Remote Wipe Question

My wife's iPhone 4 was stolen tonight.  She was on iOS 4.  She had the lock screen enabled.
I tried to locate the phone first by calling the device. 
Next I logged into find my iPhone from my iPhone. I located the phone near where we were standing.  I sent a ping to the phone and a message to call my phone number please.  No response.  Next I sent the remote lock to the phone just so no one was getting into it (my wife has confidential phone numbers of her patients on the phone). 
Then the phone went red on find my iPhone-- someone shut the phone off.
I then sent a remote wipe command from Find My iPhone.  It is currently listed as "pending".
I called AT&T and had the phone service shut off.
Here's my question:  If I've shut the carrier service off to the phone, will the phone still receive the wipe command?  Should I reactivate the phone service to the phone long enough to receive the remote wipe command?
Anyone know how this works?
Thank you.

Sorry to hear about your wife's iPhone.  The phone should have some type of service (phone or Wi-Fi) before the command would work.  If the phone was locked it would be impossible for someone other then a professional to access the data on the iPhone.  Most stolen iPhones are erased and the hardware is sold.   Make sure your wife changes her iTunes password as soon as possible.  

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    WHNOKLUM520 wrote:
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    You are posting duplicate questions, which may not get you a quicker answer.
    Please see iCloud: Erase your device
    If you erase then find your iOS device, you can restore the information on the device using iCloud Backup (if backup was turned on before you erased it) or iTunes. For more information, see iCloud storage and backup overview, or your device’s user guide in Safari bookmarks or on the Apple Support website.

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    After some researches, Remote wipe: It can be done with Intune or Exchange. Since you have exchange already, then for convenience, I'd like to share the following links with you:
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    These links may be helpful.
    How to Track and Report Stolen iPad
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    Report Stolen iPad Tips and iPad Theft Prevention
    How to recover a lost or stolen iPad
    How to Find a Stolen iPad
    Apple Product Lost or Stolen olen
    Oops! iForgot My New iPad On the Plane; Now What?
    If you don't know you lost/stolen iPad's serial number, use the instructions below.
    How to Find Your iPad Serial Number
     Cheers, Tom

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unfortunately, instructions to remotely wipe cannot be cancelled.

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