrong registry entry.
    I had such error several times ago and I have solved it removing the lower and upper filters from these registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
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    - Then edited the registry as described above
    - Rebooted the notebook
    Im sure it will help you too.

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    Thats strange and I never heard about such an issue.
    Does the Explorer freezes in other ways too?
    Anyway, you should make sure that you have installed all Windows Updates and Service Packs.
    Furthermore update the AntiVirus software and search for Viruses.
    And follow the instructions posted by Jimi.
    Thats all I can say at the moment.

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    Try this:
    Update the BIOS, which can be downloaded from the Toshiba website
    Uninstall the Toshiba Value Added Package
    Download and install the latest Toshiba Value Added Package from the Toshiba website

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    Why you start different threads about one and the same theme?
    You should follow the first one!

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    Have Toshiba go an anser to it ?

    Hello Charlie
    Can you please tell us which Satellite Pro notebook do you have.
    As you can see on the top of the page this forum is user-to-user forum so here you can discuss with other people who own Toshiba notebooks and want to share own experiences and opinions. Here you will not find some official statement.
    Back to your issue: you are right, many people have similar problem and many other different problems, especially issues when notebook is slow. My opinion is that in most cases people have not powerful enough notebooks, they dont have optimized operating system, and in general there are many different things that make notebook slow.
    I dont know how do you use your notebook, do you still use original OS that you got with your notebook and which settings do you use and it is not easy to say what is wrong there. Your notebook with 2GB RAM is not the fastest one so I would like to know have you tried to optimize os.
    Have you disabled some applications in start-up?
    Which antivirus application do you use?
    Are windows updates set to Automatic?
    Many background activities can slow down your notebook or be responsible for some conflicts.

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    Experts, help to find exact reason especcially if u had similar problem.

    Im not expert but I would recommend removing the new memory module and let run the notebook only with the standard memory module.
    If the notebook will not hang and will not freeze then its a very clear case for me.
    Either the second module is not compatible or faulty.
    In my opinion you should use branded modules like Kingston for example. The quality is much better as a no-name module.
    Additional use the modules recommend by Toshiba

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    hope anyone could help

    > Now i got it i can download any Driver updates For Any PSAW3E Right ?
    > Second i want to kno why i cant find Satellite with 14F With the model number PSAW3E-0N400WAR? because i found PSAW3E on 3 countries..
    PSAW3E-0N400WAR number belongs to Satellite A665-14F. This model is released in Arabian region.
    > Germany is one of them ,so should i download it from there and its will be the same ? because in Germany i Found 14F(PSAW3E-0NH00JGR) and mine is (PSAW3E-0N400WAR)
    PSAW3E-0NH00JGR is also to Satellite A665-14F but this was released for German market.
    > Second about the updates how should i install them ? they are Zip so should i Extract them and open the extracted file ?
    You have to unzip the packages firstly and there should be a exe file which can be executed.

  • Satellite A300-129 - Sound is muted and icon does not respond

    Dear all,
    I am trying to switch on the sound of my Satellite A300-129 after I had muted it a couple of days ago, but the icon does not respond.
    When I click on the right mouse button, I can go to sounds etc., but "Open volume mixer" does not respond either. I have also tried to restart the laptop a couple of times, but that did not help.
    What can I do? Your help will be much appreciated.

    >How do I do that safely without risking losing sound forever?
    LOL You will not lose anything for ever. :D in worst case you will have to reinstall the OS using the Toshiba recovery disk.
    Access the device manager -> mark the sound card -> use delete button -> reboot the notebook
    After new reboot the sound driver should reinstall again and should detect the sound card.

  • Satellite A200: Bluethooth Stack & Flashcard does not respond

    My new A200 gives me a headache. After receiving the following message: Thank you for evaluating the Bluetooth Stack for Windowsby Toshiba. The evaluation period has expired. Please obtain a license for this version of Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba" I downloaded the Bluetooth stack Multilingual from Toshiba's homepage. It does not work, I receive still the same message and cannot use bluetooth anymore.
    The second message I receive always is "that the Toshiba Flashcard does not respond" then Vista is looking for a solution but does not find anything.
    The third problem is to include a second monitor. One time only it worked fine, but never again. I cannot control the second monitor via the Notebook, sometimes I cannot extend it, sometimes I can but the second monitor works in slow motion. I use a Targus docking station.
    Message was edited by: heidirenken

    This message is meant for developers of third-party Bluetooth adapters, but may appear if you are using such an adapter with the Toshiba Bluetooth software 'stack' -- rather than with the adapter manufacturer's stack. The third-party Bluetooth adapter may work with the Toshiba Bluetooth stack, but only for a 30 day evaluation period.
    If you are using an 3rd party Bluetooth adapter, obtain and install the correct Bluetooth stack from the manufacturer of the Bluetooth adapter.
    If your notebook was already equipped with the BT card then you dont need to obtain the BT stack version from any other 3rd party manufacturers.
    You should be able to download it from the Toshiba page, from your Satellite A200 download area.
    I have also received some issues with the Vista Flash cards.
    Seems there was a bug in old version. But dont worry; the new version was already released on the Toshiba page!
    However, it looks like you have messed the whole OS because the switching to external monitor does not work too. So maybe you should recover the notebook with the Toshiba recovery CD and then update the Vista FlashCard utility.
    Good luck

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