RME Device Credential Verification Report

I have a Device Credential Verification Job which runs each week. It has run fine for the last few months, however, this week the job started but didn't finish and appears to have hung.
The job usually takes around 25mins to run (circa 350 devices) but this week it was still running after 19 hours. Eventually I tried to stop the job but it is now stuck in a state of "Stop Initiating".
I've stopped/started the services and evenutallty even rebooted server but this particular job remains stuck in "Stop Initiating" state.
Is there any way to fix this?

Hi Joe,
The job is validating SNMP/v2c Read & Write, Telnet and Telnet Enable.

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    CDA0114: Operation failed while connecting to JRM. Make sure jrm and/or CTMJrmWrapper services are up and running.
    In cda.log, there is error:
    com.cisco.nm.xms.ctm.common.CTMException: URN_NOT_FOUND : urn "JRM" : Not found !!
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    [ lun nov 26  16:46:06 CET 2012 ],INFO ,[Thread-6],com.cisco.nm.rmeng.inventory.cda.job.DoCDAonDevice,updateCdaStatus,1784,Executing sqlStmt update DM_Credential_Error_Status set Cred_Status= 8 ,Cred_Status_Descr='Error performing SNMP operation.',Update_At='1353944766699' where NetworkElementID = 3685 and Cred_Type = 3
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    I'd suggest doublechecking your work by following the "Update the credentials" procedure on page 8 of this handy intro guide posted in the documents section of this forum.
    Hope this helps.

  • Sending Ciscowrks device credential Verification Job alters the device ARP table.

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    The job is send from the Ciscoworks server.
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    Has any one come across this situation ? Any known fixes, workarround? I was not able to find a word about this on Cisco's site.
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    CW Common services    3.3.0
    LMS portal                    1.2.0
    CW Assistent                1.2.0
    RME                             4.3.1
    Device fault manager      3.2.0
    IPM                              4.2.1
    Cisco View                    6.1.9
    campus Manager            5.2.1
    thanks   for any help

    CiscoWorks does not change the ARP table, at least not overtly.  A credential verification job will do the following things depending on what protocols are selected to test:
    SNMP RO : Fetches sysLocation.0
    SNMP RW : Sets sysLocation.0 to the value currently stored in sysLocation.0
    Telnet : Logs in using DCR username and password
    SSH : Logs in using DCR username and password
    Enable : Enters enable mode and verifies privilege level 15
    If one of these things are causing the ARP table to change, then there is something fishy in the device or network configuration.  I've never heard of such behavior relating to CiscoWorks before.

  • Device Credential Verification Job

    I have a device credential verification job which runs one per week.
    Every now and again the job hangs and no matter what I do I can't stop the job to delete it. I can see the job in the job list and I can select it and choose STOP, howeverm after that the job stick in a "Stop Initiated" state and never changes. I've tried rebooting the server and this doesn't affect the job state or my inability to delete the job.
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    2. How can I delete the jobs that are stuck in a "stop initiating" state

    It may be that you will need to get TAC involved to clean the job out of the database directly.  However, you can try the following first.  Run the "pdshow" command, and check for a daemon named the same as the job ID.  If you see it, run:
    pdreg -u JOB_ID
    That should unregister the job daemon.  Then see if you can stop and delete the job.

  • Device Credential report

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    I am running device credential reports to see if SNMPV2/V3 is ok and some devices are coming back wrong credentials/credentials not verified.
    I'm looking at the date and some are from last year Dec 1 2008 and I just applied changes to some devices last night. I also verified on the device that the correct credentials are there.
    Please help.

    Are you running this report ?
    RME > Reports > Report Generator > Device Credential : Verification Report
    RME Reports from the Report Generator are always based on information collected by a job and stored in the database. If this job is not configured to run periodically it is truely possible that you have outdated data in the report.
    Go to RME > Devices > Device Management > Device Credential Verification Job and setup a job to check the credentials immediately, once or periodically;
    At least if you let it run immediately your report should contain actual and correct data.

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    - Device Selector: All Devices
    - Data Range: 24 hours
    - Schedule: daily, at xx:xxh
    Our purpose for this job is to get a daily summary of syslogs of all managed devices.
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    Is this a know bug, or is this the planned behavior?
    Any suggested workarounds/fixs are appreciated.
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    This is documented in the online help for the report generator, sync archive, etc. pages.
    # Group Selector — To schedule a job for dynamic group of devices.
    The job is scheduled only for the devices that are present in the selected group at the time when the job is run. The customizable group selector for jobs evaluates static groups also as dynamic during run time.

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    Here there is a user requirement that he want print a particular ALV report in a
    perticular output device. and want to fix that output device for that report instead of changing everytime.
    Kindly suggest.
    Praveen Lobo

    This way system is expected to search for default printer. What I would recommend you to do is call transaction SP01 within the report and pass the initial screen parameter thru FM.
    Hope this lead, help you solve your issue!

  • LMS 3.2 RME Device Update failed

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    I got a new error on my LMS 3.2 with RME 4.3.1
    I can´t install any of the RME Device updates.
    e.g. : "Installation failed for product [Resource Manager Essentials] with message : com.cisco.nm.xms.psu.packagemgmt.InstallerException: Repository in use. Another Package Support Updater client session may be modifying device support."
    I looked up for a .lock file in my CW dir but there is no one.
    NMSROOT/Psu.Lock and NMSROOT/www/classpath/com/cisco/nm/xms/psu/Psu.Lock does not exist.
    There are no other .lock files in the CW dir and subdirs.
    I attatched a psu.log file. Maybe u will see the failure.
    What I tried:
    - Restart daemon
    - install from cisco.com
    - install from local dir
    ... everytime the package installation failed.

    You will need an identical server (RME 4.3.1) with an updated/healthy package repository.  If you have that, you can follow these steps to regenerate maps:
    1. Shutdown daemons:
    net stop crmdmgtd
    2. On the bad server, delete all .zip files under the two RME package repositories:
    3. Copy all of the packages under one of the above locations on the good server to both of these locations on the bad server.
    4. Delete your bad rme*.map files under NMSROOT/www/classpath/com/cisco/nm/xms/psu/maps/ and replace them with the good ones.
    5. Restart daemons:
    net start crmdmgtd

  • Aaa-reports! v2.1 supports TACACS+ Device Admin Audit Reporting

    extraxi is proud to announce a new release of aaa-reports! with support for TACACS+ Device Admin (TDA) reports for audit compliance.
    Previous versions had the ability to import the Cisco Secure ACS database dump file and generate reports for group summaries, inactive users, expired and disabled user accounts.
    But in v2.1 we've gone much deeper. In this release we provide new reports to more fully document your TACACS+ Device Administration (TDA) config:
    * Group level Network Access Restrictions (NARs)
    * Shared NARs
    * Group level service & protocol authorization
    * Group level enable authorization
    * Group level shell command authorization
    * Shared Device Command Sets (DCS) for shell & pixshell
    * Network Device Group (NDG) content
    With these additions you will at last be able to document your "policy intent" without having to either take screen dumps of the ACS Admin web pages, or write it down by hand!!
    And the reports don't stop at config documentation... they can also show you
    * Which groups/users have permit access to specific devices (or device group)
    * What commands a group/user is authorised to execute against a specific device (or device group)
    * What groups/users make reference to a given Shared Network Access Restriction (NAR) or Shared Device Command Set (DCS)
    * Which Shared NARs and DCSs are not referenced at all
    aaa-reports! v2.1 now supports several methods for importing the ACS Database:
    * acsdb.cab - via extraxi "getacsdb" utility for v3.x
    * package.cab - via 4.x cssupport/support admin page
    All in all, aaa-reports! v2.1 is what ACS users have been crying out for to make network security auditing less painful!
    Visit http://www.extraxi.com to download a working 60 day trial


  • Ciscoworks LMS 3.0.1 RME devices management

    Hello everyone,
    I work with CW LMS 3.0.1 with the following product versions installed:
    Products Installed
    Showing 1-8 of 8 records
    Product Name
    Version With Patch Level
    Installed Date
    CiscoWorks Common Services
    02 Mar 2010, 10:34:04 CET
    Campus Manager
    02 Mar 2010, 10:34:05 CET
    02 Mar 2010, 10:34:10 CET
    CiscoWorks Assistant
    02 Mar 2010, 10:34:10 CET
    Device Fault Manager
    02 Mar 2010, 14:55:12 CET
    Internetwork Performance Monitor
    02 Mar 2010, 10:34:14 CET
    LMS Portal
    02 Mar 2010, 10:34:17 CET
    Resource Manager Essentials
    02 Mar 2010, 10:34:18 CET
    Many Thanks in advance,
    LucaI verified that RME has a license to support 1500 devices while the devices discovered by RME are about 1600.
    Many of these devices have now been eliminated from the Network (around 200) and I want to know if there is a way to automatically remove them from CW or if I must remove them manually step by step.

    In LMS 3.0.1, you must remove them manually.  LMS 3.2 has a feature which can poll devices in DCR, then generate a report for those which are no longer reachable.  That will then facilitate removing those devices.

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    You could try the DFU restore method in Corrupt iPod classic.
    Or visit http://www.apple.com/uk/support/contact/ to explore your support options. Is the device still in warranty?

  • WaaS Central Manager - device serial number report available?

    Hi folks,
    just wondering if anyone knows a quick/easy way to talk to the WAAS database to pull serial number information for all of my WAE's installed.  i have 35 devices scattered around 7 states and I'm hoping for an easy way to collect serial number info.
    I was hoping the platform report from the CM would do it, but it does not provide serial numbers of each chasis, only model and software version.
    My thought is the CM probably has this data somewhere?  I'm hoping to avoid having to manually telnet to 35 appliances and run the command 'show inventory' to find the appliance I am looking for.
    anyone have a good shortcut?
    also - anyone know what the database format is?  mysql? postgres?

    The best way to collect serial # remotely from a WAAS device (WAE) is by executing 'show hardware'. You may write a script to get it.
    CM don't provide this info currently.
    Can you please unicast me at '[email protected]' so that I will be able to understand your requirements.

  • Purchase requisition and invoice verification report

    pls. I need to display a report with purchase requisition and invoice verification pending, what I mean is an standard trx. to display purchase requisition with or without invoice verification.
    Thanks for cooperation.

    I guess thereis no standard report which combines both. You have to go for a Z-report. use the details FROM Txns ME5A &  MB5S for your requirement.

  • A report about reachable devices in LMS report tools

                       Hi all,
    is possible to display a report about reachable devices in DCR database? The report about unreachable devices is only in the reports menu in LMS 4.2.4 (Reports > Inventory > Management Status >Unreachable Devices).
    I tried to use the report designer, but there is no possibility to create a rule for this report.:-( Similarly I tried to create group devices, but I didn't find some criteria for this type of group. Thanks.

    Hi Roman,
    As per my knowledge , there is no such report available in LMS, however I would suggest you to create a POLLER for DEVICE AVAILBLITY  to achive your goal.
    Go to  Monitor > Performance Settings > Setup > Pollers     >> click Create Poller.
    check the below link for more information:
    [Do rate the useful post]

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